Bible Chronological Order

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 Before Time, John 1: 1-5: In the Beginning was the Word

 Before 4000 BC, Genesis 1: The Creation
 Before 4000 BC, Genesis 2: The Garden of Eden
 Before 4000 BC, Genesis 3: The Fall of Man
 Before 3000 BC, Genesis 4: Cain kills Abel
 Before 3000 BC, Genesis 5: From Adam to Noah
 Before 2500 BC, Genesis 6 – 10: The Great Flood
 Before 2100 BC, Job 1 – 42: Job’s Suffering and Faith
 Before 2100 BC, Genesis 11: The Tower of Babel
 2091 BC, Genesis 12: God Sends Abram to Egypt
 2085 BC, Genesis 13: Abram and Lot Part Ways
 2084 – 1806 BC, Genesis 14 – 50: The Decendants of Abraham.
 1800 – 1446 BC, Exodus 1 – 3: Israel in Egypt
 1446 – 1445 BC, Exodus 4 – 40: The Ten Plagues on Egypt
 1445 BC, Leviticus 1 – 23: Laws for Sacrifices and Offerings
 1445 – 1407 BC, Numbers 1 – 36: Census, Tribes, Duties
 1407 BC, Psalm 90: Psalm of Moses
 1406 BC, Deuteronomy 1 – 34: Moses’ Summary of Israel’s History
 1406 – 1375 BC, Joshua 1 – 24: Joshua Leads Israel Into Canaan.
 1375 – 1140 BC, Judges 1 – 21: Israel’s relationship with the Gentiles in Canaan.
 1140 BC, Ruth 1 – 4: Naomi, Ruth and Boaz
 1100 – 1013 BC, 1 Samuel 1 – 20: Samuel, Saul, and David
 1013 BC, Psalm 59: David’s Psalm of Deliverance
 1012 BC, 1 Samuel 21: David at Nob and Gath
 1012 BC, Psalm 52: David’s Psalm Fleeing Saul
 1012 BC, Psalm 34: David’s Psalm Before Ahimelech
 1011 BC, Psalm 56: David’s Psalm at Gath
 1011 BC, 1 Samuel 22: Saul Slays the Priests of Nob
 1011 BC, Psalms 57: David’s Psalms in the Cave
 1011 BC, Psalms 142: David’s Psalms in the Cave
 1011 BC, 1 Samuel 23: David Flees Saul
 1011 BC, Psalm 54: David’s Psalm at Keilah
 1011 BC, 1 Samuel 24 – 31: David vs. Saul
 1010 – 1004 BC, 2 Samuel 1 – 4: David’s Children
 1003 BC, 1 Chronicles 1 – 10: Genealogies of the Israelites
 1003 BC, 2 Samuel 5: David Reigns over All Israel
 1003 – 1000 BC, 1 Chronicles 11 – 15: David Reigns over All Israel
 1000 BC, 2 Samuel 6 – 8: The Ark is Brought to Jerusalem
 998 BC, Psalm 60: David’s Psalm of Victory
 998 BC, Psalm 15: David’s Psalm of Zion
 998 BC, Psalm 24: David’s Psalm of Glory to God
 998 BC, 1 Chronicles 16: David’s festival sacrifice
 998 BC, Psalms 96, 105, 106: Psalms of Praise
 997 BC, 1 Chronicles 17 – 18: David Purposes to build a Temple
 995 BC, 2 Samuel 9 – 10: David and Mephibosheth
 995 BC, 1 Chronicles 19 – 20: David Defeats Ammon and Aram
 993 BC, 2 Samuel 11 – 12: David and Bathsheba
 991 BC, Psalm 51: David’s Psalm of Repentance
 990 BC, 2 Samuel 13 – 14: Amnon and Tamar
 979 BC, 1 Chronicles 21 – 27: David Forces a Census, prepares government
 976 BC, 2 Samuel 15 – 16: Absalom’s Conspiracy
 972 BC, Psalm 63: David’s Psalm of Thirst for God
 972 BC, 2 Samuel 17: Hushai’s Warning Saves David
 972 BC, Psalms 41, 55: David Psalms of Deliverance
 972 BC, 2 Samuel 18 – 23: Absalom Slain by Joab
 970 BC, Psalm 108: David’s Psalm of Steadfastness
 970 BC, 2 Samuel 24: David Counts the Fighting Men
 970 BC, 1 Chronicles 28 – 29: David’s last days
