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Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (IOOP) - CT044-3-1-IOOP




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1 Submit your assignment at the administrative counter

2 Students are advised to underpin their answers with the use of references
(cited using the Harvard Name System of Referencing)

3 Late submission will be awarded zero (0) unless Extenuating Circumstances

(EC) are upheld

4 Cases of plagiarism will be penalized

5 The assignment should be bound in an appropriate style (comb bound or


6 Where the assignment should be submitted in both hardcopy and softcopy, the
softcopy of the written assignment and source code (where appropriate) should
be on a CD in an envelope / CD cover and attached to the hardcopy.

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7 You must obtain 50% overall to pass this module.



MODULE CODE: CT044-3-1-IOOP-102019




STUDENT ID: TP055929, TP055409, TP055350




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Table of Content :

Part Page no.

1.0 Storyboard of the Designs 3 - 14

2.0 Description and Justification of the Design (Class Diagram) 15

3.0 Description and Justification of the Implementation Codes 16 - 17
4.0 Test Plan and Test Cases 18 - 19
5.0 Conclusion 20
6.0 References 21
7.0 Workload Matrix 22

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1.0 Storyboard of the Designs :

i) Home Page

Label 1

Label 2 RadioButton 1

RadioButton 2

RadioButton 3

Button 2
Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblTuitionName To display the tuition centre name
Label 2 lblSlogan To display the tuition centre slogan
Button 1 btnProceed To proceed to the next page
Button 2 btnExit To exit the application
RadioButton 1 radBtnStaff To select staff as the type of login
RadioButton 2 radBtnStudent To select student as the type of login
RadioButton 3 radBtnTutor To select tutor as the type of login

ii. Staff (Login Page)

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Label 1
TextBox 1

Label 2
TextBox 2

Label 3 Label 4

Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblStaff To display the type of login page
Label 2 lblStaffLoginID1 To label the login ID control
Label 3 lblStaffPassword1 To label the password control
Label 4 lblStaffError To label the invalid login ID or password message
TextBox 1 txtStaffLoginID1 To allow the entering of login ID
TextBox 2 txtStaffPassword1 To allow the entering of password
Button 1 btnStaffLogin1 To verify the login credentials and login
Button 2 btnStaffBack1 To return to the previous page

iii. Staff (Personal Information Page)

Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4

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TextBox 1

TextBox 2
TextBox 3

TextBox 4

TextBox 5
Label 5
RadioButton 1
Label 6
RadioButton 2

Button 4 Button 3 Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblStaffName To label the staff name control
Label 2 lblStaffLoginID2 To label the login ID control
Label 3 lblStaffPassword2 To label the password control
Label 4 lblStaffContact To label the contact number control
Label 5 lblStaffEmail To label the email control
Label 6 lblStaffType To label the employment type control
TextBox 1 txtStaffName To allow entering of the staff’s name if edit is clicked
TextBox 2 txtStaffLoginID2 To allow entering of the staff’s login ID if edit is clicked
TextBox 3 txtStaffPassword2 To allow entering of the staff’s password if edit is clicked
TextBox 4 txtStaffContact To allow entering of the staff’s contact number if edit is
TextBox 5 txtStaffEmail To allow entering of the staff’s email if edit is clicked
RadioButton 1 radBtnFullTime To select full time as employment type
RadioButton 2 radBtnPartTime To select part time as employment type
Button 1 btnStaffEnrollStudents To go to the enrolling page
Button 2 btnStaffEdit To edit the staff’s personal information
Button 3 btnStaffBack2 To return to the previous page
Button 4 btnStaffHome1 To return to the home page
GroupBox grpBoxStaff1 To group the other components to improve appearance
PictureBox picBoxStaff To display the staff’s picture
iv. Staff (Enrol Page)

