Data Structure IMP Questions.: Chapter - 1

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Data Structure IMP Questions.

Chapter - 1
1. List primitive and non-primitive data structures.

2. Define the terms: (i) array (ii) structure (iii) class (iv) Homogeneous data structure

3. Explain in brief: (i) List (ii) File   (iii) Record   (iv) Non Linear List (v) Cell    (vi) Field
4. Define terms (i)Time complexity  (ii) Space complexity (iii) Big Oh notation (iv)
Asymptotic notation
5. Explain row-major order and column major order array.

6. Explain characteristic of Array.

7. Write and explain algorithm for sequential search.
8. Write and explain algorithm for binary search.

9. Differentiate List and Array.

10. Give definition of algorithm. Explain Key features of an algorithm.

Chapter - 3
1.    Define stack. List the operations that can be performed on a stack.
2.    Differentiate stack and queue.

3.    What is STACK? Write and explain algorithm for PUSH.

4.    What is STACK? Write and explain algorithm for POP.

5.    List out the application of stack.

6.    What is QUEUE? Write and explain algorithm for insert an element in queue.

7.    What is QUEUE? Write and explain algorithm for delete element in queue..
8.    Write an algorithm for insertion and deletion operation in Circular Queue.

9.    Write Limitation of Simple Queue.

Chapter - 4

Data Structure IMP Questions. 1

1.    List basic operation on Singly linked list.
2.    Define Linked List and List application of linked list.

3.    List the types of linked list. Also mention advantages and disadvantages of
linked list.

4.    Write an algorithm to count node in singly linked list.

5.    Write an algorithm to insert node at end in single linked list.

6.    Difference between singly and doubly linked list.

7.    Define pointer. List advantages and disadvantages of pointer.

Chapter - 5
1.    Define Sorting. List out the different sorting methods.

2.    Write an algorithm for Bubble sort.

3.    Write an algorithm for selection sort.

4.    Write an algorithm for Quick sort.

5.    Write an algorithm for Merge sort.

6.    Write an algorithm for Insertion sort.

7.    List out types of hash table. Explain any one in brief.

8.    Define (i) Collision (ii) Hash Function (iii) Hash Table

9.    What is Hashing? Explain linear probing method with suitable example.

Chapter - 6
1.    Define (i) Binary Tree (ii) Complete Binary Tree (iii) Strictly Binary Tree (iv)
INDEGREE                 (v) OUTDEGREE (vi) LEVEL (vii) LEAF

2.    List Application of Binary tree.

3.    What is Tree Traversal? What are different methods of tree traversal? Explain
Any one With example.

4.    Create BST for the Following Data:  8, 3, 10, 1, 6, 4, 7, 14, 13 .Also Give Pre-
Order, In-Order and Post-Order tree traversal for that tree.

Data Structure IMP Questions. 2

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