Job Training Report Surya

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Bali taman hotel & Spa lovina


Name : Gede Mas Suyudi Suryawan

Department : F&B Product

F&B Product Department

Hotel & Cruise International

Received by
Collecting Committee of Training Report
Hotel & Cruise International
In order to achieve the terms for gaining a diploma of Hotel & Cruise

Day :
Date :


The Chairman of Committee, Secretary,

I Putu Mariana, M.Pd Luh Ade Lachynta Candra, M.Pd

Director of Hotel & Cruise Internasional

Gede Janardana,S.pd
I stated that a report entitled on the job training at Bali Taman Beach
Resort in Food & Beverage Product Department and everything written in
this report is original by my own work, I have neither copied or plagiarizing
which doesn’t suite with the ethics of the society of science. For this
statement, I am prepared to bear the risk or sanction that was levied to me,
when the day was discovered there was a breach of scientific ethics in my
report or there was a claim to the authenticityof my work

Singaraja, 19th July 2021

Who make a statement

(Gede Mas Suyudi Suryawan)

Thank you, the writer offered God the almighty for this abundant mercy in
the preparation of this training activity report. This training activity report is a
mandatory requirement in completing course assignments.
There is a special pride if this training activity can be completed with good
results. With the limitations of the writer in conducting training, there are quite a
number of obstacles that the writer encountered in the field. And if this training
activity can finally be resolved properly, surely it will be due to the help and
support from many parties.
For this reason ,the writer convey their gratitude to all those who have
helped. There are :
1. Gede Janardana S.Pd as the director of campus Hotel and Cruise
International Singaraja.
2. All staff of Hotel and cruise International Singaraja who has given advice and
instruction, and also has been give the opportunity to improve the writer
skills by have training activity.
3. All staff of Hotel Bali Taman Resort that has been supporting directly or
4. Both parents and brothers of the writer who always pray and give motivation
to the writer.
5. All friend of the writer who always give support and suggestion both in
making report or while conducting training activity.

Singaraja, 19th July 2021

(Gede Mas Suyudi Suryawan)

Validity sheet
Table of Contents............................................................................................iii
List of Figure...................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................1
1.1 Background on The Job Training..........................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation.............................................................................................2
1.3 The Purpose of Real Job Practice.........................................................................2
1.4 Benefits of Real Job Practice................................................................................2

CHAPTHER II THEORITICAL BASIS....................................................4

2.1 Definition of Hotel................................................................................................4
2.2 Understanding the Menu.......................................................................................6

2.3 Cook’s Understanding............................................................................................8

2.4 Definition of Cook..................................................................................................9
2.5 A General Description of The Company................................................................11
2.6 Hotel Facilities at Bali Taman Resort.....................................................................13
2.7 Hotel Organization Structure..................................................................................19
2.8 Food Product (Kitchen) Departemen Organization................................................24
2.9 Comparison Between Theory and Implementation Of on the Job Training
2.10 Constrains Successes Encountered During...........................................................27
2.11 Problem and Solving............................................................................................29
CHAPTER III A CONCLUSIONS.............................................................30
3.1 Conculusions.........................................................................................................30
3.2 Suggestions For the Hotel and for Institutions.....................................................31

Picture 2.1 Bali Taman Resort Logo......................................11
Picture 2.2 Bali Taman Resort Room.....................................14
Picture 2.3 Bali Taman Resort Restaurant............................15
Picture 2.4 Mix Salad.................................................................15
Picture 2.5 Vegetable Soup.......................................................16
Picture 2.6 Chicken Parmigiana ..............................................16
Picture 2.7 Fried Rice .......................................................17
Picture 2.8 Spaghetti Carbonara........................................17
Picture 2.9 Pizza Mini Dough........................................... 18
Picture 2.10 Club Sandwich .............................................18
Picture 2.11 Hotel Organization Structure........................19
Picture 2.12 kitchen Depertment Organization Structure.24



1.1 Background on The Job Training

Training activities in the world of tourism is a learning system that is
carried out outside the teaching and learning process and carried out at hotels and
restaurants. In general, the implementation of training activities is aimed at
increasing students' knowledge and skills in the field of tourism.

