R K Bansal Strength of Materials 4th Ed

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eRe) Wo A TEXTBOOK OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (in S.1, Units) [For Degree, U.P.S.C. (Engg. Services), Gate and other Competitive Examinations] By Dr. RK. Bansal BS. Engg, (Moch), M. Tech., Hons. (LLT, Delhi) PhD, MIB. (india) Formerly Professor and Head Department of Mechanical Engineering, (University of Delhi) Delhi Collego of Bngineering, Dethi LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD BANGALORE @ CHENNAL © COCHIN @ GUWAHATI @ HYDERABAD JALANDHAR @ KOLKATA @ LUCKNOW @ MUNBAI @ RANCHI NEW DELHI ¢ BOSTON, USA Published by + LAXMI PUBLICATIONS (P) LYD 113, Golden House, Daryagany, ‘New Delhi-110002 Phone : 011-48 53 25 00 Faz : 011-48 53 25 28 wwvelasmipublications om InfoGlaxmipublications.om Compiled by : Smt. Nirmal Bansal © Alt rights reervsd with the Author and Publishers. No part of this ‘publication may be reproduced, trad tn a retrieval rystam, ov traneitied {any erm or by any means, eletrone, mechanical photoopying, recording lor otherwise without the prior written permission ef the publisher Price : Rs. 450.00 Only, Third Baltion : 1980 | Reprint : 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Fourth Edition : 2007, 2008, 2008 OFFICES | India usa © Bangalore 080.25 61 1561 Boston © Chennat 068.24 34.47 25 1, Lecvitt Street, Hingham, i © Cochin (0484-239 70 04 MA.02043, USA, | © Cawahati 0361-254 36.69, 251 98 81 OMyderabad 040-2465 28.33 ©dalandhar 0181-22212 72 © Roteata 085-22.27 4388 @Lucmow ——_ 0522-220 95 75 5 © Mumbai (022-24 9154 15,2492 78.69 ‘Ranchi (0651-221 47 64 ‘BSn.098-460 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘17as00a901 ‘ype Gan woen Priters, Dell Printed a: Givi Ose Print, Dh Contents Chapter Chapter 1. Simple Stresses and Strains LA, troduction 12, Streae 13, Stain 14. Types of Stress 18, Plasticity and lastic Limit 16, Hooke’s Law and Plastic Moduli 1.7. Modulus of Blastisty (or Youny’s Modulos) 18. Rector of Safety 19. Consittive Relationship bebween Stress and Stra 410, Analysis of Bare of Varying Sections Lit. Analysis of Uniformly Tapering Circular Red 112 Analysis of Uniformly Tapering Rectangular Bor 4129, Analysis of Bars of Composite Sections Ld, Thermal Stresses 1115. ‘Thermat Stresses in Composite Bars 116. Elongation of a Bar Duo to ite Own Weight ALT, Analyse of Bsr of Uniform Strength Highlignts Burvise Chapter 2. Elastic Constants 2.4, Introduction 22. Longitudinal Strain 28. Lateral Strain 24, Poissons Ratio 25, Volumetle Strain 28. Volumetric Strain of a Cylindtical Rod 2.2. Blk Modulus 2a Expression fr Youngs Modulus in Terms of Balle Modulus 29, Principle of Complotmentary Shoar Stress 210. Stresses on Jnclined Sections when the Element is Subjected to Simple ‘Shear Sireasot 2:14, Diagonal Stresses Protuced by Simple Shear on « Square Block 212, Dines Tensile and Compressive) Sirains ofthe Diagonals 21S. Relationship bebweon Modulus of Elasticity and Modulus of Rigidity Hightghts Buarcise2 BL 59-84 - 9 so 0 eo 0 : ” 8 “ 16 a Chapter Pager Chapter 3. Principal Stresses and Strains 85-142 SA. teeduetion 5 8.2) Principal Planes and Principal Stresiea s 3.3, Mothods of Determining Stresses on Oblique Section 8 A, Analytical Method for DtarminingStreiea on Osigue Section 35 55 Graphieat Method foe Determining Strssas on Oblique Section 133 36. Mohs Cirle 135 Highlights 138, Brereve3 189 Chapter 4. Strain Energy and Impact Loading 143-169 4.1, Introduction 43 42, Some Defsitions 143 43, Bxprosion fr Steain Bnergy Stored in a Body when the Load is Appliod Gradually 143 44, . Expression for Stain Energy Stored in a Body when the Lead is Aplid Suddenly 45 4.5. Expression for Steain Bnergy Stored in a Body when tho Load is Applied seit Impact 152 46, Expression fr Strain Boorgy Stood in a Body du to Shear Stress 165 Highlights 168 Bsocse 161 Chapter 5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia 170-234 5.1. Contre of Gravity 10 52. Centred x0 5. Centeoid or Contre of Gravity o Simpl Plane Figures m0 5.4. Centro or centre of gravity of Areas of Plane Figures bythe Method of Moments 170 55. Important Ponts mm 56. Ares Moment of Iextia 198 51. Racks of Gratin 195 58. Theorom ofthe Perpendicular Axis 195 58, ‘Theorem of Parallel Axis a) 5.10, Determination of area Moment of Teta 187 5111. Mass Moment of neria an 512, Determination of Mase Moment of Iortia 22 518. Producto inertia 218 ‘14, Principal Axes a9 ‘3.15. Principal Moment of Inert 220 Highlights 228 Boorse 5 229 Chepter Chapter 6. Shear Force and Bending Moment 64, Intreduction 62. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 63, Types of Beams 64. Types of Lead 165. Sign Conventions for Shesr Force and Bending Moment 166. lnnpertant Pints for Drawing Shene Fores and Bending Moment Diagreme 467. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for a Cantilover with & 1 Paint Load atthe Free Bad 8. Shear Poros and Bending Moment Diagrams for a Cantilever with = Unifirmly Distributed Load 68, Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams fr « Cantilever Carrying a Gradually Varying Loca 610. Shear Foree and Bending Moment Diagrams fora Simply Supported Beam with a Polxt Lead at Midpoint (611, Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagraes fora Simply Sapported Beam with an Eecentria Point Loed 46.12. Shear Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams for « Simply Supported Boar Carying a Uniformly Distributed Load 6.18. Shear Foreo and Bering Moment Diagrams for 3 Simply Supported Beare Carrying & Uniermiy Yarying Load trom Zero at Boch End tow Per Unit Length at the Cente 6.14, Shear Foros and Bending Moment Diagrams fora Singly Supported Beam ‘Carrying a Unitoraly Varying Loxd from Zev at one End to Per Unit “Longt at the Othor End 6.15. Shoar Fores and Bending Momont Diagrams for Overhanging Beara G16. Shear Farce and Bending Momeat Diagrams for Beams Carrying Inclined Loat 16.17, Shoar Fores and Bending Moment Diagrams for Bears Subjected to Couples 6.18, Relations between Load, Shear Farce and Bending Bfoment Highignes Exercise 6 Chapter 7. Bending Stresses in Beams Ta. Introduction 7.3, Pure Bending or Simple Bending 78. ‘Theory of Simple Bonding with Assumptions Made 74, Expression for Bending Stross 75, Neutral Axis and Moment of Rosigtanco 7.8, Tonding Stresses in Symmeteical Sections 12... Seetion Modus ‘78. Section Modulus for Various Shapes of Bean Sections 19, Bending Stress in Unsymmetricl Sections a2 250 2 256 266 29 24 2st 255 289 292-341 202 202 208 296 295 291 300 200 2 je Chapter 110, Strength of Section CComapasite Beams (Fished Beas) - Highlights Beerise 7 Chapter 8. Shear Stresses in Beams 84 82. 53. Introduction Shear Stress at Section ‘Shear Stress Disteibution for Diffnent Sections Hightghts Buarcise 8 Chapter 9. Direct and Bending Stresses oa, 92, 93. 94, 98. 95. 94. 98. 