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Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(6), 2017, 2727–2730

doi: 10.1093/jee/tox276
Advance Access Publication Date: 6 November 2017
Short Communication Short Communication

A Survey of the Species of Squash Bug (Hemiptera:

Coreidae) Egg Parasitoids in Virginia and Their
James M. Wilson1 and Thomas P. Kuhar
Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, and 1Correspondence author, e-mail:

Subject Editor: Eric Riddick

Received 6 July 2017; Editorial decision 30 August 2017

Squash bug, Anasa tristis DeGeer (Hemiptera: Coreidae), is a major pest of squash and pumpkins in the United
States. In order to better understand the importance of natural egg parasitism of this species in Virginia, we
conducted a 2-yr statewide survey. In total, 1,127 squash bug egg masses (~20,000 total eggs) were sampled from
squash and pumpkins from 43 counties in Virginia from 2014 to 2015. Egg masses were brought back to the lab
to record levels of squash bug nymphal emergence or adult parasitoid eclosion and identification. Over 50% of
the total squash bug eggs collected statewide were parasitized. Gryon pennsylvanicum Ashmead (Hymenoptera:
Scelionidae) was the predominant egg parasitoid accounting for over 98% of all parasitoid adults recovered. The
only other species emerging from squash bug eggs was Anastatus reduvii Howard (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae),
which is a generalist parasitoid. G. pennsylvanicum was found in 75% of the counties surveyed with the highest
levels of parasitism occurring in the Northern, Southwestern Mountain, and Western Piedmont regions of the state
and the lowest levels of parasitism occurring in the Tidewater region in the southeastern portion of the state. Based
on this 2-yr survey, G. pennsylvanicum was determined to be a major natural enemy of squash bug, significantly
reducing the number of nymphs that emerge from deposited eggs. Conservation of this natural enemy should
therefore be a priority for integrated pest management programs in cucurbits.

Key words: Anasa tristis, biological control, parasitoid, natural control

The squash bug, Anasa tristis DeGeer (Hemiptera: Coreidae), is an we collected 81 squash bug egg masses from two counties in south-
important pest of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), squash (Cucurbita western Virginia and observed parasitism levels greater than 80%.
pepo), and other cucurbits in the United States causing wilt in plants Given the high rate of parasitism recorded in 2013, we embarked
with its piercing sucking mouthparts and by transmitting a plant on a more extensive and robust survey of squash bug egg parasit-
pathogenic strain of the bacteria Serratia marcescens, which causes ism in Virginia, which, to our knowledge, has not been conducted
Cucurbit Yellow Vine Decline (Bruton et  al. 2003, Doughty et  al. before. Herein, we report the results of a 2-yr survey from 43 coun-
2016). With hopes of developing a pest management strategy for ties throughout Virginia, which will enable us to quantify the poten-
this pest that is more pollinator friendly (US EPA 2015)  and less tial effect that this parasitoid is having on squash bug population
dependent on applications of broad-spectrum insecticides such as dynamics in the state.
pyrethroids or neonicotinoids (Doughty et al. 2016), a better under-
standing of the biological control of the insect is needed. In Virginia,
Materials and Methods
the natural enemy complex of squash bugs has not been well studied.
Egg parasitoids appear to be the most important natural ene- Throughout the summer months of 2014 and 2015, wild squash bug
mies of this pest in other regions of the United States (Nechols et al. egg masses were collected from summer squash, zucchini (C. pepo
1989, Doughty et  al. 2016). Among the relatively few parasitoids L.), and pumpkin (C. maxima Duchesne) plants located throughout
of squash bug, the egg parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum Ashmead Virginia. After finding very few squash bug eggs in commercial con-
(Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), has been shown to be one of the most ventional fields presumably due to the insecticide spray programs
effective (Nechols et  al. 1989) with natural parasitism levels of used in those fields, we focused most of our sampling in untreated
31% and 55% being recorded in Kentucky and Mayland, respec- squash or pumpkins located on Virginia Tech research farms, organic
tively (Decker and Yeargan 2008, Cornelius et  al. 2016). In 2013, farms, and community gardens throughout Virginia. In 2014, a total

