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Fuel monitoring on A320 Family aircraft

Fuel monitoring on
A320 Family aircraft
Since the first A320 entry into service, very few events have
involved undetected fuel quantity issues. Yet, coming across a
situation where engines shut down by lack of fuel is a situation
no one wants to experience.


Product Safety Flight Operations Director Flight Safety
Enhancement manager engineer

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If fuel systems have proven their reliability, in case of failure, the
ultimate safety barrier to avoid finding oneself in a fuel critical
situation is fuel monitoring by the crew. Let’s go back to some
fundamental questions around fuel monitoring on A320 Family
aircraft. How to determine the fuel quantity available in the tanks?
What are the various sources of information and how redundant
are they? Why is it key to perform regular fuel checks?


In more than 25 years of Airbus A320 The reasons for these fuel quan-
Family aircraft operation, there have tity issues vary from one event to
been not more than a handful of another. Early detection and mana-
events involving undetected fuel quan- gement of the issue remains key to
tity issues. successfully deal with such events.

Event 1
During cruise of an A320 Family air- and passengers disembarked safely.
craft, the crew observed 3 occur- The remaining fuel quantity upon land-
rences of the ECAM warning L TK ing turned out to be 840 kg in the right
PUMP 1 + 2 LO PR. In line with this fuel tank, and no fuel in the left tank.
warning, they noticed a more rapid Investigation into this event highlighted
fuel level decrease in the left fuel tank that maintenance was done on the
compared to the right one. Following fuel tanks prior to the event flight, and
the applicable FCOM procedure, they both engines 1 and 2 fuel pump filters
opened the fuel cross feed valve, only had been replaced. After the event
to close it soon after as fuel quantity flight, engine 1 HP fuel pump filter
was abnormally decreasing. Minutes cover was found not properly fitted,
later, engine 1 shut down by itself and with 4 threaded inserts out of 6 being
the ECAM warning ENG 1 FAIL trig- reported unserviceable, thus allowing
gered. the cover to partially open. It was esti-
The crew managed to land the aircraft mated that approximately 4 to 5 tons
uneventfully with engine 2 still running, of fuel had leaked.

Event 2
In another event, the Fuel Quantity For the event flight, the aircraft departed
Indication (FQI) system had been with an indicated FOB of approximately
showing discrepancies for a period 5000kg (fuel at arrival from previous leg
of time. Given the intermittent nature was approx. 3800kg and fuel uplift was
of the fault, entries in the aircraft 1200kg). The flight crew performed the
logbook were investigated but with- initial fuel checks with reference to the
out findings by maintenance despite fuel logs of the preceding flight. The cal-
carrying out precautionary mainte- culated values remained consistent.
nance. On two occasions, different
crews failed to identify or properly In flight, transient fuel quantity fluctu-
record the FOB discrepancy du- ations were experienced and eventu-
ring pre-departure or post-flight fuel ally the ECAM alert FUEL L (R) WING
checks. TK LO LVL triggered. It was pro-

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Fuel monitoring on A320 Family aircraft

cessed as per SOP by the crew who confirmed empty with the FQI over
checked the SD page as being no- reading by 1 ton.
minal. The alert was thus considered
spurious. The flight continued with The analysis of the event indicated
repeated fuel checks at short inter- that preceding fuel log entries did not
vals; however during the approach, allow the crew to identify a significant
engine 1 flamed out. Landing was discrepancy of about 800 kg prior to
performed on engine 2 safely. departure.
After the flight, the left wing tank was

Event 3
On the third flight of the day on an During the second flight of the day, the
A320 Family aircraft, while the aircraft discrepancy calculated by the crew at
was approaching its destination, a LO arrival was almost 3000 kg. The First
LVL alert triggered on one side. The Officer noticed that it was not what he
crew considered it spurious, as likely had expected but considered that they
resulting from fuel movement in the had benefited from a number of favora-
tank. Shortly after this first alert, a new ble factors such as a direct ATC rou-
LO LVL alert triggered on the other ting, and they eventually had arrived
side. The crew continued the flight and 20 to 25 minutes earlier than sched-
eventually landed uneventfully. The uled. In addition, they sometimes ferry
remaining fuel quantity upon landing fuel according to the company policy.
turned out to be approximately 900 As a consequence, nothing unusual
kg. was mentioned in the log book.
During the first flight of the day, the Before the third flight - which was
flight crew calculated a ~500 kg dis- the event flight - the refueler only
crepancy at arrival. Nothing was men- added little fuel since there was still
tioned in relation to fuel in the log book. a fuel over read. Yet, the flight crew

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departed with a significantly over- read was due to an intermittent FQI
estimated fuel quantity that ulti- Computer (FQIC) failure. The mainte-
mately led to the unanticipated LO nance record of this FQIC highlighted
LVL alerts on both sides. According numerous returns to the shop in the
to the investigation, the issue/over- months preceding the event.



Considering the consequences of information relate to one another?

running out of fuel in flight, knowing Are they independent? Let’s explore
how much fuel is available on board the various types of onboard fuel
during the flight is clearly essential to information that are available to the
safety. What information can be used flight crew. Where does this infor-
to determine the amount of fuel on mation originate and how are fuel
board? How is this information esta- levels established on Airbus A320
blished? Do the various pieces of Family aircraft?

