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4/9/21 18:06 Introduction to Process Designer - IBM Documentation

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence / Change version

5.2.0 /

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence, Version 5.2

Introduction to Process Designer

The PD module helps you design and define the authorization

Process Designer provides a modeler capable of

outlining every type of workflow
finalized for implementing custom authorization processes, that can
be accessed from
the Access Requests front end module of
IBM® Security Identity Governance and

The Process Designer strength

lies in its ability to describe an authorization process
using an
instrument of visual design, that supports the administrator from
the beginning
of the process to the end, which is marked by the automatic
production of front end
graphical pages associated with every single

This module, together with Access Governance Core (AGC),

which implements the
role-based access control engine of IBM Security Identity Governance and
Intelligence, provides
all the tools and functions needed for managing effectively:
– Requests to access the system application
– Allocation/revocation of authorization profiles
– Password lifecycle
– Notifications that are sent to users during different phases of
the authorization process
– Temporary delegations of personal roles associated with users
of the system
– Definition of the visibility range associated with an administrative

Process Designer is
a highly configurable module that can be used by system integrators
or administrators of an organization to plan an authorization workflow.

For every administrative figure (IAM actors), it is possible to

define a visibility range that
only includes parts of the organization
(hierarchy of organizational units and its
associated users) that
are directly involved and the applications with which it can deliver
the necessary authorization.

The integrated workflow engine in this module enables you to create

combinations of authorization actions, with the aim of
defining groups of permissions
(condensed into roles) for every single
user registered by the system. 1/3
4/9/21 18:06 Introduction to Process Designer - IBM Documentation

You can create approval processes for the allocation or revocation

of a user role,
established by different intermediate levels, each
one pertaining to a distinct actor within
the process.

Access Requests directly

communicates with the Access Governance Core for the
allocation and the revocation of user roles and for the propagation
of permissions on
potential target systems.

An example of the structure of a possible authorization flow, implemented

by Process
is shown in the following diagram:
Figure 1. Workflow
based on four IAM actors

– Authorization process roadmap

The provisioning of access permissions to resources and

applications of an organization
require a well-defined authorization
– Modeling an activity

An activity is an aggregation of functional attributes.

– Manage

– Configure

– Monitor

– Settings

Parent topic:
Administrators 2/3
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