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Title: I Will Go! Fulfilling the Mission lost and asked himself all these questions.

But one
1. Purpose of the Program (Br. Chan) day...
2. Introduction (Adrian arrives from the Adventurers’ fair to his
grandmother’s house, who is sitting in a chair reading).
a. Emblems and Song (All Adventurers) (Sis
Edurado/ Adrian: (Enters silently and drags the backpack,
Mercedes) head down)
b. Hymn Spanish: 603 “I Will Early Seek the Grandma: Hello Adrian! Tell me, how’d it go at the
Savior” (Sis Doris) fair? (Grandma notices that the child is sad, closes
c. Prayer (Br. Eber Suar) the book, and places it on the table.) Adrian, can you
come closer? What’s wrong?
d. Special Music (Preferably by Adventurers)
Edurado/ Adrian: (He is shyly approaching her)
(Sis Mercedes) grandmother,
3. Program Development is that I do not understand how all the people
a. Adrian cooperates around me know what they want, and they all
b. The Adventurers come in and explain what have a purpose. My dad is an engineer, my mom
loves to read like you, and my brother is already an
the story Timothy entails with Adrian.
instructor in the Pathfinder Club.
c. Sabbath School classes begin Grandma: But that’s all very well.
4. Sabbath School Conclusion Edurado/ Adrian: The problem is not them, the problem is
a. Challenges me.
Grandma: Why do you say you’re the problem?
Purpose: That every Adventurer always keeps 1 Adrian: I see everyone knows what they want to
Timothy 4:12 in mind “Don’t let anyone look down do and can do it, except me.
on you because you are young, but set an example 6 ADVENTURERENGLISHPROGRAM
for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in (While talking someone knocks on the door)
faith and in purity.” (Br. Chan) Emeriania/ Girl 1: Hello Mrs. Bertha! My mom sent me to
borrow the book Steps to Christ.
Pre-crafting: Each participant must be given their (While Grandma searches for the book the girl realizes that
part with time and must learn it by heart, searching Adrian is sad and when Grandma returns, she asks her
for the elements for the setting of each scene. whispering)
Adventurers should be dressed in their uniform Girl 1: What’s wrong with Adrian?
and others dressed according to their character. Grandma: He’s a little sad.
Try to make each Adventurer feels special and part Girl 1: (Addressing Adrian) When I’m sad I like
of something very big. If the club or the church to sing. Sis Doris, how about we sing hymn
has a chance, prepare some souvenirs at the door #_______ I Will Early Seek the Savior?
to remember the day. Grandma: Yes! Let’s all sing.
(A leader calls all Adventurers to formation and they form in Girl 1: Well, I have to go, my mom’s waiting for this
columns.) book. Bye!
Leader: How are you Adventurers? (Sis. Soemi) Grandma: Well Adrian, sit next to me and let’s talk.
Adventurers: (in unison) Good, sir/ma’am! Grandma: In the Bible is the story of a child who
Leader: Who can tell me what we have for today? (Sis. was raised by his grandmother and mother, they
Soemi) loved Jesus and taught Timothy to love him too.
Adventurer 4 years (Esther): Today We will go to He was a kind and intelligent child, courteous
our Adventurer Fair. with everyone, Timothy had a great longing to
Leader: All right, Esther! Today we have our serve Jesus and for others to know about him.
Adventurers’ Fair, but before we go, we’re going to Even though he was a child like you Adrian; when
recite our emblems. one of his neighbors got sick, he helped them
by collecting water for them in jars, he would
bring a piece of bread to the paralytic, who was
VOTE, LAW AND SONG Sis. Pena always at the temple door. He always cooperated
(The whole club is on its way to the fair) as much as possible at home, and everyone
Ismeal Adventurer 1: (Talks to the congregation) Have in the community loved Timothy. One day the
you ever wondered who you are? What purpose Apostle Paul visited Timothy’s neighborhood, and
you have in this world? Where do you come everyone spoke well of him. Timothy became a
from? Where are you going? And through these missionary who preached to many people, he
questions, have you tried to find your lost identity? ADVENTURERENGLISHPROGRAM7
I remember what happened to my friend Adrian, even became a pastor. But while he was a boy
he was an Adventurer like you and me, but he was
like you, he was fulfilling his mission with those came to this earth.
around him. Think of God’s great love for you. You Leader: Now, let’s look at every challenge accomplished this
are made in the image of God. And just as God had week!
a special mission for Timothy, He has it for you. In (Play the videos for each mission accomplished)
the meantime, you must prepare the way so that CONCLUSION
when you grow up you can fulfill your purpose. Do Taking a posterboard where there will be a
you understand Adrian? figure of a family, children, teachers, the elderly
Adrian: Of course, Grandma, thank you very (you can add according to the needs of your
much for telling me this wonderful story! I feel church) the Adventurer will cover his finger with
much better! I’m going to head home before Mom tempera or watercolor paint that will be held in a
worries. container and place his fingerprint with who he is
Grandma: I’m glad you understood Adrian, what will share his mission. The leader will ask; Which
do you say if before you leave, we call your cousin of you commits to sharing the Mission to speak of
Sis. Mercedes and pray together? Jesus and understand that his purpose is eternal?
(Grandma calls Martha) A D V E N T U R E R E N G L I S H P R O G R A M 11
Grandma: Do you want to pray Martha? Those who accept, place their index finger with
Martha: Yes Grandma! paint on the posterboard, in the figure whom
- Prayer - Dear God we thank you very much they want to impact with their Mission. At the end
because you chose us to preach the message, of all the children placing their mark, the leader
thank you for that privilege. In Jesus name we will call on the Pastor or an Elder to pray for the
pray, Amen. Adventurers and that promise.
Adrian: See you Grandma.
Grandma: Goodbye Adrian. Example: They can use all their creativity.
Sis. Pena: And like Timothy when you’re a great PRAISE & WORSHIP
Adventurer, God gives you a mission to impact the (before Divine Service, we suggest that you pick a few
world, but now it’s time to impact those around Adventurers who lead the church in song)
Lesson Review: The general class will be given with b. Bible Scripture 2 Timothy 3:14
one of the children’s ministry lessons. The club (Edurado)
leadership will choose which one.
FULFILLING THE MISSION c. Prayer (Emericane)
A week before Adventurer Day, ask each child to d. Tithes and Offerings
complete one of the following missions together
with their parents: Eber Ismeal
a. Call an older person and pray with them. Eduardo Oscar
b. Help with some household chores
c. Talking about Jesus to some friend in the
e. Welcome: Pena
d. Teach a drilling and marching command to
a person who has never done so before, i.e.: f. Special Music: Especial (I will go)
Present Arms, Attention, Prayer Attention
E. Create a craft and give it to a sick person
10 A D V E N T U R E R E N G L I S H P R O G R A M 2. Sermon: What do they say about you?
F. Teach the Adventurer’s pledge and its meaning
to a church member
(the club can also place its own missions according to how it
deems, and everyone should send a video)
3. Conclusion Teams song “I will go”
At this time of the program, 2 adventurers and
one leader:
Adventurer: We adventurers have decided to let a. Closing by Director or Club leader
our most important protagonist be Jesus in our
Adventurer: Because is he who helps us fulfill
our purpose of serving others, as he did when he

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