99, Introduction (Combined Bonding and Direct Stresses eat Suey when Clann af aang Sein Sleds an Eccentric Load i a Rosultant Stress when a Column of Rectangular Section i Subjected to & Load which ie Boson ta oth Axes Resultant Stree for Uasyzumetrical Columns with Beosntric Loa Middle Third Rule for Rectangular Sections (., Keruel of section) Middte Quarter Ral for Cicalar Seevons (le, Kernel of section) ‘Kernal of Hallow Circular Section (or value of eccentricity for hollow crear section) ‘Kernel af Hollow Rectangular Seoton (or value of eccentricity for hollow rectangular seton) Highlights Brarcise 9 Chapter 10. Dams and Retaining Walls 101. 202, 10a 104 208 108, 107. 108, 109. Intreduetion ‘Types of Dans Rectangular Dams ‘Sirsees Across the Gaction of Rectangular Dam ‘Troposoidal Dam having Water Face Inlined Stability ofa Dom Retaining Walls ankine’s Theory of Barth Pressure Sarchargod Rataining Wall, 10.10.Chimineye Highlights Bearviee 10 Pages sao ar 2a7 238 342-376 me Be 8 a8 214 377-408 av am aT 998 400 so 402 405, 406 409-464 409 409 409 ot 20 443 45 455 458 460 462 Chapter Chapter 11. Analysis of Perfect Frames 465-510 11a, Tatrduetion 485, 11.2. Types of Frames Das 1153, Assumptions Made in Finding Out the Fores in a Frame 486 14. Rosctione of Supports of a Frame 468 1155, Analysa of a Frame 4st 116, Methed of Sections 2 as 11.7, Graphical Method 4st Hightghts sot Beneise LL 56 Chapter 12. Deflection of Beams 511-553 BA, Inteeduetion ou 422, Deflection and Slopo ofa Beam Subjected to Uniform Bending Moment an 412. Relation between Slope, Dflestion and Radius of Curvature ey 124, Deflocton of Simply Supported Beam Carrying & eint Load at the Contes 515 125, Deflection of a Simply Supported Beam with an Recentri Point Lood 519 126. Daflectin ofa Simply Supported Beam with a Uniformly Distributed Lasd 526 127. Macaalay’s Method at 328. Moment Area Method 546 129, Mohr Theorems 548 12210, Spe and Deflection of Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Point Load at the Centre by Maes Thacrer 59 12.41 Shope and Deflection ofa Simply Supported Beam Carrying ‘Uniformly Distributed load by Mohs Theorem 550 Hightights 551 Beercise 12 552 Chapter 13. Deflection of Cantilevers 564-577 30.1, Introduetion 554 1nd, Denson of a Contlover with Point Load at he Pea end by Double Integration Method 554 18.3, Dellecion of ¢ Cantilever with a Point Losd ata Distance from the Fed Bnd 56 1a Deflection of a Cantilever with a Uniformly Distributed Lood 57 13.5. Deflestion of a Cantlaver vith a UniGnmly Distsbuted Load for a Distance‘ fom the Pied End 501 18:6, Deflection of « Cantilever with » Uniformly Distributed Load fora Distance from tho Froe End st 18,2, Dellecti of « Cantilever with a Gradually Varying Load 567 188. Deflection and Slope of « Cantilever by Moment Area Method sth Haghlghts 815 576 Borrcice 13, Chepter 7 Chapter 14. Conjugate Beam Method, Propped Cantilevers and Beams LMA. Introduetion 142. Conjugate Beara Method MS. Delaction and Slope ofa Simply Supported Beam with a Point Load atthe Centre 144. Simply Supported Beam Carrying an Becentric Point Load 145. Relation between Actual Boam and Conjugate Beam 446. Deletion ad Slope of a Cantilever with a Point Load at the Free Bnd 341. Proppod Cantlewers and Beams 348. SF, and BM. Diagrams fora Propped Cantilover Carrying a Point Loed atthe Contre and Proppod atthe Free End 149, Sand BM, Diagram fer a Propped Cantilever Carrying 2 Uniformly Distribted Load anu Propped at the Proe End 14.10, S¥. and BAM. Diagrams fora Simply Supported Beam with ‘Uniformly Distributed Load and Propped at the Centre A411 Yielding of a Prop Highligh Brorioe 14 Chapter 15. Fixed and Continuous Beams 15.1. Introduction 152. Bending Moment Diagram for Fixed Deans 153, Slope and Deflation fora Fed Beam Carrying a Point Load at the Centre 15:4. Slope and Defloction fora Pised Beam Carrying, an Bacentric Point Load 185. Slope and Deflection for a Peed Beam Carying a Uniformly Distributed Load over the Entire Leagts 155. Fixed End Moments of Fixed Heam Dus to Sinking of « Support 18.7. Advantages of Fixed Beers 15.8. Continuous Beams 159, Bending Moment Disgram for Continuous Beams Hightghis Brera 16 Chapter 16. Torsion of Shafts and Sp: 16.1, Introduction 16.2, Derivation of Shear Stress Produesd ina Cireular Shaft Subjected ta Torsion 16.3, Maximum Torque Transmitted by a Chreulr Solid Shaft 164. Torque Trasnlted by «Hollow Chealar Shat's 365. Power Transmitted by Shafts 1646 Wepression for Torque in Terms of Poler Moment of inertia 16.1. Polar Modulos 168, Strongth of « Shaft and Turlonal Rigidity gs 688. Pages 578—612 ar) 518 ors ‘580 02 B92 eT 508 509 605 609 10 eu 613-671 eis ous 518 622 68 es 61 652 652 569 670 672—739 oe en 614 66 rd 887 688 | i Chapter Pager 159, Flangod Covpling 695 16.10, Strength of a Shaft of Varying Sections 698 18.11. Compote Sha 06 16.12 Combined Bending and Torsion - To 16.13, Expression er Strain Energy Stored in # Body Dus to Torsion us 18.14 Springs ma Highlights cs ‘Buercise 16 BECePe creas Chapter 17. Thin Cylinders and Spheres 740-780 37.. Introduction 40 172 Thin Cylindrical Vostel Subjected to Internal Prescure 40 137.3. Stresses ina This Cylindrical Vesa! Subjected to Internal Presse ma ATA. Bsxpresion for Circarferantal Ste (or hop stress) ma. 175. Expression for Longitudinal Stress 02 116. Réeency of 8 Joint a8 11.7. Effect of acernsl Pressure on the Dimensions of¢ Thin Cyliniel Soe! <, 780 YTB. A Thin Cylindrical Vessel Subjected to Internal Fhid Presoure and a Tore 781 179. Wire Winding of Thin Cylinders 47:0. Thin Spherieal Shells 171, Change is Dimeasios of « Thin Sper Shell ue to an Internal Preture m 17.12 Rotational Stresses in Thin Cylinders 73 Highligh . 6 ‘Bsercie 17 mm Chapter 18. Thick Cylinders and Spheres 781-807 184. Introduction, a1 162. Strestes in a Thick Cylindrical Sel a1 153. Strestes in Compound Thick Oybinders a) 184. Toit Ditfronc in Radi at Ue Junction of Compound Cylinder fr Shrinkage 194 185. Thick Spokes! Shel 800 Hlghtghes 805 Brocie 18 806 Chapter 19. Columns and Struts 808-870 191, Tateoduetion 208 192, Failargofa Column 208 193, Assumptions Made inthe Bule’> Column Theocy 200 1944, End Conditions for Long Columns = 808 1955, Expression fr Crippling Loed When Bot th Ends of th Colum rw Hinged si0 198, Repression for Crippling Load When One End of the ‘Calm ie Fixed andthe Other End ie Free aut Chopter 19.7. Bxpression fir Crippling Load. Whon Both the Buds ofthe Column are Fixed 198. Expression for Crippling Loed When Ono Ead of the Column is Fixed and ‘the Other End ie Hinged (or Pinned) 19.9. Bifetive Length (or equivalent length) of Column, 19.10. Limitation of Euler’ Forma 19.11. Rankine's Formals 19.12 Straight Line Formula 19:13. Johnson's Parabolic Formula 19.14 Factor of Safety 19.15. Formula by Indian Standard Code (L8, Code) for MIL Steel, 19.18, Columns with Booentrc Load 19.17 Calumas with Initial Corvatare 19.18. Strut with Lateral Losd (or bear columns) Highlighes Baarcioe 19 Chapter 20, Riveted Joints 20.2, Introduction 5 202. Types of Riveted Joints 20.8. Chain Riveted Joint 204. Zig-zag Riveted Joint 205. Diamond Rivetad Joint 208, Failare ofa Rivetad Joint 20.7. Strong of « Riveted Joint 30.8. Bffcioncy of Riveted Joint 20.9. Design of» Riveted Joint 7 Highlighss Beersise 20 “Chapter 21. Welded Joints 21.1, Introduction 21.