The Communicsation Flow Chart

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Kim Patrick C.





Communication is the process of conveying information between two or more people. It is defined
as the transmission from the sender to the receiver through the use of words, symbols, and gestures,
among others. The communication process is the steps we take in order to achieve a successful
communication and it consists of several components.

1. Sender – is the first source of process in communication, the party that sends a message,
the communicator, the one who has an idea, purpose or intention to communicate.
2. Encoding – is translating the sender’s ideas in a form of symbol or language to the receiver.
3. Message/Medium – It is the information, view, topics, idea, feelings, sensitivity etc. that
is produced by the sender and is then planned to be communicated more. Medium is the
message carrier such as telephone, cellphone, fax, computer, meeting and memo.
4. Decoding – is the receiver’s interpretation of the message. It means mentally processing
the message into understanding.
5. Receiver – is the person to whom the message is transmitted.
6. Feedback – is the response from the receiver to the sender. Feedback is necessary to ensure
that the message has been effectively encoded, transmitted, decoded and understood.

Communication starts with the sender, who is the initiator of the message. After generating an
idea, sender encodes information and selects a channel of communication by which to send the
message. The receiver then receives the message and decodes it to be able to understand the content
of the message. After, the receiver may provide feedback to the sender regarding the message
received. That’s how the flow of communication process works.

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