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1.- The VISUAL/ SPATIAL intelligence is given through: c.

sensitive TO COLORS and designs. b, Being skilled in working
with plants and animals. a. Being gifted in singing, playing
instruments, or composing music. .
2.- English adverbs are regular and irregular. WHICH OF THE
FOLLOWING examples has an irregular adverb? b. Jackeline
speaks FRENCH WELL. a. Jackeline speaks French fluently. c.
Jackeline speaks intelligently. .
3.- Select the pair of words that correctly completes the
sentence. DANIEL IS A ___ carpenter. He performs____AT
WORK a. skillful / professionally b. Skillfully /professionally c.-
skilful /professional .
4.- Select the type of “intelligence” that corresponds to this
definition. These PEOPLE LIKE working plants and animals.
c.NATURALIST b. Visual/spatial a. Interpersonal.
5 Select the option that completes the statement correctly
HAROLD GARNER, the author of the theory of multiple
intelligences, has identified eight different “intelligences” to
show that people understand, experience, _________. c. and
LEARN in different ways b. and writes in different ways. a. and
speaks in different ways. .
6. Select the choice with the best TOPIC SENTENCE for the
following paragraph. My parents, say that I started running
before I was two years old. When I was a child, I played soccer
every day after school. l don't like to sit down - I always want to
move around and be active. I like swimming in summer and
playing football in winter. My friends think that I have a REAL
APTITUDE FOR SPORTS. l learned to play tennis in just a few
weeks. c. My primary intelligence is K I N E S T H E T I C. b. My
primary intelligence is visual/spatial a. My primary intelligence is
lntrapersonal. .
7. Which of the following sentences SHOWS the use of an
irregular adverb? c. That writing test was really hard. b. Susan
learned to speak FRENCH and ITALIAN very quickly. a. Susan
speaks French and ltalian very well. .
8. Select the correct question based on the following statem You
nave MECHANICAL APTITUDE a. Does your teacher THINK THAT
YOU HAVE mechanical aptitude? b. Does your teacher thinks
that you have mechanical aptitude? c. Your teacher think that
you have mechanical aptitude? .
9. The following definition, something that you ACCOMPLISH OR
DO WELL, correspondsto ____________ c. SUCCESS a. dream
b. lacked .
10. The following active sentence WILL BE RE -WRITTEN with
present passive. Select the correct version. The practitioners
who worked part-time wrote a report about their experiences. c.
The PRACTITIONERS who have worked part-time, HAVE
WRITTEN a report about their experiences. a. The práctitioners
who had worked part- time wrote a report about their
experiences. b. Areport about their experiences was written by
the practitioners who worked part-time .
11. Select the correct verb form to complete the following
sentence. , ln this college, everyone is ENCOURAGED
___________ REGULARY. c. TO ATTEND b. attending a. attend .
12. Select the sentence showing an infinitive AFTER A PASSIVE.
c. OUR STUDENTS were required to take six courses for the
certificate. b. They allowed many students to get credits for
their jobs. a. We expected all the students to have an
internship. .
13. The following active sentence will be rewritten whit present
passive. Select the option whit the correct version. We expect
new students to come early for registration. a. NEW STUDENTS
ARE expected to come early for registration. b. The new
students expected to come early for registration. c. We expected
new students to come early for registration. .
14. Select the word with the answer that corresponds to the
following question. Is LUISA QUALIFIED for financial aid this
year? b. SHE HAS LOW INCOME and very good grades c. She
has to pass all the classes Yes, __________ a. She wants to
earn more money .
15. Which of the sentences is written in ACTIVE VOICE? a. Did
you understand the new regulation given by the SENECYT? b.
The education regulation were published by January c. The new
students are expected to meet all application deadlines .
16. Choose the words that best complete the sentence Where_
_____the financial AID OFFICE_____? a. Is /locate b. IS/
LOCATED c. Did / locate .
17. Select the word that completes the statement correctly IF
YOU TRUST someone, you _______ the things they say a. Don’t
believe c. BELIEVE b. Don’t care .
18. Read the following statement and answer the question. My
father got angry because I got a C in history. He wants to raise
me exactly the same way that he was brought up in his country
What is the meaning of the WORD RAISE? b. BRING UP a.
Ground c. Trust .
19. Select the option that best completes the sentences. LAN IS
ANGRY because she’s not___ to go the mall alone b. PERMITTED
c. Grounded a. Raised .
20. Select the correct indirect Question that matches the answer
SUE: Can you please tell me ______? BRENDA: Mr. Brown’s 7th
period English Class a. What class she miss a. What class she
MISSED b. What class did she miss c. Did she miss a class .
21. Select the STATEMENT SHOWING the use of reported
speech. a. i’d like to know where you went this afternnon while i
was at work. b. can you tell me if we have any homework due
tomorrow? c. LAURA TOLD andrew that she lives with her
cousin. she told him she lives downtown. .
22. What is the correct word ORDER TO FORM a sentence? c. IT
IS LATE. consequently, we have to leave. b. it is consequently
late, we have to leave a. consequently we have to leave, it is
late. .
23. Select the option that completes the conversation with an
indirect questioncorrectly. HOW CAN I get a better job? Can you
TELL ME --------------. b. HOW I CAN get a better job c. if can i
get a better job a. how can i get a better job? .
24. Select the answer that corresponds to the following
question. Do you know what HELEN^S address is? a. it’s 118
wilson drive. b. she works at boston hospital. c. it’s at the new
church neigborhood. .
25. what is being expressed in the following sentence? she
shouldn’t get stressedout. FRANCIS: opinión is that they
shouldn’t get married so son. a. ADVICE b. necessity c. lack of
necessity .
26. which of the following sentences EXPRESSES NECESSITY? c.
YOU HAVE to practice deep breathing to get relaxed. b. brenda
shouldn’t try to do everything perfectly. a. if she feels alone she
ought to try to meet new people .
select the option with the situation that matches the following
statement expressing advice. you should try to CALM DOWN
AND CONCENTRATE in your task. a. I ALWAYS make mistakes
when i take a written test. b. i am worried because i have to go
to a lecture this afternoon. c. my friend hasn’t said a word to me
all day.
28. what is being expressed in the following sentence? brenda
had to go to the new library because she DIDN`T HAVE A BOOK
ON LINGUISTICS. c. NECESSITY b. lack of necessity a. advice.
29. WICH SUFFIX can change the word depress correctly? a. –
ion b. – ness c. – full .
30. wich of the following statements, expressing regreat in the
past, corresponds to this situation? MY PHONE bill is so high this
month. b. i shouldn’t have made all those calls TO GALAPAGOS.
c. i should avoid doing long phone calls. a. i should be more
attentive with phone calls. .
31. select the sentence that answers the following question
correctly. why does susan feel STRESSED AT WORK? c. she has
to work very quickly, and she’ s afraid of making MISTAKES. b.
she had an interview for an off a new apartment a. she has
been looking for a new apartment. .
32. select the option that best completes the sentence. If I don
´t__________ during the INTERVIEW, I will make a lot of
mistakes speaking English. a. CALM down b. take some deep
breaths c. practice the presentation. .
33. select the option with the words that complete the following
question correctly. ____you_____ VIDEO GAMES when you
were a child? c. DID / USE TO PLAY b. did/ used to play a.
were/use to play .
34. read the following statements about volunteering. select the
option to identify the topic they match. -talk to the volunteer
coordinator to get more information. -attend three orientation
sessions. -pass some health test. -send an application a.
THINGS RAFAEL has to do before becoming a volunteer. b.
responsabilities rafael will have at the hospital. c. characteristics
og rafael as an efficiente volunteer. .
36. select the correct verb form to complete the sentence. my
teacher____ us any homework. now we get homework every
day! c. WAS USED to give a. used to give b. didn’t use to give.
38. which of the options complete the following sentence
correctly. _________ his visitors leave, he’ll take his medicine
and GO TO SLEEP. a. AS SONN AS b. until c. that .
39. select the option that best completes the statemen. my
friend teresa will take care of the children__________ susan
gets HOME WORK. a. until b. as soon as c. so that .
40. complete the statement with the corresponding words.
ANDREA______ at the public DAY-CARE in esmeraldas last
summer. she loves children and she wanted to feel that she was
doing something______ b. VOLUNTEERED / WORTHWHILE a.
acted/committed c. promised/commitme .
41 Select the choice that completes the statement correctly.
_________________language is English a. multiple b. logical c.
43. Select the statement that best answers the following
question Is your friend working in an office or at home? . c. Both
a and b b. I'd say she works at home a. I think that she works
in an office. .
43. Select the statement that best answers the following
question Is your friend working in an office OR AT HOME? c.
Both a and b b. I'd say she works at home. a. I think that she
works in an office. .
44 Select the pair of words that correctly completes the
sentence. Daniel is a _____________ CARPENTER. He performs
_____________ at work a. S K I L L F U L / professionally b.
skillfully/professionally c. skilful/professional .
45 Select the statement that matches the following. One of the
signs in our school says: "NO RUNNING IN POOL AREA” c. We're
NOT supposed TO RUN in the pool area. b. We're supposed to
use the pool area a. We're supposed to run in the pool area. .
46 Which of the following sentences contains an adjective? a. I
don't like driving very much. I'm a VERY SLOW DRIVER b.
Jefferson doesn't like to drive slowly. c. I love your paintings.
You paint very well. .
47 What does Patrick means in this conversation? Paul: Do you
think that you will get a job at the UTPL service department?
Patrick: Yes, I hope so. b. I REALLY WANT THE JOB. c. I
probably won't get the job. a. I'll probably get the job. .
Kate and her family faced many _____________ when they
came to this country. a. dreams b. classes c. obstacles .
49 Select the appropriate question for the following answer Ann:
_____________________________________________ . Sam:
No, but they are required to work eight to ten hours a week. a.
Are our students expected to work FULL - TIME IN A
RESTAURANT? b. Are our students told to fill out a new
application this week? c. Are our students expected to be on
time for every meeting? .
50 Select the option that describes "behaviors expected in a
library”. b. You're supposed to be quiet in this place. c. You're
supposed to pay a fee before you get in. a. You're supposed to
wear formal clothes. .
51 Select the correct words for the Passive sentence based on
the following Active sentence They over summer courses every
academic year. P. Summer courses ________________ every
academic year. b. are offered a. they offer c. are offering .
52 Select the sentence expressing expectation about behavior.
c. We should take a shower before we enter in a swimming poo
a. We're supposed to take a shower before we enter in a
swimming pool. b. We have to take a shower before we enter in
a swimming pool.
Select the "primary intelligence" that matches the following
definition. These people easily understand other people
naturalist interpersonal visual/spatial.
Select the word that is incorrect in the following conversation.
Are bilingual skills expected by many employers in this country?
Yes, they are need for many jobs in this country. Are need