© The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 2727
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
2728 Journal of Economic Entomology, 2017, Vol. 110, No. 6

of 722 squash bug egg masses were collected from 34 counties, and version 10.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Means were separated using
in 2015, 405 squash bug egg masses were collected from 24 Virginia Fisher’s Protected least significant difference at the P < 0.05 level of
counties (Table 1). significance. Data are presented as original means.
Egg masses of A. tristis were removed from leaves in the field by
cutting around the egg mass and placing it individually into 60 × 15
mm Petri dishes, which were kept at room temperature (~27℃) until Results
all nymphs and adult parasitoids had emerged. Once all nymphs and In 2014, squash bug egg parasitism was found in 75% (30 of the
parasitoids had perished, samples were processed and parasitism and 37) counties surveyed, ranging from 0% in some counties to 100%
squash bug hatch rates were recorded. Data from egg masses col- in others, with an overall statewide average of 39.4% of egg masses
lected in Virginia were grouped by NOAA (2017) climatic regions parasitized (Table 1). G. pennsylvanicum was the predominant egg
and proportion parasitism data were transformed using an arcsine- parasitoid accounting for over 98% of all parasitoid adults recov-
square root transformation to normalize the variances (Sokal and ered; the only other species emerging from squash bug eggs was
Rohlf 1995) and then analyzed using analysis of variance, JMP Anastatus reduvii Howard (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), which is a

Table 1.  Numbers of squash bug egg masses collected and percentage parasitized by Gryon pennsylvanicum by region and county in
Virginia 2014 and 2015

2014 2015

NOAA climatic division Location (Co.) Egg masses (EM) % Parasitism EM (eggs) Egg masses (EM) % Parasitism EM (eggs)

Tidewater Accomack 20 20.0 (2.2) 0.0 0.0

Greensville 5 0.0 – –
Northampton 14 0.0 0.0 0.0
Virginia Beach – – 6 0.0
Eastern Piedmont Amelia 22 9.1 (2.0) – –
Buckingham 25 4.0 (0.7) 16 31.3 (10.6)
Caroline 4 0.0 – –
Cumberland 20 30.0 (14.8) 12 41.7 (27.8)
Fluvanna 13 15.4 (10.3) 8 37.5 (11.6)
Goochland 46 23.9 (51.7) 14 28.6 (18.4)
Hanover – – 15 86.7 (44.5)
Henrico - – 15 93.3 (43.1)
Louisa 11 18.2 (1.4) 0.0 0.0
Mecklenburg 16 18.8 (50.0) – –
Nottaway – – 15 100.0 (82.8)
Powhatan 28 3.6 (4.8) 15 6.7 (7.4)
Prince Edward – – 5 0.0
Spottsylvania – – 14 71.4 (33.2)
Western Piedmont Albemarle 9 88.9 (92.0) 19 63.2 (30.6)
Appomattox – – 10 90 (57.5)
Bedford 14 71.4 (76.9) – –
Campbell – – 15 46.7 (14.1)
Franklin 32 9.4 (4.1) – –
Henry 8 0.0 – –
Nelson – – 15 93.3 (38.8)
Pittsylvania 9 88.9 (53.0) – –
Northern Virginia Clarke 2 50.0 (16.7) – –
Fauquier 10 100.0 (98.5) – –
Fredrick 26 96.2 (64.4) – –
Loudoun 6 83.3 (35.6) – –
Madison – – 15 0.0
Orange – – 17 29.4 (54.5)
Page 6 0.0 – –
Rappahannock 10 60.0 (37.4) – –
Shenandoah 21 85.7 (71.7) – –
Central Mountain Augusta 15 13.3 (12.6) 25 100 (99.7)
Botetourt 3 0.0 – –
Roanoke 16 56.3 (47.7) – –
Rockbridge 4 50.0 (50.0) – –
Rockingham 22 100.0 (100.0) 36 66.7 (47.7)
Southwestern Mountain Floyd 4 0.0 – –
Montgomery 235 68.5 (37.0) 45 100.0 (95.6)
Pulaski 6 83.3 (81.6) 5 100.0 (97.3)
Washington 21 28.6 (13.6) – –
Wythe 19 63.0 (40.0) – –
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2017, Vol. 110, No. 6 2729

