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De Zen et al.

Italian Journal of Pediatrics (2018) 44:144


Off-label drugs use in pediatric

palliative care
Lucia De Zen1* , Federico Marchetti2, Egidio Barbi3,4 and Franca Benini5

Background: Paediatric palliative care (PPC) aim to ensure the control of symptoms and the best possible quality
of life for patients whose underlying disease, characterized by an unstoppable evolution and negative prognosis,
no longer responds to specific treatments. The scientific evidence in this context are very deficient and, in order
to obtain welfare objectives consistent with the situation, in the overwhelming majority of cases the prescription
of drugs is off-label for indication of use and/or for age and/or for way of administration and/or formulation.
The Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco - AIFA and the Italian Society of Palliative Care (Società Italiana di Cure
Palliative - SICP), under a dedicated working group, wrote a document that collects the scientific evidence
available to support the off-label use of medicines more frequently used in PPC. The goal is to certify the
consolidated off-label use of these drugs and propose their use under the Law 648/96, in the absence of data
from its pivotal clinical trials.
Aim of the commentary is to report the conditions for this important work and to present the 10 drugs, usually
used off-label in PPC and in pain therapy, now included in Law 648/96.
Conclusion: This work is deemed essential to resolve, at least in part, the lack of availability of medicines
researched and approved.
Keywords: Pediatric palliative care, Pain, Off-label drugs

Introduction available since long time on the market, are not registered
Off-label use of drugs in pediatrics
for pediatric use.
On January 26th 2007, the European Regulation on It follows that, in clinical practice, children are often
medicinal products for paediatric use (Regulation EC treated with medications designed and tested only in
No 1901/2006) [1] entered into force in all the European the adults, according to procedures and indications not
Union countries. The aims of this regulation are to facilitate specifically envisaged nor registered for children (off-
the development and the accessibility to medications specif- label use of the drug). Using a drug off-label means
ically designed for children from 0 to 18 years old, to ensure prescribing it in conditions that differ from those for
that medicinal products used in paediatric population are which it has been authorized, in terms of age, dosage
subject to high quality ethical research and appropriately regimen (dose or frequency of administration), therapeutic
authorized for use in children, as well as to increase the in- indication, route of administration and formulation.
formations availability on use of medicines for children [2]. The off-label and unlicensed classification methods
However despite the European Regulation and initiatives varied, making results difficult to compare [3–5]. Many
put forward in this area by Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco studies reported high rates of off-label (9 to 78.7%) and
(AIFA), still only one third of drugs available to the adult unlicensed (0.3 to 35%) drug use in different pediatric
range gets to the pediatric patient and sometimes only patient settings [5]. The extent of paediatric unlicensed/off
after many years. The analysis of the current situation label use is higher in neonatal and paediatric intensive care
shows that many new drugs and most molecules already units and oncology wards, compared with primary care
[4]. On the paediatric hospital wards, off-label/unlicensed
* Correspondence: prescriptions ranged from 16 to 62% [3]. In the neonatal
Pediatric Home Assistance and Palliative Care, Department of Pediatrics,
AAS5 Friuli Occidentale, via Montereale 24, 33170 Pordenone, Italy wards, rates ranged from 55 to 80% [3]. In the community
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article setting, rates ranged from 11 to 37% [3].
© The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public
Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this
article, unless otherwise stated.
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 2 of

