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The Effectiveness of Using a Simple Microscope

Arranged by : Group 7

1. Lamtiur Paronauli Silaban (4203131048)

2. Annisa Rahayu (4203131045)






Praise our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty. Where for all His blessings and
grace we were able to complete an idea engineering assignment entitled " The Effectiveness of
Using a Simple Microscope" to fulfill assignments in the General Physics course.

I would like to thank the authors to all those who have helped in completing this task, as
well as to Sir Sabani, S.Pd, M.Si. as a Lecturer in General Physics course at the State University
of Medan who has provided direction and guidance to the author.

The author is aware that this paper still has shortcomings, therefore the author expects
constructive criticism and suggestions for this paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful for
readers and writers themselves in particular.

Medan, 18 Mei 2021

Group 7


FOREWORD ……………………………………………………………………………………..1

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………………2

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY……………………………………………………………………3

1.1 Background………………………………………………………………..…………3

1.2 Aims ……………………………………………………………………………..…..3

1.3 Benefits …………………………………………… ............................................4

CHAPTER II GENERAL FRAMEWORK ……………………………………………………...5

2.1. Theoretical Basis… ............. ……… ……………………………………………….5

2.2. Overcoming Anxiety Disorder with Sport and Add Sense of Humor………………10

2.3 Subject ……………………………………………… ... …………………………....10


CHAPTER IV CLOSING ………………………………………………………………………12

4.1. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………….12

4.2 Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………12




1.1 Background

The word microscope comes from the Greek word micron which means small and scropos
which means seeing or aiming. So it can be said that a microscope is a tool to see objects that are
too small to be seen with the naked eye.

The main tools in the microscope used for observing are the objective lens and the ocular
lens. In a microscope, both the objective lens and the ocular lens are convex lenses.

This optical instrument uses two positive lenses, one near the object called the objective lens
and one close to the lens called the ocular lens. The properties of the image formed by the
microscopes are virtual, inverted and magnified.

This paper is made so that readers know how to use a microscope in a simple way, namely by
assembling a microscope from adequate materials. However, this simple microscope can only
observe a few plant extracts. The point is that the results of this simple microscope observation
are not as good as the commonly used laboratory microscopes.

1.2 Aims

In this writing, it is hoped that the objectived will be achieved, namely as follows :

1. To fullfill the General Physics course.

2. Improve critical thinking skills in creating ideas.

3. Finding innovations for the use of the microscope.

4. Assessing whether this simple microscope is effective or not for simple observations

5. To understand and explore making simple microscopes.


The benefits that will be obtained later trough this writing, namely :

1. Fulfilled the General Physics course.

2. Improve critical thinking skills in creating ideas.

3. Finding innovations for the use of the microscope.

4. Find out if a simple microscope is effective for small studies

5. Understand and explore making simple microscopes.



2.1 Theoretical Basis

Understanding a Microscope

The notion of a microscope can be understood as an optical tool that is useful for aids in
seeing and observing objects that are so small that they cannot be seen with only the naked eye.
So, in simple terms a microscope is a tool for seeing objects that are very small, or micro.

The word microscope itself comes from the Latin word "micro" which means small and
the word "scopein" which means to see. So, a microscope is defined as a tool to see small
objects. Small objects are seen by enlarging the size of the image of the object to many times its
actual size.

With a microscope, the image of an object can be enlarged up to 40 times, 100 times,
even up to 1000 times. The higher the magnification, the more it can be increased along with the
developing technology.

In fact, nowadays a fairly sophisticated electron microscope has been found. Electron
microscopes have the extraordinary ability to enlarge the size of objects, that is, by scales up to
1,000,000 times the actual size of objects.

The inventor of the microscope is Anthony Van Leewenhoek. The invention of the
microscope is very helpful for researchers and scientists to be able to observe microscopic
objects. In particular, there is also a branch of science that studies very small or microscopic
objects that are carried out using a microscope. This branch of science is microscopy.

Microscope Functions

It has been mentioned that the presence of this microscope is very helpful for researchers
and scientists because of the very large function of the microscope. The main function of the
microscope itself is to see and observe objects that have a very small size that cannot be seen
using only the naked eye.

Several types of microscopes are also made to be able to observe objects by producing
more detailed images. However, basically the function of the microscope still has its main
function to observe small objects.

Parts - Parts of the Optical Microscope

In the optical part of the microscope, it consists of the ocular lens, objective lens,
condenser, diaphragm, and mirror. The following is the explanation.

Ocular lens, is a lens that is located at the top of the microscope tube. It is in this ocular
lens that observers see an object whose image is magnified. This ocular lens plays a role in
enlarging the image produced by the objective lens. Typically, the ocular lens has a
magnification of 6, 10 or 12 times.

Objective Lens, is a lens that is close to the object being observed. In general, there are 3
objective lenses with a magnification capability of 10, 40, or 100 times. To use this objective
lens, the observer must first apply emersion oil to the object. The function of emersion oil is as a
lubricant and to clarify the image of objects. This oil is needed because when it is magnified 100
times, the location of the lens and the object being observed is very close, sometimes even

The condenser, is the part of the microscope that can be rotated, either up or down. The
function of the condenser is to collect the light reflected by the mirror and focus it on the object.

