Epilepsy & Behavior: Sallie Baxendale

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Epilepsy & Behavior 106 (2020) 107027

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Targeted Review

Cognitive rehabilitation and prehabilitation in people with epilepsy

Sallie Baxendale ⁎
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, Institute of Neurology, UCL, UK
Epilepsy Society, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire, UK
University College Hospital, London, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Epilepsy is now recognized as a network disorder of the brain that can impact cognition beyond the periictal dis-
Received 2 March 2020 turbance associated with seizures. While there is a large literature on the assessment of cognitive functions, par-
Revised 4 March 2020 ticularly memory, in people with epilepsy, there are far fewer studies looking at the efficacy of treatments for
Accepted 4 March 2020
cognitive dysfunction in this population. Reviews of the cognitive rehabilitation literature in epilepsy have
Available online 21 March 2020
begun to outnumber original studies. This paper examines the possible reasons for this unsatisfactory ratio in
the literature and examines the unique challenges and opportunities for cognitive rehabilitation in this popula-
Epilepsy surgery tion, with a particular focus on epilepsy surgical candidates. The concept of prehabilitation in this population is
Cognition described. While traditional cognitive rehabilitation is implemented after a patient has developed a neuropsy-
Prediction chological deficit, in surgical candidates, prehabilitation uses intact functions before they are lost to establish
Memory compensatory strategies and routines prior to surgery in preparation for postoperative changes. The likely post-
Rehabilitation operative neuropsychological profile for individual patients can now be modeled using preoperative data. These
predictions can guide and inform the prehabilitation process. Rather than concluding with a generic call for more
research, the paper presents a framework for a rehabilitation program with practical solutions to address cogni-
tive difficulties in both surgical and nonsurgical populations of people with epilepsy.
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Key questions
The epilepsy literature has benefitted from the publication of a num-
There are thousands of studies examining cognitive assessment in ber of thorough reviews of cognitive rehabilitation therapies in people
epilepsy, but less than 50 published studies of interventions for with epilepsy, with these reviews appearing at the rate of approxi-
cognitive problems in this population. This review addresses the mately once a year over the past few years [1–4]. All of these reviews
following questions: come to near identical conclusions; that this important area is signifi-
cantly under researched and that more research is needed. For example,
1. What are the conceptual and practical barriers to the study Mazur-Mosiewicz A et al. [2] concluded that “(cognitive rehabilitation)
of cognitive rehabilitation in epilepsy? interventions are overwhelmingly under-researched or underreported,
2. How should standardized cognitive rehabilitation programs and there is a need for a systematic evaluation of (cognitive rehabilitation)
be modified to meet the unique challenges of cognitive re- in this patient population. Cognitive rehabilitation should be given greater
habilitation in people with epilepsy? attention after (epilepsy surgery) to determine its efficacy and role in the
3. Is it possible to conduct preoperative/preemptive rehabilita- management of these patients.” Two years later, Del Felice et al. [3] con-
tion (prehab) for anticipated surgically-induced cognitive cluded in their review that “Overall, there was insufficient evidence to
deficits in epilepsy surgery candidates? make definitive conclusions regarding the efficacy of traditional memory
4. Should rehabilitation programs in epilepsy include lifestyle rehabilitation strategies, brain training, and non-invasive brain stimula-
modifications? tion. The review suggests that cognitive rehabilitation in nonsurgical TLE
is under-researched and that there is a need for a systematic evaluation
in this population”.
⁎ ESRC Epilepsy Society, Chesham Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire SL9 0RJ, UK. Cognitive rehabilitation is consistently recognized as an important
E-mail address: s.baxendale@ucl.ac.uk. need for people with epilepsy in both clinical practice and in the

1525-5050/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 S. Baxendale / Epilepsy & Behavior 106 (2020) 107027