After students carry out the Job Training program specifically students are
expected to gain experience that includes reviews of the company, and practical
activities that are directly related to tourism. And prepare students to learn to work
independently, work in a team and develop their potential and expertise.

The job training program is a form of organization of schools that

integrates systematically and synchronously between school education programs
and business programs obtained through direct work in the world work to achieve
a level of professional expertise. Where professional expertise can only be
formed. through three main elements, namely science, technique and tips. Science
and technique can be learned and mastered when and wherever we are, while tips
cannot be taught but can be mastered through the process of doing work directly
in the field of the profession itself.

Job training programs are carried out to meet the needs of a professional
workforce in their field. Through this training activity, it is expected to create a
professional workforce. Where the students who carry out the education are
expected to be able to apply the knowledge gained and at the same time study the
world of tourism. Without this On job training, we cannot jump into the
workforce because we do not know the conditions of the work environment.
1.2 Problem Formulation
The formulation of the problems that will be discssed in this report are :
1. Ownership and location of Bali Taman Resort ?

2. Facilities of Bali Taman Resort ?
3. How is the implementation process On The Job Training ?

1.3 The Purpose of Real Job Practice

1. Writing is done to know the sense of cooking.
2. Writing is done to know the preparation of a chef before starting
3. Writing is done to know the duties, right and obligations and
responsibilities of a trainee.
4. Writing is done to know the obstacles encountered by the author during
the Real Work Practice.
5.Writing is done to know how to overcome these obstacles.
1.4 Benefits of Real Job Practices
1.4.1 The Benefit of on The Job Training for Students
1. Can add develop the potential of science each student.
2. Train students skills so they can work well.
3. Giving a responsible attitude, discipline, mental attitude, good ethics and
can socialize with the surrounding environment.
4. Increase the creativity of students in order to develop the talent contained
in him.
5. Provide motivation so that students are excited about achieving their goals.
6. Train students to create a detailed report of what they do during the
Industrial Work Practice.

6.4.1 The Benefits of on The Job Training for Institution

Provide some information for Bali School of Hospitality students in

future education, and add library references.

6.4.2 The Benefit of on The Job Training for Restaurant

Providing donation of thoughts or inputs in the form of information to the

management to be used as a material consideration in an effort to improve the
performance in the kitchen will indirectly affect the efficiency of food serving
time by the kitchen



2.1 Definition of Hotel

Hotel is a company that is managed to provide facilities and services for

lodging, dining, and drinks to guests and is able to pay at a reasonable price in
accordance with the services received to guests.

The government has determined the quality and quantity of hotels that
become a policy in the form of a standard type of classification that is intended
and applies to a hotel. Determination of the type of hotel in accordance with the
Decree of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia No.
241/4/70 dated 15 August 1970. Hotels are classified into:

a. Hotel Resident

Hotels provided for visitors staying in long period of time but does not intend to
stay permanently. This type of hotel is located in the center of the city or on the
outskirts of the city and serves as an inn for people who have not received housing
in the city.

b. Transitional Hotel

Hotels are provided for visitors who are traveling for a relatively short period of
time. In general, this type of hotel is located on the edge of city streets and serves
as a terminal point. Visitors who stay are generally short, just for a stopover.

c. Resort Hotel

The hotel is provided for visitors who are doing tours and holidays. In general,
this type of hotel is located in an area close to recreational/tourist areas. This type
of hotel relies on natural potential in the form of beautiful scenery and vacation
spots to attract tourists

2.1.1 Definition of Food & Beverage Department

Food & Beverage It is a department in the Hotel that includes food and
beverage service and food and beverage product where the two parts serve to sell
food and beverage services for hotel guests and are managed commercially and

Cook is an activity of preparing food to be eaten by heating it to food

ingredients so that the food can be consumed. Cooking consists of various
methods, techniques, tools and combinations of kitchen ingredients to regulate the
taste to facilitate food to be digested and change food in terms. of color,
appearance, texture, appearance and nutritional value, Cooking in general is the
preparation and process of choosing, arranging quantity, and mixing food
ingredients in a certain order with the aim to obtain the desired results. Heating
food ingredients generally, though not always, changes the food ingredients
chemically, resulting in changes in taste, texture. appearance, and nutritional
value. In general the methods used in cooking are as follows:

1.Fraying, which is processing food by putting food into hot oil.