Label 2 Label 1 DatePicker GroupBox

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TextBox 1

TextBox 2

TextBox 3

TextBox 4
Label 3 ComboBox

Label 4

Button 3 Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblStaffStudentName To label the student name control
Label 2 lblStaffStudentAge To label the age control
Label 3 lblStaffStudentContact To label the contact number control
Label 4 lblStaffStudentEmail To label the email control
TextBox 1 txtStaffStudentName To allow entering of the student’s name
TextBox 2 txtStaffStudentAge To allow entering of the student’s age
TextBox 3 txtStaffStudentContact To allow entering of the student’s contact number
TextBox 4 txtStaffStudentEmail To allow entering of student
DatePicker datePickerStaff To pick the date enrolled
GroupBox grpBoxStaff2 Groups the other components to improve appearance
ComboBox cboSubjects To allow selection of the student’s grade
CheckedListBox chkListBoxSubjects To allow the enrolled subjects to be selected once the grade
has been selected from the combo box
Button 1 btnStaffEnroll To enrol the student
Button 2 btnStaffBack3 To return to the previous page
Button 3 btnStaffHome2 To return to the home page

v. Staff (Student Fee Statement Page)


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Label 8
Label 1
Label 9
Label 2
Label 10
Label 3
Label 11
Label 4
Label 12
Label 5
Label 13
Label 6
Label 14
Label 7

Button 3 Button 2 Button 2

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblReceiptName1 To label the name control
Label 2 lblReceiptGrade1 To label the grade control
Label 3 lblReceiptLoginID1 To label the login ID control
Label 4 lblReceiptPassword1 To label the password control
Label 5 lblReceiptSubjects1 To label the number of subjects control
Label 6 lblReceiptFee1 To label the tuition fee control
Label 7 lblReceiptDate1 To label the date control
Label 8 lblReceiptName2 To display the student’s name
Label 9 lblReceiptGrade2 To display the student’s grade
Label 10 lblReceiptLoginID2 To display the student’s 1st time login ID
Label 11 lblReceiptPassword2 To display the student’s 1st time password
Label 12 lblReceiptSubjects2 To display the student’s number of enrolled subjects
Label 13 lblReceiptFee2 To display the student’s tuition fee amount
Label 14 lblReceiptDate2 To display the date
Button 1 btnStaffPrint To print the tuition fee statement receipt
Button 2 btnReceiptBack To return to the previous page
Button 3 btnReciptHome To return to the home page
GroupBox grpBoxReceipt To group the other components to improve appearance

vi. Student (Login Page)

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Label 1

TextBox 1
Label 2

TextBox 2
Label 3

Label 4

Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblStudent To display the type of login page
Label 2 lblStudentLoginID1 To label the login ID control
Label 3 lblStudentPassword1 To label the password control
Label 4 lblStudentError To label the invalid login ID or password message
TextBox 1 txtStudentLoginID1 To allow entering of the student’s login ID
TextBox 2 txtStudentPassword1 To allow entering of the student’s password
Button 1 btnStudentLogin To verify the login credentials and login
Button 2 btnStudentBack1 To return to the previous page

vii. Student (Personal Information Page)

Label 2 Label 1 Label 3 Label 4

TextBox 1

PictureBox TextBox 2

TextBox 3

Label 5
UC1F1904CGD Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation TextBox 4

TextBox 5
Label 6
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Button 4 Button 3 Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblStudentName To label the student name control
Label 2 lblStudentAge To label the age control
Label 3 lblStudentLoginID2 To label the login ID control
Label 4 lblStudentPassword2 To label the password control
Label 5 lblStudentContact To label the contact number control
Label 6 lblStudentEmail To label the email control
Label 7 lblStudentAddress To label the home address control
Label 8 lblStudentBalance To label the outstanding balance control
Label 9 lblCurrency1 To label the currency type “RM”
TextBox 1 txtStudentName To allow entering of the student’s name if edit is clicked
TextBox 2 txtStudentAge To allow entering of the student’s age if edit is clicked
TextBox 3 txtStudentLoginID2 To allow entering of the student’s login ID if edit is clicked
TextBox 4 txtStudentPassword2 To allow entering of the student’s password if edit is clicked
TextBox 5 txtStudentContact To allow entering of the student’s contact number if edit is
TextBox 6 txtStudentEmail To allow entering of the student’s email if edit is clicked
TextBox 7 txtStudentAddress To allow entering of the student’s home address if edit is
TextBox 8 txtStudentBalance To allow entering of the student’s outstanding balance if edit
is clicked
Button 1 btnTimetable To check the student’s tuition timetable
Button 2 btnStudentEdit To edit the student’s personal information
Button 3 btnStudentBack2 To return to the previous page
Button 4 btnStudentHome1 To return to the home page
GroupBox grpBoxStudent To group the other components to improve appearance
PictureBox picBoxStudent To display the student’s picture

