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Epidemiology and

D i a g no s i s o f A n t e r i o r
Cruciate Ligament Injuries
Christopher C. Kaeding, MDa,b,*, Benjamin Léger-St-Jean, MD
Robert A. Magnussen, MPH, MDd

 ACL  Epidemiology  History  Physical examination  Mechanism of injury
 Diagnostic imaging

 The incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injuries is 120,000 annually in the United
States, and slowly increasing, especially among female athletes. Forty-one percent of
these injuries are from noncontact mechanisms.
 The incidence of ACL noncontact injuries may be significantly reduced by enrolling young
athletes in jump-training programs.
 Key questions to include on history taking are presence of continuous effusion, popping
sensation during trauma, and sensation of giving way.
 The most accurate physical examination test is the Lachman test.
 Although radiographs are important to rule out associated injuries, the gold standard for
diagnosis of ACL injuries is MRI, which has shown excellent accuracy.


More than 120,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur every year in the
United States, mostly during the high school and college years.1 The incidence of
these injuries is slowly increasing, especially in females. This is likely caused by their
increasing participation in high school and other organized sports. In addition, several
studies have shown that female athletes are at an increased risk of ACL injury in sex-
comparable sports.1 The reason for this increased risk is likely multifactorial including

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center, The Ohio State University, 2050
Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43221, USA; b Department of Athletics, The Ohio State University,
2050 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43221, USA; c Sports Medicine Center, The Ohio State Univer-
sity, 2050 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43221, USA; d Department of Orthopaedics, The Ohio
State University, 2050 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43221, USA
* Corresponding author. 2050 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43221.
E-mail address:

Clin Sports Med - (2016) -–-
0278-5919/16/ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Kaeding et al

such factors as genetic predisposition, hormone levels, narrower notch width, and dif-
ferences in cutting and landing biomechanics. Diagnosis of these injuries in the acute
setting is challenging as the physical examination is less reliable because of joint
swelling and muscle guarding. Nonetheless, a focused history and physical examina-
tion are essential tools in diagnosing an ACL injury. Radiographs are useful to rule out
associated injuries, but the gold standard to diagnose an ACL injury is MRI, which has
been shown to have excellent sensitivity and specificity. A better understanding of the
risk factors for injury and more accurate diagnoses could facilitate prevention of ACL
injuries in active individuals and thus minimize subsequent meniscal and cartilage
damage in patients that are ACL deficient.


Knee injuries in high school athletes account for 60% of sport-related surgeries.2,3 Ac-
cording to some studies, ACL injuries may account for 50% of all of these knee in-
juries.4 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2006 ACL
reconstruction surgery costs were estimated to be nearly $1 billion.5 More recently,
epidemiologic studies have shown that female high school athletes have a 2.1- to
3.4-fold increased risk of ACL injury for sex-comparable sports.5,6
To provide an evidence-based incidence and yearly risk of ACL tears in high school
athletes, Gornitzky and colleagues1 performed a systematic review and meta-
analysis. In their study, they found an overall incidence in females of 0.081 ACL injuries
per 1000 exposures for all sports combined. The riskiest sports for women were soc-
cer and basketball with a risk of having an ACL injury of 1.1% and 0.9% per season,
respectively. In male athletes, the overall incidence of ACL injuries was 0.05 per 1000
exposures. The riskiest sports were football and lacrosse with 0.8% and 0.4% risk of
having an ACL injury per season, respectively. Female athletes had an overall higher
rate of injury per exposure (relative risk, 1.57; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.35–
1.82) than male athletes and in comparable sports, such as soccer and basketball,
the rates were much higher (3.7 and 3.8, respectively). When one considers these
sport-specific seasonal risks in the context of a multisport athlete over a 4-year
span, overall risk of suffering an ACL tear during a high school career can reach 5%
to 10%.
Many studies have reported that most ACL injuries are by noncontact mecha-
nisms.7–9 These findings were challenged in a recent study performed in 100 US
high schools by Joseph and colleagues5 from 2007 to 2012 where they reported
that 58.8% of ACL injuries occurred as a result of a contact mechanism. Regardless
of the true percentage of noncontact ACLs, a significant proportion of ACL injuries
are caused by noncontact mechanisms, making these injuries a major focus for pre-
vention efforts. In a retrospective study focused only on noncontact primary ACL in-
juries, Beynnon and colleagues6 showed that college athletes had significantly
higher injury risk than high school athletes after adjustment for sport and sex (relative
risk, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.55–3.64).
When considering patients that have had a previous ACL reconstructions, studies
have provided two important findings. The first is that in the first 2 years of surgery,
patients have a similar risk of injuring their contralateral ACL or tearing their graft.10
The second finding is that patients who have had a previous ACL injury have a signif-
icantly increased risk of having a second ACL injury with rates ranging from 4- to 25-
fold.11 It has been shown that returning to a high level of activity after an ACL recon-
struction is a strong risk factor for retearing the graft.12,13 These epidemiologic studies
are incredibly important in identifying risk factors involved in ACL injury and providing
Epidemiology and Diagnosis of ACL Injuries 3

information to patients and families regarding their individual risk profiles and possible
modification of these factors to decrease the risk of subsequent ACL injury. Small graft
size has also been shown to be a risk factor for ACL graft retear.14