2. Boilling, which is processing food ingredients by soaking ingredients or dishes

into hot water.

3. Steaming, which is cooking using water vapor and using tools such as
steaming, cages, pans, and so on.

4. Sauteing, which is cooking using a little bit of refined oil and adding a little
liquid so that it is slightly thick/wet.

5.Grilling, which is cooking directly on hot coals, usually this technique is called

6.Baking, which is cooking food by inserting it into a combustion device such as

an oven and micro wave oven and other tools.

2.2 Understanding the Menu

The menu is derived from the french language "Le Menu" which means the list of
foods that are candied to the guests at the restaurant. With the function makes it
easy for guests to choose the food to be ordered because it is listed the name of the
material and the picture in the menu. The menu is a guide for those who prepare
food or dishes, even a guide for those who enjoy it because it will be illustrated
about what and how the food is made

Along with the development of the world of hospitality, the development and the
forms of the menu is very interesting so that one of the promotional tools and
often taken by the guests as a memento. So in the making of the menu or list of
these foods require a large enough cost that affects the price dish. in practice, the
menu is also an effective promotional tool for the restaurant or hotel. Therefore,
the arrangement of the menu holds a very important order in supporting the
success of the business, it must be made in an interesting and appropriate in
accordance with the structure or framework. composition, design and way of

2.2.1 Menu Functions

From the description above it can be drawn a conclusion, that the menu
function is very dependent on who uses the menu, so it can be described as

a. Menu functions for the company are:

As a communication medium between the guests as a buyer and the

company as a seller with the name of the food clearly and using language that
is easy to understand by the guests. As a media campaign with the existing
facilities listed in the hotel, are all existing facilities such as: restaurants,
sports venues, swimming pools and recreational rides can be promoted in the
form of pictures and writing.

b. Menu functions as work guidelines for:

1. Kitchen that is: determine the required food, determine the number oftools,
determine the number of personnel.

2. Restaurant namely: determine the table set up, determine the number and
type of Cutlaries, determine the number of personnel.

3. Steward are prepare the necessary tools such as: Cutlaries, chaving dish,
plate etc.

4. Guests are: as a tool in choosing foods and beverages according to the

desirability of both the type to quantity, guidelines in the ability to buy food listed
in the menu.

22.2 Types of Services

There are several types of services that are usually used in restaurants. Here are
the types of services in the restaurant:

1. American Service

American service is a service where food is served, served and decorated in one
place with a portion for one person. This type of service is commonly used in the
restaurant at this time, because it is more practical, interesting and cheap. This
type of service is known premises term Plate Service or Ready on the Plate. On
the plot, guests order the food there in menu then waitresses order to the chef,
then waiters serve the food that has been made by the chef.

2. English Service

English service or commonly called by the term Rijzstafel is a service where

every type of food is dorsal, arranged on a plate, and food is served in the middle
of the guest table and then present on the guest plate one by one. This type of
service requires the knowledge and skills of the waiters.

3. Buffet Service
Buffet service or commonly called Self service is a restaurant service system
where all the food is complete from the appetizer, soup, main course, and
dessert has been arranged and arranged neatly on the table dish. Guests are

free to take their own meals according to taste. In this service the main and
most important task for the waiters is to provide or keep the dinner utensils
for guests and replace them when guests request with the aim of providing
comfort to the guests in enjoying the food and expediting operations.

2.3 Cook's Understanding

Chef or cook is the person who prepares the food to eat. This term sometimes
refers to a chef, although these two terms are professionally unequaled. The
term chef in a restaurant or restaurant kitchen usually refers to people with
little or no creative influence on the menu and has little or no influence
whatsoever on the kitchen, are all members of the kitchen under the chef
(head chef).
2.3.1 Menu in the form of a Framework or turn of the dish
The menu can be clarified based on the frame or turn of the dish, namely:
1. Classic Menu Framework
The menu is in the form of a classic menu frame, namely:
a. Hors-D'oeuvre (Froid) - Appetizer (cold)
b. Potage-Soup
c. Poisson - Fish
d. Oenfs/ farineux-Eggs/Farinaceous
e. Entree (freod) - Entre (cold) f. Relive - Main Course
g. Sorbet - Sherbet
h. Bread – Roast
i. Legume - Vegetables j. Sapoureuk - Sweet
k. From age - Cheese
l. Dessert-Dessert
m. Cafe/teh-Coffee/tea
2. Modern Menu Framework.
Which generally consists of three to five types of dishes, as follows:
a. Three types of dishes
1. Soup-Appetizer
2. Main Course or Main dishes 3. Dessert - Dessert