literature, but empirical studies remain rare and currently reviews of of someone's life following surgery, regardless of the impact of the treat-
the literature outnumber the original studies they review. This targeted ment on seizure control.
review has been structured to address the following questions:
2.2. How should standardized cognitive rehabilitation programs be modi-
a) What are the conceptual and practical barriers to the study of cogni- fied to meet the unique challenges of cognitive rehabilitation in people with
tive rehabilitation in epilepsy? epilepsy?
b) How should standardized cognitive rehabilitation programs be
modified to meet the unique challenges of cognitive rehabilitation Like any neuropsychological intervention in a patient with a neuro-
in people with epilepsy? logical condition, cognitive rehabilitation in epilepsy starts with a thor-
c) Is it possible to conduct preoperative/preemptive rehabilitation ough neuropsychological assessment which can help to identify the
(prehab) for anticipated surgically-induced cognitive deficits in epi- relative contributions of demographic-, clinical-, and treatment-related
lepsy surgery candidates? factors to the cognitive impairments identified [7]. However, prior to
d) Should rehabilitation programs in epilepsy include lifestyle the commencement of any cognitive interventions designed to address
modifications? these difficulties in someone with epilepsy, it is important to optimize
their seizure control and psychiatric status. This medical preparation
should be an active and integral first stage of the rehabilitation program
and will ensure that the efficacy of any subsequent intervention is opti-
2. Key questions mized. This preparation requires a multidisciplinary approach and will
include discussions about medication choice and compliance and a
2.1. What are the conceptual and practical barriers to the study of cognitive comprehensive psychiatric review. Once seizure control and mood are
rehabilitation in epilepsy? optimized, the cognitive rehabilitation program can then begin with ed-
ucation on how the brain works and how and why memory fails. When
The reasons for the unhelpful publication ratio in original studies:re- working with people with epilepsy, this psychoeducation should be
views of cognitive rehabilitation in epilepsy are multiple. Cognitive re- personalized and include information about their seizures, any known
habilitation is both time and labor intensive, but that is also the case underlying pathology, and the nature of their epilepsy. The important
in other neurological populations such as traumatic brain injury distinctions between periictal and interictal cognitive disturbance
where original studies abound. The paucity of published studies in epi- should be explained. Understanding and accepting that cognitive prob-
lepsy probably represents the corresponding lack of resources dedi- lems are an integral part of epilepsy should form the bedrock of any cog-
cated to treating this aspect of the condition in the clinic. Epilepsy is a nitive neurorehabilitation program in people with epilepsy. This
condition defined by the presence of seizures; it is therefore unsurpris- education should be expanded to include friends, family, and employers
ing that the majority of financial, clinical, and research resources are fo- where appropriate. When complete, this education in itself can contrib-
cused on seizure control. However, the revised classification of epilepsy ute to a reduction in anxiety which can in turn lead to a reduction in
proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in 2010 cognitive complaints prior to any subsequent training in specific cogni-
[5] widened the conceptual basis of the diagnosis, recognizing the con- tive techniques [8].
dition as a network disorder of the brain, where cognitive and behav- Specific cognitive interventions can be constructed from the ‘S.O.S’
ioral difficulties are seen as essential comorbidities of the condition cognitive rehabilitation toolbox [8] (see Table 1). The first ‘S’ in this ac-
[6]. In this framework, the cognitive and behavioral manifestations of ronym refers to traditional cognitive ‘Strategies’ (for example, method
an underlying pathology that predispose someone to have seizures are of loci or visualization). The ‘O’ refers to ‘Outsourcing’ – the outsourcing
often evident on a daily basis, while seizures can be few and far be- of cognitive functions to physical and digital media (pencil and paper
tween. The relatively recent recognition of the essential comorbidities lists, calendars, smart phone apps, etc.). The final ‘S’ in the acronym re-
and wider implications of a diagnosis of epilepsy in our formal classifi- fers to Social Support. See Baxendale [8] for further details on how to use
cation systems may have played a role in the historical neglect of treat- the S.O.S toolbox for cognitive rehabilitation in epilepsy.
ments for this aspect of the condition.
It is also the case that many of the treatments prescribed to control 2.3. Is it possible to conduct preoperative/preemptive rehabilitation
seizures, exacerbate underlying cognitive problems, or create new diffi- (prehab) for anticipated surgically-induced cognitive deficits in epilepsy
culties. Given the duty of all clinicians to ‘first do no harm’, it is incum- surgery candidates?
bent upon us all to actively do everything we can to minimize the
impact of treatments for epilepsy on cognitive function. 2.3.1. The case for prehabilitation in epilepsy surgery candidates
Thus, cognitive difficulties can be an integral and pervasive part of Epilepsy surgery is an elective procedure which involves a complex
the condition which affects people with epilepsy on a daily basis, and decision-making process. An individual contemplating surgery needs
treatments for seizures can exacerbate these problems. There is there- to weigh the chances of gaining a worthwhile reduction in seizures
fore a clinical, conceptual, and moral basis for the development and im- against the inherent risks associated with the procedure. Some of
plementation of effective interventions to address these issues. The these risks are small and essentially associated with ‘something going
imperative is particularly strong in epilepsy surgery, an irreversible wrong’, for example, infection, stroke, or death. However, the chances
treatment with the potential to impact cognitive function for the rest of other adverse outcomes can be conceptualized, not so much as a

Table 1
The SOS toolbox.