 970 BC, 1 Kings 1 – 2: David’s last days
 970 BC, Psalm 37: David’s Psalm of Salvation
 967 BC, Psalm 72: Psalm for Solomon
 967 BC, 2 Chronicles 1: Solomon Asks for Wisdom
 967 BC, 1 Kings 3: Solomon Asks for Wisdom
 967 BC, Psalm 45: Psalm of Korah
 967 BC, 1 Kings 4 – 9: Solomon’s Wisdom
 966 BC, 2 Chronicles 2 – 7: Solomon Prepares for a Temple and Palace
 959 BC, Psalms 135 – 136: Psalms of Solomon
 959 BC, 2 Chronicles 8: Solomon’s buildings
 950 BC, Psalm 127: Solomon Psalm of Blessing
 950 BC, Proverbs 1 – 31: The Proverbs of Solomon
 950 BC, Songs 1 – 8: Solomon’s Song of Songs
 979 BC, Psalms 1 – 150 (Assorted): Psalms of Unknown Authors
 946 BC, 1 Kings 10: The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
 946 BC, 2 Chronicles 9: The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon
 939 BC, 1 Kings 11: Solomon’s Wives and Idolatry
 937 BC, Ecclesiastes 1 – 12: Ecclesiastes Words of the Preacher
 931 BC, 1 Kings 12 – 13: The Kingdom is Divided
 930 BC, 2 Chronicles 10 – 12: Israelites Rebel against Rehoboam
 925 BC, 1 Kings 14 – 15: Ahijah’s Prophecies against Jeroboam
 913 BC, 2 Chronicles 13 – 14: Civil War against Jeroboam
 909 BC, 1 Kings 16: Jehu’s prophecy against Baasha
 895 BC, 2 Chronicles 15 – 17: Asa’s Reforms
 863 BC, 1 Kings 17 – 22: Elijah Prays for Drought
 853 BC, Obadiah 1: The Vision of Obadiah
 853 BC, 2 Chronicles 18 – 21: Jehoshaphat Allies with Ahab
 852 BC, 2 Kings 1 – 11: Elisha
 841 BC, 2 Chronicles 22 – 24: Ahaziah Succeeds Jehoram in Judah
 841 BC, 2 Chronicles 23: Jehoiada Makes Joash King
 835 BC, 2 Kings 12: Joash Reigns Well
 835 BC, Joel 1 – 3: The Word of the LORD to Joel
 812 BC, 2 Kings 13 – 14: Jehoahaz’s wicked reign
 796 BC, 2 Chronicles 25: Amaziah’s good reign
 790 BC, 2 Kings 15: Azariah’s good reign
 790 BC, 2 Chronicles 26: Uzziah Reigns in Judah
 766 BC, Amos 1 – 9: The Words of Amos
 760 BC, Jonah 1 – 4: Jonah Sent to Nineveh
 753 BC, Hosea 1 – 14: Hosea’s Prophecies
 750 BC, 2 Chronicles 27 – 28: Jotham Succeeds Uzziah
 742 BC, 2 Kings 16: Wicked Reign of Ahaz
 739 BC, Isaiah 1 – 7: Isaiah Complains of Zion’s Corruption
 735 BC, Micah 1 – 7: The Word of the LORD to Micah
 734 BC, Isaiah 8 – 25: Uriah and Zechariah
 725 BC, 2 Kings 17: Hoshea the Last King of Israel
 716 BC, 2 Chronicles 29 – 31: Hezekiah’s Good Reign
 712 BC, 2 Kings 20: Hezekiah’s Illness and Healing
 711 BC, Isaiah 38 – 66: Hezekiah Shows Treasures
 701 BC, 2 Kings 18: Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
 701 BC, Isaiah 26 – 36: Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
 701 BC, 2 Chronicles 32: Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem
 701 BC, Psalms 46 – 48: Korah’s Psalms of Refuge (2Ch 32)
 701 BC, 2 Kings 19: Hezekiah’s Prayer
 701 BC, Isaiah 37: Hezekiah’s Prayer
 697 BC, Nahum 1 – 3: The Vision of Nahum
 687 BC, 2 Kings 21: Manasseh’s Wicked Reign
 687 BC, 2 Chronicles 33: Manasseh’s Wicked Reign
 640 BC, 2 Kings 22: Josiah’s good reign
 640 BC, 2 Chronicles 34: Josiah’s good reign
