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Anaphylaxis Risk Management Plan

Billy Johnson, 4y/o

Name of Child: Billy Johnson

Date of Birth: 5 August 2011

Detail how this will be implemented

Hazards/Risks Recommended Control Measures Yes
and any additional strategies
Equipment/ Adrenaline auto-injectors (auto-injectors) such as  List location/s of auto-
Materials Epi-pen and Anapen are stored in a safe, unlocked injectors:
and accessible, easy-to-find location.
 Auto-injectors are put in a
bag and labelled Billy are
kept in medication cabinet in
the Kitchen inaccessible to
children; and away from
direct sources of heat.

er as
eH w
Auto-injectors are stored in a cool place 15-25 Kept in the kitchen where the

degrees (not below 15 degrees or a refrigerator).
rs e temperature is always set at 22 to
ou urc
Auto-injectors and copies of ASCIA Action Plan for A copy of Action plan is kept with the
Anaphylaxis (Action Plans) are located together. medication in the medication cabinet or
stuck on the cabinet door.

Auto-injectors & Action Plans are labelled with Auto injectors and action plans are
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students’ names. labelled and kept in separate bags.

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Student’s Action Plans have up-to-date photos of The photos on Action plans will be
the students. updated every month.
Expiry dates of adrenaline auto-injectors are  Routinely, the service
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checked regularly and parents informed in a timely will review each child’s
ar stu

manner. medication to ensure it

hasn’t expired. A list
will be kept in the office
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and medication will be

checked once a month

when first aid checks

are done to make sure
they are in date.

Staff members know where adrenaline auto- The service will ensure that the auto-
injectors and Action Plans are stored. injection device kit is stored in a
location that is known to all staff,
including relief staff; easily accessible
to adults (not locked away)
Staff members are aware of the Anaphylaxis displayed in areas of prominence to ensure all
Guidelines for Queensland State Schools. practices and procedures are followed

Anaphylaxis Risk
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by 100000829973532 Billy Johnson on 08-31-2021 22:41:01 GMT -05:00
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Students Staff members are aware of which students are at All action plans will be labelled and
risk of anaphylaxis and the actions required. have photo of the child and displayed in
the main locations,so that staff
members are aware of it.
The school has received a copy of Action Plans for  The service must be informed
all students at risk of anaphylaxis. of any allergies a child have
and action plan for that
particular allergy, upon
enrolment of a child.

Staff members are aware of the protocols for The service will ensure that all
management of a student who is not identified as educators have completed first aid,
being at risk of anaphylaxis and experience a first anaphylaxis/asthma and CPR training
time reaction.

Staff members know how to recognise an All staff will undergo required training

er as
anaphylactic reaction. for anaphylaxis management and will

be aware of the symptoms.

eH w
Staff members know where both the generic and  Anaphylaxis action

individual student’s adrenaline auto-injectors and
rs e plan are kept in the
Action Plans are located. front office, in the kindy
ou urc
room, in the preschool
room, in the
kitchen/staff room, the

director of therapies
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office and the resource

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room. All auto injectors

are labelled and stored
in medication cabinet
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along with the copy of

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action plan.
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Staff members are aware of the Managing Risks in For special occasions, school staff
School Curriculum Activities procedure and risks should consult parents in advance to

associated with the activities such as cooking, art either develop an alternative food menu
lessons, excursions and camps for students with or request the parents to send a meal
anaphylaxis. for the student.
Staff are to be able to demonstrate
satisfactory training in food allergies
and implications on foodhandling

Action Plans are reviewed regularly with parent. Develop an ongoing communication
plan with the child’s parents to ensure
that all relevant action plan for
anaphylaxis is upto date. Parents are

Anaphylaxis Risk
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to update this information on a 6
monthly basis or as directed by their
Emergency Ambulance will be called for every anaphylactic List how and by whom: Educators
Situations episode. should be on the lookout for symptoms
as they need to act rapidly if they do

Educators should immediately call 000

if symptoms arise.

A procedure for raising the alarm will be developed Process to follow

by the school and communicated to staff. schools may use classroom
phones/personal mobile phones,wakie
talkie or a card system((laminated card
stating anaphylaxis emergency),

whereby students go to the nearest

er as
teacher, office or other predetermined

point to raise an alarm which triggers

eH w
getting an adrenaline autoinjector to the

rs e child and other emergency response
ou urc
A procedure is in place to collect the generic By whom and how?
adrenaline auto-injector when a student A nominated staff member will bring the
experiences an anaphylactic episode in case a second adrenaline autoinjector to the

second dose is needed or the student’s auto- emergency just in case a further device
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injector fails. is required to be administered (this may

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be the school adrenaline autoinjector

for general use or the family purchased
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Student’s auto-injector is kept with the student. If a student carries their own adrenaline
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Student is assessed to determine where it’s autoinjector, it may be prudent to keep

appropriate for them to carry their own auto-injector a second adrenaline autoinjector
for emergency use or if appropriate staff member/s (provided by the parent) on-site in an
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need to be responsible for this. easily accessible, unlocked location

that is known to all school staff.

Staff members have been trained to recognise the Ensure that all school staff are briefed
symptoms of anaphylaxis. This will include both a at least twice a year by the School
theoretical component and practical training to Anaphylaxis Supervisor
administer an auto-injector.  how to use an adrenaline
autoinjector, including hands-on
practice with an adrenaline
autoinjector trainer device
(which does not contain
 the causes, symptoms and
treatment of anaphylaxis
Relief and volunteer staff are not given sole List who will support the student and

Anaphylaxis Risk
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responsibility for students with diagnosed how this will occur. Peer support is an
anaphylaxis risk without evidence of appropriate important element of support for
training. students at risk of anaphylaxis. School
staff can raise awareness in their
school through fact sheets or posters
displayed in hallways, canteens and
classrooms. Class teachers can
discuss the topic with students in class,
Environmental Tuckshop staff are provided with details of students a communication plan that ensures that
- Food who are at risk of anaphylaxis. all school staff (including volunteers
Allergies and casual staff), students and parents
are provided with adequate information
about students who are at risk of
Tuckshop staff are aware of cross-contamination Ensure that the staff can demonstrate
during storage, preparation and serving of food. satisfactory training in the area of food

allergy and anaphylaxis and its

er as
implications for food-handling practices.

This includes careful label reading, and

eH w
an understanding of the major food

rs e allergens that trigger anaphylaxis and
cross-contamination issues specific to
ou urc
food allergies.
Environmental School grounds are assessed to cater for students
-Insect with insect allergies (e.g. grass mown regularly to Check the forecast;students stay

Allergies prevent flowering clover, flowering plants identified, indoors as much as possible on hot,
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insect nests removed, garbage covered, safe eating dry, windy days when pollen counts are
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areas). generally the highest.

Wearing masks when outdoor pollen
counts are usually the highest.(5am to
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Anaphylaxis Risk
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