Landing or plant-and-cut maneuvers are frequently regarded as the main sporting

tasks responsible for ACL injuries.8,15,16 Epidemiologic studies and video analysis of
ACL injuries have led researchers to compare differences between males in females
in terms of landing mechanics and overall lower limb alignment profiles.17,18 In a pro-
spective study focusing on female athletes, Hewett and colleagues18 prescreened 205
female athletes looking at three-dimensional kinematics and joint loads during a jump
landing task. They found that the nine athletes who eventually had an ACL injury had
greater knee abduction angles (8 ), 2.5 times greater knee abduction moments, and
20% greater ground reaction forces at landing compared with their teammates who
did not have injuries.11 These factors have been identified as independent predictors
of ACL injury.18
Studies focused on cutting tasks have shown that coronal plane hip motions, spe-
cifically adduction, are primarily responsible for increased knee abduction.19,20
Reduced hip and knee flexion during landing are also considered risk factors for
ACL injury because this limb position puts greater loads on static joints restraints (lig-
aments, capsule) rather dynamic restraints (muscles, tendons).21–24 Just as sagittal
and coronal mechanics are important, transverse plane mechanics are also involved
in ACL injury mechanisms. Internal rotation at the hip may contribute to knee
valgus19,25 and internal rotation of the tibia causes significant increases in ACL
strain.26–29 Therefore, when combining these three movement planes, the typical
noncontact ACL injury would occur in the context of a female athlete landing from a
jump with her hip relatively extended and internally rotated, her knee in near full exten-
sion and valgus with her tibia internally rotated, and her foot planted.
In addition to considering limb position, several researchers have focused their ef-
forts on neuromuscular control of the lower limb.11,30 Some of the neuromuscular risk
factors associated with ACL injury are elevated quadriceps to hamstring muscle acti-
vation,31,32 early activation of the hamstrings when the foot contacts the ground,33 and
greater quadriceps and gluteus maximus activation with reduced hamstring and
gastrocnemius activation.34 Although most of the risk factors of ACL injury have to
do with lower limb mechanics and kinematics, some authors have suggested that up-
per limb kinematics may also have a role to play in knee valgus loading.35
A better understanding of knee kinematics has allowed researchers to develop suc-
cessful prevention programs, reducing the risk of noncontact ACL injuries by roughly
50%.11 In a 2012 meta-analysis of ACL injury prevention programs,36 the authors
found that the younger the athletes, the more effective the program was at preventing
injuries. This finding is not surprising considering that most of the postural and dy-
namic risk factors for ACL injury seem to develop as a normal maturation process in
women. Preventive programs should therefore be instituted in the preadolescent or
early adolescent phase before athletes develop “pathologic” neuromuscular activa-
tion patterns and kinematics.


The typical history of a patient with an ACL injury involves either a noncontact decel-
eration, jumping, cutting action, or a direct impact on the knee.37 Obviously, many
other mechanisms may also result in ACL injury, and in many cases patients are not
4 Kaeding et al

