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Desisnation: D 32e7 - 86r 1916 Racs St.. Philadolghia, Pa. 19103

ffli, Reorintod hom tho Arual 8@k o( ASTM Standards, Copytrght ASrM
ll not listsd in th€ cumnl cmbined indsx, will appaar In lho narl sdrl|on

Standard Practice for

Molding and Machining Tolerances for PTFE Resin Partsl
This srandard is issued under thc fixed designation D 3297: thc numbcr immediately following thc designation indicatcs the year of
original adoption or, in the casc of rcvision. the ycar of last rcvision. A numbcr in pa.rcnthescs indicates the year of lasl reapproval. A
superrnpt epsilon (r) indicates an editorial change since the lasr revision or rcapproval.

l. Scope tions. Because parts of PTFE resin deform easily, care must
1. IThis practice defines tolerances applicable to parts be taken dunng the measuring process. In certain instances,
molded and free sintered from PTFE resins and to machined
considering cross-section to diameter, the part must be
parts produced from basic shapes of compression-molded or supportd without distortion by a suitable fixture while being
ram-extruded resins. mensured. Measuring procedures, gages, and ftxtures should
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the be agreed upon between purchas€r and seller.
standard. 6. Interferences
6.1 Stabilized temperatures of molded or machined parts
2. Referenced Documents at time of measurement shdl be between 22 and 25"C (72
and 77"F). Difliculty is experienced between l8 and 2l'C (64
2.1 ASTM Standards: and 70"F) due to a criticai transition zone characteristic of
D6l8 Method for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical PTFE resins. Figure I illustrates this effect.
Insulating Materials for Testing2
D 883 Definition of Terms Relating to Plastics' 7. Conditioning
D 1898 Recommended Practice for Sampling of Plasticsa 7.1 Condition the parts at the established inspection
E 177 Recommended Practice for Use of the Terms temperature for a minimum of 24 h. A shorter period of
Precision and Accuracy as Applied to Measurement of a conditioning may result in erroneous measurements.
Property of a Material2'5 7.2 The maintenance of constant relative humidity is not
2.2 Military Standard:6 required unless, in filled materials, the filler may be affected
MIL-STD-IO5 Sampling Procedures and Tables for In- by moisture absorption. In this case, the Standard [:bora-
sp€ction by Attributes tory Atmosphere of 50 t 5 % relative humidity shall apply.

3. Terminology
3.1 General-Dehnitions of tgrms applying to this prac-
tice appear in Definitions D 883. ooor5

4. Summary of Practice
4.1 This practice provides minimum practical dimen-
sional tolerances for PTFE parts that are molded and
free-sintered or machined from stock shapes. Dimensional Coall,C'ant ol
+ v
values are most reproducible when the parts are measured at Eroonrroa

a stabilized temperature between 22 and 25"C (72 and 77'F)


using agreed upon measuring equipment and procedures.

! ooor
oooo: 3

5. Significance and Use c

5.1 The tolerances are applicable to conventional mea- a

suring equipment under controlled environmental condi-

rThis practice is under rhe jurisdiction of ASTM Committec D20 on Plasrics,

and is thc direct rcsponsibility of Subcommittee D20.15 on Thermoplastic
Materials (Section D20. I 5. l2).
Current edition approvcd Junc 24, 198E. Published AuS,ust 198E. Originally
publishcd as D 1297 - 74. kst prcvious edition D 3291 -14 (1980fr.
2.lnnual Book of .4STM Standards, Vols0E.0l. 10.01 and 10.02.
t .4nnual Book of AST|II Standards, Vols 08.01 and 08.O4.
' ..{nnual Book of ASTM Srandards, vol 0E.02.
.4nnual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 04.01 and 14.02. cc -2@ -too t2 I OO 2OO lm
6Availablc from Naval Publicarions and Forms Ccntcr. 5801 Tabor Ave.,
Phrladelphia. PA 19120. Attn: NPFC l0J. FIG. 1 Thermal Erpanrion ol PTFE Rerin
flh o gasz
TABLE 1 Tolerance! for Mddod Pertr of PTFE Ferlnc
Molded Part Tobrances
Diameter 0.010 mmTnvn 0.C10 h./in.
Wall 0.10 mm 0.G!4 h.
Height (maximum) 0.100 mm/mm (min 0.38 mm) 0.100 in./in. (mh 0.015 h.)
Conc€nrricity (OD to tD) 0.008 0.008
Parallelism wall-greater than 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) 0.010 mm/mrn diarn€tsr 0.010 h.fn. d{vnersr
Solid Round:
Diam€ter 0.010 mm/mm 0.010 h./h.
Heighl 0.100 mm/Brn min 0.38 nvn, min 0.254 mm 0.100 in./il. mh 0.015 h., mh 0.010 h.
Paralblism 0.20 mm/mm ol diarneter 0.008 h./n. of clrmatar
Solid otll€r than round:
Len$hs 0.01 mm/mm 0.010 in./in.
He€ht (mold ctirection) 0.100 mm/mrn min 0.38 rrn. min 0.254 mm 0.100 h-/in. mir 0.015 h., n*r 0.010 h.
Parallelism 0.20 mm/mm of ler€th 0.000 in./n. of l€ngtrl
Comers 0.25 mm min radius 0.010 in. mir radirs
Finish 3.25 pm nBr 128 p in. n|it
Drafl angle 4'max 4" max
Radius or fill€t. or both 0.25 mm min radius 0.010 in. mh radirE