 638 BC, Zephaniah 1 – 3: The Word of the LORD to Zephaniah
 627 BC, Jeremiah 1 – 10: The Call of Jeremiah
 625 BC, Habakkuk 1 – 3: The Oracle to Habakkuk
 622 BC, Jeremiah 11 – 12: Jeremiah Proclaims God’s Covenant
 621 BC, 2 Kings 22 – 23: Josiah Prepares for Temple Repair
 621 BC, 2 Chronicles 35 – 36: Josiah Celebrates the Passover
 609 BC, Jeremiah 13 – 47: Jeremiah Proclaims Covenant Is Broken
 605 BC, Daniel 1 – 2: Daniel Refuses the King’s Portion
 601 BC, 2 Kings 24: Rebellion of Jehoiakim
 593 BC, Ezekiel 1 – 19: Ezekiel’s Prophecy at Chebar
 591 BC, Ezekiel 20 – 23: Ezekiel Sees God Refuse the Elders
 588 BC, 2 Kings 25: Siege of Jerusalem Begins
 588 BC, Jeremiah 48 – 49: Jeremiah Prophesies against Moab
 588 BC, Ezekiel 24 – 25: Siege of Jerusalem Begins
 586 BC, 2 Kings 25: The Fall of Jerusalem
 586 BC, Psalms 74, 79, Jer. 52: Psalms of Desolation (Jer. 52)
 586 BC, Jeremiah 50, 51: Jeremiah Prophesies against Babylon
 586 BC, Lamentations 1 – 5: Jeremiah’s Lamentations
 586 BC, Ezekiel 26 – 39: Ezekiel Pronounces Judgment on Tyre
 585 BC, Daniel 3 – 4: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
 573 BC, Ezekiel 40 – 48: Ezekiel’s Second Temple Vision
 539 BC, Daniel 5 – 12: Daniel Interprets Handwriting on the Wall
 537 BC, Ezra 1 – 5: The Proclamation of Cyrus
 520 BC, Haggai 1 – 2: The Word of the LORD by Haggai
 520 BC, Zechariah 1 – 14: The Word of the LORD to Zechariah
 520 BC, Ezra 6: Temple Work Resumed by Darius’ Decree
 483 BC, Esther 1 – 10: Queen Vashti Deposed
 458 BC, Ezra 7 – 10: Ezra Journeys to Jerusalem
 445 BC, Nehemiah 1 – 13: Nehemiah’s Prayer for the Exiles
 430 BC, Malachi 1 – 4: The Word of the LORD by Malachi
 1 BC, Luke 1 – 2: Birth of John the Baptist
 1 BC, Mathew 1: Augustus Taxes the Roman Empire
 1 AD, Matthew 2: Visit of the Magi
 1 AD, John 1: Early Life of Jesus
 30 AD, Matthew 3: John the Baptist Prepares the Way
 30 AD, Mark 1: John the Baptist Prepares the Way
 30 AD, Luke 3: John the Baptist Prepares the Way
 30 AD, Matthew 4: Temptation of Jesus
 30 AD, Luke 4: Temptation of Jesus
 30 AD, Luke 5: Jesus Calls his First Disciples
 30 AD, John 2 – 4: Wedding at Cana
 30 AD, Matthew 5 – 7: Sermon on the Mount
 31 AD, Matthew 8: Jesus Ministers in Galilee
 31 AD, Mark 2: Jesus Ministers in Galilee
 31 AD, John 5: The Pool of Bethesda
 31 AD, Matthew 12: Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
 31 AD, Mark 3: Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
 31 AD, Luke 6: Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
 31 AD, Matthew 11: Jesus Answers John’s Disciples
 31 AD, Luke 7: Jesus Answers John’s Disciples
 31 AD, Matthew 13: Jesus Speaks Many Parables
 31 AD, Mark 4: Jesus Speaks Many Parables
 31 AD, Luke 8: Jesus Speaks Many Parables
 31 AD, Mark 5: Jesus Heals a Demoniac
 31 AD, Matthew 9: Jesus Heals a Paralytic
 32 AD, Matthew 10: Jesus Sends out His Twelve Apostles
 32 AD, Mark 6: John the Baptist Beheaded
 32 AD, Matthew 14: John the Baptist Beheaded
 32 AD, Luke 9: Jesus Feeds the 5,000
 32 AD, John 6: Jesus Feeds the 5,000