Fig. 1.  Mean ± SE percentage parasitism of squash bug eggs by Gryon pennsylvanicum by region and year of in Virginia (means in columns with a letter in
common are not significantly different, Fisher’s Protected least significant difference α = 0.05.)

generalist parasitoid that attacks eggs from multiple insect orders there appear to be additional factors that can greatly impact the level
(Burks 1967). In 2015, 18 of the 24 sampled counties had parasitism of parasitism that occurs.
by G.  pennsylvanicum, with 49.4% of collected egg masses para- Low levels of parasitism were found in the Tidewater Region of
sitized (Table 1). Virginia, which has the warmest climate in the state. Climate can
There was a significant effect of climatic region on parasitism impact survival of parasitoids as well as synchrony with the popu-
rates (Fig.  1). In 2014, there were significant differences among lation dynamics of its host. Determining the ecological reasons for
regions in egg mass parasitism (F = 2.5515; df = 5, 33; P < 0.0505) low parasitism in the Tidewater Region should be a focus of addi-
but not in total egg parasitism (F = 1.7182; df = 5, 33; P > 0.1631); tional research. Studies have shown that G. pennsylvanicum has a
however, numeric trends were the same with the highest parasitism host range that appears to be limited to the leaf-footed bugs (family
occurring in the Northern Region (67.9% of egg masses and 46.3% Coreidae) and has been recently introduced as a classical biological
of eggs) and the lowest occurring in the Tidewater Region (6.7% control agent for the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occi-
of egg masses and 0.8% of eggs) and Eastern Piedmont Regions dentalis Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in Italy (Peverieri et al.
(13.7% of egg masses and 15.1% of eggs) (Fig. 1). In 2015, there 2013, Roversi et al. 2014). Adult G. pennsylvanicum do not feed on
was also a significant effect of region on parasitism of egg masses the host eggs (Vogt and Nechols 1993) but instead feed on the exu-
(F = 4.8651; df = 5, 23; P < 0.0055) and eggs (F = 5.9854; df = 5, date from cucurbit leaf trichomes (extra-floral nectaries) that serve
23; P < 0.002). The highest parasitism occurred in the Southwestern as sources of basic sugars and protein (Olson et al. 1996). G. penn-
Mountains (100.0% of egg masses and 96.3% of eggs) and the low- sylvanicum has been considered for augmentative biological con-
est again occurring in the Tidewater Region (0.0% of egg masses) trol of squash bug in the past (Olson et al. 1996) but was not cost
(Fig. 1). efficient when compared to conventional squash bug management.
In addition to regional differences, very few squash bug eggs
or parasitoids were found in conventional commercial squash and
Discussion pumpkin farms in Virginia. Presumably the frequent use of broad-
Sampling squash bug eggs throughout Virginia in 2014 and 2015 spectrum insecticides like pyrethroids is a major limiting factor. Given
showed widespread occurrence of the egg parasitoid G. pennsylvani- the obvious biological importance of this parasitoid, conservation of
cum, which was recovered from 32 out of 43 counties, resulting in this natural enemy should therefore be a priority for integrated pest
significant egg mortality in the state, with 100% parasitism of egg management programs in cucurbits, especially in crops under reduced
masses recorded from several samples each year. G.  pennsylvani- spray management. In Virginia, organic and or reduced spray-man-
cum has been previously reported from squash bug eggs in North aged squash and pumpkin fields will likely benefit from the conserva-
Carolina, Kansas, and Kentucky but at lower parasitism levels than tion of G. pennsylvanicum. Using an integrated approach to squash
were found in our survey of Virginia (Schell 1943, Olson et al. 1996, bug management as suggested by Doughty et al. (2016) may be the
Decker and Yeargan 2008). In the Southwestern Mountain region of most sound and sustainable way to control squash bug.
Virginia, parasitism averaged 63.3% based on a sample of 335 egg
masses collected over 2 yr. This level is consistent with that reported
recently by Cornelius et  al. (2016), who observed G.  pennsylvani-
cum parasitism levels averaging 55.7% from wild squash bug eggs This work was funded in part by the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research
and Education Graduate Student Project grant GS14-131. Additional support
collected in Beltsville, MD. The physical removal of egg masses of
was generously provided by the Virginia Agricultural Council.
varying age from the field likely prevented rates of parasitization
from reaching their natural level and so underestimated parasitiza-
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