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Welded Connections 21.3. Types of Welded Joints 214. Analysis of @ Compound Weld 21.5. Analysis of Uneymmetrieal Welded Sections which ave Loaded Axdally ; Highligne Beocise 2 Chapter 22. Rotating Dises and Cylinders 22, Introdction 22.2. Expression for Stresses ina Rotating Thin ise 22:3. Dis of Uniform Strengths ais a6 als 20 835, 900-918 00 son 905, 907 ou a6 919-956 sw a9 | Chapter Pages 22.4 Long Cylinders ~ M0 Hightshte 953 Brerese 22 5 Chapter 23. Bending of Curved Bars 957-1004 23.1. Introduction 987 23.2. Assumotions Made in the Desvaton of Streses in Carved Bar 307 23.8. Rspreaion for Stross in a Curved Bar 27 23.4. Determination of Factor A for Various Seetions or) 28.5. Resultant Stross a Carved Bar Subjeted t Diet Stasess and Bending Stresses on 29.8, Resultant Stress ina Hook 78 23,7, Stresses in Cireular Ring 987 238, Stresses in a Chain Link 298 Hightches 1000) Buerese 25 1002 Chapter 24. Theories of Failure 1005—1037 241. Introdtion 1005 242, Maximum Principal Stress Theory 1008 243. Maximum Principal Stain Theory 1006 26.4 Maximum Shosr Strvss Theory 1010 245. Maximum Strain Energy Theory 1014 24.6. Maxiaum Shear Stain Bnonay Theory 1018 24.7. Graphical Representation of Therion for Two Dimensional Stress System 1020 248. Important Points from Theorie of Failures sed in Design 10m 249, Boorgy of Distortion (or shear atin energy) 1098 Highighis 1086 Beesine 24 106 Chapter 25. Objective Type Questions 1038-1088 Bak, Onyecuve type questions Ueneraly Asked in Competiive Bxarainations 1038 25.2, Answer of Objective Type Questions 1069 25.3. Objective Type Questions from Caraptitive Examinations 1086 25.4. Anawere with Explanations 076 Subject Index 1089-1092 PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION {Lam glad to prsent the book entiled, ‘A Textbook of Strongts of Materials tothe engineering wdents of mechani el lacie), aeronatial end hemical snd lo tothe Students of AMIE. Bearinaion ofInttution of Engineers india). The course contents have heen planned in such a vay that the general requirements ofall engineering studont are fue During may long experione of vaching othe englaverng students forthe pas 20 year, have observed thet the students feo dict in understanding clearly the base principles fundamental concepts nd theory without adoquate valved problems along with th text To ‘oot this vory baie roqurement tothe stagent, «large numberof th questions take rom the examination ofthe various Universite oflada nd fom other profestonal and compettive examinations (auch 2s Inatitution and Engineers and U.P.S.0. Engineoring Service Examinations) have boen slveé along with the tex: in Sunita, ‘Te book is writion in simple and eaty-tofllow language, co that even an average stunts can grasp the rao by salfstudy. atthe end of each chapter highlight, Unreal austin and many olen pokeme wth anor are vn forthe oles solve cher Tam thankful to my colleagues, finds and studente who nonaraged me to write this brik. Lam grateful to Institution of Bngineere Indi), various Universities af India and those authorities whase wor have heen consulted and gave mew great hep in preparing tho hook vnvnd REY pecan ad patent Plier San RE up e Mend nines) for kis most cooperative, painstaking ateudo and untirng efforts for bringing et ‘the book in a short period. * ire Mrs Nima Bansal daserves special ered as ehe mit only provided an ideal atmosphere at home fr book ting bat also gave inspiration ad valuable suggestions “Though every cae has ean taken in checking the manuscripts und prea reading, yet elaiming perfection is vcr diet shall be very grateful othe readers and sors ofthis back for pointing aay mista that might have exept in. Suggestions for improvement are met ‘ols and would be incorporate in he next don with ae make the bak ore AUTHOR PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION ‘Tho popularity of the thind edition and reprints of the textbock of Strength of Matarials ‘amonget the students and the toachers of the various Universities ofthe county, has prompted the bringing out ofthe fourth edition ofthe hook so somn, The fourth edition has boon thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date. A large number of problems from different B.E, degree ‘examinations upto 2008 of Indian Universities and other examining bodies, such as Institution of Engineers U.P.S.C, (Engineering Serviees) and Gate have bean selected and have been solved at proper places in this edition in 8.1. Units ‘Three advanced topics of Strength of Materials such as stresses due to rotation in thin land thick eylinders, bending of curved bars and theories of failure of the material have been added, These chapters have been written in such a simple and easy-torllow language that even an average student ean understand easly by self-study. In the chapter of Columns and Struts’, the advanced articles such as coluruns with eccentric load, with initial curvature and beam columns have been included, ‘The notations in this edition have been used uptodate by the use of sigma and tau for stresses ‘The objective type multiple-choice questions are often asked in the vatious competitive examinations. Hence a large number of objective type questions with answers have been added in the end ofthe book. Also a large number of objective type questions which have been asked in most of competitive examinations such as Engineering Serviees Examination and Gato with answers and explanation have been incorporated in this edition, ‘With these editions, itis hoped that the book will be quite useful for the students of different branches of Engineering at various Engineering Institutions. express may sincere thanks to my collegues, friends, studentsand the teachers of different Indian Universities for their valuable auggestions and recommending the book to their students. ‘Sugzestions for the improvement of this book are most weleame and would be incorpo- rated in the next edilion with a view to make the book more useful, AUTHOR 1 - Simple Stresses and Strains 1.1. INTRODUCTION ‘When an extornal force acts on a body, the body tonds to undergo some deformation. Due{o cahasion between the molecules, the body resists deformation. This resistance by which material of the body opposes the deformation is known as strength of material. Within a certain limit (.e, in the elastic stage) the resistance offered by the matarial is proportional to the deformation brought out on the material by the external force. Also within this limit the rotistance Is oqual to the external fores (or applied load). But beyond the elastic stage, the ‘sistance offered by the material is less than the applied load. In such a ease, the deformation continues, anti failure takes place. Within clastic stage, the resisting fore equals applied load. This resisting foree per unit ‘reais called stross or intensity of stress. 