TABLE 2 Tolerarrcer lor llachioed Plrtr of PTFE Rerinr

Machining Op€ratbn Tdord|ce
All dirn€nsions (OO, lO, and lengths) up to 25.4 mm (1 in.) t38 pm *0.0015 h.
For each adctitbnal inch ot dim€nsion (OO, lD ar|d l€r€th) add a further tolerancs of +25 Im 10.001 h.
lO tderance based on 8 l€ngrth to diarn€ter ratio no gr€ater than 1.5 to 1.0
Conoentriity*Total indkrator readir€ fflR) for rslatbn ol OD to tD arEtos tl50 tm 0.006 h.
t8.7 rad trh'
Reammg of PTFE p*ts is not geri€rally recom.nend€d drxr to buiLj-up of lriclirflal h€8t in tool.
Oiam€tet of drill€d hde tderance bas€d ofl a lenglh to q c,iarnet€r ratb not to oxcaed 5.0 to 1.0.
Locatim and (both of dril€d hob t38 pm 10.015 h.
AI din€nsions t0.0O5 nm/rrn 10.005 h./n.
Angles t8.7 rad t1/zo
All dirn€nsions +1.524 nvn t0.060 h.
Grinding: -0.000 nrn -0.000 h.
Fac€ or frat grinding is usually not perform€d on PTFE parts, but wh€re this process is requtr€d tobraricas are
to be agre€d upon betwe€n the purchaser and th€ s€ller.
Centerl€ss grirEing:
Dimensions up to '/. in. +12.7 Vm t0.mo5 h.
Dim€nsons hom r/2 in. to 1 in. a25.4 pm t0.001 h.
For €ach additbnal inch o. part of inch add a further tol€ranc€ ol 112.7 pm 10.0005 h.
When specitying surfacs finish on machined PTFE psrts, the method of measurEarent must also bo spocifi€d.
Even wh€n surfac€ rneasurement instrum€nts 8re paoperly us€d, rmt m€an squaro (rmg), surte frr€h readiE
will range t50 * and tol€ranc€s shoukl be sp€ofi€d.
When pedomanc€ is a furction of finish, insp€ction tschnques shouH be agr€€d qgon betw€€n ttre prrctraser
ai'd th€ seil€i. ii siour(t b€ Foini€,j OUi ihai, sii,c€ a Firii-€,- ihai ijfi,jaiEffis piasuc i{fw iT|ai€,-,ai ii&lsfsi is
beang consid€rod, th€ sur{ac€ finish. atselt, is not as critical as at is for rn€tals.

E. Procedure 8.2 Machined part tolerances for customarily used ma-

8.1 Molded part configurations and tolerances shall be as chining methods shall be as shown in Table 2.
shnwn in Trhle I

The American SocietY lot Tdsling and Materials ta** no posrt orf rcspcting the validity o! any Ftent rights assorted ia co.tnoctb.,
with any nem mentionod in this standdrc. Users oi lfils standarc! uo expressty advts€d |tlal ctete/fiinstiotl ol the valkttty ot any s.tch
patent rights, and the iisk ol inhingement ol such tights, arc antircly thei( own rcsryrsitilw.

Iia standard is sublecf lo rcvision at any time by the respnsiblo tehnicat committ€e aN must M rcviewad every liw yan aN
il not rcvised, either rcapproved ot withdrdwn. YotJr comments arc invited anh?/. br rav,bion otm,s stardarct o( W d(t(tttkctlt! standrrdj
and shonld b€ addressed to ASIM HeadquatTers. Yd)r commenls wiil rer,eive careful consktelation al a lrrerltitg ol |lr€ rasponsibb
technical commind€, which you may attend. lt you te€l that your corilr?f,nts hatre not rgr,fliv€d a lair hearirg you sltould dr*a your
vi6ws known to the ASTM Commnee on St€ndards, t9t6 Eaco St., phlldelphia, pA 19103.

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