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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality

Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

LESSON School Paaralang Elementarya ng NAKAL Grade Level Grade 6

EXEMPLA Teacher Learning Area
R Maila Charina V. Panergo English

Teaching Date Quarter First Quarter

Teaching Time No. of Days 4 days

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Analyze the characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials
(age and gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior
The learner demonstrates understanding of the various forms and conventions
A. Content Standards materials to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print, and
digital materials

The learner evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in

B. Performance Standards various viewing texts

C. Most Essential Learning Analyze the characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials (age and
Competencies (MELC) gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior

D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached enabling
Analyzing the characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials (age and
II. CONTENT gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior


A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC English G6 Q1, PIVOT BOW R4QUBE, Curriculum Guide: (p.106 )

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and Engagement cartoon story maker application
Quarter 1– Module 1: Analyzing the characters used in print, non-print, and
digital materials (age and gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior

A. Introduction
What I need to know?

This lesson was designed and written for you to analyze the characters used in
print, non-print, and digital materials (age and gender, race and nationality,
attitude and behavior). Sample graphic organizers were also provided to help you
organize your thoughts and ideas and help you understand well the lesson.

Objective: Analyze the characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials
(age and gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior. EN6VC-IId-3.8

What’s New?
Now that you have prior knowledge about inferring character’s traits and
behavior, let us now be familiarized to different kinds of materials we have in
school or even at home that would help us analyze character’s age, race and
nationality, gender, attitude and behavior.

Key Concepts for Teachers

Print materials are a rich source of varied ideas and information.

Examples of print materials are flyer and posters, print and
advertisements, newspapers and magazines.
1. A flyer is a printed notice or message distributed in large
2. A poster is a notice or an advertisement meant to be posted
in public places.
3. A newspaper contains up-to-date record of varied
information about places, events and ideas. Most newspaper have
sections for general news, editorial, sports, business, advertisement,
entertainment and classified ads.
4. A magazine is published periodically and it contains
miscellaneous stories or articles about health, sports, sports, fashion
and entertainment.
5. Books consist of stories or selections

Non-print materials are also good source of ideas and significant

information. Some examples of these are cartoons
advertisements, newscast, soap operas, variety shows, game
shows, talk shows, reality shows and documentaries.
It also includes radio, the Internet, audiobooks and
Digital Materials or e-learning materials are study materials
published in digital format. These include e-textbooks, e-
workbooks, educational videos, e-tests, etc.
1. Search engines like Google and Yahoo
2. Websites
3. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

These are the people or animals that have roles in a
selection. They show their feelings by what they say or do.
They are sometimes happy, sad, terrified, excited or
surprised. understanding the characters’ emotions or
feelings helps you comprehend the story better.

1. What are the different materials stated above?
2. Do you use one of these materials? (Yes or No)
3. Why do you think these materials are important?

C. Development
What I know?
Before you start, answer the pretest below. Don’t worry because this is just to
assess what do you already know about the first lesson. Good luck!

A. Read the selection. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the number.
_____1. The three different materials that students should be familiarize with so
that they may be able to identify character’s age, gender, race and nationality,
attitude and behavior are:
a. blog and educational videos only
b. print, non-print and digital materials
c. flyers, magazines and Instagram
d. websites, television and stories
_____2. ____________ are the people or animals that have roles in a selection.
They show their feelings by what they say or do.
a. characters
b. setting
c. time
d. plot
_____3. _____________ are a rich source of varied ideas and information such
as flyers, magazine, books and print advertisements.
a. print materials
b. non-print materials
c. blog
d. digital materials
_____4. __________ are also good source of ideas and significant information
such as cartoon advertisement, variety shows, soap operas, game shows and
a. materials
b. Printed materials
c. Non-print materials
d. Magazine
_____5. To identify character’s age, gender, attitude and behavior, what should
you do?
a. By reading, looking and listening to what he says and how he/she expresses
her thoughts and emotions.
b. by just giving a quick glance
c. read only
d. no reading at all
B. Based on the given selection, analyze the character’s age, gender, race and
nationality, attitude and behavior.
_____6. Faith found P100 .00 at the canteen, she went to the principal’s office
and turned over the money. Faith is _____
a. trustworthy
b. helpful
c. honest
d. clean
_____7. Matanglawin is a weekly science-environmental educational show
hosted by Kim Atienza popularly known as Kuya Kim. What is his nationality?
a. Filipino
b. American
c. Chinese
d. Japanese
_____8. Dr. Cruz spends most of his time with her teachers. She meets and visits
them regularly in their classroom. As principal, she explains their duties and
listens to their problem. Dr. Cruz is______.
a. dedicated principal
b. problem solver
c. hard worker
d. sincere
_____9. Mrs. Reyes taught the sixth grade for 10 years. She prepared her lessons
carefully. She assisted school children in their needs. She is _____.
a. faithful
b. honest
c. industrious
d. thankful
_____10. Jojo finished his bamboo vase project in TLE. He mopped the floor
and wiped away the dust caused by bamboo shaving.
a. neat
b. ashamed
c. cheerful
d. lazy

What’s in?