This lack of adequate registration is caused by different and high heterogeneity of the population, both for ethical
issues: reasons and sometimes for lack of economic resources.
The result is that the off-label use of drugs in these
– There are problems of numerosity and heterogeneity conditions represents the standard of treatment, con-
of patients and clinical situations: between 0 and solidated and time honoured in the management of the
18 years there are at least three different young patient. In these areas the treatment choices are
sub-populations (infants, children and adolescents) with made on the basis of an established practice, often deduced
biological and metabolic characteristics significantly from experience/studies completed in adults, and limited
different from each other, and therefore requiring pediatric specific evidence. This is the case of pediatric
specific studies and experiments [6]. palliative care [16].
– There are ethical issues: there is in fact a kind of
ethical bias to expose children to experimental
clinics, although, on the contrary, this may go to Pediatric palliative care
harm their own interests, since it precludes the In recent years, a slow but continuous change of the
possibility of developing drugs tailored to their care needs of the ill infant/child/adolescent took place:
specific needs [7]. new types of patients, new situations and new goals of
– .There are finally economic reasons determined by “health”. Certainly one of these new fields is represented
the costs of the trials and the limited economic by the needs of Palliative care in the pediatric population.
return: a situation that discourages investment by Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC) are that part of pediatric
the pharmaceutical industry. medicine that takes care of children with incurable disease
and/or severe disabilities: the goal of palliative care is the
Since publication of the 2002 statement from the quality of young patient’s life and symptom control [17].
American Academy of Pediatrics on the off-label use of Home is, in the vast majority of cases, the chosen and
drugs [8], the number of drugs approved with pediatric ideal place for care and treatment. The spectrum of
indications or expanded labeling that informs drug use diseases potentially eligible at PPC is heterogeneous
in pediatric patients has substantially increased [9–11]. and broad (neurological diseases, oncology, cardiology,
However, despite this success and advances in both basic respiratory, muscular, metabolic, infectious, developmental
science and clinical trials in pediatrics, off-label drug use disorders, chromosomal, post anoxic) and heterogeneous
remains a common and important issue for children and and large is also the spectrum of needs, clinical and not,
adolescents [12]. that they trigger, and the modality needed for the care of
Off-label use is in many situations the only therapeutic the patient. It is estimated that in Italy children eligible to
option [12–14]. Such use has in clinical practice a “crucial” PPC are about 30,000 [18].
and, in many situations, not deferrable role and, although The main goal for all these children is alleviating
unauthorized, has frequently long periods of pediatric use suffering and pain, while addressing and containing all
(clinical practice statement), as well as studies and reports the other stressful symptoms and conditions. In these
in the literature that strongly support drug efficiency and contexts the scientific evidence are scant and, in order to
safety [12, 14]. obtain welfare objectives consistent with the situation, the
Remarkably off-label prescription has clinical, legal prescription of drugs is off-label in the overwhelming
and ethical implications to consider [12] the chance of majority of cases, for indication use and/or for age and/or
making mistakes in the definition of a treatment is greater, modality of administration and/or formulation [19]. Minors
it involves the direct assumption of responsibility by the eligible at PPC are patients at high-complexity of assistance,
prescriber (both in terms of efficacy and possible adverse affected by multiple pathologies which trigger complex
effects), it requires informed consent by a person symptoms that require polytherapy, frequently for long
conducting the parental authority and has an impact on periods of time.
drug reimbursement. These are often patients with complex conditions which
The issue of the off-label use of drugs in Pediatrics is may limit the possibility of assuming drugs through routine
further amplified in certain areas, where even more routes of administration, requiring alternative ways such as
problems related to the difficulty of developing clinical the intranasal, the submucosal, the inhalatory one. Often
trials for specific type of patients, features of situations these children may have cognitive and/or relational deficits
and/or newness of the problema may arise [12, 15]. For which limit the possibility for sharing, actively participate
example, these critical issues are greater in neonatology, or accept the management of a treatment plan.
in rare and complex diseases, in children with life threat- In the majority of cases, the management of these
ening/limiting disease and/or in terminal illness, where infants/ children/teenagers takes place at home and thus
trials are rarely conducted both for the low numerosity the medica- tion management is settled into a different
contest from that
Table 1 The 10 drugs singled out for an authorised “off-label” use in
PPC Advised dosage
Drug On-label use Authorized l.
648/96 off-label
HYOSCINA Pill in child > 14 years, supp in 1. Iv administration for Iv: Child 1 month-4 years:
BUTYLBROMIDE 300–500 micrograms/Kg
child intestinal obstruction due to
> 6 years: spastic– painful events peritonitis in pediatric patients 3–4 times a day (max. Per dose 5 mg)
of urinary and genital tract. with cancer. Child 5–11 years: 5–10 mg 3–4 times a
2. Iv administration for reduction day
of secretions and rattle in Child 12–17 years:10–20 mg 3–4 times
terminally ill patient. a day [24]
DEXMEDETOMIDINE Procedural analgo-sedation outside
1. Control of stressful symptoms Iv: 1 mcg/kg in a 10-min bolus,
from disease or procedure and fix increased up to a maximum of 3
operating room (Not Operating Room
sleep outside the ICU in patients in mcg/kg, and followed by a 1
Anesthesia - NORA) in children
palliative care, not responsive to mcg/kg/h infusion [25]
with difficult airway management and
conventional therapies. In: 1 to 4 mcg/kg, eventually
child with seizure disorders who
2. Intranasal route of administration. re-administered at 1 mcg/Kg [25]
must undergo diagnostic studies for
locating epileptogenic foci
Analgo-sedation of critical infant and
child in ICU, mechanically ventilated
and poorly responsive to
conventional analgo-sedation
treatment. 1. Transdermal, iv use for acute
and/or chronic pain management Transdermal: based on oral morphine
FENTANYL Premedication for any type of
from cancer and not, in children in dose equivalent (given at 24-h
anesthesia (also local) both in the
PPC. totals). Product monograph: oral
postoperative period as during surgery.
2. Transmucosal use for morphine
procedural/ acute/breakthrough 45 mg = 12 mcg/h patch oral morphine
pain in PPC. < 90 mg = 25 mcg/h patch oral
morphine 135–189 mg = 50 mcg/h
patch oral morphine 225–314 mg = 75
mcg/h patch [26] Iv: Child > 6 months
and < 50 Kg:
bolus 0,5–1 mcg/Kg every 1–2 h, dose
to be administered over at least 30 s;
infusion 0,5–2 mcg/Kg/h
Child > 50 Kg: bolus 25–50 mcg
every 1–2 h, dose to be administered
over at least 30 s; infusion 25–200
mcg/h [27]
Transmucosal: Child 2–18 years and
weiting > 10 Kg: 15–20 mcg/Kg as a
GABAPENTIN Pill in child > 6 years: adjunctive single dose, titrated to a maximum dose
Neuropathic or mixed pain in children
therapy in the treatment of partial of
older than 2 years in palliative care.
seizures in the presence or absence 400 mcg [26]
of secondary generalization.
By mouth: Child > 2 years:
> 12 years: monotherapy in the
Day 1: 10 mg/Kg (maximum single
treatment of partial seizures in
dose 300 mg)
the presence or absence of
Day 2: 10 mg/Kg twice daily
secondary generalization
Day 3 onwards: 10 mg/Kg 3 times daily
Increase further if necessary to a
maximum of 20 mg/Kg/dose (maximum
dose 600 g)
KETAMINE Im, iv and continuous Child > 12 years:
1. Use in patients in PPC for
infusion administering The maximum daily dose can be
managing procedural or
Use for induction and maintenance increased according to responde, up to
mixed/neuropathic pain that
of general anesthesia from neonatal e a maximum of 3600 mg/day [26]
does not respond to other
and premedication in children
therapy, alone or in Im: Neonate: 4 mg/Kg, adjusted according
combination/replacement for to response, a dose of 4 mg/Kg usually
than1 month.
opioid analgesics. produces 15 min of surgical
2. Intranasal administration anaesthesia Child: 4–13 mg/Kg,
adjusted according to response, a dose
of 4 mg/Kg sufficient for some
diagnostic procedures, a dose of
10 mg/Kg usually produces 12–25 min
of surgical anaesthesia [24]
Iv for short procedures: Neonate:
1–2 mg/Kg, adjusted according to response,
to be given over at least 60 s, a dose of
1–2 mg/Kg produces 5-1o minutes
of surgical anaesthesia
Child 1 month-11 years: 1–2 mg/Kg, adjusted
according to response, to be given over at least 60
s, a dose of
1–2 mg/Kg produces 5-1o minutes of surgical
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 4 of