FQI or Fuel Quantity Indication: a source based on

measures performed inside fuel tanks
The FQI system calculates the fuel Yet the information that is needed
quantity based on values taken from by pilots is the quantity of fuel on
probes in the tanks. The probes meas- board expressed as a weight. The
ure the level of the fuel in the tank, as translation of fuel volume into fuel
a consequence of changing capaci- weight is performed by the FQIC (fig.1)
FUEL System page on Lower
tance due to the amount the probe is using the fuel density measured by ECAM Display Unit
immersed. This allows the determina- specific devices in each wing tank
tion of the fuel volume in the tank. (fig.1).

The low level sensing does not appear on the System Description page. Therefore, for
fuel indication, do not rely on SD page only.

Fuel Flow Meters: a source based on engines

Each engine is equipped with Fuel Flow mation is integrated by the FADEC and
Meters that measure the quantity of fuel provides pilots with information on the
consumed by the engine. This infor- fuel used.

Low level sensors: an additional independent source

based on dedicated sensors in the wing tank
In addition to the sensors and three independent dedicated low
probes feeding the FQI system, level sensors. These sensors are
each wing tank is equipped with located in such a way that they

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Fuel monitoring on A320 Family aircraft

become dry when the remaining - Do not provide pilots with a continu-
fuel in the tank is approximately ous indication of the fuel quantity in
750 kg. If two sensors in the same the wing tanks, but only the signal that
tank remain dry for more than 30 the fuel level has reached below 750
seconds, a low level alert triggers kg (threshold crossed).
in the cockpit (fig.2). - The information provided to pilots in
The low level sensors are fully inde- the form of the low level alert results
pendent from the Fuel Quantity Indica- from a physical measure (sensors dry
tion, and are different in that they: or wet) rather than from a calculation.


The A320 Family aircraft low level indication is based on remaining fuel quantity in the
tank being sufficient to meet the requirement of 30 minutes at 1500 ft (corresponding to
(fig.2) approximately 1 200 kg). Should the low level alert trigger on both fuel tanks, the total
Low level alert display on ECAM
remaining fuel is: 750kg + 750kg = 1 500 kg.

The low level The presence of water in the fuel tanks can lead to erroneous (over reading) fuel indi-
sensors are fully cations. The parameters used by the fuel system (density and capacitance) are highly
affected by the presence of water. Flight deck effects of a buildup of water in the fuel tanks
independent from include fuel gauging fluctuations and over reads.

the Fuel Quantity Consequently, among the maintenance tasks that are to be performed if pilots detect an ab-
Indication. normal fuel indication during a fuel check is fuel tank draining (fig.3). This can also help to pre-
vent microbiological contamination, which is often another cause of fuel gauging fluctuations.

Maintenance Planning
Document – ATA 28 Fuel – Task FUEL CHECKS
281100-01-2 – Drain water
content in tanks
An unnecessary burden or essential safety net?
Ensuring an accurate awareness of ler and fuel consumption figures
the quantity of fuel on board requires during flight, are all important. But
use of several sources of data. Cer- to ensure the information remains
tainly the FQI is the primary source accurate, the safety barrier com-
of fuel indication, but the other key mon to all cases is fuel monitoring
sources such as the Fuel Used, by the crew.
the fuel uplifted at the latest refuel,
the crosscheck between what is Although fuel checks with the manual
expected to be uplifted and what is calculations they involve can some-
uplifted, information from the refue- times be perceived as a tedious task,

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they form in reality an integral part of ate measures to secure the safety of
the measures taken to ensure safe
operations. They were designed and
the flight. They are applicable to all
Airbus Families aircraft from the first
The fuel
meant for detecting as early as pos- A300B to the latest A350, and remain available onboard
sible any fuel quantity issue, ensur- an essential part of airmanship when can be determined
ing timely and accurate maintenance piloting the A320 Family aircraft.
intervention, and allowing appropri- based on two
What is to be checked and when? sources of
The maximum efficiency of fuel larly and at different times to either information…
checks relies on the flight crew per- confirm anticipations, or detect any even three in case
forming a number of checks regu- discrepancy.
of low level.
Before start

The first fuel check to be performed is available for the flight. This check con-
before start to consolidate the infor- sists in making sure that:
mation about the total amount of fuel

Initial Fuel On Board (FOB) + Fuel Uplifted

= Fuel On Board (FOB) ± ∆

FOB is the fuel quantity derived from based on the uplifted fuel density.
the FQI system Δ is an acceptable tolerance (see
Fuel Uplifted is the amount of fuel indi- Why do we need to consider a cer-
cated by the refueler as having been tain tolerance on fuel onboard val-
added during refueling. This may ues? insert).
require converting volume into weight,

During the flight

During the flight, fuel checks mainly the FMS fuel predictions too optimis-
aim at detecting any abnormal con- tic and potentially lead to fuel exhaus-
sumption, be it due to a leak or unan- tion in flight.
ticipated drag (e.g. spoiler or landing To ensure that there is no undetected
gear, slats or flaps not fully retracted) fuel leak, the following calculation
or any other reason. should be performed at each way
Indeed, such situation would make point or every 30 minutes:

Fuel On Board (FOB) + Fuel Used

= Initial Fuel On Board (FOB) ± ∆

Fuel Used is derived from the fuel flow meters
In addition, the remaining FOB and Fuel Used values must also be consistent
with the values given by the computed flight plan at each waypoint.

