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Glosario técnico en ingles


Construcción de un glosario técnico en inglés para el área ocupacional.

Desarrollo de un sistema de información para el registro y control de pagos del
colegio Madre Matilde de la localidad Fontibón de la ciudad de Bogotá

Diana Marisol Martínez Rozo

Análisis y desarrollo de sistemas de información
Ficha: 2104589

Dirigido a instructora

Angela María López

Área Bilingüismo

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje

Bogotá, mayo de 2021

Glosario técnico en ingles

Table of contents

Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3
Technical Glossary .................................................................................................. 3
References .............................................................................................................. 4
Document Control ................................................................................................... 4

Glosario técnico en ingles


This glossary will allow the identification of the keywords, used within
the technical development language of the one used for the current
project by the analyst and software developer, as well as a definition
of them for their clear understanding.

Technical Glossary
Custom software: software that meets the particular needs of the client, it can be for
generic or commercial use.
Developer plus: it is something striking and innovative that we see in your proposal,
that makes it stand out from the others, it may be something that the developer sees
that our system needs, but that we have not yet contemplated, or something that
significantly improves it.
Device: it is a device that is used for a certain action.
Direct costs: correspond to the costs directly related to the realization of the software.
Functional requirements: set of technical specifications given by the client, which
determines the characteristics of the system around its functionality.
Graphical user interface: it is the visual environment of images and objects through
which a machine and user interact.
Indirect costs: costs that are related to the production of the software, but cannot be
charged directly to it.
Internal approval criteria: evaluation compendium that the institution determines,
example punctuality in the delivery of the proposal, striking interface, coverage of all
the requested requirements, etc.
Non-functional requirements: technical specifications that the client will establish for
the system under development that are not linked to its functionality but to its process
execution characteristics.
Payment stub: it is a removable check-style that specifies each of the items,
necessary to make and properly records the student pension payment, this is
generated month by month.
Risk matrix: it is a tool, useful for any company, that allows you to identify the risks
to which it is exposed, even when it is about to acquire a new product or service.
Slots: allows you to insert the cards into the computer.
Specifications: relevant characteristics of a product.

Glosario técnico en ingles

Stakeholders: all the people or organizations directly involved with the future
implementation of the information system as client and user of the interface.
Technical sheet: descriptive and specific table of the characteristics of the hardware
elements for the project.
Use cases diagram: it is a description of the activities that someone or something
must carry out to carry out a process.
User manual: a tool that specifies the steps to use the purchased good correctly, be
it a physical product or service.


SENA . (may de 2021). terrirorium, materials and tests. Obtenido de learning

SENA. (may de 2021). territorium. Obtenido de evaluation instrument:
SENA. (may de 2021). territorium. Obtenido de learning activity development
SENA. (may de 2021). territorium. Obtenido de Vocabulary Learning:

Document Control

Wrote Diana Marisol Martinez
Pedagogical Advisor Angela María López

Date 29 mayo 2021

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