Exercise 1. Past Participle / BSI/ X/ II/ 2021

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Identify the sentences below for the function of the participle verb (verb.

3) as
adjective or as part of verb. Highlight (stabilo) in yellow for adjectives, and
underline (garis bawahin) or bold (tebalkan) the words for part of verbs.
Look at the example in no. 1
1. An army of waiters flooded from the house onto the lawn. They carried a
silver tray brimming with freshly toasted sandwiches filled with grated
cheese and sliced tomatoes. They were balanced 10 high on each tray. There
were thousands of them. Toby wanted just one.
- As adjective: toasted describes sandwiches, filled describes sandwiches,
grated describes cheese, sliced describes tomatoes.
- As part of verb: balanced.

2. The burst bag revealed its contents. As the already gutted bass spilled on the
road for all to see, Lee stopped talking. The officer measured the fish and
shook his head. "Bass caught in these waters must be 36cm before you can
remove them," he said. Drawn to the commotion, a dozen large aggressive
seagulls suddenly appeared.
1 Exercise 1. Past Participle / BSI/ X/ II/ 2021
- As adjective: burst describes bag, gutted describes bass, caught describes
bass, drawn describes a dozen large aggressive seagulls
- As part of verb: -

3. "This cake looks bought."

"No way," she protested. "It was made with my own hands just this
morning." "Did you also make this box for it and put it in the bin?" Clearly
caught, she smiled and said, "Well, it was bought with my own hands just
this morning."
- As adjective: bought describes cake, caught describes the subject ‘she’
- As part of verb: made, bought

4. Bread and the art of baking were exported from Egypt and across the Roman
Empire. During the early Middle Ages, the Roman Empire started to break
down but baking had already been embedded in Europe and spread to Asia.
The Vikings made bread mainly from rye grains, which produce a dense, hard
bread. Circular loaves were often made with a hole in the middle allowing
bread to be hung from a pole or rope.
- As adjective:
- As part of verb: exported, been embedded, made, hung

5. Built on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, Stonehenge was constructed

in several stages between 3000 and 1500 B.C., spanning the Neolithic Period
to the Bronze Age. Its massive scale suggests that Stonehenge was vitally
important to the ancient peoples who built it, but the monument's purpose has
been the subject of widespread speculation for centuries. There are many
theories, casting Stonehenge as anything from an ancient healing center to an
alien landing site. In the 17th and 18th centuries, many believed Stonehenge
was a Druid temple, built by those ancient Celtic pagans as a center for their
religious worship. Though more recent scholars have concluded that
Stonehenge likely predated the Druids by some 2,000 years, modern-day
Druidic societies still see it as a pilgrimage destination.
- As adjective:
- As part of verb:

6. The Mahicans (or Mohicans) are an American tribe with links to the
2 Exercise 1. Past Participle / BSI/ X/ II/ 2021
Delaware people. They originally settled in the upper Hudson River Valley
and western New England. After 1680, due to conflicts with the Mohawk
during the Beaver Wars, many were driven south-eastwards across the
present-day Massachusetts western border and the Berkshires to Berkshire
County around Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Since the forcible relocation of
Amerindian populations to reservations in the American west during the
1830s, most descendants of the Mahican are located in Shawano County,
Wisconsin, where decades later they eventually formed the federally
recognized Stockbridge-Munsee Community with registered members of the
Leni Lenape people.
- As adjective: recognized describes Stockbridge-Munsee Community,
registered describes members
- As part of verb: driven, located

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