b. Four types of dishes 1. Appetizer - Soup (cold) 2. Soup (hot) OR-Appetizer
3. Main Course - Main Course 4. Dessert - Dessert
2.4 Definition of Cook
A chef or cook is someone who prepares food to eat. Chef is the head chef.
So it's clear, what distinguishes chefs and chefs is the level of kitchen or
restaurant kitchen work. The chef's main task is cooking while the chef's main
task is to lead the entire crew in the kitchen or restaurant to fulfill all
customer orders.
Chefs or Cooks are people who prepare food to eat. This term sometimes
refers to a chef, although these two terms in a professional manner cannot be
equated. The term chef in a restaurant or restaurant kitchen usually refers to
people with little or no creative influence on the menu and have little or not
influence on the kitchen. They are usually all kitchen members under the chef
(head chef). Other types of restaurants may have a relatively constant menu
and only have people who can prepare food quickly and consistently, and
don't really need a head chef. This type of restaurant can be run entirely by
the chef, for example in fast food restaurants.

1. Level of Career Level of a Chef From the bottom there are:

a Cook helper or kitchen assistants who help provide cooking ingredients.
b. Commis which works almost the same as kitchen assistants, but its position
is higher.
c. For the sake of chef and chef de partie, who looks like a supervisor,
oversees the work of subordinates while going down to work right away, but
also reports to the top.
d. Sous chef who is responsible for recipes.
e The executive chef is responsible for all matters works well, in one year it
will usually go up one level, in the kitchen. If a chef
2. Benefits of Being a Chef
Salary chefs are indeed quite large compared to other employees' salaries
and business opportunities and to get a high-income overseas job is also wide

open. Or, if our knowledge is enough, we can also open our own business
with expertise.

3. The basic - cooking techniques that must be known by a chef:

In ancient times humans lived by hunting to defend their lives. The results
are hunted, they enjoy being a food in raw conditions. Over time in those
days humans discovered fire by tapping two rocks. And accidentally the raw
food was burned on top of the fire and the aromatic aroma of the meat
appeared, the taste was even easier to chew: From there, food processing
techniques or cooking techniques begin to develop. Definitively tenure can be
interpreted as "a process of applying heat to food ingredients so that eating
becomes more delicious, easy to chew, and changing the shape and
appearance and can break the bacteria that harm our bodies". The cooking is
divided into three, namely Cooking by Moist Heat (cooking hot wet
techniques), Cooking by Dry Heat (cooking techniques dry heat) and
Cooking by Combination (tenik cooking combinations).

A. Cooking by Moist Heat (Wet cooking method)

In this method, the cooking process also goes through several stages so
that the food is more tasty and tasty to enjoy, namely:
1. Boiling (boiling) is cooking in boiling water which is more than cooked
food so that cooked food can be completely submerged.
2. Simmering is the same cooking process as boiling, except that the
difference is in slow moving and breaking bubbles before reaching the
3. Poaching is boiling food whose volume of water is more than the material
where the water bubble moves slowly (slow bubling) so it does not break to
the surface.
4. Stewing is boiling food ingredients in water which is almost the same as
boiled ingredients.
5. Braising is boiling less food ingredients than water.
6. Steaming is cooking food using hot steam.

7. Blanching is the process of dipping food ingredients into hot water for a
while not until cooked and then reappointed.