Strategies a. Internal: traditional methods: method of loci, visualization, etc. Often of limited use in this population because of broader cognitive difficulties.
b. External: environmental adaptions, development of routines, and physical/digital systems to store/check information and deal with incoming information.
Usually more effective than internal strategies.
Outsourcing a. Physical media: pencil and paper, whiteboards, calendars, diaries, etc. Just the act of writing something down means that it is processed more deeply.
b. Digital media: smart phone apps, text reminders, online regular orders, social media to rehearse and autobiographical information, etc.
Social a. Education: teach family, friends, & colleagues about the nature, etiology, and impact of the neuropsychological difficulties associated with epilepsy and its
support treatment and how they can help.
b. Co-opt: use other people's brains when new information comes in, use them to register it for you, e.g., “can you send me an email/text about that”, etc.
S. Baxendale / Epilepsy & Behavior 106 (2020) 107027 3

risk, but more as a possible ‘cost’ of surgery since the outcome may be what would be expected due to regression towards the mean and prob-
expected and indeed predicted as a likely postoperative occurrence. ably represent the ‘release’ of function following the removal of inhibi-
Neuropsychological difficulties would fall into this category of risk (or tory neurophysiological influences. As with cognitive decline, the
cost) associated with epilepsy surgery. People contemplating surgical percentage of people who demonstrate a postoperative improvement
treatment need to be given as accurate information as possible about is very dependent on the reference group used, but similar multivariate
the likely ‘neuropsychological cost’ of the procedure, if they are to models can be used to identify the clinical factors associated with these
make an informed decision about surgery [9]. outcomes and to predict individual outcomes following surgery [31].
Although the possibility of memory difficulties following temporal Statistical modeling can be used to build a detailed, bespoke picture
lobe surgery is often acknowledged in the literature, individual cogni- of predicted postoperative function, identifying the likelihood of im-
tive outcomes following epilepsy surgery vary widely. Postoperative provement, stable function, and decline across a number of cognitive
neuropsychological outcomes are determined by a number of clinical domains on an individual basis. These predictions can be used in two
and demographic factors which interact with the side and extent of sur- important roles in the epilepsy surgery program:
gery and other peri- and postoperative factors to shape individual cog-
nitive outcomes. 1. To provide an evidence base for discussion of likely neuropsycholog-
The likelihoods of postoperative decline based on population studies ical outcomes in preoperative counseling.
of epilepsy surgery patients are variable and are highly dependent on 2. To plan and implement prehabilitation (or prehab). While rehabilita-
both the ways in which decline is measured and determined and the tion is implemented after a patient has developed a neuropsycholog-
reference population employed. In temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), post- ical deficit, prehabilitation uses intact functions before they are lost,
operative memory function is essentially a function of the adequacy of to get the compensatory strategies and routines in place prior to sur-
the hippocampus to be resected and the reserve of the structures left gery, in preparation for the anticipated postoperative change.
in situ [10]. Factors associated with a high postoperative risk of memory 2.3.2. Planning prehabilitation in epilepsy surgery
decline tend to be proxy measures of the hippocampal adequacy/hippo- The bedrock for prehabilitation in epilepsy surgery patients is a de-
campal reserve equation with increased risk of memory decline associ- tailed picture of the likely cognitive strengths and weaknesses and
ated with indicators of intact function in the structures to be resected. In changes in function following surgery. Where available, published algo-
addition to performance on traditional neuropsychological tests [11– rithms can be used to simulate the likely postoperative picture of func-
14], these indicators include measures from structural magnetic reso- tion in language [32] and memory [12,33]. Predictions of deterioration,
nance imaging (MRI) [12,13], functional MRI [15–17], positron emission improvement, and stable function in multiple cognitive domains can be
tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computerized tomogra- represented graphically. See Fig. 1.
phy (SPECT) [18–20], Wada test performance [11,21–23], and histopa- These graphical representations of the predicted postoperative cog-
thology [24,25]. An increased risk of decline is also associated with nitive landscape are different for each prospective surgical candidate
proxy measures of the reduced functional reserve of the whole brain, and based on their own clinical and neuropsychological characteristics.
not just the contralateral structures in TLE. These include demographic The graphs can be used as an evidence base to counsel people with ep-
factors (older age, long duration of epilepsy) [26], clinical variables ilepsy about the likely cognitive costs of the proposed surgery. Bars
(clinical etiology of the seizure disorder, history of generalized seizures above and below the 50% line represent more and less likely outcomes.
or status epilepticus), and neuropsychological test profiles which indi- These bars can be adjusted to examine likelihoods at different thresh-
cate widespread cognitive dysfunction [27]. olds. These personalized, graphical representations of likely cognitive
These ‘red flags’ (indications to proceed with caution) can coexist change also form a starting point for the prehabilitation process.
with protective factors in the same patient. Risk factors and protective However, in many settings, clinicians may not have the necessary
factors have been combined in multivariate models which generate al- data to either generate their own or use the published predictive algo-
gorithms to predict individual outcomes in specific cognitive domains rithms. The creation of accurate predictive models requires data from
following surgery [12,28–30]. a large surgical cohort who have undergone comprehensive pre- and
Although the majority of the cognitive outcome studies in epilepsy postoperative neuropsychological follow-up to generate the required
surgery focus on cognitive decline, up to 20% of people who undergo case: variable for adequate sensitivity and specificity. Using published
temporal lobe surgery experience a significant postoperative improve- models from large centers overcomes these issues, but not all centers
ment in function [31]. These improvements are above and beyond have access to the specific information required, particularly where