Table 1 The 10 drugs singled out for an authorised “off-label” use in PPC
Drug On-label use Authorized l. Advised dosage
648/96 off-label
use Child 12–17 years: 1–4,5 mg/Kg,
adjusted according to response, to be
given over at least 60 s, a dose of 2
mg/Kg usually produces 5-1o minutes
of surgical [24] Continuous Iv
Child 1 month-17 years: starting
dose 40 mcg/Kg/h., increase
according to response, usual
maximum dose is 100 mcg/Kg/h
Intranasal: Child 1 month-17 years:
0,5–10 mg/kg/dose, start with lower
dose and increase according to response
KETOROLAC short term without
safety and treatment local
efficacy in (maximum anaesthes
children has two ia;
not for Anesthesi
bee moderate- a:
n severe Premedic
esta postoperati ation
blish ve before
ed. mouth/im inductio
The use for n of
use treatment anesthe
of of sia;
the pain Sedation
drug starting in ICU.
is from Children
ther years 3
efor life, iv months-
e from 6 18 years:
cont months. treatment
rain of acute
dica prolonge
ted d
belo seizures
w Children
16 >1
year month:
s. treatmen
Pill t of
and status
drop epileptic
: Periphera us or
usel and following
d regional crises
RON Pill,
t surgical
syrup, vial
term stomatolo
in children
(ma gy.
≥6 months
to control
s) of
MIDAZOL nausea
AM and
conscious vomiting
sedation (CINV).
before Vial in
and children
during ≥1
diagnostic month
or for
therapeuti preventio
c n and
procedure treatmen
s with or t of post-
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 5 of