viii. Student (Tuition Timetable Page)

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Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Button 1 btnTimetableBack To return to the previous page
Button 2 btnTimetableHome To return to the home page
TableLayoutPanel tabLayoutPanel To display all of the timetable information

ix. Tutor (Login Page)

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Label 1

TextBox 1
Label 2

TextBox 2
Label 3

Label 4

Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblTutor To display the type of login page
Label 2 lblTutorLoginID1 To label the login ID control
Label 3 lblTutorPassword1 To label the password control
Label 4 lblTutorError To label the invalid login ID or password message
TextBox 1 txtTutorLoginID1 To allow entering of the tutor’s login ID
TextBox 2 txtTutorPassword1 To allow entering of the student’s password
Button 1 btnTutortLogin To verify the login credentials and login
Button 2 btnTutorBack1 To return to the previous page

x. Tutor (Personal Information Page)

Label 2 Label 1 Label 3

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TextBox 1
TextBox 2

TextBox 3

TextBox 4
Label 4
TextBox 5
Label 5
TextBox 6
Label 6

Button 4 Button 3 Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblTutorName To label the tutor name control
Label 2 lblTutorLoginID2 To label the login ID control
Label 3 lblTutorPassword2 To label the password control
Label 4 lblTutorContact To label the contact number control
Label 5 lblTutorEmail To label the email control
Label 6 lblTutorSubjects To label the subjects control
TextBox 1 txtTutorName To allow entering of the tutor’s name if edit is clicked
TextBox 2 txtTutorLoginID2 To allow entering of the tutor’s login ID if edit is clicked
TextBox 3 txtTutorPassword2 To allow entering of the tutor’s password if edit is clicked
TextBox 4 txtTutorContact To allow entering of the tutor’s contact number if edit is
TextBox 5 txtTutorEmail To allow entering of the tutor’s email if edit is clicked
TextBox 6 txtTutorSubjects To allow entering of the tutor’s subjects if edit is clicked
Button 1 btnTutorSubjectDetails To check the tutor’s subject details
Button 2 btnTutorEdit1 To edit the tutor’s personal information
Button 3 btnTutorBack2 To return to the previous page
Button 4 btnTutorHome1 To return to the home page
GroupBox grpBoxTutor1 To group the other components to improve appearance
PictureBox picBoxTutor1 To display the tutor’s picture

xi. Tutor (Subject Details Page)

Label 4 TextBox 1 TextBox 2 TextBox 3

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Label 1 Button 1

Label 2

Label 3 Panel


Button 4 Button 3 Button 2

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblTutorSubjectName To label the subject name control
Label 2 lblTutorSubjectPrice To label the price per class control
Label 3 lblTutorSubjectTime To label the time control
Label 4 lblCurrency2 To label the currency type “RM”
TextBox 1 txtTutorSubjectName To allow entering of the subject’s name
TextBox 2 txtTutorSubjectPrice To allow entering of the subject’s price
TextBox 3 txtTutorSubjectTime To allow entering of the subject’s time
Button 1 btnTutorViewStudents To view the subject’s students’ profiles
Button 2 btnTutorEdit2 To edit the tutor’s subject details
Button 3 btnTutorBack3 To return to the previous page
Button 4 btnTutorHome2 To return to the home page
Panel panelTutor1 To divide the group box into a section for each student
GroupBox grpBoxTutor2 To group the other components to improve appearance

xii. Tutor (Class Students Details Page)