Characters are the people or animals that have roles in a selection. They
show their feelings by what they say or do. They are sometimes happy, sad,
terrified, excited or surprised. Understanding the characters’ emotions or feelings
helps you comprehend the story better.
While reading different materials like print, non-print and digital, we
may be able to analyze the character’s age and gender, race and nationality,
attitude and behavior.

Good day learner! In the previous lessons, you have learned about analyzing the
characters used in print, non-print, and digital materials (age and gender, race
and nationality, attitude and behavior).
Let us now recall your previous knowledge.

Directions: Read the following statements. Analyze the characters’ feeling,

attitude or behavior conveyed by each statement. To make the activity
interactive, you may seek the assistance of your parents, guardians or housemates
in reading the statement. Choose your answer from the faces below.
a. Happy
b. Sad
c. Angry
d. Afraid
e. Worried
_____1. Leave me alone, I don’t want to see you again.
_____2. There are two men following us.
_____3. Hurry Up! I don’t want to be late for class.
_____4. You made it to the top! Congratulations!
_____5. I heard the news that grandpa has passed away.

What is it?

A. Below is an example of print materials. Read and understand the

selection well. To make the activity interactive, you may seek the assistance of
your parents, guardians or housemates

Carla woke up early in the morning. She observed that her sister seemed to be
not feeling well while she was leading the prayer. Carla quickly cooked
breakfast. While cooking, she kept on praying that her sister won’t be disturbed.
After cooking she got a tray and prepared breakfast for her sister. Then she heard
her walking about, she went inside the room and said,” sister, your breakfast is
ready “.

a. Who woke up early in the morning? __________________
b. What did she notice with her sister? ________________
c. What did she do? _______________
d. Based on the selection, how will you identify Carla’s gender? Male or
female? ______
e. Looking at her actions, how will you describe Carla? ____________
f. What made you say that Carla is thoughtful or caring? _________

Through observation and analyzation, we can identify one’s age,

gender, race and nationality and even attitude and behavior
portrayed. B. Below is an example of non-print materials.

Analyze the character’s age, gender, race and nationality, attitude and behavior
by writing it on the bubble.



a. Look at the characters presented, what do you think are their

ages? __________
b. What is their nationality? ______________
c. What is their gender? ______________
d. How will you describe their behavior? ___________

a. Where can we usually see a blog? __________

b. Who can blog? (male, female or both) ____________
c. Looking at the cooking blog, what do you think is the behavior of a
blogger? _________
d.How about in the second blog, an advertisement about a business proposal,
what is the character’s attitude/behavior? ___________

B. Engagement
What’s more?

Independent Activity 1: Analyzing the characters used in print material. To

make the activity interactive, you may seek the assistance of your parents,
guardians or housemates

1. When Dennis, a Grade six pupil of Lucena West III Elementary School,
heard his name called, he turned deep red. He swallowed quickly, blinked his
eyes and slowly got up. He was sure everyone could hear his heart beating fast,
he stood but his knees felt like jelly as he walked slowly to the stage.
a. Who is the character in the selection? _____
b. What is his gender? ______________
c. How about his age? ____________
d. What is Dennis’ nationality? _______
e. What character behavior or attitude is being revealed by the selection?

Independent Assessment 1: Analyzing the characters used in print material

Using the situation below, identify the character’s behavior based on her saying
and action.


____1. Ana: “I’ve decided not quit school for the meantime, Itay, so I
could help you and Nanay find money to feed us”.
_____2. Aling Aning: “No, you can’t stop me, Tinoy, we will do this
together. I will work in the field with you´.
_____3. Carlo: “Let us fish today and sell what we can get, then
tomorrow, we will help in the market so we can earn money to buy foods. “
_____4. Mang Oscar: I won’t let my family get out of the house. It’s too
dangerous because of Covid 19.”
_____5. Vendor: “Elsa, you can get some fruits here at the stand after
helping me. You can also bring at home for your siblings.”
Independent Activity 2:
To make the activity interactive, you may seek the assistance of your parents,
guardians or housemates.

A documentary entitled “Education in the Philippines “from “ iJuander”

Michelle goes to school with her friends from their home to Sindangan
Elementary School in Southern Leyte. The school is located on the mountain top
of the poorest province, but it became number two on National Elementary
Achievement Test on 2006 based on the Department of Education. Their school
is very far from their place so they have to walk in the forest, as well as in the
river. They are not wearing shoes unlike other students but they are contented.
For them, going to school might be difficult but this did not hinder them from
a. In this documentary, what is the gender of the character? _____
b. How about her age? ___________
c. What is her nationality? ____________
d. What character traits or behavior does the character in the documentary
special shows? _____
e. How do you feel when looking at this picture? _________

Independent Assessment 2:

Below is an example of non-print material.

What do you think are the behavior, age, gender of the characters in this show?
Supply the graphic organizer below.

