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1 Grammar: questions

Some of these questions have an extra word. Cross out the extra word. If the question is correct, put
a tick next to it.


Do are you busy today? The extra word is do.

Was your father born in Argentina? X

1. Why did you decide to move to Australia?

2. Who did wrote this book?
3. When did you move to Canada in 1999?
4. What does your friend he like to drink?
5. Do your brothers study English?
6. Who does usually cooks dinner in your family?
7. Does your mother to work here?
8. Where place do you live?
9. Did you go to school in London?
10. Whose the phone is this?

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Grammar: quantifiers

Complete the sentences with the missing words from the box.
a a few an any little
lot many much of some

1. I need lemon to make this cake.

2. Do we have cheese?
3. There is a coffee in my cup.
4. We have doughnuts.
5. We have lots lettuce.
6. How oranges do we need?
7. Do we have onion?
8. We have a of tea.
9. How juice is there?
10. We have tomatoes.

2 Grammar: futures (present continuous, be going to and will)

Complete the sentence with the correct future form of the verb in brackets. Use contractions where
you can.

1. Dr Temple believes robots more important in the future. (be)

2. I home and watch a film on TV tonight. (stay)
3. I my friends on Friday night at 7:30. (meet)
4. I predict robots all of our housework. (do)
5. My husband tennis with his boss this afternoon. (play)
6. My sister her homework tomorrow. (do)
7. Robots probably good teachers. (not be)
8. They the kitchen at the weekend. (clean)
9. We anything on Sunday, so we can meet you for a coffee then. (not do)
10. We to send humans into space because we have robots. (not need)

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Grammar: advice and rules with should(n’t), must(n’t), can(’t), could and imperatives

Read the first sentence and add one word to the second sentence so that it has the same meaning.

1) It’s a good idea to go to bed early on Sunday nights.

- You go to bed early on Sunday nights.

2) It’s ok to eat your lunch here.

- You eat your lunch here.

3) My advice is to wait 30 days before you buy something.

- you wait 30 days before you buy something?

4) No dictionaries in the exam!

- You use a dictionary in the exam.

5) It’s a bad idea to buy coffee and snacks every day.

- You buy coffee and snacks every day.

6) Speed limit: 10 kilometres/hour.

- slowly.

7) No flash photographs!

- You use a flash when you take photos.

8) The sign says to use this door only.

- You use this door.

9) This is a no-smoking area.

- smoke in this area.

10) We sell ice cream in the shop.

- You buy an ice cream in the shop.

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3 Vocabulary: clothes and food

Write what you see.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

4 Vocabulary: countable and uncountable nouns

Place these nouns in the correct column of the table.

tomato juice apple banana sweetcorn strawberry

garlic bread egg onion money

countable nouns uncountable nouns

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5 Vocabulary: prepositions

Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions from the box. You need to use some of the
prepositions twice.

at / about x 2 / away / in / on x 2 / out / up x 2

1. Albert Einstein was born 1879.

2. Do you want to throw these old clothes ?
3. I know you need the toilet, but can you hold for a minute?
4. I’m meeting my brother for coffee Saturday.
5. She gave sugar because her teeth were so bad.
6. Try not to worry your exam. I’m sure it will be fine.
7. We love eating and we always like trying new restaurants.
8. We’re having a meeting with the customers 11 o’clock.
9. What did you think that film you saw last weekend?
10. You should fill your water bottle before you go out.

6 Vocabulary: collocations (words that often go together)

Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences.

1. Doctors and nurses care for a. an exam next week.

2. I can’t go shopping with you tomorrow b. housework, so my father does all the
because I’m seeing cleaning.
3. If you’re hot, you should open c. sick people.

4. In the future, robots who fight d. space than a real person.

5. It’s less dangerous for a robot to explore e. the animals at the zoo.

6. My mother hates doing f. the dentist.

7. Please keep our animals safe - don’t leave g. the road for any reason.

8. She’s taking h. the windows.

9. Some of the animals in the safari park are i. wars will possibly be dangerous to people.
dangerous, so stay in
10. You mustn’t feed j. your car at all times.

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7 Pronunciation: silent letters

A silent letter is a letter that we use when we write a word, but we don’t pronounce this letter when
we speak. For example, in the word talk, the letter l is silent.

Underline the silent letters in these words. Some words have two silent letters.

1. should
2. fight
3. bowl
4. who
5. friends
6. clothes
7. vegetables
8. mustn’t
9. fruit
10. doughnut

8 Social English

The lines in bold have words missing. Add one missing word to each sentence or question in the
correct place, as in the example:

Sales assistant: Hello, what are you looking today?

Dialogue 1: buying clothes

Sales assistant: Hello, what are you looking for today?

Customer: Do you have any summer dresses?
Sales assistant: Yes, we do. What are you?
Customer: I usually a small.
Sales assistant: You should try these they’re in all the magazines.
Customer: Thanks. Where can I them on?
Sales assistant: Over there. ... That blue dress really suits.
Customer: Thanks! How much does it cost?
Sales assistant: It’s sale - only 35!
Customer: Fine.
Sales assistant: How would you like to pay?
Customer: In cash, please.

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Dialogue 2: making plans

A: Hi! I’m calling to see we can meet. I want to tell you about my holiday!
B: Let me look at my. I can’t meet you tomorrow, because we’re having an important meeting
at work. Are you free on Tuesday?
A: Tuesday’s not good for me. I’m going to study for my Spanish exam. It’s next. What about
B: I know it sounds stupid, but I’m going to go to the supermarket on Wednesday. If I don’t go,
I won’t have any food in the house. I’m free on Thursday - are you?
A: Let’s see. No, on Thursday I’m seeing the dentist. But I’m on Friday evening. I’m going to
have fish and chips on Friday. Do you want to come too?
B: Great idea! I love fish and chips. Let’s meet at 6:30, in front of the chip shop. Don’t late! I’ll
be hungry!
A: I’ll be there on time! See you then.

Optional extension: work in pairs. First study the dialogues. For Dialogue 1, Student A reads the
part of the sales assistant while Student B covers their paper and plays the part of the customer. For
Dialogue 2, roleplay a similar conversation to make plans to meet. Invent your own details and finish
the conversation after discussing four possible days to meet.

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9 Reflect on your learning

When you are learning a language, it is helpful to stop and think about what you can/can’t do after
your lessons. Put a tick Xin one column of the table to show your skills and abilities.

Language area I can do it - it’s I can do it I can’t do it.

easy! sometimes.

Grammar questions

countable and

quantifiers: a/an,
much/ many, a
few/a little, lots
of/a lot of

futures: present
continuous, be
going to and will


rules: must(n’t),

Vocabulary clothes

food and drink

fruit and


phrasal verbs
(verb +

Pronunciation silent letters

Social English buying clothes

making plans

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