Label 2 Label 1 Label 3

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Label 1 5
Label 6

Label 7

Label 8

Label 4


Button 2 Button 1

Control Control Name Description

Label 1 lblTutorStudentName1 To label the name control
Label 2 lblTutorStudentAge1 To label the age control
Label 3 lblTutorStudentContact1 To label the contact number control
Label 4 lblTutorStudentEmail1 To label the email control
Label 5 lblTutorStudentName2 To display the student’s name
Label 6 lblTutorStudentAge2 To display the student’s age
Label 7 lblTutorStudentContact2 To display the student’s contact number
Label 8 lblTutorStudentEmail2 To display the student’s email
Button 1 btnTutorBack4 To return to the previous page
Button 2 btnTutorHome3 To return to the home page
GroupBox grpBoxTutor3 To group the other components to improve appearance
Panel panelTutor2 To divide the group box into a section for each student
PictureBox picBoxTutor2 To display the subject’s student’s picture

2.0 Description and Justification of the Design (Class Diagram) :

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3.0 Description and Justification of the Implementation Codes :

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4.0 Test Plan and Test Cases :

Test Function Name Test Objective Expected Result Actual Result Remarks
1 Validate staff To test whether Only allow the Allows the Class codes
login ID and validation of staff next form to next form to need to be
Password login credentials is appear if staff appear even if checked
correct login credentials credentials are
are valid incorrect
2 Error Message Makes an error The label is only Error message
message appear if to appear if is displayed None
login credentials credentials are only when
are incorrect incorrect credentials are
3 Edit Staff Staff details can be Allow changes Changes made
Personal changed made to the staff are saved None
Information details to be successfully
4 Change Staff Staff can change Allow the staff Uploads failed Codes need to
Photo their photos to upload a new and changes to be checked
photo the photo could again and
not be made corrected
5 Show tuition The staff can view Allow the Checked list Codes need to
subjects the list of subjects checked list box box of subjects be checked
when enrolling to appear if the did not appear again and
students student grade is after student corrected
chosen grade was
6 Edit Student Can Record and Allow Student to Run Need to add
Personal Edit Student edit their successfully to one more
Information Personal Personal edit student button to save
Information Information personal the Student
information Personal
7 Student Login Receive Allow Student Access to the None
ID and information of access to the Personal
Password Student Login ID Personal Information
and Password Information via Page
the Login ID and successfully
8 Home Button Directly access to Instantly go back Didn’t work Simple
the home page to the home page successfully at coding but
from any page. the first time need to be
with coding careful
9 Student Picture Student upload Student can Only work Coding
Box their profile photo update their when edit mistake
profile photo by button was
pressing the clicked
picture box

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10 Student Student can check Student The timetable None

Timetable their class timetable timetable will be run
shown out after successfully
pressing the but the design
timetable button of the time
table quite not
1 Name of the The test objective The expected The result from Optional, add
function to be will indicate what result of the the function remarks if
tested is to be tested function as how execution needed
it is supposed to during testing correction to
work the function
2 Add Member – To test whether Display error  Only Function
validate email validation of email message if the display codes need to
address is correct email entered error be checked
does not have message if again
the “@” and “@” is
“.” in the text omitted in
string the email.
 No error
for the “.”
3 Update Member Member details can Display  Notificatio None
status be updated notification n is
when update is displayed
successful correctly

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5.0 Conclusion :
In conclusion, our tuition centre management system aims to create an efficient and
effective application that allows for user-friendly interactions in order to solve daily problems
dealing with tuition centres. We hope that our ideas and designs for the system will succeed
in accomplishing its task to make running a tuition centre and managing all of its data
effortless and time-saving. Even though there have already been many tuition centre
management systems that were developed in the past, we are confident that ours will serve as
an upgrade or improvement as our system manages to not only fulfil its objectives but also
provides many additional features to the users such as the autogenerated first time login IDs
and passwords of the students and also the easy changing of the users’ personal information,
whether they are the staff, students, or tutors.