Fig. 1. Graphical representation of predicted cognitive change following surgery.

4 S. Baxendale / Epilepsy & Behavior 106 (2020) 107027

algorithms are based on scores from specific test batteries or unique 2.4. Should rehabilitation programs in epilepsy include lifestyle
functional MRI (fMRI) paradigms. Where algorithms or nomograms modifications?
are not available, a more general picture of likely postoperative changes
in function can be created by identifying the presence of ‘red flags’ that It is now well established that obesity in middle age and beyond may
have been highlighted in the literature. be associated with accelerated cognitive aging in nonneurological pop-
ulations [36]. In nonsurgical populations with epilepsy, Body Mass
2.3.3. A framework for the prehabilitation of cognitive problems in people Index (BMI) accounts for a significant proportion of the variance in pro-
with epilepsy cessing speed and is significantly correlated with memory function with
In the prehabilitation model in epilepsy surgery, the poorer scores associated with higher BMIs, even when educational level
psychoeducation component is combined with a detailed discussion and socioeconomic status are controlled for [37]. There is some evidence
and explanation of the likely cognitive changes that are associated with that cognitive under function associated with a high BMI may be ame-
surgery. It should be stressed that these changes are a consequence of liorated following lifestyle changes promoting fitness and weight loss
the surgery regardless of the outcome with respect to seizure control, al- in the general population [38]. It is unknown whether cognitive im-
though acknowledgment that seizure control may modify these changes provements would also be seen in people with epilepsy who implement
should also be part of the discussion [34,35]. While in the presurgical beneficial lifestyle changes. Optimizing physical condition prior to sur-
brain, memory problems may be as much a manifestation of the under- gery should be an integral part of any preoperative preparation, but
lying brain condition as seizures in the postsurgical brain cognitive prob- this is rarely an explicit part of the path towards epilepsy surgery. It is,
lems are also associated with the surgery itself. Developing a patient's however, possible that lifestyle advice and guidance may also confer
understanding and acceptance that cognitive problems may be an inte- cognitive benefits in addition to optimizing fitness for surgery. Further
gral consequence of surgery forms the first step in the cognitive research is required to examine this intriguing possibility but is possible
prerehabilitation program in this population. This understanding is es- that lifestyle advice may become an integral part of the cognitive reha-
sential for the patient to give informed consent to the procedure [9]. bilitation and prehabilitation process in the future.
Once this understanding is complete, the detailed picture of postop-
erative cognitive strengths and weaknesses and anticipated losses 3. Summary
should be mapped onto the patient's life and expectations of postoper-
ative function. For example, if presurgical investigations indicate that an Treatments of epilepsy aimed solely at controlling seizures do not
individual is at high risk of a postoperative decline in the encoding of address the full spectrum of difficulties associated with the condition.
new verbal information, the practical impact of this loss in all aspects Neuropsychological difficulties are now recognized as an essential co-
of their life (vocational, domestic, and social) should be explored. This morbidity and can be exacerbated further by treatments aimed at stop-
kind of memory deficit can have a significant impact on someone's abil- ping seizures. When they are present, some attempt to address
ity to function effectively at work, particularly in an office environment cognitive problems should form an integral part of the holistic treat-
and in social situations. The aim of this stage in the prehabilitation pro- ment for someone with epilepsy.
cess was to create a comprehensive picture of all of the important areas People considering epilepsy surgery are unique in the neurological
in a patient's life where any anticipated cognitive decline may have an population in that we now have empirical techniques to predict the na-
