Answer Sheet: Name: Ho Chun Kit Student ID: Class No.

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LCH1067 Academic English (Science and Technology) II Semester 2, 2019/20

Name: Ho Chun Kit Student ID: 19105111A Class No.: 214

For Lecturers’ Use Only

Section A: Section B: Section C:

Short Questions Proofreading Essay Writing

/60 /20 /20 /100

Section A – Short Questions (60%)

Question 1 (8 marks)
(a) The government to stress the importance of prevention pneumonia.
The world is very nervous about the outbreak of pneumonia.
(b) three
(c) Children want to make a success in the music performance need guidance.

Question 2 (10 marks)

(a) Due to

(b) At certain times of a lunar month, the moon and the sun will be positioned in such a way
that the gravitational force exerted will be enough to pull Earth's water towards it.
(c) 6

(d) As a consequence, the sea levels on spots closest to the Moon are risen by several meters
and the water levels in other parts of the world have dropped dramatically.
(e) Less well-known, the Moon also plays a tremendously important role in many creatures’
reproductive cycle.

Question 3 (14 marks)

(a) The following questionnaire survey will ask your online game habits and how online
games will affect your daily life. It will not hinder you too much time. I hope you can help
us complete the questions.

(b) The scope of the problem is too large

(c) Expressed in hours

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One to two hours is an option
One option for two to three hours

Question 4 (6 marks)
(a) Use a surprising or shocking statistic

(b) Ask a question

Use an interesting observation

Question 5 (8 marks)
(a) Plastic bags are better than other alternatives

(b) IV

(c) Did not make a pro-judgment that oversimplifies complex issues.

"Although" helps to express the relationship between two sentences.

Question 6 (8 marks)
(a) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) found that conventional produce actually
squeaked past organic.
(b) Kluger, J. (2010, August). What’s So Great About Organic Food? Time. Retrieved from

Question 7 (6 marks)
Wash the glass bottles with high-pressure water and then sort the cleaned glass bottles by colour.

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Section B - Proofreading (8 questions, 20%)
Type your answers in the boxes provided. For each question, complete only the steps that
have not yet been done. Each correction step carries one mark.

Paragraph 1

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 3

Words involved More long

(b) Type of mistake Comparative form

(c) Correction longer

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2

Paragraph 2

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 9

Words involved drunk

(b) Type of mistake Tense

(c) Correction drank

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2 3

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 10

Words involved includes

(b) Type of mistake Subject-verb agreement

(c) Correction include

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 13

Words involved smoking, exposure

(b) Type of mistake Fragments and comma splices

(c) Correction smoking. Exposure

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2

Page 3 of 7
Paragraph 3

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 17

Words involved exciting

(b) Type of mistake Participial adjective

(c) Correction excited

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 18

Words involved drop

(b) Type of mistake Gerunds and infinitives

(c) Correction to drop

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2 3

Paragraph 4

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 22

Words involved was find

(b) Type of mistake Tense

(c) Correction is find

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2 3

(a) Location of mistake Word Group 25

Words involved cooling

(b) Type of mistake

(c) Correction cool

For Lecturer’s use only: 0 1 2 3

Page 4 of 7
Section C – Essay Writing (1 question, 20%)
Answer the question on this answer sheet. This question carries 20 marks.

Based on the partly completed outline on page 10 of the questions paper, write a refutation
paragraph (Body Paragraph 4) in 180-220 words.

In the paragraph, you should provide:

(1) the counterargument, and
(2) a refutation in response to the counterargument, either disapproves it or shows it to be weaker
or less important than your point.

** Marks will be deducted if:

(1) the number of words written falls out of the specific range
(2) the number of words is not indicated
(3) more than one paragraph is written for “Body Paragraph 4.”

Some people think that online learning is difficult to ensure that students concentrate on the
class. The teacher can let the student turn on the camera to make the teacher ensure that the
student is paying attention to the class. Because compared to traditional education, online learning
students face the camera so that the teacher can more easily observe whether the student is paying
attention to the class. Second, Online learning reduces the time for students to return to school and
return home. Make students have more sleep. Students will have a better spirit to learn. Online
learning students will be supervised by their parents. Strict parents will make students focus more
on class than other things. The online learning environment is usually at home. Compared to the
school learning environment. Studying at home can make students feel more secure. And it will
not be harassed by other students. It can make students in a low pressure and quiet Learning in a
learning environment. So, compared to traditional learning, online learning is not be better for
students to concentrate on class?

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(No. of words: 181 )

- End of Section C -


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