Select the word that best completes this sentence. They are
proud now because they have ____________ their dreams
determined fulfilled lacked.
Complete the sentence with the correct words. Brenda should
___________________ her family. has called have called have
Which of the following sentences contains an adjective? I don`t
like driving very much. I`m a very slow driver. Jefferson
doesn`t like to drive slowly. I love your paintings. You paint
very well.
In the following conversation, What does Brenda is expressing?
Ann: I was thinking about my problems at work and I couldn`t
sleep last night. Brenda: You should have drunk some relaxing
tea and read for some minutes. Necessity. Regreat in the past.
Advice in the past.
Complete the following question with the correct option.
___________ Brenda should learn a second language? She
realizes that Do you believe that I believe that.
Select the option that completes the sentence expressing advice
in the past. Alice: Imelda left Costa Rica last year and none of
her family came with her. She got homesick and depressed.
Cristina: She should _____ to someone about her problems.
talk have talked talked.
Which of the following options best complete the conversation?
Ann: Have you spent so much time at the day -care? Brenda:
Oh, no. Last year, I ___________ at the daycare just once a
month. have worked worked work.
Select the sentence that answers the following question
correctly. Why does Susan feel stressed at work? She has to
work very quickly, and she`s afraid of making mistakes. She
had an interview for an office job that seems interesting. She
has been looking for a new apartment. .
Select the choice that completes the conversation with the
correct answer. Ann: Do you think that it is essential to speak
foreign languages in Ecuador? Ben: ________ . Many
professions demand to speak more than one language. No, I
don`t think so. Yes, I think so. No, I don´t.
Select the option with the advice that matches with the
following situation. My roommate is often late for class. She
shouldn´t lose her temper. She doesn`t have to go to sleep
early. She ought to take an earlier bus.
Select the option with the "introductory clause" that best
answers the question. Alan: Is Carlos´ primary intelligence
musical? Brenda: ___________ . He´s always reading books
and he writes in a journal. I´d say he is linguistic. I think he is
logical. I totally agree with y.
Select the statement that corresponds and completes the
following statement. In case of fire _______________________
You are supposed to use the elevator You are supposed to use
the stairs. You`re supposed to be quiet.
Select the option expressing advice in the past that matches
with the following situation. The crystal vase that Tom and Lisa
received from their parents was broken. hey should find the
store and ask them to replace it. They should have talked their
parents about that. They should find a solution to solve this.
Select the choice that completes the statement to express
Regret in the past. You _______________ to the lecture this
afternoon had to go should have gone should go.
Select the correct verb form to complete the sentence. My
teacher _____ us any homework. Now we get homework every
day! didn’t use to give used to give was used to give.
Read the following statement and answer the question. Erik,
I`m really sorry but I can`t go to the disco with you tomorrow.
I had a big argument with my father about my grades, so now
I`m grounded for a month! I`m not permitted to go anywhere
after school. What is the meaning of the word grounded?
educated punished permitted.
Select the option where the speaker talks about something that
is familiar to him/her or easy for him/her in a correct way. Mary
Joseph lived in Paris for five years. Mary Joseph is used to living
in Paris. Mary Joseph uses to live in Paris now.
Select the correct words for the Passive sentence based on the
following Active sentence They offer summer courses every
academic year. P. Summer courses________________ every
academic year. are offering they offer are offered.
Complete the sentence with the appropriate word. Justin lost his
vision due to a _________ illness. grave tenacity impaired.
Select the option that answers the question appropriately. Does
your father think that Ecuador is a good place to live? Yes, he
thinks so. Yes, I think. No, he not think.
Select the sentence expressing expectation about behavior.
We`re supposed to take a shower before we enter in a
swimming pool. We have to take a shower before we enter in a
swimming pool. We should take a shower before we enter in a
swimming pool.
Which of the following statements talk about repeated actions in
the PRESENT. Hushan visited his son every Sunday last year.
Hushan helped his son with the assignments after school last
month. Hushan plays basket ball with his son in the backyard
each Saturday.
Which of the options shows the grammar rule: "We need to use
a comma after a time clause when it is at the beginning of a
sentence." The patient finished his lunch, soon the nurse left. As
soon as the patient finished his lunch, the nurse left. The patient
finished his lunch, so that the nurse left.
What is being expressed in the following sentence?
Francis`opinion is that that they shouldn`t get married so soon.
Necessity. Lack of necessity. Advice.
Which of the following sentences shows the correct use of
adjectives and adverbs in both parts? He is a badly
communicator. He doesn´t listen good. He is a bad
communicator. He doesn´t listen good. He is a bad
communicator. He doesn´t listen well.
Select the statement that best answers the following question.
Is your friend working in an office or at home? Both a and b I
think that she works in an office. I`d say she works at home.
Select the option showing a sentence including a noun clause.
Alicia`s teacher thinks that she`s smart. Alicia is a smart
teacher. Alicia`s teacher is smart.
English adverbs are regular and irregular. Which of the following
examples has an irregular adverb? Jackeline speaks French well.
Jackeline speaks intelligently. Jackeline speaks French fluently.
The following active sentence will be rewritten with present
passive. Select the option with the correct version. We expect
new students to come early for registration. We expected new
students to come early for registration. The new students
expected to come early for registration. New students are
expected to come early for registration. .
Read the following advertisement about “Volunteer
Opportunities.” Then, select the option with the “volunteer
position” required here. Agency: Patronato de Amparo Social-
Loja Need: Volunteers to help with mailings and other office
jobs; assist various departments, marketing, and membership.
Site : Patronato de Amparo Social Office. Health care Literacy
General administration.
Complete the sentence with the correct words. He shouldn´t
________________ the newspaper before work had read has
read have read.
Select the option that best completes the statement. My friend
Teresa will take care of the children _________ Susan gets
home from work. so that until as soon as.
Select the option that answers the following question. When did
Sally begin working as a volunteer at a homeless shelter? Six
years ago Several times a week. . For two years.
Complete the sentence with the corresponding transition word. I
enjoy eating "American Style." ___________________ what
many people think, this means eating salads and sandwiches
instead of meat and rice. Actually Despite On the other hand .
What is being expressed in the following sentence? Brenda had
to go to the new library because she didn't have a book on
linguistics. Necessity Lack of necessity Advice .
What is the advice required for Nikolai, who arrived late to a
work meeting? He shouldn't have left the meeting. He should
have eaten breakfast He shouldn't have overslept. .
Select the sentence that answers the following question
correctly. Which sentence best reflects Don Miguel Ruiz's First
Agreement, "Be impeccable with your word"? Samuel is prudent
and precise with how he expresses himself. Samuel says the
first thing that comes to his head, regardless if it is offensive to
other people. Samuel doesn't speak when he can't think of
anything to say. .
Complete the statement with the correct answers. _____ the
lectures ______ in the same auditorium? Are / given Are /
giving Are / give .
Select the option showing a sentence including a noun clause.
Many people agree that Stephen Hawking was one of the
greatest minds of his generation. Stephen Hawking, one of the
greatest minds of his generation, passed away in March 2018.
Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest minds of his
generation. .
What is the speaker's intention in the following sentence? You
should have studied specific verb tenses for that English exam.
To express lack of necessity. To give advice for a situation in the
past. To express regret about the past. .
The Visual/Spatial intelligence is given through: Being sensitive
to colors and designs. Being skilled in working with plants and
animals. Being gifted in singing, playing instruments, or
composing music. .
Select the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.
In this college, everyone is encouraged ______________
regularly. to attend attend attending .
Select the word that completes the statement correctly. The
English language learning context in Ecuador is best described
as "English as a(n) __________ language". extra foreign
strange .
Select the word with the answer that corresponds to the
following question. Elena: Is Luisa qualified for financial aid this
year? Ashley: Yes, ________________ . She has a low income
and very good grades. She wants to earn more money. She has
to pass all the classes.
What does Patrick express in his response to Paul? Paul: Do you
think that you will get a job at the UTPL service department?
Patrick: I'm not sure, but I really hope so. I really want the job.
I probably won't get the job. I'll probably get the job. .
Which of the options shows the grammar rule: "We can use a
comma after a time clause when it is at the beginning of a
sentence." Both options are correct Until we had enough
savings, we saved our money. As soon as we had enough
savings, we bought a car. .
Which of the following statements, expressing regret in the
past, corresponds to this situation? After Christmas I gained 10
whole pounds! I should lose some weight starting next year. I
shouldn't have eaten so much. I shouldn't eat so much turkey
but it's so delicious! .
What does Brenda mean in this conversation? Susan: Do you
think that you will have to take French next year? Brenda: I
hope not. I don't want to take French. I probably won't take
French. I don't need to take French. .
Select the option where the speaker uses the correct form to
talk about something that describes being accustomed to
something. Are you used to eating so quickly? Do you eat
quickly? Did you use to eat quickly when you were a child? .
English adverbs are regular and irregular. Which of the following
examples has a regular adverb? Jackeline speaks French
fluently. Jackeline speaks French well. Jackeline speaks French
and English. .
Select the adjective form of “compassion” without changing the
meaning, just the form. compassionate uncompassionate
compassionately .
Select the pair of words that correctly completes the following
sentence. Roger is a ____________ engineer. He has always
been a ____________ expert. gifted / mechanical aptitude /
cooking brain / fixing up .
Select the sentence showing an infinitive after a passive verb
structure. The UTPL encouraged the students of EFL to meet
with a counselor. Applicants are required to meet the deadline.
They told the students to take one class online. .
Select the option that completes the sentence expressing advice
in the past. Janis: I bought a lot of new clothes that I didn't
need and now I don't have enough money to pay rent. Jimmy:
You should _____ about your bills before going shopping. have
thought think thought .