Our management system has many strengths which further enhances its ability to
serve as a tuition centre medium to connect the all of staff, students and tutors. One of it is
the system’s user-friendly interface. Often an underrated aspect of applications, an interface
is the key difference between a bad application and a good one, since the application will
always be dealing with different users on a daily basis. Our application’s user interface
ensures that our using it will be no hassle, even for first timers. The next strength is our
application is built in such a way to have minimal errors. For example, in the page where the
staff can enrol new students, the subjects that can be chosen will only appear once the grade
of the student is chosen, to prevent enrolling the student into the wrong grade, and all the
subjects will also in the list will also have its respective grade in front of them. Another
strength is our system has minimal delays since it does not have any unnecessary produces
that might slow down the system.

Like any other applications, our tuition centre management system too has its own
weaknesses. One of it is the autogenerated first time login IDs and passwords of the students
are only in the form of integers, making repetitions a possibility. Even though the students
would have changed their login IDs and passwords by then, the slight possibility might still
cause issues in the future. Another weakness is the lack of customization in the application’s
interface aspects. Our application does not give the freedom to its users to change the
appearance of the application, and uses similar interface design and layout across its many
screens, which might make it boring for some users.

There are some recommendations that can be given in order to further enhance the
system. The first one is to allow the users to customize their interface so that the application
suits their personal preference and encourage them to use it more often. For instance, users
should be allowed to change the theme of their profiles and the background colour of their
screens when they log in to their accounts. Another recommendation is to allow the users to
directly view useful information of other users, for example, the staff should be able to access
the student database to view their information such as contact number.

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6.0 References :

CodeProject, 2012. how to count number of checkbox selected in checkedlistbox. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 27 December 2019].
Guru99, 2020. C# Database Connection Tutorial with Example. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 29 December 2019].
Lucid Software Inc., 2020. UML Class Diagram Tutorial. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 January 2020].
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd., 2020. C# Class Diagram. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 11 January 2020].
Stack Exchange Inc;, 2020. How to disable textbox from editing?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 3 1 2020].
Stack Exchange Inc, 2020. C# code to class diagram [closed]. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 December 2019].
Stack Exchange Inc, 2020. How can I make my checkedlistbox vertically scrollable when
MultiColumn is set to true?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 December 2019].
Stack Exchange Inc, 2020. Transparency for windows forms textbox. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 December 2019].

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7.0 Workload Matrix

No. Assigned Task & Brief Description Assigned Member Completion Status /
Name Comment
1. Storyboard – Creation of the layouts of
each page and tables describing each Cheah Sze Vern Completed
component in the page
2. Class Diagram – Creation of the class
diagram which shows the classes Wong Hui Chuo Completed
implemented and their relationships
3 Description and Justification of the
Implementation Codes – Explanation of the Ngoi Zi Xuan Completed
classes and objects used in the coding
4 Test Plan and Test Cases – Records of the Cheah Sze Vern
few testing procedures that were done Wong Hui Chuo Completed
during the implementation of the codes Ngoi Zi Xuan
5 Conclusion – A brief summary of the
developed application including its Cheah Sze Vern Completed
strengths, weaknesses and
6 Coding for the Staff part – Coding of the Cheah Sze Vern Completed
sections that deal with “Staff”
7 Coding for the Student part – Coding of the Wong Hui Chuo Completed
sections that deal with “Student”
8 Coding for the Tutor part – Coding of the Ngoi Zi Xuan Completed
sections that deal with “Tutor”
9 Tuition Centre Database – Creation of the Cheah Sze Vern
database holding all the data to the system Wong Hui Chuo Completed
Ngoi Zi Xuan
10 Cover Page and Table of Content –
Creation of the student cover page and Wong Hui Chuo Completed
table of content
11 Formatting and Error Checking – Checking Ngoi Zi Xuan Completed
of the formatting and fixing any errors

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