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Final demo, the most awaited and nerve wrecking part of practice teaching.

found it already hard when I was just choosing the topic that I will discuss in my demo,
nahirapan akong isipan ng magandang activity ang mga available na topic. Nakagawa
ako ng activity by the help of my classmates and inayos ng cooperating teacher ko ang
lesson plan ko. I was really pressured that time, I remember, the night before the demo,
I cried because I was already nervous and pressure was eating me. I am really thankful
because my cooperating teacher was always guiding me. She helped me a lot, from
giving ideas about my activity and the discussion. She gave me motivation and believed
that I will perform well. Also, one of the reason why I cried the night before the demo,
because I realized that time kung gaano na kalaki ang nagastos ng parents ko just for
my demo, from my instructional materials to the foods of the panel and my students. I
was anxious that I will fail.

My family also helped me the most, even though natatarayan ko na 'yung kapatid
ko at naibubuhos ko sa kanila 'yung frustrations at stress ko that time, hindi sila
nagsawang tulungan at i-motivate ako. Puyat ako ng isang linggo, puyat din sila. Pagod
ako, pagod din sila. We were tired, yes, but also my heart was happy because I have
people whom I can call whenever I need them and will always be there for me.

Team San Jose, these people did not let me to be alone when I was doing my
final demo. They cheered me before my demo, the reason why the nervousness I felt
that time lessen. They helped sa pagse-set up ng room that I used and the materials
needed for my lesson. We were all tired, but they still helped a lot in my final demo.
Really thankful that I was one of them.

The panel entered the room earlier than I expected, I was just setting up the
projector for my PowerPoint Presentation and again, the nervousness came back. While
I was teaching, I sensed that my students were also nervous that is why there were not
in their usual self. After my final demo, I was really scared that time, hearing the
comments of the panel. From the post conference, I really learned a lot. The comments
and constructive criticism of the panel will be really necessary especially when I am
already in the field of teaching. From these, I know what characteristics do I need to
acquire and the things that I need to develop or improve. The comments of the panel
will help me in my professional growth. Really grateful for their kind words that time.

To Dr. Chua, na lagi naming napapasakit ang ulo. I am really grateful that she
became our teacher and nanay while we are staying in LSPU. We will always remember
not only the lessons in science, but also the lessons in life that she taught us. Thankful
on how she handle us, we will not be our right self in the future withouth the lessons
from her.

Of course, one of the biggest reason why my final demo was successful is
because of my students, my dearest Grade 8-Narra. I first met them in FS, I was
already amazed how bright and smart these students are. We became close, because
they were also my students when I was conducting my thesis. Even though awas na sila
ng 3:00 PM, they chose to stay until 4:00 PM to help me in my thesis. When we were
choosing the school for our practice teaching, I really wanted to go to Del Remedio
National High School since malapit lang 'to sa'min. Pero sinabi nila sa'kin na sana sa
San Jose na lang daw ako mag-ST, e how could I resist them? Buti na lang 'di ako
lumipat. Mas lalo ko silang naging ka-close noong nag-practice teaching na. I can still
remember how happy they were that I was their ST. Actually, nahirapan ako sa ibang
section, hindi ko kinakaya kung gaano kagulo ang iba. Iba na pala talaga 'pag nasa real
life ka na nagtuturo. Parang 'yung section nila 'yung naging sweet escape at taga-
balance ng araw ko. Everytime na sira na ang mood ko dahil sa ibang section, sila 'yung
nag-aayos noon. Ang blessed ko na nakilala ko sila habang magulo 'yung nasa paligid
ko, sila naman ang taga-pag pangiti ko. Honestly, hindi ko talaga gustong magturo pero
'pag nandun ka na rin pala, iba na, lalo na 'pag nakikita mo silang eager na makinig
sa'yo at natutuwa na may natututunan sila sa'yo. Ang fulfilling ng feeling, nakaka-inspire
at nakaka-motivate lalo. Before matapos ang practice teaching, pinaiyak at iniyakan pa
ako ng mga 'yan. I really miss them, big time! Even though we still have communication,
iba pa rin 'pag nakakausap ko sila in person.

My practice teaching and final demo will not be possible kung wala 'tong mga
taong 'to plus syempre si Lord.

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