Diaphragm, is the part whose function is to regulate how much light enters and hits the
preparation or object being observed.

Mirror, is the part that functions to receive and direct the light received by the
microscope. The mirror directs light by reflecting the light it gets.

Parts - Mechanical Parts (Non-Optical) Microscope

Revolver, is a part whose function is to adjust the magnification of the objective lens
desired by the observer.

Microscope tube, is the part whose function is to connect the objective lens and the ocular
lens to the microscope.

Microscope arm, is the part that functions as an observer when holding a microscope.

Table of objects, is a part whose function is to place the object to be observed. On this
object table there is also an object clamp that is useful for keeping the object in place where it is

Macrometer (rough rotator), is the part whose function is to raise or lower the tube
quickly, so that the observer can adjust the clarity of the image of the object obtained.

Micrometer (smooth player), is the part whose function is to raise or lower the tube
slowly and is useful for making adjustments in order to get clarity of the image of the desired

Microscope foot, is the part of the microscope that functions as a support to keep the
microscope in place. The microscope foot is also useful as a place to hold the microscope if the
microscope is to be moved.
Kinds - Kinds of Microscopes

1. Revolver, is a part whose function is to adjust the magnification of the objective lens
desired by the observer.
2. Microscope tube, is the part whose function is to connect the objective lens and the ocular
lens to the microscope.
3. Microscope arm, is the part that functions as an observer when holding a microscope.
4. Table of objects, is a part whose function is to place the object to be observed. On this
object table there is also an object clamp that is useful for keeping the object in place
where it is wanted.
5. Macrometer (rough rotator), is the part whose function is to raise or lower the tube
quickly, so that the observer can adjust the clarity of the image of the object obtained.
6. Micrometer (smooth player), is the part whose function is to raise or lower the tube
slowly and is useful for making adjustments in order to get clarity of the image of the
desired object.
7. Microscope foot, is the part of the microscope that functions as a support to keep the
microscope in place. The microscope foot is also useful as a place to hold the microscope
if the microscope is to be moved.


There are several types of microscopes where this microscope has advantages and
disadvantages of each, namely:

1. Electron Microscope

Is a microscope that is capable of magnifying objects up to two million times, which uses
electro-static and electro-magnetic to control lighting and image display and has the ability to
magnify objects and the resolution that is much better than a light microscope. This electron
microscope uses much more energy and shorter electromagnetic radiation than a light

2. Stereo Microscope

Stereo microscope is a type of microscope that can only be used for objects that are
relatively large. The stereo microscope has a magnification of 7 to 30 times. Objects observed
with this microscope can be seen in 3 dimensions. The main components of a stereo microscope
are almost the same as a light microscope. Company Lenses Over Ocular Lenses and Objective

Some references with light microscopy are: (1) the sharpness of the stereo microscope
lens is much higher than that of a light microscope so that we can see the three-dimensional
shape of the object being observed, (2) the light source comes from above so that the thickest
object can be observed. The lens with the ocular magnification is usually 3 times, so that the total
object magnification is at least 30 times. At the bottom of the microscope there is a preparation
table. In the area near the objective lenda there are lamps serving the transformer. The focus
setting is located next to the microscope shaft, while the magnification setting is located above
the focus control.

3. Microscope Phase contrast

The ideal way to keep living things in their natural state is that they are not colored in the
living state, but in the galibnya the microscopic fragments of living things (animal or bacterial
tissue) are translucent so that in each tincram it is not observed, this difficulty can be overcome
by using a microscope. contrast phase. The principle of this tool is very complicated. A
microscope is used to use a living cell nucleus which is not colored and cannot be seen, however
because of the nucleus in the cell, this nucleus changes slightly the relationship of light through
the material around the nucleus.

4. Light Microscope

The light microscope has a maximum magnification of 1000 times. The microscope has
heavy, sturdy legs so it can stand steadily. The light microscope has three-dimensional lenses,
namely the objective lens, the ocular lens and the condenser lens. The objective lens and the
ocular lens are located at both ends of the microscope tube. The ocular lens in a microscope can
form a single (monocular) or double (binicular) image.

5. Flourenscence Microscope

This pender microscope can be used to detect foreign bodies or antigens (such as
bacteria, rickets, or viruses) in tissues. In this technique the typical antibody protein is first
separated from the serum on which the sequence has occurred or conjunction with the
fluorescent dye. Because the antibody-antigen reaction is unique, a luminescent event will occur
when the intended antigen is present and seen by the antibody marked with fluorescent dye.

6. Dark-field microscope

Dark field microscopy is used to observe live bacteria, especially bacteria that are so thin
that they come close to the limit of the power of multiple microscopes. Dark-field microscopy
differs from ordinary compound light microscopy only in the presence of a special condenser
which can form a hollow cone of visible light beams. The light beam from this hollow cone is
reflected at a smaller angle from the top of the glass preparation.

