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In order to acquire and retain new clients for English Café Center, the following strategies will be
implemented so as to experience a better result in the organizations output.

The first strategy to begin with is the SWOT analysis. The acronym SWOT stands for the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in an organization.

SWOT Analysis of English Café Center;


 Good and well trained tutors and directors

 Comfortable and a well-furnished classroom and office to better accommodate employees,
learners and prospects
 International sponsors and affiliates
 Good customer service


 Poor brand awareness by the target audience and the general public.
 Poor communication on social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp and twitter etc…
 Poor infrastructure from the outside
 Shortage of Finance


 Positive word of mouth.

 The advance in technology (social media).
 Recommendations from students and loyal formal students.
 Secondary schools, higher institutions and Universities.


 The presence of other language schools

 Economic crisis
 The arrival of Covid 19

English Café center needs to work on its weaknesses, in order to better handle its threats. The
paragraphs below will explain how the Center can achieve public awareness, with regards to the
different services it offers;

1) Advertisement: English Café Center can advertise its services on different platforms like the social
media. This is because the social media platform reaches out to large number of people, in other words
it is a global village. A page should be created online, with all the services offered by the center well
explained and highlighted. Someone should be responsible to handle the center’s online page adverts
on Facebook , WhatsApp and Twitter. He\she should be able to post recent happenings and activities
carried out at the center and should be always ready to respond to the client`s worries 24\7 online. In
order to be online all the time a fixed amount is to be delegated to this person as a budget for the
subscription to the internet.

2) Personal selling: this is also an accurate means for the center to be made known to her target
audience and the public at large. The center can send representatives to attend social events like the
youth day celebration, Labor day, the international Women`s day celebration and have someone give a
talk in English and another person in French with regards to the importance of ENGLISH being used not
only as one of the official languages in Cameroon but also as an international language. By doing so, we
would be indirectly advertising the center. Fliers from the center can also be distributed in these events,
the same goes with schools and churches. The center can assign representatives to go and spread the
good news of the services offered in the center, be it through a short talk in church, or a workshop
activity in schools.

3) Sponsorship works in hand with Public Relations. English Café Center for the start can sponsor
programs like; The Bilingualism Day in Cameroon, The International Celebration of the African Child, and
even some sensitization campaigns with regards to the health and general wellbeing of the public.

4) Negotiations with schools and student unions: is still another point that can increase awareness and
subsequently more students will be registered. The center can delegate school officials and student
unions to advertise and recommend their students and friends who are interested in the services
offered by English café by bringing them to the center or directing them to us .The center can then
decide on the means to remunerate them.

5) Partnerships: The center can partner with other NGO`s who are concerned with education, like
Education Cameroon and many others.

To conclude English Café Center can outsmart its threats by providing the right standards and quality to
the public, it has to project its activities differently from the other institutions so that the public can
trust in its capabilities.

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