Skeletal System

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 Bones = 206 in adult
 Axial Bones - found in the head and torso
- made up of the skull, vertebral column,
and thoracic cage
 Appendicular Bones - found in the
appendages/limbs o Foramina - holes that nerves, arteries and
- made up of the arms and legs, pelvis, and veins pass through
shoulders  Foramen magnum - most notably
- hole at the base of the skull
AXIAL BONES through which the spinal cord passes
A. Skull
- contains 22 bones 2. Facial Bones - give structure to the face
- most of the bones in the skull are flat bones 14 Facial Bones
1. Cranial Bones - protect the brain 1. Mandible - lower jaw bone
o Cranium - are connected by serrated lines 2. Maxillary Bones (2) - form the upper jaw and
called sutures part of the face
- Consists of: 3. Zygomatic Bones (2) - cheek bones
 Vault (or calvaria) 4. Nasal Bones (2) - make up the bridge of
 Base the nose
5. Lacrimal Bones (2)
6. Paletine Bones (2)
7. Vomer
8. Inferior Nasal Concha (2)

*Hyoid Bone - technically NOT PART OF THE SKULL,

sits just below the mandible and does not connect
- Divided into 3 Fossae -- that with any other bone
produce the cranial cavity that houses the brain
 Anterior Cranial Fossa
 Middle Cranial Fossa
 Posterior Cranial Fossa
- Other cavities:
 Orbit - houses the eyes
 Ear Cavity
 Nasal Cavity

B. VERTEBRAL COLUMN (Spinal Column/Spine)

- comprised of 26 irregular bones that form a
flexible structure in a curvy S-shape
8 Cranial Bones: Sutures:
- supports everything from the skull to the pelvis
1. Frontal Bone 1. Coronal Suture
2. Parietal Bones(2) 2. Sagittal Suture
3. Occipital Bone 3. Lambdoid Suture
4. Temporal Bones (2) 4. Occipitomastoid
5. Sphenoid Bone Suture
6. Ethmoid Bone
o Vertebrae
Divided into 5 sections:
1. Cervical Vertebrae (C1 - C7)
 First 7
2. Thoracic Vertebrae (T1 - T12)
3. Lumbar Vertebrae (L1 - L5)

* These vertebrae get larger as it goes down the

spine -- to support more weight
 Vertebral Foramen - hole where the spinal
cord passes through
4. Sacrum --five fused vertebrae
5. Coccyx -- tailbone (made of few tiny vertebrae The vertebrae varies slightly depending on where
that are fused together) they are found in the column:
o Ligaments - keeps everything together Cervical Vertebrae (C3)
- Main Ligaments: running the down the - have a short bifid spinous process
back and front of the column from the neck to the - large vertebral foramen
sacrum - has additional transverse foramen to
 Anterior Longitudinal Ligament accommodate vertebral arteries
 Posterior Longitudinal Ligament Thoracic Vertebrae (T9)
- Shorter Ligaments: that connect adjacent - have a long spinous process pointing down
vertebrae - exhibit structures called demifacets -- connect to
- Intervertebral Disc - cushiony pads made the ribs
of nucleus pulposus (more elastic part) surrounded Lumbar Vertebra (L2)
by annulus fibrosus with lots of collagen - much larger
- found in between each - have pedicles and laminae that are short and thick
vertebra acting as shock absorbers when we run and - as well as other slight discrepancies
- comprised of the sternum, ribs, costal cartilage
 Sternum
- flat bone in the middle of the thorax
- made of 3 smaller bones that are
fused together: (top to bottom)
 Manubrium
 Body
 Xiphoid Process

2 Parts:
 Body
 Vertebral Arch
- Made of:
 Pedicle (2)
 Lamina (2)
- From here, it projects various processes:
 Spinous Process
 Transverse Processes (2)
 Superior Articular Process
 Inferior Articular Process
 Ribs
- 12 pairs that project from the
 True ribs (1-7)
- first 7 pairs
- attached directly to the
sternum via costal cartilage
 False ribs (8 - 12)
- next 5 pairs
*8 - 10: attached indirectly to
the sternum via costal cartilage to cartilage  Forearm
from ribs above 2 Bones: connected all the way
*11 - 12 (Floating Ribs): don't down by the interosseous membrane (a flexible
attach to the sternum in any manner ligament)
-Ribs are flat bones that get longer  Radius - goes from wide to thin:
going from pair 1 to 7; and get shorter going - Thin head
from pair 8 to 12 - Radial tuberosity
- Radial styloid Process
APPENDICULAR BONES  Ulna - slightly longer with its:
 Pectoral Girdle
- Coronoid Process
- comprised of the:
 Clavicle (collar bone)
- sternal end, where it attaches
to the manubrium
- acromial end: joins the
 Scapula (shoulder blade)
- thin flat bone
- roughly triangular
has three borders:
-Superior (top)
 Hand
- Medial/Vertebral (inner)
 Carpus (wrist) - 8 short bones
- Lateral/Axillary (outer)
-together give structure to the shoulder
1. Scaphoid
-attaching the upper limbs to the axial
2. Lunate
3. Triquetrum
 Upper Limb
4. Pisiform
 Arm
5. Trapezium
Structure of Humerus 6. Trapezoid
Front: Back: 7. Capitate
Greater Tubercle Radial Groove 8. Hamate
Lesser Tubercle Lateral Epicondyle
Coronoid Fossa Medial Epicondyle
Radial Fossa Trochlea
Medial Expicondyle
 Metacarpals (palm) - 5 bones;  Lower Limb
these connect to the phalanges - contains very thick bones that allow us
(bones that make up the to run and jump effectively
fingers)  Thigh
1. I (thumb)  Femur - largest bone in the
2. II body
3. III - head with a small pit called
4. IV the fovea capitis
5. V (pinky) - greater trochanter
 Phalanges (fingers) - lesser trochanter
- 14 bones per hand - intertrochanteric crest
- 3 per finger (*except the thumb -- has - gluteal tuberosity
2, no middle phalanx) - linea aspera
1. Distal Phalanges - medial epicondyle
2. Middle Phalanges - lateral epicondyle
3. Proximal Phalanges - medial condyle
- lateral condyle
- intercondylar fossa
- patella

 PELVIC GIRDLE (pelvis)

- the pelvic girdle attaches the lower
limbs to the axial skeleton  Leg
- has far less mobility and far more  Tibia - larger
stability than the pectoral girdle - medial condyle
- lateral condyle
STRUCTURE OF THE PELVIC GIRDLE - intercondylar eminence
- starts from the sacrum - tibial tuberosity
- and continues with 2 hip bones - anterior border
Hip Bones - made of 3 separate bones - medial malleolus
at birth which fuse to become 1 by adulthood - fibular notch
3 Regions of Hip Bone:  Fibula - much thinner
1. Ilium -head
2. Ischium - lateral malleolus
3. Pubis *also has interosseous membrane between
 Foot
 Tarsus - made of 7 bones
*biggest 2 tarsals that form the ankle
1. Calcaneus
2. Talus
3. Cuboid
4. Navicular
5. Medial Cuneiform
6. Intermediate Cuneiform
7. Lateral Cuneiform
 Metatarsals - 5 and long
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
5. V
 Phalanges
- 14 phalanges
- 3 per toe
*except the big toe (hallux)-- only has 2

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