1. Wow, Dante! You are a_________talented violinist a. pretty b. absolute c. total.

2. ¿Are you a Good actor, Alberto? I don´t know, byt my friends tell me that I act______ a. good b.
according c. well.

3. I don´t understand algebra. Have you __________to your teacher yet? She miss a. spoke b.
called c. take.

4. I´ve never _______ a motorcycle. I think they are too dangerous. a. ridden b. gone c. backed.

5. This is ______ hotel in Loja. It is cheap and very nice. a. the best b. the best of c. best than.

6. What is ________ thing you have ever done? Once, I swam in the Ama a. cooler than b. the
cooler c. the coolest.

7. This lasagna tastes great! ____ a. Where were we? b. It sure does! c. It just could be!.

8. How was your trip to Atacamnes? Awesome! I had the______vacation a. better b. good c. best.

9. I like staying at home a lot more than going out. I guess I am a _______ a. couch potato b.
daydreamer c. homebody.

10. My sister has one son. My ________name is Danilo a. nephew´s b. son-in-law´s c. niece´s.

11. I loved our vacation in Hawai! ________ a. Where were we? b. Did you? c. Congratulations!.
12. __________kids watch too much TV nowadays. You are absolutely right. a. Did I tell you b. I
was wondering if c. It seems to me that.

