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Lab Report 1
Group D
Section 17

Date of Submission: 13. 3. 2021

Submitted to

Dr. Sohana Shabnam (SSm1)

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Management,
North South University
Name ID

Md. Rayan Ahmad 1620807030

Sunjiya Siddiqua 1631152030

Nazifa Tabassum Anonna 1721839030

Abdullah Al Masum 1721845030

Submitted by
Q1. Fill in data Table 1.1. In the missing information of the table. Write the title.
Table Table of sum of total numbers of marbles, individual total  
1.1 numbers of marbles and averages

Group Total no No of No of No of No of No of No of
Number of white purple blue red green yellow
marbles marbles marbles marbles marbles marbles marbles
1A 242 34 32 35 42 47 52
2B 422 78 43 85 75 84 57
3C 386 56 54 73 65 63 75
4D 406 63 74 45 88 54 82
5E 338 24 36 66 89 45 78
Average 358.8 51 47.8 60.8 71.8 58.6 68.8

Table 1.1: Table of sum of total numbers of marbles, individual total numbers of marbles and

Q2. Fill in data Table 1.2. Write the title.

Table Table of sum of total percentage of marbles, individual total  
1.2 percentage of marbles and averages
Group Total % % of % of % of % of red % of % of
Number of white purple blue marbles green yellow
marbles marbles marbles marbles marbles marbles
1A 100 14.05 13.22 14.46 17.36 19.42 21.49
2B 100 18.48 10.19 20.14 17.77 19.91 13.51
3C 100 14.51 13.99 18.91 16.84 16.32 19.43
4D 100 15.52 18.23 11.08 21.67 13.3 20.2
5E 100 7.1 10.65 19.53 26.33 13.31 23.08
Average 100 13.932 13.256 16.824 19.994 16.452 19.542

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Table 1.2: Table of sum of total percentage of marbles, individual total percentage of marbles
and averages

Q3. What percentage of the total number of marbles in YOUR (Suppose that you belong to any
of these four groups and mention which one) sample was each of the colors? Make a bar chart of
the percentages of each color in your sample. Be sure to label your graph properly in Microsoft
In my sample, there were 15.52% of white marbles, 18.23% of purple marbles, 11.08% of blue
marbles, 21.67% of red marbles, 13.3% of green marbles and 20.2% of yellow marbles.

Figure 1: Bar chart representing the percentages of the total number of marbles in Group-D's

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Q4. Make a bar chart for the average of all the four groups showing the percentages of each color

Figure 2: Bar chart representing the average percentages of each color marble of all the four

Q5. If there are 4528 marbles in the large container in the front of the room, a) how many
marbles would you predict would be blue based on your sample, and b) how many marbles
would you predict would be blue based on the average of four groups?
As per given in the question, if there are 4528 marbles in the large container in the front of the
a. Prediction based on my group’s (4 D) sample: (4528 x 11.08%) = 501.70 = 502 marbles
b. Prediction based on average of all five groups: (4528 x 16.83%) = 762.06 = 762 marbles

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Q6. If your sample contained 1000 liters of water from Hakaluki Haor and the volume of
Hakaloki Haor is 125,000,000 cubic meters, and each of the marbles represents fish of that color,
how many red fishes would you expect to find in the whole Haor based on your sampling? Be
sure to include your calculations in your answer. 
 We know,
1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters

125,000,000 cubic meters = 125,000,000,000 liters

 From my sample, I have found 88 red fishes in 1000 liters.

So I’m expecting to find 88 x 125,000,000,0001000 = 11,000,000,000 fishes in the whole

Hakaluki Haor.

Group Assessment

Q1 Sunjiya Siddiqua 1631152030

Q2 Sunjiya Siddiqua 1631152030
Q3 Md. Rayan Ahmad 1620807030
Q4 Nazifa Tabassum Anonna 1721839030
Q5 Md. Rayan Ahmad 1620807030
Q6 Abdullah Al Masum 1721845030
Compiling Nazifa Tabassum Anonna 1721839030

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