1.2, STRESS ‘The force of resistance por unit area, offered by a body against deformation is known as stress, The external force acting on the body is called the load or foree. The load is applied on tthe body while the stress is induced in the material ofthe body. A loaded memaber remains in equilibrium when the resistance offered by the member against the deformation and the ap- plied Toad are equal. Pp Mathematically stress is written as, 6 = = ly st aot where o = Stress (also called intonsity of stress), P = External foree or load, and ‘A= Cross-sectional area. 21. Units of Stress. The unit of stress dopends upon the unit of load (or foree) and unit of ares, In M.KS. units, the force is expressed in kgf and area in motre square (em?) Hence unit of stress becomes as kgflm®. If area is expressed in centimetre square (.e., dew) : STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘The large quantities are represented by kilo, mega, giga and torra. They stand for Kilo = 10° and represented by vw ‘Moga = 10° and represented by ou M Giga = 10° and represented by... G ‘Terra = 104 and represented by vou. T. ‘Thus mega newton means 10° newtons and is represented by MN. The symbol 1 MPa stands for 1 mega pasest which is equal to 10® paacal (or 10° Nima). ‘The small quantities are represented by milli, micro, nana and pica, They are equal to Milli = 10° and represented by ou. 1 ‘Micro = 10°* and represented by... Nana = 10° and represented by... 1 ica = 10° and reprosonted by... p "Notas. 1. Nivton ea fore acting on a mase ofene kg and produces an aseleration of m/sPie, N= 1 Gig) x 1 mt 2. The stress in SI. unite ie expressed in Nin oF Nin? 23. The stress 1 Ninn» 10° Nin? = Mim Tas one Niman! is equal to one MN/nt 44 One paseal i written aa 1 Pa end ie equal to 1 Nim 13. STRAIN ‘When a body is subjacted to some external fore, there is come change of dimension of the body. The ratio of change of dimonsion ofthe body to the original dimension is known as strain. Strain is dimensionless, Strsin may be 1 Tensile strain, 2, Comprossive strain, 8, Volumetric strain, and 4. Shoar etzain. If there is some increase in length of a body due to external force, then the ratio of increase of length to the original length of the body is known as tensile strain. But i there is ‘some decrease in length of the body, then the ratio af decrease ofthe length ofthe body to the original length Is known as compressive strain. The ratio of change of volume of the body to the original volume is known as volumetric strain. The strain produced by shear stress is known ‘ss shear strain 14. TYPES OF STRESSES ‘Tho stress may be normal stress or a shear stress. Normal stress is the stress which acts in a divection perpendicular to the aree. Tt is represented by (sigma), The normal stress is further divided into tensile stress and compressive stress 1.4.1, Tensile Stress. Tho stress inducod in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite pulls as shown in Fig. 1.1 (a) as a roeult of which there is an increase in length, is ‘known as tonsile stress, ‘The ratio of increase in length to the original length Is known ss tensile strain. The tensile stress acta normal tothe area and it pulls on the are. SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS Pull (or force) acting on the body, Am Cross-vectional area of the body, Original length of the body, increase in length due to pull P acting on the body, = Stress induced in the body, and train (ie. tensile strain). Fig. 1.1 (a) shows a bar subjected to a tensile force P at its ends. Consider a section x-x, which divides the bar into two parts. The part left to the section x-x, will bein equilibrium if P= Resisting force (R). Thisis shown in Fig, 1.1 (). Similarly the part right to the section x, will be in equilibrium ifP = Resisting force as ehown in Fig. 1-1 (c). This resisting fores por anit {ea is known as atress or intensity of stress, Let a) 4 FF rising ores) a) ato Fig 1a ‘Tensile stress =o = Resisting free R)__ Tensiteload P) ie a oF Ad) a ‘And tonsil strain is given by, Increase inTongth _ dl iy ° “Originallengih ~ L 1.4.2. Compressive Stress. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal ‘and opposite pushes ae shown in Fig. 1.2 (a) as a resalt of which there is a decrease in length, ‘af the body, is known as compressive stress. And the ratio of decresso in longth tothe original length is known as compressive strain. ‘The comproseive stress acts normal to the area and it pushes on tho area. Let an axial push P is acting on a body is cross-sectional area A. Due to external push P, let the original length L of the body decreases by dL. Fig 12 ‘Then compressive stress ie given by, Resisting Force (R) , Push (P) _ P. we area(a) Area)” A ‘And compressive strain is given by, po Decrease inength Original length 4.43, Shear Stress. The stress induced in a body, when eubjected to two equal and opposits rose nich are acting tangentially across the resisting eostion aa shown in Fig, 13 Sere cof wih ee body tends to shea of arcs the azetion, is known as shear strst: The wEAoponding strain is known as shear strain. The shear siose isthe stress which a ental to the area. I is represented by © ee @ Fig. 18 SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 5 Consider a rectangular block of height h, length Land width unity. Lat the bottom face ‘AB of the block be fixed to the surface as shown in Fig. 14 (a). Let a force P be applied tangentially along the top face CD of the block. Such a force acting tangentially along a surface Is known as shear force. For the equilibrium of the block, the surface AB will offer a tangential reaction P equal and opposite ‘o the applied tangential foree P. a Rg es #—— § @ » @ y Fig. 14 Consider a section x3 (parallel to the applied force), which divides the block into two parts, The upper part will be in equilibrium if P = Resistance (R). This is shown in Fig. 1.4.) Similarly the lower part will be in equilibrium if P = Resistance (R) as shown in Fig. 1.4 ‘This resistance is known as shoor resistance. And the shear resistance per unit area is known, ‘ax shear stress which is represented by «. Shear resistance | R 2 Shoar strss, x= See esata G (Round as) [Note thet shear sess tongentat fo the ere oer which ic acts As the bottom face of the block is fixed, the face Cea ae ABCD will be distorted to ABC,D, through an angle ¢asa -¢ f—rt reaul of force Pas shown in Fig. 14 (2. | ‘And shear strain (i given by, a] jo Transversal isplacoment ly Distance AD | i s DD, _ dl +#— t—41 hd De seu Fig. 4 @) 15. ELASTICITY AND ELASTIC LIMIT ‘When an external force aets on a hedy, the body tends