13. I think there will be thirty peopleat our party. Really? I don´t think we have ____ a. drinks
enough b. too much drinks c. enough drinks.

14. I failed my examen.That is because you didn´t study __________ a. enough b. too much c.

15. Do you like hot peppers? I have a ________of pickled jalapeños if you want. a. mug b. glass. c.

16. These stir-fried noodles are very _________! I know! I prepared them with hot pepppers. a.
spicy b. lukewarm c. smoked.

17. I am going to make a sandwinch for myself. Do you want one? No, thanks _____ a. Maybe later
b. To be honest c. You know what I mean.

18. Do you want some sugar for your coffee? No, thanks________ a. You know what I´m saying? b.
I´m fine. Really c. Though.

19. I´m not sure what to study after high school. You ought to________some thinking a a. do b.
perform c. get.

20. I don´t understand what this guy´s talking about. He´s not_____any sence. a. doing b. making
c. having.

21. Do you know anybody _______is interested in joining a salsa class? I need a partner! a. who b.
he c. which.

22. What are you going to do with the pone ________ you broke? I´m going to throw it away. a. at
b. that c. who.

23. Can I borrow your car this weekend? Sorry. My sister already asked_____it. a. upon b. to c.
for .

24. Andres is so nice. He lent me his iPod for the weekend. Did you thank him___it? a. to b. of c.

25. I lost my pone yesterday. _____buy another one son. It is important to have one for your job.
a. Whatever you are having b. You might want to c. I´d bettergo.

26. If I were you. I would travel to Asia. It is really cool ___________ but I don´t have any money.
a. On the hand b. Ok with you c. That would be amazing.

27. I can´t see without my glasses. Let me _______ a. on to put them b. put on then c. put them

28. Do you know how to turn__________? a. this cell pone off b. turn off it c. off in this cell pone.

29. Do you think _________ exist? I don´t think so. I think planet Earth is the only place with living
a. monsters b. stunts c. aliens.
30. You are an amazing skateboarder! Thaks l´ve been practing________ years. a. for b. in c. since .

31. Did you hear how well Johanna sings? Yes! She_______a lot a. must be practice b. must to
practice c. must be practicing.

32.I´m so pround of Maritza. She got a 99 on her chemistry exam! Gosh! That ______the highost
grade in her class. a. can´l be b. would be c. could be.

33. I have been playing in a band for 5 years. I even traveled to Europeo n a tour_____ a. I agree
wiht you! b. I´m OK for now! c. That must be really nice!.

34. I went to the aquarium in Boston. It was amazing! _______ a. It seems to me b. On the other
had c. That place must be really cool!.

35. Why are you here? I was invited ______Pablo a. at b. for c. by.

36. Did you see the game last night? Enner Valencia was _______ and will not be able to play for
six a. injury b. to be injured c. injured.

37. There was a terrible hailstorm in the U.S last night. The ______were the size of baseballs! a.
hails b. ice blocks c. hailtones.

38. A lot of the houses in New Orleans were ______ damaged by Huricane Katrina. a. badly b.
surprisingly c. conveniently.

39. I get paid very welf in my job, but the________, I love what I do. a. best thing is b. only thing is
c. scary thing is.

40. ________Norberto won a scholarship to Argentina. I am not surprised. He a. Whatever you

prefer b. I was wondering c. Did I tell you?.


it was____bad experience that i just want to forget it so such such a.

How did all these events come about? open stay happen.

Can i help you with______? no one something nothing.

He has _____ French since he_____high school studied/ left studies/ left studied/ leave.

Extremely tired is to be_____ energetic confident exhausted.

We spend a lot of time talking about music and sports, ____? aren't they? do we? don't we.

It's hard to____when angry costumers are shouting at you. keep cool go for it wait and see.

Is the big Kahuma_______The styling 4000? cheaper than cheaper cheapest.

How about______ to a movie tonight? to go go going.

Brenda/her trip to paris/ about/ is excited. Brenda is excited about her trip to paris. About her trip
to paris is excited brenda. Brenda is excited her trip to Paris about.

Our car_____ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm. fixed broke up broke down.

Jim and Clark are going to the university by________. themselves myself itself.

What happened in your life yesterday? After I go up, I had breakfast very quickly and I left home.
Unfortunately I missed the bus. I will be waiting for the bus to go to the university. I could be
home now.

Jasmine______across the country for the past 2 years. lived has been living lives.

Choose the correct sentence. Since the night of July 15, in Italy, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have been. Mr.
and Mrs. Lopez in Italy have been since the night of July 15. Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have been in Italy
since the night of July 15.

Will she ____ and run away with Brent? drop out show up give in.

What's wrong, Amy? You seem_____ today. Are you getting enough sleep? out of it out of work
out of the blue.

I don't know _____ about soccer. someone anything something.

I don't have_______ money to go out to enough too much enought.

Mrs. Rodriguez was a really good math teacher. She answered all of our questions_____: she was
never in a hurry. boring early patiently.

I____spend another moment in that restaurant. It was too noisy. have been able to can't stand

_______________! It wasn't your fault. Taking place To take it or leave it Take it easy.

This is my car. The car is_______. mine my me.

Anna? Anna Nelson? I don't think there's_______here by that name. something anyone

Claire's only sister. Jasmine._____across the country for the past 5 years. lived has been living

If Sarah keeps_____to work late, she'll have problems whith boss. to come come coming.

Be careful or you'll hurt______! ourselves yourselves myself.

My father was really_______. You could hear him talking all the way dowm the hallway. careful
quiet loud.

I would like to speak with______about my credit card bill. something somewhere someone.

Profesor Smith didn't like it when students talked out of turn in his class. Once, I_______asked a
classmate if I could borrow a pencil, but he yelled at me. patient quiet quietly.
What's wrong, Paty? You seem____today. Are you getting enough sleep? out of work out of it out
of the blue.

Brigitte? Brigitte Thompsom? I don't think there's_____here by that name. someone anyone

Joseph________Linda for 2 months, ever since Tuesday, March 5. has saw saw has been seeing.

They____save the men from the sinking ship. were able to could to was able to.

They are going home from school,__________? aren't they are they were they.

Gabriela: Tony, what kind of music do you like? Tony: well. I used to_______rock music when I was
in college. listening to listen to listens.

Tony: where's Amy? Talia: she_____lunch at the cafeteria recently. was been eating has been
eating have been eating.

Tony: My office is on the 2nd floor. Please________to drop in on me at any time. feel like feel fine
feel free.

