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Notre Dame of Tacurong College

Senior High School Department

City of Tacurong

Group #: 4

Name of Members: Shei Audrey B. Sionosa, Date: 09/04/21

Niel Kristian T. Bolivar, Abdulkadir Datutoy Nalg,

Arvie L. Palmes, Kian Denver D. Dumancas

and Samuel Lloyd K. Ulama

Grade, Strand, & Section: 11 HUMSS N207

Subject: English in Academic and Professional Purposes


1. The Philippine Congress has released an announcement to allow foreigners visit the
Philippines in this time of pandemic to regain the country’s tourism.
2. With your group, compose five (3) persuasive sentences, each picture, that will convince foreigners
to visit the Philippines. You may use those sceneries as your springboard. Download the
worksheet below to answer the activity.
3. Submit your output in a pdf-file format at the google drive link to be provided by the teacher.
4. Deadline shall be announced. Late submissions will have 5-point deduction. (30 points)

Good day, everyone! Do you want to get away from

the city for the weekend? Visit the famed Banaue
Rice Terraces in the rustic province of Banaue in the
Cordillera region. The rice terraces and the people
that live there interact in such a way that you come
to appreciate the breathtaking scenery even more as
you take it all in. Banaue is also home to some of the
most beautiful and awe-inspiring rice terraces in the
Philippines, which stretch for miles into the distance.
Knowing that the vast expanse of lined rice terraces
that stretches all the way to the sky is the result of
generations of Ifugao people's hard work and
craftsmanship adds to its iconic and astounding
nature. Don't forget to visit the Banaue if you want to
unwind and take in the scenery.
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
Senior High School Department
City of Tacurong

Often dubbed as an ‘Eighth Wonder of the World,

Bohol’s Chocolate Hills is a famed tourist
attraction which continues to draw attention for
its unique and scenic characteristics. Curious
why it’s called the Chocolate Hills when it’s not
really made of chocolates? It’s because these
hills, which are usually covered in green grass,
dry up and turn chocolatey brown in color during
the dry season. While the hills do vary in size,
looking at these from afar, it seems like they’re
almost symmetrical in shape. This results in a
majestic landscape that might make you think it’s
a man-made creation. Come visit, to discover
one of the best tourist attractions here in the
Philippines! The Chocolate Hills!
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
Senior High School Department
City of Tacurong

Do you want to see a breath-taking scenery? If yes, then come and see
this! Philippines pride, Coron Palawan Philippines!
Explore the innovative and gleaming islands of Coron, Palawan.
Coron Palawan is composed of beautiful and captivating Rock formations,
exquisite lagoon, and a Disney-like,shiny shimmering waters of Palawan.
Seeing things like this makes ourselves relieved and forget all the problem
that we had. so what are you waiting for?
Coron Palawan is located at the 12.0489° N, 120.1519° E of the earth! Just
kidding. Coron Island is located at the wing of the Philippines, Municipality
of Palawan, Island of Luzon, MIMAROPA Region. Coron Island is also
compose of different Islands that will make your eyes big like the kayangan
lake, Twin lagoon and the famous barracuda lake. Coron is the third-largest
in the calamian group of Islands. Coron is also known for world class world
war ||-era wreck diving. Coron offers calm and white sand and water coral
reef. The hospitable attitude and Culture of people of Palawan is Waiting for
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
Senior High School Department
City of Tacurong

Philippines is one of the best tourist spot in the

world, and it has a best places to refresh your
mind and soul. For the poeple who wants extra
adventure, come and see the beauty of Tinago
Falls no matter how challenging the journey is.
Tinago is hidden deep within a jungle in Iligan
City. It has an incredible waterfall that plunges into
a dazzling blue green pool. Come to experience
fresh air and water!
Notre Dame of Tacurong College
Senior High School Department
City of Tacurong

Do you want to discover some historical,

scientific, artistic, and cultural interest that are
stored and exhibited? Here in the Philippines, we
have a lot of museums because of what are
ninunos have left for us to know about their
existence in our country. For you to witness a lot
of amazing secrets and culture of our country,
come visit our museums!

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