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I want to be a lawyer because it has always been my childhood

dream. I want to be one for several reasons. First of all, I like the aura that
they exude outside or inside the court. Whenever someone mentions that
he/she is a lawyer, people would tend to look at them differently. They are
always treated with respect due to the fact that they are full of knowledge
and wisdom about the laws.
I also wanted to be a lawyer because I want to have a keen sense of
understanding with the law. I believe that being wise with these
legislations of our land would help our country prosper. A lot of Filipino
citizens are ignorant when it comes to their rights and obligations which
sometimes would lead to injustices. I once read in the book that it is
necessary to study the law as citizens in order for us to be active in the
public affairs of our country. This would eventually result to prosperity and

2. I believe that I have what it takes to be a lawyer. I have great interest

in the motivations and mechanisms of how our country is governed. I
believe that with my great desire to be a lawyer, in my own simple way I
can bring about change in this country which any other profession can’t.

3. The legal issue that is important to me is the issue about our

Country’s incumbent president wanting to run for vice presidency in the
immediately succeeding election. It is important to me as the future of our
country depends upon this issue.

4. As of now I have no specific field of law that I want to specialize yet. I

am hoping that I will discover that field as I continue my journey as a law
student. But since I’m an Accountancy graduate, I want to widen my
knowledge in the field of business law.

5. The lawyer who made a great impact on my life was the late Dr.
Miriam Defensor Santiago. I look up to her, not only because of her titles
and academic awards, but also because of her principles in life. She is a
living legend in the politics. No other politician or lawyer remain as
principled as her. Her wicked sense of humor, despite her brilliance, was
what made me an avid fan.

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