Niagara Falls, on the border between the USA and Canada, is probably the world's most famous
waterfall. It's very big and about 1.5 million gallons of water fall every second. But it isn't the
highest waterfall. The Angel Falls, in Venezuela, is the highest waterfall in the world. It's 3.230 feet
high. Niagara falls is as high as The Angel Falls The Angel Falls is not as high as Niagara Falls The
world's most famous waterfall is Niagara Falls.

His parents are looking for______university for their son a an the.

When I was in high school, I used to __________ very long hair. had having have.

I always ________ to the beach on vacation, but this summer I am_______to the mountains.
going/go take a left go/ going.

It's a round piece of glass, with a frame to protect the glass. The frame could be mental or plastic.
You use it to see small things more clearly. A rope A magnifying glass A statue.

She ________bad about what she said will feel feels feel.

Something big will happen to you. Then the month will end. _________the month ends,
something big will happen. after before while.

Choose the words and phrases in the correct order. downtown area/ must live/ She/ in the. In the
downtown area must live she. She must live in the downtown area. She in the downtown area
must live.

It's better________I thought. like than as.

to the zoo/ they'll go/ if it's sunny/ tomorrow. if's sunny tomorrow, they'll go to the zoo. They'll go
tomorrow to the zoo if it's sunny. To the zoo they'll go tomorrow if it's sunny.

Hey, Amy, I_______to Josh right now on the phone. talk 'm talking 's talking.
I think we need to busy some new CD's. Our music collection is_________. out of date out of the
blue out of place.

What's wrong, Amy? You seem_____today. Are you getting enough sleep? out of it out of work
out of the blue.

What's wrong, Amy? You seem_______today. Are you getting enough sleep? out of it out of work
out of the blue.

_______me help you with those crairs. Can Maybe Let.

It's great_________. met before to see you again must be mistaken.

This flower is_________than that one. beautiful beautifulest more beautiful.

She is collecting stickers,__________? was she is she isn't she.

The students were confused by the story. It was very___________. confusing confused confuse.

Hey, Anita. The phone is ringing._________get it! I'm I'll I am going.

Jane is baby, she's too small to eat by________. herself itself myself.

Anna had dinner at the restaurant by________. herself yourself her.

They are going home from school, ________? are they aren't they were they.

She is collecting stickers,____________? was she isn't she is she.

My teacher was a really good math teacher. She answered all of our question_________; she was
never in a hurry. boring patiently early.

Do you think you___write that report by next Tuesday? I know you're very busy. have been able
too will be able to were able to.

Amy: How did you do on the test? Talia: I got 95%. I only____one mistake. made have been
making have made.

Mary didn't do her homework last week,________? wasn't she didn't she did she.

Can I help you with__________? no one something nothing.

It was______bad experience that I just want to forget it so such such a.

She usually________on Saturdays, but today she's________the day off. work/ has worrking/ have
works/ having.

We spend a lot of time talking about music and sport,_______? aren't they? do we? don't we.

This is the story. The story is_______ her hers your.

Do you think you_____write that report by next Tuesday? I know you're very busy. have been able
to were able to will be able to.

Can I_________a few more questions? to ask you asking you ask you.
Making money______________a problem for him. were not are not is not.

We don't know what he'll do, so we we'll just have to__________. cheering up wait and see
playing it by ear.

Talia is interested in me___________? isn't she is she was she.

Paul and Ann_________ living in New York since 2003. are has been have been.

Park officials avoid_______fans bring anything they can through on the field. to let letting let.

Ms. Boyd_______any kind of animal products since she became a vegetarian. avoided avoid has
been avoiding.

I had a headache because I_________on the computer all day. has been worked works had been

Gabriela: Why is Talia going to see Tony now? Amy:__________talk to him about the news story.
She's going to She will go to She is to.

Who is the__________famous singer in your country? best more most.

Gabriela: How about_________to a movie tonight? Amy: Sorry, I can't. I've got a class tonight. to
go go going.

Warren: If Talia Keeps________up to work late, she'll have problems with her boss. Amy: I know, I
know. I keep telling her that. to show showing show.

Paul__________Ann for two months. has seen has been seen has been seeing.

John: Why is Tony so upset? Amy: When he came into the office. Talia_______ on the report.
weren't working hasn't been working wasn't working.

The lion cleans_______with its tongue. itself himself themselves.

You will face the truth. You won't suceedd before that. ______________you face the truth you
won't succeed. Until Before After.

Talia: I'm looking for the elevator._____________where it is? Receptionist: It's at the end of the
hallway. Can you tell me Pleased that you tell me Have you told me.

It took a long time for Ami to___________losing her job. get along get over get it.

My little friend is_________the flowers. smelling smells smell.

Talia: I feel asleep doring class yesterday. Would you___________lending me your notes? Amy.
Again? OK. here you are mine please care.

My father was really_________. You could hear him talking all the way down the hallway. careful
quiet loud.

Talia: why is everybody laughing? Amy: Don't you__________? Tony just told a joke. get on it get it
get out of it.
Nick: I think we should give a prize for________hair cut. the cool the coolest the cooler.

Amy: How do you know Nick? Talia: Oh, we went to______same college. We had_____class
together. a/the the/some The/ a.


Talia: Jackie is being really friendly to Amy. She __________suspect that Amy is tricking her may
might must not.

You can come up_________a guest list. for about with.

John: When did you get started in the news business? give given have.

Amy. Not really. But the main person_____________in the story is Mark´s girlfriend. who said
involved who is involved which is invloved.

Jane is a baby, she´s too small to eat by____________ itself myself herself.

It´s a kind of bag. It´s made of cloth and nylon, and you can use the straps to wear it on your back.
It´s got a lot of pockets on the sides. It can be used for carrying sports clothes or school books. a
loing dress a backpack a tent.

Brenda / her trip to Paris / about / is excited. Brenda is excited her trip to Paris about about her
trip to Paris is excited Brenda Brenda is excited about her trip to Paris .

"She decided to go to Art School, then dropped out after the first term." This sentence means: She
did not fail the exam She left school without finishing She finished school .

Talia___________for Newsline for three years works has been working is working .

Our plan ____________and the story is almost finished have completed is completed has

A woman named Jackie Bishop____________Nick. As a result, Nick is in a lot of trouble frames will
frame has flamed.

Talia: Hi, Zoe. It´s Talia. Do you remember the story I_____________on? will work have been
working work.

Amy is__________the flowers Smells smelling smell.

Amy: What´s your impression of Professor Roberts? Jackie: _________________________ Amy: I

hope I have him next semester give someone a line along the same lines read between the lines.

She´s researcher, but she ____________to be a reporter wants is waiting will want.
Gina: Do you remember when we went to France together four years ago? Leigh: How could I
forget? _________________! My luggage arrived three days after I did! I wish I had gone That was
a great trip What a nighmare.

You know what? Amy mumbles to______________when she´s writing essays for her journalism
class. myself herself yourself.

How long / traveler circle / have they been / members of the / ? How long have they been
members of the traveler circle members of the traveler circle have they been How long traveler
circle members of the have they been How long .

If Julio hadn´t been on his college soccer team, he wouldn´t have gotten on the national team. This
means that. Julio wasn´t on his college soccer team Julio got on the national team Julio will be on
his college soccer team.