B. Cooking by Dry Heat (cooking method for dry heat) In this method also
through several stages, namely:
1. Grilling is the process of roasting food with high and direct radiation heat,
which is carried out on an iron plate..
2 Roasting is cooking food in the oven by basting the process or process
doused with hot oil.
3. Baking is cooking food in the oven without being flushed with hot oil
(Basting Process).
4. Frying is cooking food using hot oil through 3 methods, namely
Deep frying, Shallow frying, and Pan frying.

C. Cooking by Combination Method (mixed method)

1. Pot Roasting a joint cooking process from Braising and Rosting where the
ingredients before cooking are seasoned first.
2. Microwave/Oven is a tool for heating food in just a few seconds
3. A joint cooking process from Braising and Rosting where the ingredients
before cooking are seasoned first.
2.5 A General Description of The Company

Picture 2.1 Bali Taman Beach Resort & Spa Logo

2.5.1 History of the Establishment of the Hotel


Bali Taman Hotel was established in 1989, with the status of full
individual property rights of a Buleleng entrepreneur Mr. Ketut Englan and
Mrs. Darawati as Owners. Fully operational (Grand Opening) to be precise on
August 24, 1989 and the inauguration was carried out directly by the Regent
at that time held by Mr. Ginantra, under the name Bali Taman Hotel.

Started its operations with a very limited number of rooms, namely 10

Deluxe type rooms with open bathrooms, 1 Restaurant and 1 Swimming pool
and bar by employing 25 employees. The initial promotion is still carried out
very simply by working with local guides and mostly relying on
local/domestic guests.

In line with the overall development of Bali Tourism, the impact of the
Bali Taman Hotel room occupancy rate seems to have increased so that The
Owner Mr. Ketut Englan began to gradually improve hotel facilities such as
increasing the number of rooms and increasing the hotel land area. In 1992
the land east of the Hotel which was still in the form of rice fields covering an
area of 80 acres was purchased by the Owner. A tennis court and meeting
room were also built. Meeting Room with a capacity of 250 people with
luxurious facilities such as AC, OHP, Sound system so that it becomes what
it is today with a total area of approximately 1 hectare, the status of a budget

Through continuous effort and hard work, the operation of the Bali
Taman Hotel, which was still very simple, in 1999 the Owner began to make
a new breakthrough in gaining market share to be able to increase the hotel
occupancy rate. Development and improvement of Human Resources (HR) in
stages, employees are continuously trained to balance the needs of guests by
prioritizing the pattern of Togetherness and Loving Management Rope which
is wide open to all employees. This hard work has paid off with an increasing
number of room occupancy rates, which are growing rapidly from year to

year. Other facilities being built include: Open Stage, Deluxe Room, Family
Suite Ocean Room and Spa.

The status of the hotel has increased every year from Pondok Wisata,
Melati Hotel 1, until it finally achieved the status of a Budget Hotel 3. D2 and
high school. Overall, the total number of rooms currently available at Bali
Taman Resort & Spa is 2 Types of Family Suite Rooms, 20 types of Deluxe
Rooms, 8 types of Standard Room Buildings, bringing the total to 30
Company rooms.

2.5.2 Ownership and Location of The Hotel

Bali Taman Beach Resort & Spa address:

Jl. Seririt- Singaraja No.KM.6,

Tukadmungga, Kec. Buleleng, Buleleng Regency, Bali 81119

Telephone: (0362) 41126

Email :

2.6 Hotel Facilities at Bali Taman Beach Resort & Spa Lovina

2.6.1 Accommodation Facilities

To Provide satisfactory service to guests staying at Courtyard by Bali Taman

Beach Resort & spa Lovina, the hotel provides the following facilities :

1. Room
Bali Taman Beach Resort & Spa Lovina, has a capacity of 35 non-
smoking guests rooms, with complete facilities in it including AC room
and free wi-fi

Picture 2.2 Bali Taman Resort Room

2.6.2 Resrtaurant and Bar

Restaurant in the Bali Taman located in behind of the hotel with beach
view. Restaurant Bali Taman is a accompained by live music with a total
seating capacity of 60 seats. Restaurant Bali Taman that is open for breakfast,
lunch and dinner, restaurant Bali Taman is open at 08.00 to 21.00 WITA.
Food list available is very interesting and complete, international fusion mix
with traditional Balinese food.