Table 1 The 10 drugs singled out for an authorised “off-label” use in PPC
(Continued) o during opioid
By mouth and Iv: Child 6 d: 12–17
p therapy in
sublingual use for months-15 5 years: 8
e patients aged >
chidlren 4–15 years years: initially ml mg
r 6 months in
old, for a maximum 0,5–1 of every
a palliative care
period of 5 days, in mg/Kg 0,2 8–12 h
patients receiving (max. Per % [26] By
PPC without dose 15 sol mouth
vascular access, mg), than uti Child 6
for management of 500 mcg/Kg on months-
n moderate/severe every 6 h ev 17 years
a acute episodic (max. Per ery (BSA up
u nociceptive pain, dose 8h to 0.6
s which integrate 15 mg) as [3 m2): 2
e other analgesia if required for 3] mg every
a not effective, in the maximum Iv: 10–15 12 h for
course of duration of mcg/Kg/m up to 5
a pathology eligible treatment 2 in [34] days
n to PPC or in days; (dose
d terminall illness. maximum can be
60 mg started
per day [24] 12 h after
v Intr
Im e Iv: iv
o an administr
Child 16–
m as ation);
17 years
i al: maximu
t 0,2 m 32 mg
weight up
i – per day.
to 50 Kg):
n 0,5 Child 6
initially 10
g mg months-
mg, than
/K 17 years
10–30 mg
( g/d (BSA
every 4–6
P 1. Nebuliz os
h as 0.6–1.2
O ed use for the e m2): 4
N treatment of [35 mg
V cough refractory , every 12
) to other 36] h for up
duration of
. therapies, if Iv: to 5
pulmonary Ch days
2 days,
metastases ild (dose
2. Intravenous use 1
60 mg per can be
to treat mo started
neuropathic pain nth 12 h
Child 16–17
in patients in PPC - after iv
years (body-
not responsive to 17 administ
weight 50 Kg
conventional ye ration);
and above):
therapies. ars maximu
initially 10
: m 32 mg
1. Intranasal mg, than
use due to less 10–30 mg per day.
mg/Kg/h Child 6
invasiveness every 4–6 h
and high as required months
speed of for -17
administration maximum years
in the absence duration of (BSA
of venous treatment 2 1.3 m2
access, even days, and
in urgent maximum above)
cases in 90 mg per : 8 mg
patients aged day [24] Iv: every
over By Child 12 h
1 month in PPC. mouth/subl 1–12 for up
2. Intraven ingual: years to 5
ous use to Child 4–15 :5 days
manage years: 0,5 mg/ (dose
non-painful mg/Kg/ m2 can be
distress dose, (maxi started
symptoms maximum mum 12 h
during 3 singl after iv
end of doses/day e admini
life. for dose stratio
maximum 8 n);
duration of mg) maxim
treatment ever um 32
Control of 5 days [32] y 8– mg
nausea and 12 h per day
vomiting Nebulize Child
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 6 of