Talia: Hey, Amy, ____________________ Amy: Thanks. I thought it went well too. it was a great
presentation I read your report You llok great today.

It´s made of leather and you can use it for carrying money, credit cards or specific documents. A
coat A mirror A wallet .

Jim: I can´t believe I failed that test! I studied a lot! Keri: Calm down._________________________
This is an outrage Getting angry won´t do any good I can´t believe you did that.

Patty__________well for providing a good service were edited was tipped were tipped.

"I tried to catch the waiter´s eye, so we could order" It means: I was complaing with the waiter. I
tried to get his attention to order I was satisfied with the service.

I had a headache because I________________on the computer all day. has been worked works
had been working.

Marcello: She´s not a very______________, is she? she doesn´t even know that you´re just acting!
smart cookie cookie bright piece of cake.

It´s a kind of bag. It´s made of cloth and nylon, and you can use the straps to wear it on your back.
It´s got a lot of pockets on the sides. It can be used for carrying sports clothes or school books. A
long dress A backpack A tent.

I´m afraid I can´t go to the movie tonight. I promised my boyfriend that I

would_________________his paper for his biology class. help him write help him wrote help him

How long / jumping group / have they been / members of the / ? jumping group members of the
have they been How long members of the jumping group have they been How long How long have
they been members of the jumping group .

Nick: I´m going to try to avoid talking to Dean. Taylor: I wouldn´t want to talk to him either What is
another way that Taylor could respond sympathetically? I don´t blame you to tell the truth, I
couldn´t care less. I´m not really up for it.
downtown area / must live / She / in the. She in the downtown area must live She must live in the
downtown area in the downtown area must live She .

Paul: Amy, you have a car, ________________? Amy: yes I do don´t you do you weren´t you.

The cat cleans __________with its tongue itself himself themselves.

Marcello: Hi, Amy! Great to see you!- What´s the matter? You look annoyed. Amy: Oh, I was just
talking to this woman who´s really impressed with herself. She thinks she will become a movie
star. I doubt that it will happen soon -or even___________________ down the line rotten apple
drop someone a line.

park officials avoid___________fans bring anything they can through on the field. let letting to let.

Rewrite the following scrambled sentence. have been / since the night of July 15 / in Italy / Mr.
and Mrs. Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have been in Italy since the night of July 15. Since the night of
July 15, in Italy, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez have been Mr. and Mrs. Lopez in Italy have been since the
night of July 15.

"His remarks are totally aut of line." It means: His comments are inappropriate His comments are
correct His comments are interesting .

Claire´s only sister, Jasmine, __________In Australia for the past 15 years has been living was living

Claire´s only sister, Jasmine,____________across the country for the past 5 years has been living
lived lives.

I believe my mother will_______________volunteer work for my little sister´s school over break
makes me do make me do making me do .


_______________ is the next football championship going to be _______________ where /

holding where / held how / holding how / hel.

is Jane looking _________ the purse she like? up on for out.

a tragically collision has been _________ by our agents report reported to report reporting.

the Allen's gave _______________ a nice party__________ we left at dawn such / than so / than
such / that so / that.

where ________ this substance _________? in a cool and dark placeº must / be kept must / kept
does / be kept does / kept.

______________the cat be____________bay the child? could / fed muse / feed would / feeds
should / to feet.
nothing _________________be_________? should / mentioned had / mentioned should /
mention had / mention.

sally pretended she was always busy________________she was always chatting hence beside
nevertheless otherwise.

John is not going to the party and _____________you either are neither are either must neither

the inside on going to the beach ______________it was very cold whether allthough as though as
son as.

the workers should ______________ bye mr. stevens train trained be trained be training.

you look very tired_______________your baby on the bed lay sit set lie.

the come will not____________ in the south be seen be seeing going to see going to be seen.

i'm telling you this _______________ you know how to behave at the interview in order in order
to that so that.

She _____________ seen her father this week, _____________? hasn’t/has she didn’t / she did
didn’t / did she hasn’t / she has.

You have to go home at six, _________? haven’t you to you have to don’t you you do.

Mary __________ rather come early, ________ she? must / mustn’t mustn’t / mustn’t would /
wouldn’t wouldn’t / wouldn’t.

The car _________ out ________ gasoline. ran /of got /of ran /from got / from.

Sue’s never come to our meetings, _______________? hasn’t she she isn’t has she she is.

Her plan has some weak points. She’ll have to __________ it __________ stand/ for look / into
talk / about think / over.

You ___________ sent the telegram _______! have /yet have / still haven’t / yet haven’t / still.

_________ she be _________ the house this time? Didn’t / shown Couldn’t / shown Didn’t / to
show Couldn’t / to show.

_______ these apples __________ by the dozen? Do / sold Are/sold Can / selling Must / selling.

Charles´ novel will _____________ been ______________ by the time he leaves New York. has /
published have / published has / publishing have /publishing.

The refrigerator ___________ not _____________. The repair job is very expensive. does /
repaired does / repairing has / been repaired has / been repairing.
The problem ___________ not _______ in the book. is / explain has / explain is / explained has/

____________ must the work be ________________? Before yesterday How/ finished

How/finishing When/ finished When/ finishing.

John __________ not ___________the French lesson daily. is/gave does / gave is / given does /

War makers _________ never be _________ are/ forgiven are/ forgiving will / forgiven will/

Tom’s novel was _____________ with passion. wrote writing written to write.

John didn’t like the film _________ I _______. but / did but / didn’t either / did either / didn’t.

Everybody laughed madly, ___________ did my grandfather. but so as and so neither.

Did the teacher say ______________? who did he shout at what terrible mystery was when we
must finish the work where do we meet after school.

He doesn’t need __________________ what you bought which she offered that they give him who
will advise him.

_____________________ was obvious. What was the woman taking How was the child crying
Which food was Ed cooking That Alice was improving.

They haven’t decided ______________ what business are they going to start that factory the
tourists will visit who is going to take part in the play whom will they invite for their wedding.

She didn’t know_________________ where was Tom how to behave why did Jim he what Anne
will do.

What is Frankie cooking ? ________________ smells delicious! Whatever he is cooking Whoever is

doing What is he doing Who is cooking.

Will Jane go to the party alone ? ___________she does___________ not my business. Whatever /
is Whichever/ is Whatever / will Whichever / will.

Ben packed all the clothes ___________. why Betty couldn’t while Betty took a bath where did
Betty tell him when didn’t Betty arrive early.

Pat is sorry that ____________________. awful accident produced will Anne be absent she
couldn’t attend class mistake she committed.

The teacher punished me ___________ my bad temper. because although as though because of.

Iii wait here _____________7:30. for until as soon as as often as.

The dentist was working on my tooth __________ he hurt my tongue. since while when why.

I won’t start another book ____________. whenever I have time why do I hate reading until finish
this one that my vacation is over.
Nancy has made her own clothes ________ she was fifteen. when while until since.

Professor Smith visits me every day ________ he finishes his work. while wherever as soon as as
often as.

Lou bought all the books___________. whether Phil asked him how he needed them why he
understood them where Pat told him.

I can’t finish the work __________ I get new tools. unless so that whether as though.