Picture 2.3 Bali Taman Resort Restaurant

The following is a list of food menu availlable at Bali Taman Beach Resort :

 Mix Salad

Picture 2.4 Mix Salad

 Lettuce lead with dreassing sauce

 Vegetable Soup

Picture 2.5 Vegetable Soup

 Diced Tomato, lettuce, carrots

 Chicken Parmigiana

Picture 2.6 Chicken Parmigiana

Vegetable, French frice, chicken with brown sauce

 Fried Rice

Picture 2.7 fried rice

 Sweet Sour Chicken

Picture2.8 Spaghetti Carbonara

Pizza Mini Dough

Picture 2.9

 Club Sandwich

Picture 2.10

2.7 Hotel Organization Structure

General Manager

Housekeeping Food and Accounting Front Office

manager Beverage Manager Manager

Room section service


P.A Section Reservation



Linen Section

Laundry Section


Human Resource
Sales & Marketting

Security Department
Picture 2.11 Hotel Organization Structure

2.7.1 Duties And Responsibilities of Each Position

1. GM (General Manager)

GM’s duty is to control the entire hotel management and responsible for the
success of the hotel. And provide support for employees to increase employee
morale. GM is the highest position in the hotel. In essence, GM is a leader in a
hotel that controlling all areas of the hotel.

2. FC (Financial Control)

FC is a very important hotel management because FC is responsible for

managing finances, such as financial expenses and hotel financial revenues.
And FC also set the wages of employees.

2. RDM (Room Division Manager)

RDM is responsible for controlling existing facilities in the rooms. Any

shortcomings available in the room are the responsibility of the RDM. The
underdevelopment layers under the auspices of RDM are FO (Front Offices),
HK (Housekeeping) and ENG (Enginnering). The existing agency under the
auspices of the RDM should report on each activity undertaken.

2. HRD (Human Resaurce Manager)

HRD Responsible for all employee needs both in grooming and attitude. HRD
is also tasked to interview the new workforce and assess whether it is feasible
to work in the hotel. HRD also served to increase employee insight such as
holding training in their respective fields – each.

2. Sales Marketting

Sales Marketting is tasked to offer sales services to guests, such as t offering

event packages, meeting packages, and others. A Seles Marketting must master
the technique or how to offer services.

2. FBM (Food and beverage Manager)

FBM is in charge of controlling all existing services in food and beverage
service, such as restaurant bar, launge because food and beverage service is a
direct service providing services and services directly to guests.

2. FBP (Food and beverage Product)

FBP is a department that provides all kinds of food. A chef should be

responsible for the kitchen at the hotel. Good in the restaurant, coffee break
and snack. The FBP is also responsible for the Breakfast Lunch Dinner and
also provides the Ala’carte menu.

2. FO (Front office)

FO is to provide all the provisions in all rooms at the hotel and make a
reservation, check in check out the guest.

9. HK (House Keeping)

HK is very responsible for the haziness of the hotel either inside or outside the
hotel such as hotel cleanliness, restaurant, hotel page, and others. And one of
the department that is HK is Laundry. Due to the key attraction of guests to use
the services of the hotel with the cleanliness of the hotel.

10 EGN (Engineering)

EGN is responsible for the existing technicians in the hotel. All existing
electronic facilities in the hotel is the duties and responsibilities EGN. EGN
should be prosecuted all forms of technical problems and should always be
ready to overcome the problem of technicians in the hotel.


Security is responsible for security within the hotel. Due to the security of
guests who are the main guests when guests use the services of the inn. A
security must be prepared to see the circumstances that can be disadvantaged
the hotel. Both outside and inside the hotel area. What if there is violence
within the hotel, Security who must be tasked to secure it, due to the security of
guests who are the main guests when guests use the services of the inn. A

security must be prepared to see the circumstances that can be disadvantaged
the hotel. Both outside and inside the hotel area.

2.7.2 Tasks of cooks at Bali Taman Resort & Spa

A. Preparation

The task and implementation of the food and beverage product department
at the Bali Taman Resort & Spa is divided into two (2) shifts. Namely morning
and afternoon.