able to recall exactly what happened. Common patient descriptions include feeling
that the knee hyperextended or temporarily “popped out of its socket.”
Studies have focused on the accuracy of specific elements of a patient’s history and
physical examination that could predict ACL injury.38–40 These studies must be inter-
preted carefully because most of these studies are subject to bias, in particular veri-
fication bias. An example of this is a retrospective study on patients who have
already undergone MRI and arthroscopy for a knee injury. These patients were prob-
ably more likely to have ACL injuries than the patients that did not have advanced
A 2010 cross-sectional analysis by Wagemakers and colleagues40 found 10 deter-
minants in the history and physical examination that showed a statistically significant
association with ACL injury. After multivariate analysis, four determinants explained
41% of the variance in the model: (1) presence of continuous effusion (odds ratio
[OR], 4.4; 95% CI, 1.4–14.5), (2) popping sensation during trauma (OR, 6.1; 95% CI,
1.9–19.5), (3) giving way (OR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.1–10.9), and (4) a positive anterior drawer
test (OR, 6.4; 95% CI, 1.8–23.0). When considered in association, the presence or
absence of all three elements mentioned in the history results in a positive predictive
value of 83% and negative predictive value of 81%. In this scenario, adding a positive
anterior drawer test did not result in higher predictive values. However, in many cases,
these three elements are not all positive or negative, necessitating a heavier reliance
on physical examination findings.
In a 2006 meta-analysis including 28 studies, Benjaminse and colleagues38
compared the accuracy of the anterior drawer test, Lachman test, and pivot shift tests.
In their study, the Lachman test was the most accurate test with a positive likelihood
ratio of 10.2 (95% CI, 4.6–22.7) and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.2 (95% CI, 0.1–0.3).
The specificity of the pivot shift was high at 98% (95% CI, 96–99) but the sensitivity
was low at 24% (95% CI, 21–27). This finding is not surprising considering that the
pivot shift is a hard test to perform in the acute setting because of patient guarding.
As for the anterior drawer test, the sensitivity and specificity of this test was shown
to be dependent on the timing of the injury. In acute injuries, the sensitivity was only
49% (95% CI, 43–55) and specificity was 58% (95% CI, 39–76), whereas in chronic
injuries the results were 92% (95% CI, 88–95) and 91% (95% CI, 87–94), respectively.
When extrapolating these results to a specific patient population, one can calculate
pretest and posttest probabilities of ACL rupture. As an example, according to a study
by Noyes and colleagues,41 44% of patients who suffered an acute knee injury with
significant swelling had an ACL injury. In this patient population, a patient with a pos-
itive Lachman test would now have an 88% chance of having an ACL injury. However,
if the Lachman test were negative, the chance of having an ACL rupture would be only
In some unique cases, such as with patients with large legs, it may be difficult to
perform these tests. To find a better diagnostic test for ACL injuries, Lelli and col-
leagues42 introduced a new test, the lever sign. To perform this test, the patient lays
supine and a fist is placed underneath the proximal aspect of the calf muscle to act
as a fulcrum. A downward force is then applied to the thigh with the other hand and
the examiner observes if the heel of the foot rises off the table. If the heel rises, it is
believed that the ACL is intact and transmits the downward force from the femur to
the tibia and through the fulcrum at the calf. If the heel does not rise against gravity,
it is believed that the ACL is not functional, either stretched or torn. In their pilot study,
the sensitivity and specificity of this test were 100%. These results have not been repli-
cated in other studies to date and one should be careful before concluding that this
Epidemiology and Diagnosis of ACL Injuries 5

test is perfect. However, this test might be an interesting alternative in patients where
the more traditional tests are hard to perform or inconclusive.


In any acute knee injury, orthogonal anteroposterior and lateral knee radiographs are
always indicated as a first step to rule out fractures and associated injuries.43 Tibial
eminence fractures visible on radiograph are considered bony equivalents to an
ACL injury and the Segond fracture, which is an avulsion fracture of the lateral capsule
from the tibial plateau, is pathognomic of an ACL injury.37 In most cases, plain radio-
graphs are normal aside from the presence of effusion and therefore the most helpful
diagnostic imaging modality is MRI.37 Studies have reported variability in accuracy
(82%–100%),44–46 sensitivity, and specificity of MRI in the diagnosis of ACL injury.47–49
Interestingly, in more recent studies, the level of diagnostic accuracy has not signifi-
cantly improved with higher-field MRI machines, evolving from 93% accuracy with
0.2 T to 95% with 3.0 T MRIs.48,49 To improve accuracy, more radiologists ask for obli-
que coronal and sagittal views that allow full-length views of the ACL in one frame. In a
2014 study,47 three experienced orthopedic surgeons retrospectively reviewed the re-
cords of 54 patients who had undergone both MRI and knee arthroscopy. They
compared the diagnostic accuracy of MRI with and without oblique images. The ac-
curacy improved from 80% to 91%, suggesting that these sequences may helpful
in diagnosing more subtle tears. Stress radiographs and knee ligament arthrometers,
such as the KT-1000 and KT-2000 (MEDmetric Corporation, San Diego, CA), are addi-
tional tools that can assist in diagnosis of ACL tears but are currently mainly used for
research purposes.37


ACL injuries are a major burden on the US health care system with annual costs aver-
aging $1 billion. A significant proportion of these injuries are caused by noncontact
mechanisms and jump-training-type prevention programs are effective at reducing
the incidence of these injuries, especially when instituted early in the development
of the athlete. A focused history and physical examination may strongly suggest an
ACL injury, but the preoperative diagnostic gold-standard for diagnosis remains MRI.


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8 Kaeding et al

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