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Prepared by:

Dr. Celeste A. Dimaculangan

A. Definition
1. Administration
- word administer is derived from the Latin word ad +
ministraire which means to
care for or look after people to manage
- the organization and direction of human and material
resources to achieve desired ends.
- art and science of guidance, leadership and control of
the efforts of a group of individual towards common goal.
2. Hospital Administration
- management of the hospital as an organization. It is
made up of medical and health services managers and assistant

3. Management
- operational part of administration
- getting things done through other people
B. Nature of Administration
1. it is universal - business, health care setting
2. it is holistic - financial, employees, legal
3. it is continuous and on-going process
4. it is goal oriented – based VMO
5. it is social and human nature – help the
community (foundation, charity work, hospital
6. it is dynamic - powerful, productive
C. Purpose of Administration
1. assist in the formulation of objectives
2. helps provide high quality nursing care
3. promotes human relations
4. helps maintain discipline in organization
5. maintains and develops good standard
6. helps in conducting research
D. Principles of Administration
*According to Finer:
1. Principle of Oneness
- oneness of leadership that gives form to the whole
aggregate of people.
2. Principle of Specialization
3. Principle of hierarchy and regimentation
- denote authority from top to bottom
4. Principle of morale
- spirit of active devotion to the person working together
for a common purpose.
5. Principle of bureaucracy
- it is administration without purpose, ethos, oneness or
morale. It is the organizational form of personality equal to
the individual person called the “Hollowmen”
6. Centralization of authority and clean cut responsibility
*According to Henri Faijol
1. division of work
2. authority, responsibility and accountability
3. discipline – observance of rules, regulations, norms,
4. unity of command – subordinates should be supervised by
a single supervisor to whom he should be accountable
5. unity of direction – one supervisor to give directions to
his or her subordinates
6. remuneration – fair payment to personnel
7. centralization – some amount of greater and larger
authority resting with top level managers
8. scalar chain of command – from the top to the lowest rank in
the hierarchy
9. order – proper and systematic arrangement of staff,
10. Esprit de corps – sense of belonging – spirit of working
E. Attributes of Hospital Administration
1. successful past record of efficient and effective management
2. professional par excellence, committed to task
3. possess high degree of conceptual skills and creative mind
4. ability to direct the subordinates in goal achievements
5. possess mental robustness and adequate tactfulness
6. demonstrate a code of ethics within organization
7. can withstand the adverse criticism and be able to take
appropriate measures.
8. clear and realistic good setting. Keen in professional
F. Administrative Skills

A. Technical B. Human C. Conceptual

1. Managerial skill 1. Leadership skill 1. Planning and decision

2. Marketing skill 2. Interpersonal skill making skills
3. Business skill 3. Conflict management 2. Innovative skill
4. Finance and budgeting skill 3. Research oriented
skill 4. Negotiating skill
G. Roles of Hospital Administrator
1. Role towards patient
- physical needs, educational needs, clinical needs
- safety needs
- emotional need, staff attitude, patient satisfaction
2. Role towards Community
- supporting community health needs
- supporting primary health care
- outreach services
- community education
- integration with other health care organization
3. Role towards the Organization
- patient care services(patient safety measures)
- legal and statutory responsibility (constitutional role
- public relation
- marketing management (advertisement , payment mode,
promotion, billing, incentives
- management information system – medical
records/inventory management, patient feedback system,
billing and payment
- staff management(wages,salary,training)
- finance and budgeting – accounting, expenditure,
distribution heads, recurrent capital
- hospital safety
- quality management
- planning and decision making
- logistics and supplies
-material management – material planning, quality
assessment, procurement, receipts, storage, distribution,
inventory, transportation, quality assessment

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