It's Showtime is a Philippine noontime variety show broadcast by a known

TV station that entertains people. This show’s hosts showcase different talents of
the contestants in different segments given by the program. This became one of
the country the country’s most entertaining acts turns into a hit variety program
launching a thousand trends for Filipinos and in abroad. It's Showtime thrives on
the funny acts of the host which make the audience laugh. The show also draws
people from all walks of life to showcase their talents.



Independent Activity 3: Analyzing the characters using digital material. To
make the activity interactive, you may seek the assistance of your parents,
guardians or housemates

Knowledge Channel’s Mathdali show contributes to K to 12’s
aims of providing mastery of concepts and skills in Mathematics This show is
hosted by an actor -comedian Igi Boy Flores host and self-confessed math-geek
Robi Domingo. Each episodes illustrates a Math concept through real-life
situations which aims to positively change how to learn Math, develop
conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and problem solving, allowing the
students to learn in new ways, and make the learning experience both interesting
and exciting.

Do you watch this show?

Is it educational? Why?

Directions: Fill in the table below

CHARAC Age Race Gender Attitude/Behavior

TER /Nationality


Independent Assessment 3: Analyzing the characters using digital material

(Cartoon Story Maker
Independent Assessment 3:
Directions: Fill in the table below.

CHARACTE Age Race Gender Attitude/Behavior

RS /Nationality



What I can do?

Draw pictures showing love and concern for classmates, playmates and friend
especially the disadvantaged (poor) or especially abled (with disability) ones and
the less fortunate. Let them identify the character traits portrayed.

What other enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)

Directions: Analyze the given situation. Identify the character’s behavior or


1. Andy feeds his dog three times a day. He takes care of his dog and plays
with it. What character traits is portrayed by Andy?
2. Before Sheila leaves for school every day, she says goodbye to her
parents and kisses them. When she arrives home, she kisses their hands. She
asks permission when she wants to go out and play. Identify her character.

D. Assimilation
What I have learned?

Write the missing words to sum up what you have learned in this lesson.
We should be familiarized to different kinds of materials: these are print, non-
print, and digital materials.
(1). ____________ are a rich source of varied ideas and information such as flyer
and posters, print and advertisements, newspapers and magazine and even stories
and selections.
(2,) _________________ are the people or animals that have roles in a selection.
(3) _______________ are also good source of ideas and significant information.
Some examples of these are cartoons advertisements, newscast, soap operas,
variety shows, game shows, talk shows, reality shows and documentaries.
It also includes radio, the Internet, audiobooks and podcasts.
(4) ________________ also refers to e-learning materials are study materials
published in digital format such as e-textbooks, e-workbooks, educational
videos, e-tests;
It is also important to (5) ___________ character so that we may be able to
identify their age and (6) _______, race and (7) ___________, attitude and (8)

What I can do? (Assessment)

Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read the selection. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before the number.
_____1. The three different materials that students should be familiarize with so
that they may be able to identify its age, gender, race and
nationality, attitude and behavior are:
a. blog and educational videos only
b. print, non-print and digital materials
c. flyers, magazines and Instagram
d. websites, television and stories
_____2. ____________ are the people or animals that have roles in a selection.
They show their feelings by what they say or do.
a. characters
b. setting
c. time
d. plot

_____3. _____________ are a rich source of varied ideas and information such
as flyers, magazine, books and print advertisements.
a. print materials
b. non-print materials
c. blog
d. digital materials
_____4. __________ are also good source of ideas and significant information
such as cartoon advertisement, variety shows, soap operas, game
shows and documentaries.
a. Digital materials
b. Printed materials
c. Non-print materials
d. Magazine
_____5. To identify character’s age, gender, attitude and behavior, what should
you do?
a. By reading, looking and listening to what he says and how he/she expresses
her thoughts and emotions.
b. by just giving a quick glance
c. read only
d. no reading at all
B. Based on the given selection, analyze the character’s age, gender, race and
nationality, attitude and behavior.
_____6. Faith found P100 .00 at the canteen, she went to the principal’s office
and turned over the money. Faith is _____
a. trustworthy
b. helpful;
c. honest
d. clean
_____7. Matanglawin is a weekly science-environmental educational show
hosted by Kim Atienza popularly known as Kuya Kim. What is his
a. Filipino
b. American
c. Chinese
d. Japanese
_____8. Dr. Cruz spends most of his time with her teachers. She meets and visits
them regularly in their classroom. As principal, she explains their
duties and listens to their problem. Dr. Cruz is______.
a. dedicated principal
b. problem solver
c. hard worker
d. sincere

_____9. Mrs. Reyes taught the sixth grade for 10 years. She prepared her lessons
carefully. She assisted school children in their needs. She is _____.
a. faithful
b. honest
c. industrious
d. thankful

_____10. Jojo finished his bamboo vase project in TLE. He mopped the floor
and wiped away the dust caused by bamboo shaving.
a. neat
b. ashamed
c. cheerful
d. lazy

Read an article or watch a TV news about the situation of our country or even the
V. REFLECTION world because of Covid 19. In your notebook, journal or portfolio, write your
(Reflection on the Type of Formative Assessment Used personal insights.
for This Particular Lesson) I feel _____________ now because __________________ .

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