to undergo some deformation. If ‘the extemal force is removed and the body comes back to ita origin shape and size (which ‘sans the deformation disappears complotoly), tho boy is known as laste body. This property, 6 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS by virtue of which certain materials return back lo thelr original position after the removal of the external force, is called elasticity. ‘The body will regain ite previous shape and size only when the daformation caused by the external force, is within a certain limit. Thus thore is a limiting value of force up to and within whies, the deformation completely disappears on the removal of the force. The value of| stress corresponding to this limiting force is known asthe elastic limit ofthe material. [Ef the extornal force is so large that the stross exceeds the elastic limit, the material loves to same extent its property of elasticity. IPnow the forca is removed, the material will nat return to its origin shape and size and there will be a residual deformation in the material 16, HOOKE'S LAW AND ELASTIC MODULIL Hooke's Law states that when a material is loaded within elastic limit, the stress is ‘proportional to the strain produced by the stress. This means the ratio of the stress to the corresponding strain is a constant within the elastic limit, This constant is known as Modulus of Blasticity or Modulus of Rigidity or Blastie Moduli 1.7, MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (OR YOUNG'S MODULUS) "The ratio of tensile stress or compressive stress to tho corresponding strain is a con- stant. This ratio is known as Young's Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity and is denoted by pe Tensilestress Compressive stress Tonsilestrain °" Compressivestrain or B=% AL8) LT. Modulus of Rigidity or Shear Modulus. The ratio of shear stress to the corresponding shear strain within the elastic limit, fs known as Modulus of Rigidity or Shear Modulus. This is denoted by C or G or N, Shear stress _ © Cor Gon = Serres =F Let us define factor of safety also. «1.8 18. FACTOR OF SAFETY 118 defined as the ratio of ultimate tensile stress to the working (or permissible) stress. ‘Mathematically itis written as, Uitimate stress Factor of $0007 = Permissible ates sade 1.9. CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRESS AND STRAIN 1.9.1. For One-Dimensional Stress System. The relationship between stress and ‘strain fora unidirectional stress e, for normal stress in one direction only) is given by Hooke’s law, which states that when a material is loaded within its elastic limit, the normal stress developed is proportional to the strain produced. This means that the ratio of the normal SIMPLE STRESSES AND S]RANS Sor wtie acelin dai scott SONA TSR SL tate ‘Normal stress o Normal tte88 constant or Corresponding strain e where o = Normal stress, ¢ = Strain and E = Young's modulis £ ALT (AN ‘The above equition give the stress and strain relation forthe normal stress in one direction 1192, Ror Tw-Dimensional Stress System. Bafore knowing the relationship be- evo tinea nd eral fr twordmensional stress syiam, we hall have to define longta3i- tal tain lateral sri, and Peison' ratio Tr Longitadingt strain. When a body is subjected to an axial tensile Lod, there isan sneroaes ts he length tte body- Bute the Same tne theresa dacrease in other dimensions Sho oy ae rghit ales to the line of action of th applied loa, Thus the body i having sear dehetostion aed aloe deformation at right angle to tho line of ation of te apaliedToad dies lateral deformation. “The ratio a axildafrmation to the original length ofthe bodys known as longitudinal Cortina) cache ht longitadinal strain sels defined os the defrmation ofthe body per Shut lengh in tho difetion of he apple load. Let = Lenglh of the body, P= Tensile force acting on the body, = Incrate nthe length of ie boy inthe diction of? ‘Then, longitudinal etrain = 2. Lateral strajin. The strain at ight angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain. Let a rectangular bar of length Z, breadth b and depth d is subjected to an axial tensile load P as shown in Fig. 1.5. The length of the bar will inerease while the breadth and depth will decrease. Let SL Increase in ength, {85 = Decrease in breadth, and | Sd-= Decrease in depth rhe ta tin = 170) and lati strain= % or 7) £ Le 8 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS [Note. (if longitudinal strain is tenaile, the lateral strains willbe compressive. Gi) tf longitudinal strsin is compressive thon lateral strains willbe len. Li) Hence every longitudinal ctain ia the direction of load ie accompanied by lteral strains of ‘the opposite kind in all diestions perpendicular tothe lend 8, Poisson's ratio. The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain ie a constant for « given material, when the material is stressed within the elastic limit. This ratio is called Poisson's ratio and it is generally denoted by u. Hence mathematically, Lateral strain Longitudinal strain or Lateral strain = u x Longitudinal strain As Interel strain is opposite in sign to longitudinal strain, hence algebraically, lateral strain i written as Lateral strain = ~ y x Longitudinal strain 4, Relationship between stress and strain, Consider # two-dimensional figure ABCD, subjected to two mutually perpen. dicular stresses o, and a, Refer to Fig. 1.5 (. Tet (9, = Normal stress in z-direction ‘0, = Normal stress la y-direction Consider the strain produced by 0 ‘The stress o, will produce strain in the direction of x and also in the direction of y. The strain in the direction of 2 will be Se Poisson's ratio, w= {1.7 D1 7001 Jongitudinal strain and will be equal to St whereas the strain in Fig. 15 (@) ‘the direction of y will be lateral strain and will be equal to - n x 3 =- ux longitudinal strain) Now consider the strain produced by 0. ‘The trees 0, will produce strain Inthe direction of y and also in the direction of x. The Lateral strain sin inn etn fy wil a ogi sein and wl be equal to SE whee the strain in the direction of x will be lateral strain and will be equal to - x 4. Tat 4, ~ Total otrain in w-dinection ‘e,= Total strain in y-direction Now tote strain in the dertion fx due to stresses o, and 0,» 9 i701 [lt SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS s The above tv equations gies the otras and strain relationship fr the twodimen- sional stress sytem. Inthe above equations, tensile stress is tkon to be poriive whereas the omprecsiveelveas negative ; . For Three Dimensional Stress System, Fig. 5) shows a three dimensional toay sii totes ortogonlnornal teases, Op 94 ating in the directions of, and respectively. (Consider the strains produced by each stress sepe- rately. ‘To sirens o, wil produce strain inthe direction of = ad lao nthe deena fy ands The stra i the direc jon of x will be St whereas the strains in the dizection of y ‘tion ofx wll be St and will be Similany the stress 