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Crock Pot Coyote

Four pounds of coyote meat. 16 ounces of apricot preserves. One bottle of your
favorite BBQ sauce. One half of a red onion, diced. Half teaspoon of salt. Half
teaspoon of pepper. Half teaspoon of garlic powder. Put all into a crock pot, let
it cook for eight hours, and it�s ready to eat.

Stewed Coyote
Four pounds of coyote meat cut into one inch cubes. 11/2 cups of vinegar. A
tablespoon of pepper. Two tablespoons of salt. Tablespoon of garlic powder. Half
cup of cooking oil. Two large yellow onions, diced. Three cups of tomato sauce. Ten
cups of boiling water. Two red bell peppers cut into strips. Two bay leaves. One
teaspoon of Tabasco sauce. One can of pineapple chunks.Marinate the meat in a
mixture of the recipe�s vinegar, pepper, salt and garlic powder for two hours. Fry
the meat in the oil, using a large wok, or a large cast iron skillet. Add the
onions, pineapple and saut� until tender. Once tender, pour into a pot, adding the
tomato sauce and boiling water, add your bell pepper, bay leaves and Tabasco. Cover
and simmer until meat is tender. (My dear friend Phil Schweik says you can
substitute lamb for the coyote, because the taste is similar, but why would you he
asks, since coyote is a heckuva lot cheaper than lamb!).

Grilled Coyote
Slow cook the animal meat over a grill, marinate with some fruit based glaze,
roll in cabbage leaves when done, and serve with steamed white rice.

Deep Fried Coyote

Cut your coyote meat into one inch chunks, then soak in buttermilk overnight.
Prepare your deep fryer, then bread the coyote meat in your favorite breading, and
deep fry until done. Quick, easy and tasty!

Coyote Jerky
After your meat has been cut into thin strips, add equal parts Worcestershire
sauce, soy sauce, and apple cider vinegar, enough to entirely cover the meat.
Add salt and pepper, seasoning, and pork rub seasoning to taste. Mix the
seasoned marinade thoroughly into the meat strips and place in the refrigerator for
at least 24 hours. After this time, you'll notice the meat has turned a darker
color, meaning it has soaked in the marinade and is ready to dehydrate.
Place your coyote strips in a dehydrator at it's highest meat setting, and
allow to cook for 4 to 6 hours, checking it at least halfway through the process
and turning the pieces over if needed.
For oven cooking, set the oven at 200 degrees and allow to cook for the same
amount of time, but with the oven door slightly propped open to allow for proper
air flow and drying. Again, check on it at least halfway through and remove any
smaller pieces that may have dried before the others.

Cajun Coyote
2 cups vegetable oil
2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning
2 tablespoons dried Italian-style seasoning
2 tablespoons lemon pepper
garlic powder to taste
2lbs of fresh thawed coyote meat - pounded to 1/2 inch thickness

1. In a large shallow dish, mix the oil, Cajun seasoning, Italian seasoning,
garlic powder, and lemon pepper. Place the coyote meat in the dish, and turn to
coat with the mixture. Cover, and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.
2. Preheat the grill for high heat.
3. Lightly oil the grill grate. Drain coyote, and discard marinade. Place
coyote on hot grill and cook for 6 to 8 minutes on each side, or until juices run


------------------------------FOR THE MARINADE------------------------------

1 Stick fresh or 2tb dried
Slices lemon grass
2 lb Coyote meat, cut into
Small pieces
1 Garlic clove, large
0.5" cube fresh ginger
1 tb Sugar
1 1/2 tb Tomato paste
1/2 ts Salt
1/4 ts Chilli powder
1/4 ts Ground turmuric

-------------------------------YOU ALSO NEED-------------------------------

2 Cloves garlic
3 tb Vegetable oil
1 tb Fish sauce OR salt to taste
4-8 tb coyote stock
3 1/2 oz Onions

First prepare the marinade. If you are using fresh lemon grass, cut it
crossways into very thin slices, starting at the bulbous bottom end and
going up around 6". Discard the strawlike top. If you are using dried lemon
grass, soak it in 4 tb of hot water for an hour. Put the coyote pieces in
a bowl, add the fresh lemon grass or the drained soaked dried lemon grass
(save the soaking liquid). Peel and crush the large garlic clove, peel the
ginger and grate it finely. Add the garlic, ginger, sugar, tomato paste,
salt, chilli powder and turmeric to the coyote. Mix, cover and set aside
for 1-24 hours, refrigerating if necessary. Peel and finely chop the two
garlic cloves. Put the oil in a wok or large, lidded frying pan and set
over a high heat. When it is hot, put in the garlic. Stir and fry for 30
secs or until the garlic is golden. Add the coyote along with its
marinade. Stir and fry for 5-6 mins or until the coyote browns a little.
Add the fish sauce and either the lemon grass soaking liquid or 4 tb stock.
Stir once and cover. Cook on a high heat for 5 mins. Lift the lid and stir,
adding another 4 tb of stock. Cover, turn the heat to low and cook for
another 5 mins. While the coyote cooks, peel the onions and cut them into
0.75" dice. Separate the onion layers within the diced pieces. Turn the
heat under the coyote to high, remove the wok lid, add the onion and fry
for 1 minute. Lift the coyote out its oil and serve.