Table 1 The 10 drugs singled out for an authorised “off-label” use in PPC
[24] the work
On-label use Authorized l.
to support the
Advised dosage includes off-label use
648/96 off-label use
information (literature,
Not marketed in Italy Neonate:
hypersalivation in patients in palliative care and
about the RCT, any
quarter of a
end of life by transdermal route. patch every 72 scientific clinical studies
h Child 1 evidence in course) and
month to 3
years: quarter the use of the
of a patch active
every 72 h
Child 3–10 years:
ingredient in
half a patch every the off-label
72 h Child 11–17 indication in
years: one patch
every 72 h [26]
other Member
States (United
Abbreviation: Iv Intravenous, In Intranasal, Im Intramuscular, BSA Body surface area,
ICU Intensive Care Unit, PPC Pediatric Palliative Care Kingdom, with
reference to the
of a hospital or outpatient represents for patients, British National
setting, with different standards operators and all the health Formulary,
of recording and monitoring. system a goal of efficacy, BNF for
safety and equity. children,
Off-label drugs and law 648/96 For using such drugs, it Edition 2016–
In Italy, the off-label use is remains mandatory to collect, 17).
governed by Law 648/96 that by the legal representatives of The list has
has identified a list of the child, the informed consent the aim to
medications with a therapeutic at use. It’s also important to indicate the
indication other than that inform the child, with tool and active
authorised, used in clinical modality appropriate to age, ingredients, for
practice for consolidated use clinical situ- ation and capacity each ATC
and data from scientific of discernment, on medication class, which
literature. These drugs, once and strategies of administration, can be used in
inserted in the list of medi- in the perspective of sharing children under
cinal products established by and participating to the the CPP,
Law 648/96, are adminis- tered treatment program. although their
under the physician’s direct use is not
responsibility and can be Aims approved in
reimbursed by the National A list of drugs used off-label in childhood. For
Health Service [20]. pediatric palliative care (PPC) some of them,
In this list, there are drugs and in pain therapy, deemed there is a
partially covering the needs of essential to solve, at least in rational use as
different areas of pediatric part, the low availability of supported by
medicine such as drug listed medicinal products studied and available
for oncological, cardiovascular approved in pediatric age, has evidence, even
[21], gastrointestinal, been filled out. Ten drugs have in the absence
anesthetics [22], anti-infective, been identified that routinely, of controlled
dermatological, genitouri- nary for specific indications in PPC trials,
tract medications and clinical practice, are used off- frequently in
hormones. label with modality that are case of old
This list lacks of some different from those for which molecules or
medicines frequently used to they have been authorized in for objective
control pain and other relevant terms of age, dosage, diffi- culties in
symptoms in the PPC. therapeutic indi- cation, route conducting
Given the peculiar situations of administration and pediatric
and cure aims that PPC formulation. clinical trial.
promise, we identified a list of In order to derive a proposal Some
medications used in the PPC for inclusion in the list of indications
for which inclusion in the list medications dispensed in applied for
established by Law 648/96, accordance with law 648/96, inclusion in the
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 7 of

Table 1 The 10 drugs singled out for an authorised “off-label” use in PPC
list according to Law 648/96,
refer to therapies that are used
for short periods of time, in
the course of exacerbations
and/or end-of-life. Other
requests instead, refer to
prolonged use (months,
years), during the course of
taking charge in palliative
care of the child with an
incurable disease.
For each of the 10 identified
active ingredients a single
card was formalized that lists
the specific indication of on-
label demand in clinical
practice, the rationale of the
request, the evidence in
support of the request, the
current situation that is
approved for use from
leaflet, any additional notes
[23]. The drugs detected are
listed in Table 1.

The Agenzia Italiana del
Farmaco (AIFA) and the
Italian Society of Palliative
Care (SICP), under the
dedicated work table, drew up
a document that gathers the
scientific evidence available to
support the off-label use of
medicines more frequently
used in the field of pediatric
palliative care, with the goal
of attesting to the off-label use
of these drugs and propose
their use under the law 648/96,
in the absence of data from
clinical trials.
AIFA: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco;
BSA: Body surface area; ICU:
Intensive care unit; Im:
Intramuscular; In: Intranasal; Iv:
Intravenous; PPC: Pediatric palliative
care; RCT: Randomized controlled
trial; SICP: Società Italiana cure

The Authors thank Agenzia Italiana del
Farmaco and Società Italiana Cure
Palliative for their support and

Not applicable.
De Zen et al. Italian Journal of (2018) 44:144 Page 6 of
Pediatrics 6

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