1. Morning Shift

(08.0-16.00), the task of morning shift (M), namely:

a. Helps food runners

b. Prepare all the needs for A’la Carte

c. Helps cook orders from guests (guest)

2. Afternoon Shift

(16.00-00.00), the task of the afternoon shift, namely:

a. Prepare all ingredients for breakfast the next day.

b. Make a condiment and garnish for the Ala carte

c. Prepare the sauce and garnish for the A’la carte menu

d. Prepare the ingredients additional if there is not enough material available.

B. Implementation

The implementation phase in the kitchen department at the Funky Place

Lovina especially in the service section:

1. For Operation / Action Morning Shift 08.00am-16.00pm

a. Preparing food for breakfast in the restaurant.

b. Preparing food orders from guests

2. For Operation / Action Afternoon Shift 16.00pm – 00.00pm

a. Preparing food for breakfast in the restaurant.

b. Preparing food orders from guests

c. Clear up breakfast buffet at the grand cafe.

C. Closure

The closing or closing stage in the kitchen department at the Bali Taman
Resort &Spa, especially in the Service section:

1. Arrange and re-enter the remaining food ingredients into in the chiller.

2. Store food that is ready for the next day the day.

3. Clean the woekplace and tidy up the utensil.

4. Check buffets and ensure food is still available, before the staff let the

2.8 Food Product ( Kitchen ) Department Organization

Picture 2.12 kitchen Depertment Organization Structure

a. Duties And Responsibilities of Each Position

1. Executive Chef.

a. Keep an eye on ordering kitchen utensils.

b. Prepare the menu.

c. Make a list of purchases of goods or materials in the kitchen.

d. Maintain food costs and certain profit levels.

e. Supervise and manage the work schedule of all subordinates and activities that
must be done in the kitchen.

f. Supervise the course of food service at presentation time.

g. Supervise the storage of raw materials, the arrangement of purification tools.

h. Supervise food & beverage manager in planning food promotion.

2. Executive Sous Chef.

a. Supervise subordinates in work.

b. Responsible for the smoothness of all work in the kitchen and in charge

of replacing the chef if unable to attend.

c. Help the chef in supervising the kitchen operations.

3. Junior Excecutive Sous Chef.

a. Supervise food processing and maintain the quality of food served.

b. Take over the Exclusive Chef's job at the time the Excecutive Chef is not in

c. Perform special tasks assigned by superiors.

d. Give cooking class to the guest.

4. Sous Chef Section.

a. Make working schedule.

b. Make an order of food ingredients.

c. Supervise the materials in working guest orders.

d. Provide training to subordinates.

e. Check all equipment when finished.

5. Chef De Partie.

For example chef de partie on the sauce section on duty:

a. Supervise the making of broth to make the sauce.

b. Supervise the manufacture of hot sauces.

c. Supervise the process of cooking poultry and meat for food quality remains

d. Keep an eye on the makers.

6. Commis II.

. Process semi-finished food into fast food.

b. Responsible for superiors.

c. Checking the meals in the kitchen.

d. Check the food in the kitchen.

e. Teaching the training in work.

7. Daily Worker.

a. Helping seniors in preparing food.

b.Assist senior in making guest order.

c. Clean the kitchen area.

d. Responsible for the task given by senior.

8. Trainees

a. Helping seniors when making food.

b. Make preparation for food completeness.

c. Following SOP standards when working.

29 Comparison Between Theory and Implementation of on The Job


The comparison between theory with On The Job Training, the author can
find and find out the comparison between the theories that the author gets on
campus with direct practice in the work industry. The comparison is:

1. Discipline learning, behavior and appearance that the author gets on

campus, just as the author gets in the industry. However, in the industry it
is more emphasized.

2. About the facilities and infrastructure that the writer met on campus and
in the place of tranning is very different, because in the campus the
ingredients are very limited while the facilities in the traning facility are
quite complete.

3. There are menu differences in terms of complexity. On campus, the

menus learned are relatively simple. Whereas in the hostel the menu
presented is more varied and complete.

4. Regarding the storage of goods on campus the implementation is not

effective, whereas in the place of tranning we do it seriously.