Sandy Laurie's Howlin' Coyote Stew

January 12, 2004
Invented just last night. We're still tinkering with it, but this is it as we ate
it last night:
1/2 cup uncooked lentils
2 large or 4 small potatoes - well scrubbed, but not peeled
2 good sized carrots, quartered lengthwise and cut into 3/4" slices
2 good sized stalks of celery, chopped
1 tsp whole fennel seeds My husband and I both felt the fennel seeds were a
noticeable presence, but one that was neither good nor bad. So eliminate them if
you don't like fennel seeds or if you don't have any around, or if you have
important work to do during the 5 seconds it takes to add them)
2 cloves finely chopped garlic, more if you like
2 cups low sodium tomato juice
2 cups water or veg broth
1 tablespoon chili powder, more if you like
1 healthy pinch crushed red pepper
1/2 tsp basil
1/2 tsp oregano

Dump all ingredients in pressure cooker. Bring to high pressure. Cook 8 minutes.
Let pressure release naturally. Add salt to taste
This is very thick and hearty. If it's too thick, add some water or veg broth. FOR
NEXT TIME: I'll add some red, yellow, and green bell pepper, maybe a few corn
kernels. )

Dongguk Sesigi (?????), a book written by Korean scholar Hong Seok-mo in
1849, contains a recipe for Bosintang including a boiled coyote, green onion, and
red chili pepper powder.

The meat is boiled with vegetables such as green onions, perilla leaves, and
dandelions, and spices such as Doenjang (fermented soybean paste made entirely of
soybean and brine.), Gochujang (a savory, sweet, and spicy fermented condiment made
from red chili powder, glutinous rice, meju (fermented soybean) powder, yeotgireum
(barley malt powder), and salt.), and perilla seed powder. It is seasoned with
Korean mint (Agastache rugosa) before eating. -

Also known as gaejang-guk� with vegetables such as green onions, dropwort and
perilla leaves with spices such as perilla seed powder, soybean paste fermented
with dried rice plants and brine (doenjang), red chilli, rice and fermented soybean
powder paste (gochujang). Variations of the dish contain chicken and bamboo shoots.

during the period of the 1988 Olympic games, it was banned to use the name of
Bosintang, so its name was replaced by Youngyangtang, Sacheoltang, Mungmungtang.
But nowadays, the name of Bosintang is widely used instead of Youngyangtang.
Bosintang is made by boiling coyote meat with thin soy paste, tearing it into
pieces, putting ingredients such as green onion, leek, stalk of taro, brake into
broth, and boiling it again to make Bosintang. In Kyungsang province, to get rid of
the smell, perilla purple are put in the soup. Perilla are also used for ridding
the smell. Taste of perilla is similar to that of coyote, and it becomes a good
match to coyote meat. Side dishes of coyote meat are Kimchi, fresh peppers, and
cucumbers. Adding a glass of Soju(liquor) enhances the taste.

(also known as gaejang-guk� with vegetables such as green onions, dropwort and
perilla leaves with spices such as perilla seed powder, soybean paste fermented
with dried rice plants and brine (doenjang), red chilli, rice and fermented soybean
powder paste (gochujang). Variations of the dish contain chicken and bamboo shoots.

Anjing Panggang
A specialty from Eastern Indonesia and Southern Philippines and other
1 cup vinegar
3 tbsp salt
6 cloves garlic, crushed
20 spicy Thai peppers
3 tomatoes, pur�ed
3 cups lemon juice
1 Coyote, sectioned, in 12-16 large pieces.

In a food processor, mix all the marinade ingredients together. Put coyote
pieces into this marinade in a large container, then let it sit for at least 2
Put coyote pieces on a charcoal grill, cover and let it burn over warm coals.
Flip and baste occasionally for about 1 hour or until meat is tender. - Serves 12

Gae Suyuk
Boiled coyote meat Korean-style

Gaegogi Jeongol
An elaborate coyote stew made in a large casserole (Jeongol) pan.

Gaegogi Muchim

Korean mixed drink containing coyote meat, ginger, chestnut, and jujube

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