impact. Once these areas have been identified, it is possible to start to ture and extent of the likely cognitive changes associated with the sur-
devise a bespoke package of strategies to address these anticipated gery, before they occur. Discussion of the likely postoperative cognitive
difficulties. landscape is an integral part of the preparation of surgical candidates.
The next stage of the prehabilitation program centers around the Potential candidates are unable to give informed consent to surgical
creation of a bespoke package of strategies that will reduce the impact treatment without this information. In addition to forming the empirical
of the postoperative cognitive deficit on everyday function. It must be basis for informed consent, predictions of postoperative cognitive
stressed that these strategies do not restore the lost function, but rather change also allow for the design and implementation of prehabilitation
they provide an alternative means to an end. They are based on objec- programs to prepare an individual for expected changes as part of the
tives. In this stage of the rehabilitation process, the clinician works presurgical workup. The prehabilitation approach utilizes an individu-
with the patient to devise bespoke solutions to the anticipated postop- al's preoperative abilities to embed the strategies and routines they
erative problems using techniques from the SOS toolbox. will require to compensate for predicted postoperative changes in cog-
The final stage of prehabilitation involves the patient practicing nitive function, prior to surgery. The prehabilitation approach repre-
these strategies and getting the necessary routines in place prior to sur- sents personalized medicine in the epilepsy surgery setting. The
gery so that they are already familiar with and using the tools that they program is personalized to harness strengths before they are lost and
will need after surgery. For many people, the cognitive difficulties that to create practical solutions to the anticipated problems that these
they experience following surgery are an exacerbation of the problems losses may occur in all aspects of an individual's life, with the person
they have beforehand, so they do not have to wait for surgery to feel the with epilepsy very much at the forefront of setting the priorities in the
benefits of prehabilitation (Table 2). program.

Table 2
Stages in the prehabilitation processes in epilepsy surgery.

Step 1: Creation of the likely postoperative Ideally using multivariate models of prediction or nomograms
cognitive profile The presence of clinical ‘red flags’ that are associated with a high risk of postoperative decline can also contribute to this
Step 2: Feedback and education Explanation of the basis of pre- and postoperative cognitive difficulties. Explanation that the postoperative cognitive
profile may be the ‘cost’ of surgery, regardless of the outcome in terms of seizure freedom
Step 3: Mapping of the anticipated deficits onto Detailed examination of the likely impact of the anticipated cognitive decline on all areas of the patient's life.
function in the real world
Step 4: Creation of a bespoke package of solutions Put together an individualized package of strategies from the SOS toolbox for each anticipated area of difficulty, with
using the SOS toolbox reference to all resources (internal and external) available to the person with epilepsy.
Step 5: Implement prehabilitation Implement the strategies and routines prior to surgery so that the patient is already familiar with the strategies and has
supportive routines in place prior to the operation. Prioritize goals. It is usually best to start with something simple that has
a high chance of success to build up a positive cycle of confidence and expectation.
S. Baxendale / Epilepsy & Behavior 106 (2020) 107027 5

Funding population. It is unknown whether cognitive improvements would

also be seen in people with epilepsy who implement beneficial life-
This research did not receive any specific funding. style changes, but this represents a possible new treatment ave-
nue for cognitive difficulties in this group.
Declaration of competing interest

Dr. Baxendale serves as the chair of the ILAE Neuropsychology Task

Force 2017–2021 and on the UK ILAE Executive Committee. She has re-
ceived payment for expert testimony for the UK Courts.

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