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Fuel monitoring on A320 Family aircraft

Post flight

All fuel At the end of the flight, when the air-

craft has reached its parking stand,
ious sources and thus detect any
abnormal discrepancy that would
checks are equally a final fuel check is to be performed call for maintenance actions. The
important in to check the consistency between post flight fuel check consists of
the information provided by the var- making sure that:
the detection and
safe management Fuel On Board (FOB) + Fuel Used
of any fuel quantity
= Initial Fuel On Board (FOB) ± ∆

Depending on the underlying reason for a fuel quantity issue, missing a fuel check may
make it very difficult to detect. In the second event described, the failure of the Fuel Quanti-
ty Indication Computer did not lead to a systematic wrong indication but rather to quantity
fluctuations. The fuel quantity indicated by the FQI system before the first flight of the day
was correct. In such cases, skipping a fuel check may be a missed opportunity to detect a
failure that may not be detectable later on, at the time of the following check. More gener-
ally, whatever the origin of a fuel quantity issue, detecting it as early as possible allows for
managing it and making sure appropriate decisions can be made in time to best manage
the rest of the flight as safely and efficiently as possible.


Due to the nature of the fuel system, it is essential that the system tolerance be taken
into consideration when performing fuel quantity calculations. The overall FQI system
accuracy is designed to take into consideration several factors such as: attitude effects,
wing deformation, systems tolerances, manufacturing tolerances, component toleranc-
es, environmental effects, fuel characteristics.
These individual tolerances lead to an overall tolerance on the global system resulting from the
worst case (maximum tolerance) on each individual element.
The maximum tolerance is defined for the aircraft to guarantee an acceptable level of integrity
of the measure and the associated fuel quantity information. When a fuel check is performed,
any fuel discrepancy calculated by the crew and exceeding this value may then be considered
For an A320 Family aircraft, the instrumental tolerance on the ground is calculated as follows:
± (1% of current FOB + 1% max possible FOB for this aircraft)
As an illustration, for an A320 aircraft, if there are 5 tons left in the aircraft, the maximum nor-
mal tolerance value is:
± (5000kg (current FOB) * 1% + 20000kg (max FOB)* 1% ) = ± 250kg
Note: The FQI system is designed in such a way that the lower the fuel quantity in the tank,
the more accurate the fuel indication.
The FQI system is calibrated on ground during manufacturing and its accuracy (as per the
formula above) will remain the same throughout the operational life of the aircraft.

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Following the investigation of real events kg or lbs and will vary depending on the
involving fuel monitoring issues, Airbus fuel on board and fuel uplifted. They will
identified and implemented enhance- lead to a generic maintenance task in
ments in several areas: the TSM (Trouble Shooting Manual).

• Further refinement of the description • Service Bulletin A320-28-1214 for

of the Fuel Quantity Indicating and level A318/A319/A320 and Service Bulletin
sensing systems in the FCOM doc- A320-28-1202 for A321 aircraft intro-
umentation. During the interactions duce a new fuel leak detection function,
with the airlines involved, it turned out which eases and improves the detec-
that the independence of the two fuel tion of a fuel leak. This new function is
measures coming from respectively the meant to prevent situations where a
FQI system and the low level alert was loss of fuel would remain undetected
not clear to all crews. by the crew.

• Definition of empirical criteria on A320 • A new FCOM evolution will be availa-

Family aircraft to consider a fuel discrep- ble soon, that will describe the trigger-
ancy “abnormal” or “unusual” when ing conditions of the low level alert in the
performing the before start fuel check. procedure, and to show that the alert is
These thresholds will be expressed in independent of the displayed fuel.


Until recently, there was no generic entry into the TSM in case of abnormal fuel quantity.
It is therefore worth reminding everyone of a key sentence in the introduction of the
TSM that encourages airlines to manage cases where there may be a doubt as to the
aircraft airworthiness:
“If you cannot find a fault symptom and/or a fault isolation procedure necessary to en-
sure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft, or if you think that the information given
is not complete, contact Airbus”.

An engine failing in flight, because of fuel starvation, is a situation all pilots

would like to avoid. In order to do so, and to ensure the continuing accu-
racy of the FQI, performing thorough fuel checks before start, throughout
the flight and after arrival at the parking stand is essential.
Should any discrepancy appear, effectively tackling the underlying
issue, be it intermittent or permanent, is the only way to prevent
further fuel quantity indication and possible resulting safety issues.
This relies on good cooperation between flight crews, maintenance
and the manufacturer.
Should the LO LVL alert trigger , it is to be trusted! It is the independent
voice from the tanks themselves warning you …

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002 Safety First #20 | July 2015

Safety first, #20 July, 2015. Safety first is

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