ENTS Assignment Questions

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Enterprise Systems (CT107-3-2)

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A. Course Learning Outcome:
Prepare a proposal for a large scale organisation to suggest on the implementation of Enterprise
System and subsequently able to express effectively and professionally the application of the
Enterprise System in the ogranisation.

B. Your assignment:

Case Study
UMX Education Group comprises of 2 institutions; UMX University and UMX College. Its aim
to deliver quality tertiary education to the school leavers. It offers broad range of programmes
which including Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor Degree and Master Degree.

With the growth of the UMX Education Group, it consists of 10,000 students and 700
employees. The employees include the lecturers, librarians, admin staff, operation staff, and etc.
in both UMX College and UMX University.

To facilitate the delivery of the programme, all the Certificate and Diploma students are located
in the UMX College. The Bachelor Degree and Master Degree programmes are running under
UMX University. Both campuses offer range of facilities and supports to the student. The
facilities including library, hostel, shuttle bus service, parking lot, labs and auditorium room to
support the student learning activities.

Currently, the UMX College and UMX University are self-governing and financially
independent. This has caused the usage of different Information Systems in both campuses, and
all systems are not integrated.

Part 1: Group
1. Identify the drawbacks or weaknesses of the non-integrated environment for UMX
Education Group.
2. If an Enterprise System is introduced to the UMX Education Group, discuss the how could
it enhance the current processes.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

Enterprise Systems (CT107-3-2)
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3. Discuss the challenges of the Enterprise System toward the UMX Education Group after the
implementation of the Enterprise System.

Part 2: Individual
You are required to prepare a proposal for UMX Education Group individually. The proposal
should include:
1. An Enterprise System architecture model layout with any software tool. The layout should
clearly indicate the modules which will be implemented in the UMX Education Group.
* Student is highly recommend to use ADOit:CE.
(ADOit:CE can be downloaded from www.adoit-community.com).
2. Identification of users for the proposed Enterprise System in the individual module.
3. Explain the functions of each module in the proposed Enterprise System.

C. Breakdown of Marks:

Group (25% out of 40%)

Learning Marks Performance Criteria
Materials are presented professionally using correct
CLO2 5% grammar, punctuation spelling and length. Addressed report
guidelines. Paragraphs are in a logical sequence to the whole
and flows logically into the next.
Research & References
CLO2 5% Supporting research clearly explained and presented.
Thoroughly lists references that are relevant to the topic.

Critical Evaluation
CLO2 10 % Clear evidence of original ideas and critical thinking in the
discussion of benefits and challenges.

Argument Coherence
CLO2 5% Paragraphs are in a logical sequence to the whole and flows
logically into the next.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation

Enterprise Systems (CT107-3-2)
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Individual (15% out of 40%)

Learning Marks Performance Criteria

Original Idea
CLO2 10 % Identification of the stakeholders and clear explanation on
the functions in the Enterprise System.
Impression of confidence, simplicity, clarity, structure and
CLO3 5%
time management of the presentation and ability to answer

D. Report Guidelines:
a) This is a group assignment which should consist of four (4) members.
b) This assignment consists of two (2) parts, it should be submitted in two (2) reports:
i. Group Part
 Submission: Week 8
 Maximum of 1500 words
 Hardcopy and softcopy with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
ii. Individual Part
 Submission: Week 12
 Maximum of 900 words individually
c) Line spacing: 1.5 lines
d) Font Size: 12 (except titles and headings)
e) Font Type: Times New Roman

E. Assignment Presentation:
a) A presentation (approximately 10-15 minutes) of your assignment in the class.

Level 2 Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation


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