2.10 Constraints Successes Encountered During Job Training Solutions to the

Problems Faced

At the time of doing on the job training actually the author did not
experience quite a lot of problems, but of course there must be complaints and
small problems encountered in the industrial world, in this section the author will
make problems that have been felt when training at Bali Taman Resort & Spa
Lovina, among others:

1. Constraints

There are obstacles that I experienced during implementing On The Job Training,

a The presence of modern equipment is the way to operate it not yet known by the
author because never taught on campus.

b. Sometimes when a writer is working on a task given and the task has not been
completed, new assignments are given again.

c. Learning methods in the industry are slightly different from that

methods of practice on campus, so mistakes often occur.

d. At the time of just starting the training the author experienced problems in
adapting to the hotel environment. e There was a damage to the engine that caused
it work is hampered.

f Material delays often occur from the store, so the work process is disrupted.

2. Success

a. The author feels proud when meeting items that only the author knows from his
name, now he knows the shape of the item.

b. The author feels proud because he is believed to be a substitute for staff, when
staff are on vacation or there is a need for security.

c. The author feels happy because it is given the same job as what is done by the

d. The author feels proud because it is believed to hold a section. e. The author
feels happy to be able to mingle with staff and can sharring about what is the duty
and responsibility when believed in holding a section.

2.11 Problem and Solving

The obstacles encountered by the author in carrying out the duties and
responsibilities during the Real Work Practice, namely:

1. Still nervous or lacking in confidence when speaking for the first time with
guests because they are not used to dealing directly with guests.

2. Difficulties in learning the menu and ingredients because it's too much and very

From the obstacles that I encountered during my real work practices, the solutions

1. Hone mentally and try as often as possible to deal with and communicate
with staff.
2. More concentrate in paying attention to the way the senior works and
asking things that are less clear.
3. Trying to learn a foreign language other than English and always ask
seniors if something is not understood.
4. As often as possible studying the menu whenever there is free time and
5. asking seniors if something is not understood.


3.1 Conclusions

With the Practice Work industry in this tourism industry, the authors can prepare
reports and draw conclusions that:

1. Work Practice Industry in the tourism industry is an excellent opportunity

for students / students to be able to see and know firsthand the working
atmosphere in the tourism industry.

2 Work Practice Industry in the tourism industry provides valuable learning

opportunities for learners / students because it can recognize, listen, and
directly carry out the work in the world of tourism industry.

3. Industry Practices Industry in the tourism industry can foster professional

attitude, self-discipline, mental readiness, optimism and a sense of more
curiosity in each learner / student who has implemented it.

4. Work Practice Industry in the tourism industry is one of the compulsory

courses and must be implemented by every student / student, as one of the
requirements to complete and complete the study program at Hotel & Cruise

5. Work Practice Industry in the tourism industry is a good opportunity for

students students to be able to apply directly various kinds of knowledge he
has gained during college.

6. Work Practices Industry in the tourism industry can provide an overview

of the world of tourism industry in general and F & B Productions in
particular, against students/students. So they are able to compete in the
world of work to face the development and advancemen in the field of
tourism industry.

3.2 Suggestions for the Hostel and for Institutions

Suggestions for the Hostel Restaurant and Bar

1. Good industry cooperation to trainees should be continuously improved

to create skilled workers.

2 Called to the senior staff at the hotel so as not to get bored in teaching the
trainees are not emotional because all human beings have shortcomings and
also their respective advantages.

3. In order to maintain the hospitality of guests who come or fellow

department employees who one with other department employees, if
necessary improved again.

4. In order to maintain the comfort of guests and good service.

5 Instructors to continue to improve the quality of education, especially on

participants who will do Real Work Practice.

6. Instructors to further improve supervision when students are doing Real

Practice Work.

7. The relationship between the training site and the hotel being reviewed as
a Real Work Practice area should be further enhanced to prevent the
occurrence of problems or undesirable things.

8 The training venue should be able to take into account the place that will
be given to trainees to implement the Real Work Practice because it is very
necessary information on how the place will be used as a place of Real
Work Practice, whether it is feasible or not so that trainees are not in vain to
do Real Work Practice in place the.

9. In order to give our guidance to be more assertive, about the uniform or

the other because it reflects the good campus.



Club, F.B. (2021) Info Bali Taman Resort & Spa. Lovina :


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