7. Ultraviolet Microscope
A variation of the ordinary light microscope is the ultraviolet microscope. Because
ultraviolet light has a shorter wavelength than visible light, the use of ultraviolet light for lighting
can increase the separation power to 2 times that of a normal microscope. The separability limit
then becomes general. Since ultraviolet light cannot be seen by the human eye, the image of the
object must be recorded on a light-sensitive disc (Plate Photography).

How to Use a Microscope

1. The microscope is placed on a table or flat and stable surface. Ensure that the occupied
media holds the microscope firmly so that it does not move or shake easily.
2. Several types of microscopes can be used directly and some require electric power.
Therefore, if the type used must be connected to a power source, make sure the
microscope cable can reach the power source so that it is easy to connect.
3. Prepare the object of observation near the microscope.
4. When using a microscope, the first thing to do is loosen the macrometer or coarse rotator
so that the object of observation can be placed on the object table or preparation table.
5. Arrange the object of observation in such a way including its position, then place the
object on the preparation table and pinch it so that it does not move while being studied.
6. After the object is in the correct position, turn the revolver to find the magnification
needed to make the object observation, such as 4 times, 10 times, 40 times, or 100 times
7. If the microscope uses energy from sunlight, adjust the microscope mirror so that the
light obtained can focus on the object of study. However, if the type of microscope used
requires light, then simply turn on the lamp as a light source.
8. The observation process can be done up to this stage. The observer can adjust the lens
revolver to obtain the required magnification. However, what needs to be considered at
this stage is that the distance between the objective lens and the preparation table should
be some distance away to avoid friction.
9. Some microscopes with fairly good specifications are equipped with lights, so that the
observer can adjust the level of light from dim to bright.
10. Macrometer and micrometer usually consist of several units in one microscope. The use
of the macrometer and micrometer in the preparation can be done by shifting it to the
right or left, while the micrometer and macrometer located on the microsocope arm are
shifted up and down.

2.2 The Effectiveness of Using a Simple Microscope

The use of this simple microscope can make students more creative in designing ideas to
create simple things according to the subject matter that needs to be tested. Then, with this
simple microscope, we don't need to have a personal microscope or also have to have / make
laboratory visits.

The use of this simple microscope can be used for small research studies related to
observations of the still observable plant cell structure. Since this microscope is quite simple, the
image of the structure that is later successfully taken from the object being observed is certainly
not as good as the results of observations using a laboratory microscope. We can also create
other ideas in the use of a simple microscope our own assembly results.

Since the materials, tools and plant extracts required for the use of this simple microscope
are still easy to find, it is still possible to realize this idea of engineering. The assembly system is
also quite simple, so it's not too difficult to do. People who assemble this idea can also read
various sources, because this idea already has several other methods of development

2.3 Subject

The subject of this program is actually suitable for all people, but we specialize in
engineering this idea for people who are in the world of education, especially Physics. Because
the use of a simple microscope is easy to do, this idea can be realized.



This idea engineering can be done in various ways or create ideas that are in accordance
with the working principles of the microscope. First, we know the materials and tools needed as
well as how to work / manufacturing procedures and the level of difficulty of working.

For example, by making a microscope frame using used plastic bottles, then using plastic
glass or a coded glass as a glass preparation and a small lens (we can get it from a laser) as well
as a flashlight and cellphone camera for taking pictures of structures.

Then, we also have to determine the object being observed, such as onion epidermis or
green leaf epidermis or flower leaf epidermis. This material is placed on the slide when the
plastic bottle microscope has been designed and the flashlight has been focused in the
microscope on the slide. Then, we drop the betadine onto the epidermis.

After the tools and materials have been designed, we take a laser lens and glue it behind
the cellphone camera, and the structure of the epidermis or other samples is ready to be observed
(taking pictures of plant structures with a cellphone camera).

In taking pictures, the focus of the camera and lens must be considered so that the
pictures taken can also be good. The most important thing in this assembly is the completeness
of the tools and materials as well as a good working method.

If we don't use laser lenses, we can also use used plastic bottles, black markers and also
water designed in such a way that they have lenses, prep glass and objects and can be observed.

This assembly process can also look for various references so that we adjust the tools we
design with the microscope working system and the vital tools that must be present in a
microscope in making observations.



4.1 Conclusions

This idea engineering is quite helpful in making small observations. To use a laboratory
microscope, of course, is quite complicated because it has working principles and parts of the
microscope that we must know and things that must be considered when using it. While a simple
microscope, its use is quite simple and the material tools are also easy to find. However, the

drawbacks are that the results of the observations are not as good as a laboratory microscope and
the shape of the structure is not necessarily clear. For this reason, the use of this simple
microscope is only for small observations.

4.2 Recommendations

The author hopes that this idea engineering is useful for readers as well as the author
himself and can add new references for pemca and train readers to be more critical of small
studies. We also expect suggestions from readers for future improvement of writing.






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