Risk Definition - IBM Documentation

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4/9/21 18:06 Risk definition - IBM Documentation

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence / Change version

5.2.0 /

IBM Security Identity Governance and Intelligence, Version 5.2

Risk definition
The Risk tab contains the list of
risks defined on the system.

In the Risk tab, the following filters can

be used for the risk search (by clicking
Filter/Hide Filter):

Risk filters

Filter Description

Name Risk name.

Description Description of the risk nature.

Risk status:

Status – Assigned Risk: Risk already assigned to the mitigation.

– Not Assigned Risk: Risk not assigned to the mitigation

Type Type of risk.

In the Risk tab, a risk can be added or

removed by clicking Add or Remove.

Select a risk to view its details in the Risk Details tab.

The Risk details are described in
the table below:

Risk details

Detail Description

Name Risk name

Description Description of the risk nature

Type Type of risk

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Risk details

Detail Description

Type of visibility scope:

– Model: Risk is assigned as a user role.

Scope Type – Scope: Risk is assigned directly to a user
– Both: Risk can be assigned using a model
or a scope

Level Level of risk (measured from 0 to 9)

Impact Description of the risk impact

Likelihood Value between 0 and 1

Tolerance Description of the risk tolerance

Trend Description of the risk trend

Description of the manageable risk acceptance. Risk acceptance
is a value <
Name of the person responsible for an activity in a company.
Use the User
button on the right side of the
attribute box to insert a user (owner)

Date of the risk creation (dd/mm/yyyy; hh/mm/ss)

In the list below are shown the main operations related to the
risk definition:

– Risk details
– Activity
– Applicable Mitigation Controls
– Users

In the Activity tab
are listed all the activities already aggregated to the risk selected
the Risk tab, on the left. In the same pane,
you can remove an activity by clicking
By clicking View in the Activity tab,
you can view the exact position of the
selected activity in the tree

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By clicking Add in the Add

window that opens, you can view all the activities listed in the
(Tree view tab or Search tab).
From this window it is possible to add an activity
to a risk by clicking Ok.
In the Add window, the following filters can
be used to perform
an activity search (by clicking Filter/Hide

Activity filters

Name Description

Name Name of the business activity.

Identifier The univocal identifier of the business activity.

Description Brief description of the business activity.

Applicable mitigation controls

the Applicable Mitigation Controls tab are
listed all the mitigation controls already
aggregated to the risk
selected in the Risk tab, on the left. In
the same pane, you can
remove a mitigation control by clicking Remove.

clicking Add, the Add window
that appears contains the list of all the mitigation
controls listed
in the system. From this window, you can add a mitigation control
to a risk
by clicking Ok. In the Add window,
the Name (name of the mitigation) and Description
of the mitigation) filters can be used to perform a risk search (by
Filter/Hide Filter).

From the Users tab
you can view the list of users already aggregated to the risk selected
in the Risk tab. In this tab, the following
filters can be used to perform a search operation
(by clicking Filter/Hide

User filters

Filter Description

This field can contain the name, the surname or the User ID
of the user.

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User filters

Filter Description

This check box is always selected. The search action is performed

only on
the user already aggregated to an OU.

OU to which the user belongs.
If this check box is selected, the operation is executed starting
from the
Hierarchy selected OU root down through all branches of the subtree
that originate
from that root.

Parent topic:

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