Present Simple - Present Continuous

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1. Where's John? He __________ (listen) to a new CD in his room.

2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always __________ (rain) in England.

3. Jean __________ (work) hard all day but she __________ (not work) at the moment.

4. Look! That boy __________ (run) after the bus. He __________ (want) to catch it.

5. He __________ (speak) German so well because he __________ (come) from Germany.

6. Shh! The boss __________ (come). We __________ (meet) him in an hour and nothing is ready!

7. __________ you usually __________ (go) away for Christmas or __________ you __________ (stay) at home?

8. She __________ (hold) some roses. They __________ (smell) lovely.

9. Oh no! Look! It __________ (snow) again. It always __________ (snow) in this country.

10. Mary __________ (swim) very well, but she __________ (not run) very fast.

11. __________ you __________ (enjoy) this party? Yes, I __________ (have) a great time!

12. Sorry I can't help you. I __________ (not know) where she keeps her files.

13. What __________ you __________ (do) next Saturday? Nothing special. I __________ (stay) at home.

14. I __________ (think) your new hat __________ (look) nice on you.

15. I __________ (live) with my parents but right now I __________ (stay) with some friends for a few days.

16. I can't talk on the phone now. I __________ (drive) home.

17. Where are the children? They __________ (lie) on the beach over there.

18. You never __________ (listen) to a word I say! You __________ always __________ (listen) to that mp3 player!

19. He __________ (not understand) what you __________ (talk) about. He's foreign.

20. How much __________ your suitcase __________ (weigh)? It __________ (look) really heavy.

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