0, will produce atrain Sin the 2, Fig. 15.0) direction oy and strain of u SE in the direction of x andy each. i ‘Also the tres, wil produce stan in the dvetion of and strain of— 1x 9 in tho dection fx andy 1% O. ‘Total strain inthe direction of x due to stresses 0, 0p and ay = 32 —y SE SB Similarly total straine in the direction of y due to stresses cy, 0, and 0, 9299p St eo“ Ee and total etrains inthe direction of = due to stresses o,, a and c, Sy My EYEE Late; and e, are (otal strains in the direction of x,y and z respectively. Then 7 Go) 70) A) and ‘The above three equations give the stress and strain relationship forthe three orthogonal normal stress syste oan axial pull of ‘Problem L.1.A rod 150. long and of diamicter 2.0 om is subjected to an axial p 20 AN. Ifthe moc of elasticity of the material ofthe rod is 2 10° Nimm# ; determine the stress, Gi the strain, and- (Gi) the elongation ofthe rod: i [STRENGTHOFMATERIALS Sol. Given : Length of the rod, I = 150m 1D =20¢m=20 mm Diameter ofthe rod, Area, ‘Axial pull, Modulus of elasticity, {The stress (o) Is given by equation (1.1) as i 20 : F 2000 ssgeantnn?, Ans ong equate (3h ln taeda sien on $88 gan08, Ane (uy Began sited ang utn 1.2) 08 | ae Zosotss 1s seadrt om. Ans Problom 12. Fnd the minimum diameter fated which i wad of 4000 N if these thio oto eed SS ating, UNDA rd orien rad i Sol. Given: Load, P=4000.N ‘Stross, 0295 Nin? = 9 (Me Mega = 10 i 95 Nina ( 10°Nin? = 1 Niu?) Let Dw Diamotarof wire i mm Area, Ast! + Now stress = Mead re 4000, ap a D=732 mm. Ans. Problem 1. Find the Yours Modulus of @ brass rod of diameter ter 250 mim which is subjecte « stn the exonson ofthe od leah 20 vi wc ce toa oof 50 when th tension of the od Sol. Given: Dia. of ol, D= 25 mm | 2 Area of rod, Az F (25) = 40087 mnt ‘Tensile load, P = 50 KN =50 x 1000 = 50,000N Extension of rod, d= 0,9 mm Length of rod, L= 250 mm i I i i SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRANS 1" ‘Stross (o) is given by equation (1.1), 88 50,000, 50,000 Ura? cae = OLSEN) Strain (eis given by equation (1.2), as sing oun Lt Yous otis ane 4 ute 10L80Nnn! 4959 Wren? ‘str 0.0012 = $4882.38 « 10° Nim®, Ans. 1. Nimm# = 10° Nén*) 4.883 x 10° Nim? = 84.888 GNim®, Ans. ("108 Problem 14. A tensile fest was conducted on a mild steel bar. The following data was obtained from the test: (Diameter of the stee! ber Sem i) Gauge length of the bar =20em Git) Load at elastic limit = 250 kN (Gv) Estension at a load of 150 kN (o) Maximum load (i) Total extension (id Diameter of the rod atthe foiture Determine :(a) the Young's modulus, 26 em. (6) the stress at “ostc limit, (@) the percentage decrease in aren. ent-( mal” To a) To nd Youn’ maul, Brat calculate the valu fesse an strln within laste se Natt gen bu the extension corresponding to the oad a ste limit is net givens But a load of 150 KN (which ie within elastic mit) and corresponding exten Hon of 6.22 num are given. Hence these values aro used for stress and strain within elastic (©) the percentage elongation, and (oF emt Sol Area of the rod, A. -f oe = 7.0686 em? = 7.0885 > 10-4 m2. Time Stress = 100d, 18021000, pyre (Lia = 10008) “area "720685 10" = 212209 10 Nim® Incroase in angth (or Extension) ‘aa Strain = Criginal longih (or Gauge length) 021mm Foxt0mm “°° Young's Modulus, Stress _ 212209 «104 - 21220910" _ 99909628 x 30 Nin? Strain ~~ 0.00105 a we STRENGTHOFMATERIALS @ » 202,096 x 10" Nn? c = 202.005 GNim?, Ans. () The stress at the elastic limit is given by, Strees=Load at elastic limit, 250. 1000 ire 7.0885 « 10" = 85863 x 104 Nin? 353.68 x 10° Nim? © 358.68 MNim?. Ans. (©) Te percentage elongation is obtained as, Percentage elongation = Total increase in length (Original length (or Gauge lent) * 60mm = Seo * 100 = 909%, Ans, (@) Tho percentage decrease in area is obtained as, Perventage decrease in area (Original area — Area atthe failure) Originalarea 10? = Gig 10° = Mega 100 100 (Fxs*-4e228') 7 2 100 Fa ‘3? - 2.257 25) (23220 = (2=80025) 109. 42.75% Ans Problem 1.5. The safe stress, for « hollow steel column which carries an axial load of 2 x 10° RN is 125 MNim¥. Ifthe external diameter of the column is 30 cre, determine the Internal diameter. Sol. Given ‘Safe stress (0 125 MN/ns# = 125 x 10° Nim? ‘Axial load, P21 x109KN=21x10°N External diameter, D = 30 em = 0.30 m Let d= Internal diaraeter . Area of crdis-section of the coluran, As TD) = ¥ (908?) mt Using equation (1), a= le "Safe stros is troes which ie within canis lil t | i i i | | | | | | SMPLE STRESSES AND STRABIS 8 or 125 198 = 24108 (ot a F (a0? -a") or 009-8 = 2139 or 0,09- 0.02134 d= 009 -002T3S = 0.2619 m= 26.19 em. Ans. Problem 1.6. The ultimate stress, for a hollow steel column which curries an axial lead of 1.9 MN is 480 Nimm?. If the external diameter of the column is 200 min, determine the internal diameter. Tale the factor of eafety ax 4. Canoes, = 480 Nn? ing) paganess ue fe Meo» Exoal i, 200mm Rameety ne Aa ose Sen ete hin, AoE edhe 8 09 mm Ug esa 7, nee ; Uist srs peor ot eer ‘Working stress or Permissible stress ig ae oe Wangs = 0 Nit Pe agoe 20000 80H 4 Aa Kam = 2)” 40000~ <5 soto 4 : = 000 = 01508-9604 {035 mm te Problem Asta tarshoon ng Leiosbete vanes axyppied ong adap SSM Bcd mecmacnd mien swe prada. az] ol ren = Mathes, Passives 2 Din afopper pes, Dyn 20 am “ STRENGTHOFWATERIALS $20) = 100 x mat Area oflower part, A= ‘The streee is equal to load divided by area. Hence stress will be maximum where ares ‘minimum. Hence stress will be maximum in uppor part and minimum in lower part. D2 =* (got) =225 x mm Load _ 35x10? jaximum stress = “O84 = 111.408 Nimmt. Ans. Mi Ay” 100% Minimum stress = 00d S810" 49.5146 Ninm®. Ans. Ap” BB xH 1.10, ANALYSIS OF BARS OF VARYING SECTIONS, ‘A bar of different lengths and of differont diameters (and hence of different cross-soe- tional areas) is shown in Fig. 1.6 (a) Let this bar is subjected to an axial load P. Seaton ne od bee Hig 1s@ "Though cach section is subjected to the same axial load P, yet the stresses, strains and change in lengths wil be different, The total chango in longth will be obtained by adiing the ‘chonges in length of individual section, Let P= Axial load acting on the bar, Length of section 3, Cross-sectional area of section 1, Length and cross-sectional area of section 2, Length and eross-ectional area of section 3, and = Young’s modulus for the bar. ‘Then stress for the section 1, if Toad * = Reed of section” A, Similarly stresses forthe section 2 and section 3 ae given as, aa one SIMPLE STRESSES AND'STRANS 7 Similarly the strains of section 2 and of ection 2 are, a er aE Age Mt AE Change in length of eoction 1 Tengo section 1 ay 7 thor dL, « change in length of section 1. ‘Chong inlength of eoction J, dl, = eh, ™, 7 ae (: «-2) Sintary change in ng of ion and ection 8a clan a Change in ange ecion 3, dso But strain in soction 1 a + tye ae AE RE and change in length ef seton 3, =e Pi fo eye? aE Ske ‘otal change inthe loath ofthe be, sdb, + dy wl PEL