I read a mystery novel ___________ my son was playing the flute. until as soon as while as often

Mrs. Clark is ________ a nice woman __________ everybody admires her. so / than so/ that such /
than such / that.

Wendy was ________ angry _______ she left the restaurant without paying the bill. so / that
such / that so / what such/ what.

The city’s original importance was due mainly to its nobility. location. handicrafts. importations.

Latin traders were attracted to Tauris because it was an active commercial center. the most noble
city of Iraq. the Muhammadan religious center. a mixture of rich towns and villages.


She _____________ seen her father this week, _____________? hasn’t/has she didn’t / she did
didn’t / did she hasn’t / she has.

You have to go home at six, _________? haven’t you to you have to don’t you you do.

Mary __________ rather come early, ________ she? must / mustn’t mustn’t / mustn’t would /
wouldn’t wouldn’t / wouldn’t .

The car _________ out ________ gasoline. ran /of got /of ran /from got / from.

Sue’s never come to our meetings,_______________? hasn’t she she isn’t has she she is.

Her plan has some weak points. She’ll have to __________ it __________ stand/ for look / into
talk / about think / over.

You ___________ sent the telegram _______! have /yet have / still haven’t / yet haven’t / still.

_________ she be _________ the house this time? Didn’t / shown Couldn’t / shown Didn’t / to
show Couldn’t / to show.

_______ these apples __________ by the dozen? Do / sold Are/sold Can / selling Must / selling.

Charles´ novel will _____________ been ______________ by the time he leaves New York. has /
published have / published has / publishing have /publishing.
The refrigerator ___________ not _____________. The repair job is very expensive. does /
repaired does / repairing has / been repaired has / been repairing.

The problem ___________ not _______ in the book. is / explain has / explain is / explained has/

How/ finished How/finishing When/ finished When/ finishing.

John __________ not ___________the French lesson daily. is/gave does / gave is / given does /

War makers _________ never be _________. are/ forgiven are/ forgiving will / forgiven will/

Tom’s novel was _____________ with passion. wrote writing written to write.

John didn’t like the film _________ I _______. but / did but / didn’t either / did either / didn’t.

Everybody laughed madly, ___________ did my grandfather. but so as and so neither.

Did the teacher say ______________? who did he shout at what terrible mystery was when we
must finish the work where do we meet after school .

He doesn’t need __________________. what you bought which she offered that they give him
who will advise him.

_____________________ was obvious. What was the woman taking How was the child crying
Which food was Ed cooking That Alice was improving.

They haven’t decided ______________ what business are they going to start that factory the
tourists will visit who is going to take part in the play whom will they invite for their wedding.

She didn’t know_________________ where was Tom how to behave why did Jim he what Anne
will do.

Whatever he is cooking Whoever is doing What is he doing Who is cooking.

Whatever / is Whichever/ is Whatever / will Whichever / will .

Ben packed all the clothes ___________. why Betty couldn’t while Betty took a bath where did
Betty tell him when didn’t Betty arrive early .

Pat is sorry that ____________________. awful accident produced will Anne be absent she
couldn’t attend class mistake she committed.

The teacher punished me ___________ my bad temper. because although as though because of.

I´ll wait here _____________7:30. for until as soon as as often as.

The dentist was working on my tooth__________ he hurt my tongue. since while when why.

I won’t start another book ____________. whenever I have time why do I hate reading until finish
this one that my vacation is over.
Nancy has made her own clothes________ she was fifteen. when while until since.

Professor Smith visits me every day ________ he finishes his work. while wherever as soon as as
often as.

Lou bought all the books___________. whether Phil asked him how he needed them why he
understood them where Pat told him .

I can’t finish the work __________ I get new tools. unless so that whether as though.

I read a mystery novel ___________ my son was playing the flute. until as soon as while as often
as .

Mrs. Clark is ________ a nice woman__________ everybody admires her. so / than so/ that such /
than such / that.

Wendy was ________ angry _______ she left the restaurant without paying the bill. so / that
such / that so / what such/ what .

A continuación, se le presenta un texto que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE
con base en éste, contestará las siguientes dos preguntas: Tauris is a great and noble city, situated
in a great province called Iraq, in which there are many other important towns and villages.
However, as Tauris is the most noble, because it has been the strategic point for traveling toward
China, I will tell you about it. The men of Tauris make their living by trade and handicrafts, for they
weave many kinds of beautiful and valuable items of silk and gold. The city has such a good
position that now merchandise is brought there from India, Bagdad, Cremesor, and many other
regions; and that attracts many Latin merchants, especially Genoese, to buy goods and to transact
other business there; besides being a great market for precious stones. In fact, it is a city where
local merchants make large profits. The people of the place are themselves poor creatures. There
are Armenians, Nestorians, Jacobites, Georgians, Persians, and finally the natives of the City
themselves, who are worshippers of Muhammad. They are known as the Taurizi. The city is
completely surrounded by lovely gardens, full of many varieties of large and excellent fruits and
flowers. from The Travels of Marco Polo (Adapted) The city’s original importance was due mainly
to its... nobility. location. handicrafts. importations.

A continuación, se le presenta un texto que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE
con base en éste, contestará las siguientes dos preguntas: Tauris is a great and noble city, situated
in a great province called Iraq, in which there are many other important towns and villages.
However, as Tauris is the most noble, because it has been the strategic point for traveling toward
China, I will tell you about it. The men of Tauris make their living by trade and handicrafts, for they
weave many kinds of beautiful and valuable items of silk and gold. The city has such a good
position that now merchandise is brought there from India, Bagdad, Cremesor, and many other
regions; and that attracts many Latin merchants, especially Genoese, to buy goods and to transact
other business there; besides being a great market for precious stones. In fact, it is a city where
local merchants make large profits. The people of the place are themselves poor creatures. There
are Armenians, Nestorians, Jacobites, Georgians, Persians, and finally the natives of the City
themselves, who are worshippers of Muhammad. They are known as the Taurizi. The city is
completely surrounded by lovely gardens, full of many varieties of large and excellent fruits and
flowers. from The Travels of Marco Polo (Adapted) Latin traders were attracted to Tauris because
it was... an active commercial center. the most noble city of Iraq. the Muhammadan religious
center. a mixture of rich towns and villages.

The first automobile race in history took place in Chicago in 1895. Henry Ford, who lived in
Michigan, had a car and wanted to compete, but he did not have the money to get to Chicago.
Ford did not win that race, but later he achieved some far more important victories. He was an
excellent automobile engineer, but what really made him different from other auto makers were
his ideas about the manufacturing process and the rewards employees should receive for their
labor. Ford’s most famous idea was to standardize the manufacturing process so that large
numbers of identical cars could be produced cheaply and quickly. Ford was certainly not the first
person to standardize manufacturing processes, but what he did introduce was the assembly line.
Taken from Reading Structure and Strategy, by A. Zentella Campuzano, P. Ahern and J.Taylor.
According to the article, Ford Henry... won some important automobile races wanted to own a
large number of cars designed a different manufacturing process. was the first to manufacture
standard cars.