 32 AD, Matthew 15: Teachings on Clean and Unclean
 32 AD, Mark 7: Teachings on Clean and Unclean
 32 AD, Matthew 16: Peter’s Confession of Christ
 32 AD, Mark 8: Peter’s Confession of Christ
 32 AD, Matthew 17: The Transfiguration
 32 AD, Mark 9: The Transfiguration
 32 AD, Matthew 18: Greatest and Least in the Kingdom
 32 AD, Luke 10 – 11: Jesus Sends out the Seventy-two
 32 AD, John 7 – 10: Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles
 33 AD, Luke 12 – 17: Jesus Speaks More Parables
 33 AD, John 11: Jesus Raises Lazarus
 33 AD, Matthew 19 – 20: Final Journey to Jerusalem
 33 AD, Mark 10: Final Journey to Jerusalem
 33 AD, Luke 18: Final Journey to Jerusalem
 33 AD, Matthew 21: The Triumphal Entry
 33 AD, Mark 11: The Triumphal Entry
 33 AD, Luke 19: The Triumphal Entry
 33 AD, John 12 – 13: The Triumphal Entry
 33 AD, Matthew 22 – 24: Closing Ministry in Jerusalem
 33 AD, Matthew 25 – 26: Closing Ministry in Jerusalem
 33 AD, Mark 12 – 13: Closing Ministry in Jerusalem
 33 AD, Luke 20 – 21: Thursday Before Passover
 33 AD, John 14 – 17: Jesus Comforts His Disciples
 33 AD, Matthew 27: Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion
 33 AD, Mark 14 – 15: Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion
 33 AD, Luke 22 – 23: Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion
 33 AD, John 18 – 19: Jesus’ Betrayal, Trial, Crucifixion
 33 AD, Matthew 28: Jesus’ Resurrection
 33 AD, Mark 16: Jesus’ Resurrection
 33 AD, Luke 24: Jesus’ Resurrection
 33 AD, John 20 – 21: Jesus’ Resurrection
 33 AD, Acts 1: The Ascension
 33 AD, Acts 2 – 12: The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
 45 AD, James 1 – 5: James Writes his Letter
 48 AD, Acts 13 – 18: Paul’s First Missionary Journey
 51 AD, 1 Thess. 1 – 5: Paul Writes to the Thessalonians
 52 AD, 2 Thess. 1 – 3: Paul Writes again to the Thessalonians
 54 AD, Acts 19: Paul in Ephesus
 54 AD, 1 Corinthians 1 – 16: Paul Writes to the Corinthians
 54 AD, Galatians 1 – 6: Paul Writes to the Galatians
 57 AD, Acts 20: Paul in Macedonia and Greece
 57 AD, Romans 1 – 16: Paul Writes to the Romans
 57 AD, 2 Corinthians 1 – 13: Paul Writes again to the Corinthians
 59 AD, Acts 21 – 28: Paul Returns to Jerusalem
 62 AD, Ephesians 1 – 6: Paul Writes to the Ephesians
 62 AD, Philippians 1 – 4: Paul Writes to the Philippians
 62 AD, Colossians 1 – 4: Paul Writes to the Colossians
 62 AD, Philemon 1: Paul Writes to Philemon
 63 AD, 1 Timothy 1 – 6: Paul Writes to Timothy
 64 AD, 1 Peter 1 – 5: Peter Writes his First Letter
 66 AD, Titus 1 – 3: Paul Writes to Titus
 67 AD, 2 Timothy 1 – 4: Paul Writes Again to Timothy
 67 AD, 2 Peter 1 – 3: Peter Writes his Second Letter
 68 AD, Hebrews 1 – 13: Letter to the Hebrews
 68 AD, Jude 1: Jude Writes his Letter
 90 AD, 1 John 1 – 5: John Writes his First Letter
 92 AD, 2 John 1: John Writes his Second Letter
 94 AD, 3 John 1: John Writes his Third Letter
 95 AD, Revelation 1 – 22: John’s Revelation on Patmos

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