Pla, Pla dis dly 4 dly+dby= 5 * ae * Be [a ta fe [2-2-8 a» Equation (1.2) i used when the Youngs modulus of dierent scons is same. 1 the Young’s modulus of difrentneoGens is diferent, then total change In lenge ofthe bar is oven, 7 ete ae te was Baa ini Problem 1.8. An axial pul of 25000 Vis acting ona bar essing of thre lengths as shown in Pg. 18 (0) If the Youngs madelua 2.1% 109 Nines determine CO atreres in each section and (total extension of he bar. aL. Seaton i Section 2000 sen eonom fe 20 ene 250m He Ze oA Fig. 16.8) 16 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Sol. Given Axial pall, P= 36000 Length of section 1, L,=20em=200mm Dia. of section 1, D,=2em =20mm. Arescfecion 1, = 0 «100 xan? Length of section 2, Ly=25 cm = 250 mtn Diaofseeion 2, Dy=Sem=30.mm Area owen 2, = % 80 = 295 xm? Length of section 8, Ly = 22 om © 290 mm 7 Dia. ofsection 3, Dy» Sem= 50mm + Aro feed, Ay 3 0 = 626 ram? Young modal, B21 x10 Nit (O Seria ech vection Asia ond Stross in seetion 1,0, = AEE P__ 35000 . = Eo fope 108 Nim? Ans. fe P 35000 : Stress in section 2, y= gay = ABSUG Nim? Ans. P _ 35000 aed Stress in seston 3, oy= Z-* Gopey = T7826 Newt. An (Gi) Total extension of the bar Using equation (18), we got 1 a Ja te rant ein 0 BAe ol Bix 10 (1002 © 225 xx suo +9.596 + 0.183 mm. Ans. Socat (6986 + 3.596 + 1.1209 Problem 19. A member formed by connecting a stel bar to an aluminium bar is shown in Fig. 1.7. Assuming that the bars are prevented from buckling sideways, calculate the ‘magnitude of force P that will cause the total length of the member to decrease 0.25 mm. The ‘values of elastée modulus for steel and aluminium are 2.1 x 108 Nim and 7 x 10! Nim? respectively Sol. Given Length of steel bar, ZL, = 80 om = 300 mm SIMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINE 7 Aroa ofstecl bar, A, = 5x5 = 25 em! = 250 mm? iP Elastic modulus for steel bar, By =2.1 x 105 Nina? Tt Senta” Length of aluminium bar, Te 1,= 98 em = 380 mm ‘Area of aluminium bar, soem toe [| phenntaneer Ag= 10% 10 = 100 m= 10000 mm? on) | Si Elastic modulus for ahumialum bar, pat 10 Nom? or ‘Total decret nent, dl: = 038 mm ut P= Rue fre ‘Aa teth th bre aro mad of ileen aerial, enc total change fn the lng of the bar is given by equation (1.9). oe Fig 7 ie ey ByAy ” ByAy or 025-0 (a i ae Ziv 0 «2500 "7 H0" x 0000, (G.T1A 10°F + 5.498 « 10") = Px 11142 x 10-7 2487 x 105 = 29437 KN. Ans. Problem 1.10. The bar shown in Fig. 1.8 is subjected to a tensile load of 160 AN. If the stress in the middle portion is limited to’ 150 Nimm?, determine the diamater of the ‘middle portion. Find algo the length of the middle portion ifthe total elongation of the bar is t0 be 0.2 mm. Young’s modulus ie given.os equal to 2.1 x 10° Nimm?. Sol. Given ‘Tensile losd, 160 KN = 160 x 109 N ‘Stross in middle portion, oy = 150 Nim? Total clongation, df 202 nim Total longth of the bar, ‘Young’e modulus, Diametor of both end portions, D, = 6 em = 60 mm ‘Area of crosa-cection of bath end portions, Ay= x 608 = 900 mm! ea a : rela $m ——_—__» Fig 18 18 STRENGTHOFMATERIALS i Diameter of the middle portion 1, = Length of midele portion in mm. Length of both end portions ofthe bar, Ly = (400-1) mm Using equation (1.1), we have Stress or the mide portion, we have where y= 3 D2 o Dy = VIRB = 36.85 mam es Atea of eroceeection of middle portion, Aye E968 [Now using equation (1.8), we get Ly : rasierenin, dead fa *Zae10® or 02. 1 = (400-19) and A, 02x21%10% | (400~ Ly), Ly 1.60000 ‘900% * 1066 1066(400 ~ 1.) +900: = 0.2628 = “900 x x 1008, or 0.2625 x 900%» 1086 = 1066 x 400 - 1066 L, + 900%% Ly or “T9118 = 426400 ~ 1066 Ly + 2821 Ly or “Tans — 46400 = L (2821 ~ 1060) or 364786 = 1761 Ly 364788 y= S89 907.14 mm = 20.714 om. Ams. 1.10.1, Principle of Superposition. When a number ofoads are acting on a body, the resulting steain, according to principle of superposition, will be the algebraic sum of strains caused by individual loads. ‘While using this principle for an elastic body which is subjected to = number of direct forces (tensile or compressive) at different sections along the length of the body, first the free body diagram of individual section is draw, Then the deformation ofthe each section is oblained. ‘The total deformation of the body will be then oqual to the algebraie sum of deformations of the sndividaal eections. SINPLE STAESSES AND STRANS. 18 ficiteshlhicaaia i Problem Lil. A brass bar, having cross-sectional area of 1000 mm, is subjected to axial forces as shown in Fig. 19. Ae © ga ae oly ao eS ate—— 1m —ae—— 120m — Fig 19 Find the total elongation ofthe bar. Take E = 1.05 x 108 Nimo. Sol. Given : ‘Area, A= 1000 mn? Value of Bw 1.05 x 108 Nim? Let dL = Total elongation of the bar. The foree of 80 KN acting at B is split up into three forces of SO KN, 20 KN and 10 kN. ‘Then the part AB of the bar will be subjected toa tensile load of 50 KN, part BC is subjected to a compressive load of 20 KN and part BD is subjected to a comprescive load of 10 KN as shown, in Fig. 120. pin] soit Fig. 110 Part AB. This partis subjected to a tensile Inad of 60 KN. Hence thero will be increase sm length ofthis part. { Inerease in the length of AB 1000 N, L, = 600 ram) =0.2857, Part BC. This partis subjected to a compressive load of 20 KN or 20,000 N. Hence there will be decrease in length of this part. Decrease inthe lengths of BC A, .1,-__ 2, i AE ta 1000 x 1.06 x 10° Pee =0:1904. 20 [STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Part BD. This partis subjected to a compressive load of 10 KN or 10,000 N. Hence there will be decrease in length of this part Decrease in the length of BD 2 10000 4 = 10000. 9200 “AB * "9 ~ y000 1.05% 10 Ce Dy24.24 122.2 mor 2200 mm) = 0.2096. ‘Total elongation of bar = 0.2857 ~ 0.1904 - 0,2005, (Taking +e sign for increase in length and ve sign for decrease in length) 0.1142 mm. Ans. Nogative sign shows, that there will be decrease in length of the bar. rg 1foblom 1412 Arenber ABCD in ebjcted to pint as Py Py Pyand shown in fe 202m safe oon ofa 00 =H) Fig. ut Galeulate the force Py necessary for equilibrium, i P, = 45 RN, P= 460 kN and P, = 130 kN. Determine the total elongation of the member, assuming the medulus of elas lieity 10 be 2.1 « 10 Ninn. Sol. Given. ParvAB: Ares, A, =625 mam and Length, [y= 1206m = 1200 mn Pore BO:. Aree, A, =2500 mm? and Length, 1, = 60em = 600mm Par CD: Area, Ay = 120mm? and Length, Ly =90.em =900 mm B= 21x10 Ninn, Value of P, necessary for equilibrium Resolving the forces on the rod slong its axis (ce, equating the forces acting towards right to those acting towards left), we got P.