The first automobile race in history took place in Chicago in 1895. Henry Ford, who lived in
Michigan, had a car and wanted to compete, but he did not have the money to get to Chicago.
Ford did not win that race, but later he achieved some far more important victories. He was an
excellent automobile engineer, but what really made him different from other auto makers were
his ideas about the manufacturing process and the rewards employees should receive for their
labor. Ford’s most famous idea was to standardize the manufacturing process so that large
numbers of identical cars could be produced cheaply and quickly. Ford was certainly not the first
person to standardize manufacturing processes, but what he did introduce was the assembly line.
Taken from Reading Structure and Strategy, by A. Zentella Campuzano, P. Ahern and J. Taylor.
Henry Ford vas different from other car rnanufacturers in that he... was the best engineer in his
factory. wanted to manufacture the fastest cars. liked to have many ernployees in his factory. had
a new concept concerning the production of cars. .

The first automobile race in history took place in Chicago in 1895. Henry Ford, who lived in
Michigan, had a car and wanted to compete, but he did not have the money to get to Chicago.
Ford did not win that race, but later he achieved some far more important victories. He was an
excellent automobile engineer, but what really made him different from other auto makers were
his ideas about the manufacturing process and the rewards employees should receive for - their-
labor. Ford’s most famous idea was to standardize the manufacturing process so that large
numbers of identical cars could be produced cheaply and quickly. Ford was certainly not the first
person to standardize manufacturing processes, but what he did introduce was the assembly line.
Taken from Reading Structure and Strategy, by A. Zentella Campuzano, P. Ahern and J. Taylor. The
word “their” underlined in line 8 refers to the... rewards. employees. auto makers. manufacturing

Since 1961, the World Wildlife Fund has rescued over 30 mammals and birds from near extinction.
It has given more than 40 million dollars to conservation projects around the world. It has created
and supported 260 national parks on five continents —a total area almost twice the size of
Western Europe. But there is still much more work to be done. The World Wildlife Fund’s biggest
land campaign has been for the conservation of the tropical rain forest. In 1975, the organization
began its “Save the Jungle” campaign to conserve key areas of rain forest. One reserve, created in
Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest, protects more than 1,000 species of plants, 300 species of
birds and 100 species of mammals. The Quetzal, sacred bird of the Aztecs, now survives there.
Taken from: Reading,Structure and Strategy by E. Campuzano, J. Taylor, J Shepherd and P. Ahern.
When the author says that “there is still much more work to be done”, he means that the work...
has not been finished completely. has been very unfortunate. has not been successful. has been
inadequate. .

Since 1961, the World Wildlife Fund has rescued over 30 mammals and birds from near extinction.
It has given more than 40 million dollars to conservation projects around the world. It has created
and supported 260 national parks on five continents —a total area almost twice the size of
Western Europe. But there is still much more work to be done. The World Wildlife Fund’s biggest
land campaign has been for the conservation of the tropical rain forest. In 1975, the organization
began its “Save the Jungle” campaign to conserve key areas of rain forest. One reserve, created in
Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest, protects more than 1,000 species of plants, 300 species of
birds and 100 species of mammals. The Quetzal, sacred bird of the Aztecs, now survives there.
Taken from: Reading,Structure and Strategy by E. Campuzano, J. Taylor, J Shepherd and P. Ahern.
According to the text, the World Wildlife Fund has.. traveled around the world setting mammals
and birds free. spent great amounts of money in preservation projects. campaigned to save the
jungle from the rain rescued animals from several national parks. .

Mr. Jones __________ living here___________ He ha, moved to Tampico. isn’t / anymore is /
anymore isn’t / still is / still.

You have to go home at six, __________________? haven’t you to you have to don’t you you do.

Sally isn’t pretty; ___________many boys want to date her. moreover therefore furthermore
nevertheless .

__________ Mr. Shaw is a very old man, he loves modern music. Even Anyway Whether Although.

10. Harry will not leave the city _________ his car is repaired. as until where whenever.

Liz _______ on a broken chair and fell down. sat laid set drew.

There isn’t a good play near here, _____________. is it isn’t it is there isn’t there.

________ the money __________ in the drawer? Was / found Has / found Was / finding Has /

Lou bought all the books _____________________ whether Phil asked him how he needed them
why he understood them where Pat told him.

Did you pay for the vase ____________________? what you broke that Joan wanted how did you
buy it when did Grace tell you .

Rudy _______ read my novel ___________, but he will do it soon. hasn’t / already has / already
hasn’t / yet has / yet.
The electrical system is __________ in this zone. be fixing been fixed being fixed to be fixing.

Kens behavior brought _______ a lot of comments about him. up on for over.

Don’t interrupt _______________ others are speaking. as often as as soon as since while.

Your report has to _________ in all the information about the project. get take run look.

However it is Whichever is it However you choose Whichever you choose.

The problem ______ not ________in the book. is / explain has / explain is / explained has /
explained .

That bill _______ not _______ they’re going to cut the light off. has / been paying has / been paid
has been / paying has been / paid.

The exercise _______ not ______ in pencil. Use your fountain pen. must / be answered must / be
answering must be / answered must be / answering .

The magazines _____________ were not in English. which James lost what did Joe take what Peter
left here which did Samuel read.

Whom / is mentioned Whose / was mentioned Who / is mentioning Who’s / was mentioning .

I will attend the exposition __________ Fred _____________ He’s out of town. but / will nor / will
but / won’t nor / won’t.

._____________ was obvious. What was the woman taking How was the child crying Which food
was Ed cooking That Alice was improving.

How / be playing Which / be played How / to be played Which / to be playing.

Don’t forget _________________ how should you do the exercise how long must the meat boil
where does Nathaniel live what William asked you .

Could Charlie find out ________________? whom did his wife talk to when will their meeting be
where Marcia hid the book how much money will he need.

Lewis always speaks as ___________ he knew about everything. if for soon even.

The local team _________ beat the visitors and we couldn’t _________. could / too couldn’t / too
could / either couldn’t / either.

Sue is only 15 years old, and in spite _________ her youth, she’s very responsible. of from that

All the children were pleased _________________ why they won the game when did they go
camping that they got good grades how were they learning trick.

Traffic is _____________ by traffic lights. controlling controlled controles control.

. We shouldn’t ask about Marcia, ________________? should she should we we shouldn’t she
Get _____ of my car or I’ll call the police. far off out away.

. Wendy was ______ angry _______ she left the restaurant without paying the bill. so / that such /
that so / what such / what.

Tim and Ted _________ been ____________ by their aunt since their childhood. are / educate
have / educate are / educated have / educated.

The music was good; ___________ everybody danced a lot. so yet but however.

Dave will graduate this year, __________? will he won’t he he will he won’t .

Mr. Daniels has been traveling around the world, ___________ ? he hasn’t been he hasn’t hasn’t
he been hasn’t he.

Go to bed now; ____________ you won’t wake up early tomorrow. also besides otherwise

The clown will ________ out the toys to the children. show turn hand bring.

When / be left Where / been left Where / be leaving When / been leaving.

Martin’s car is new, _________? isn’t he it isn’t he isn’t isn’t it.

The camet will not __________ in the south. be seen be seeing going to see going to be seen.

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