+Py=Py+P, Value of LSIPLE STRESSES AND STRANS 2 But P= 45 KN, Py = 450 KN ond P, = 139 RN 45 +450=P, +180 or P,=495— 180 = 365 KN ‘The force of 965 KN acting at Bis spit into two foros of 45 KN and 920 kN (i, 365-45 = 320 KN) "The foreo of 450 kN acting at is eplit into two forees of 320 kN and 190 KN (ie, 450~320 ‘= 190 KN) as shown in Fig. 1.12, From Fig. 1.12, itis cloar that part AB is subjected to a tensile load of 45 KN, part BC is subjected to a compressive load of $20 KN and part CD ia subjectod to a tonsile load 130 KN. A e gen rd 3000 12048 Big. 122 Honce for part AB, thore will be ineroase in length; for part BC there will be decrease in longth and for part CD there will be increase in length. Tnerease in length of AB Py y= sito set ge 1200 Ce P= 45 KN = 45000 NY 25x21. 10) ae 0.4114 mm Decrease in length of BC 320,000 — 820.000 600 Cs B 2500 x 2.1% 10 > fax = 03687 mm Increase in length of CD P 139,000 : AE! aso waix ioe "209 (04457 sara ‘Total change inthe length of member 414 ~ 0.3657 + 04467 (faking 4vo sgn for increase in length and ve sign for decrease in length) = 0.4914 mm (extension). Ans. Problem 1.18, A tensile load of 40 KN ie acting on a rod of diameter 40 man and of length 4m, A bore of diametsr 20 rami i made centrally on the rod. To what length the rod 30 KN = 130000) 22 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘should be bored a0 that the total extension will increase 30% under the same tensile load. Take B= 2 10° Nimm, Sol, Given som ow ——— in FeLu@ ‘Tensile toad, Dia. of rod, Area of rod, — in Fig. 1520) Length ofred, © L=4m=4% 1000 = 4000 mn Dia. of bore, d=20mm Area ofbore, ‘Total extension after bore Value of 10° Nima? Lot the rod be bored toa length of = meteor x 1000 mtn Then lngth of unkored poction= (4~s)in= (As) x 1000 mim, Firat caloulate the extension Btee the Boris made ‘The extension (8L) is given by, we Pg trx 40000 4000 00nd 10" Now extension after te bore is made 18x Katenson before bore 1a 2-22 mam ; ‘The extension after the bore is made, is alan oblained by finding the extensions ofthe tunhored length and bored length. or this, find th stresses in the bored and unbured portions. Stress in unbored portion oad P _ 40000 100 * hres "A" Ge ™™ tension of unbored portion = S00 Length of unbeedpoton SMPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 23 100 = 0 4-2) 1000 aaax ig *4"? Stes in bored potion Loud, P4000 __ 40000 “area "(A=a) (400m: Extension of bored portion ~ SEE «Length oft prton = 1000000062 min © 300m x 2 x 10" 10008 ‘Total extension after the bre is made a2, de 7 Ton | Ox Aid) Rquating the equations () and (i), Rod should be bored upto a length of 8.6 m. Ans. Problem 1.14.4 rigid bar ACDB is hinged at A and supported in a horizontal position by two identical steel wires as shown in Fig. 1-12 (c). A vertical load of 30 RN is applied at B. ind the tensile forces T, and T, induoed in these wires by the vertical load. Fg L2@) Fig 122.60) Sol. Given Rigid bar mesns a bar which will remain straight. ‘Two identical steel wiros mean the area of cross-sections, lengths and value of # for Doth wires is same, =p B,=Epand L, Loadat B= SO kN =30,000N ig. 1.12 (©) shows the position of the rigid bar before load is applied at B. Fig. 1.12 (d) shows the position ofthe rigid bar after load is applied, | Be STRENGTH OF MATERIALS! Let 7, = Tension in the first wire TT, = Tension in the second wire 4, = Extension of firt wire 4, + Extension of sooond wire Since the rigid bar remains straight, hence the extensions &, and 5, are given by ones ay 7 D2 28, = 0 But 8, isthe extansion in wire EC (Ben Ey Ey Ay «Ey oan pe Substituting the values of 8, and &, is equation (i), a. Tth Bek Ax E, ” ApxEy But 4, © A,,H, = E, and L, =1,. Hence above equation becomes : on, =7, Ai) ‘Now taking the moments of all the forces on the rigid bar about A, we get T,x14T,x2=30%3 or 1, +27, =90 iit) Substituting the value of 7, from equation (i), inte equation (i 7,+20T,)=90 or 82, From equation (i), Ty=2x18=86KN. Ans, Note. After calculating the values of; and, the stresses Inthe ewo wires can also he obtained Stereos in wire B= Led Th a At t vad Stress in wire w- 3, a 11. ANALYSIS OF UNIFORMLY TAPERING CIRCULAR ROD ‘Abbar uniformly taporing from a diameter D, at one end to a diameter D, at the other ad is shown in Fig. 1, Lot ‘arial tensile load on the bar L.= Total length of the bar B= Young's modulus ‘SWIPLE STRESSES AND STRAINS 25 Fig. Lag Consider a small clement of length dx ofthe bar ata distance. from theleftend, Let the diameter of the bar be D, ata distance x from the left end. (A) - (25%). 549% 1000-60) 000004 P x 0.6981 021 ‘D000004 x 585 = TSG KN. Ans. = 15T46N 30 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 1.18. ANALYSIS OF BARS OF COMPOSITE SECTIONS Abbar, made up af two or mote bare of equal lengths butof za different materials rigidly fixed with each other and bohaving S ‘as one unit for extension or compression when suibjected to an axial tensile or compressive loads, is ealled a composite bar. For bs the composite bar the following two plats are important 1. Theestension or compression ineach bars equal. Hence Z | deformation per unit leugts te, ain in each bari al 2.The total external load onthe compet bari equal to the sum ofthe loads carried by each dillren materia 1 Fig. 1.15 shows a composite bar made up of two different materials, Let Total load on the composite bar, D-= Length of composite bar and algo length of bars of diferent matoriale, A= Area of erose section of bar 1, A, = Area of cress-toction of bar 2, B, = Youngs Modulus of bar 1, Ey = Young's Modulus of bar 2, P, = Load shared by bar 1, P= Load shared by bar 2, 1, = Stress induced in bar 1, and ‘0, « Stress induced in bar 2 ‘Now the total load on the composite bar is equal to the sum ofthe load carried by the two Mg. 115 bare PaPLAPy “ Load carried by bar 1 ‘The stress in bar 1, = _Weadenried by bart dah Area of cross-section of bar 1 or Pea Ay «iy Similarly atress in bar 2, or Pax ayy ii Substituting the values of P, and P, in equation i, we get PHA, + 0,4, iv) Since the ends of the two bars are rigidly connected, each bar will change in length by ‘the same amount, Also the Iength of each bar is came and honce the ratio of change in iength to the original length ((., strain) will be same for each bar. Stress inbard —_ gy eee ee ~ Young's modulus of bar 1” 2," Similarly strain inbor 2, = 3 | | | SWPLE STRESSES AND STRANS a a But strain in bar 1 = Strain in bar 2 “E-2 «) From equations (iv) and (), the stresses, and g, ean be determined, By substituting the values of, and o, in equations (i) and (ii), the leed carried by difforent materials may be ‘computed. q ‘Modular Ratio. The ratio of Fis called the modular rato of tho first material tothe second, Problem 1.19. A steel rad of $em diameter is enclosed centrally in @ hollow copper tube of external diameter 51m and internal diameter of 4eni. The composite bar is then subjectad to 4an axial pull of 45000 N. If the length of each bar is equal to 15 em, determine : (@ The stresees in the rod and tube, and (ii) Load carried by each bar. 1x 10° Nimm# and for eopper 1% 108 Nima’ Dia. of steel rod 10mm v J 4 ‘ictal ar Aj 00F= 70080 mnt SQ sana eopar abe ssn Riess n= f0 ‘n= 40mm asSSSd +A of cope tae, 4,

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