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สมาคม วาย. เอ็ม. ซี. เอ. เชียงใหม่

The Educational and Vocational Development Institute
Final Exam/ Course Y7 / Unit 4-6/ Total: 40 points / 2 hours
Name _________________ Surname _________________ Number ____

A: Look at the pictures, check the correct words and write the sentences. (10 points)

Ex. √ tube I use a tube of toothpaste with toothbrush every

□ tin ____________________________________________.

1. □ jar _________________________________________________________.
□ bar _________________________________________________________.

2. □ can _________________________________________________________.
□ bottle _________________________________________________________.

3. □ bag _________________________________________________________.
□ bar _________________________________________________________.

4. □ jar _________________________________________________________.
□ bar _________________________________________________________.

5. □ jar _________________________________________________________.
□ bottle _________________________________________________________.
B: Read and look at the picture, then write the words to describe the pictures. (15 points)

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Ex. horses and carts 8. ________________________
1. _________________________ 9. _________________________
2. _________________________ 10. ________________________
3. _________________________ 11. ________________________
4. _________________________ 12. ________________________
5. _________________________ 13. ________________________
6. _________________________ 14. ________________________
7. _________________________ 15. ________________________

C: Look at the pictures then write the sentences what they are going to do. (10 points)

Ex. He is going to throw the ball.

1. ___________________________________________________.

2. ___________________________________________________.

3. ___________________________________________________.

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4. ___________________________________________________.

5. ___________________________________________________.

6. ___________________________________________________.

7. ___________________________________________________.

8. ___________________________________________________.

9. ___________________________________________________.

10. ___________________________________________________.

D: Write sentences using used to and didn’t use to. (10 points)
Five years ago Now
1. work on a farm in an office
2. drive a tractor a car
3. wear jeans expensive clothes
4. be poor rich
5. eat at home at a restaurant

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________

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3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________

E: Complete the sentences using Past Continuous Tense. (5 points)

1. I ____________________ (watch) TV when she called.
2. When the phone rang, she ____________________ (write) a letter.
3. While we _____________________ (have) a picnic, it started to rain.
4. Sammy _____________________ (wait) for us when we got off the plane.
5. I ____________________ (listen) to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
F: Change the sentences using Comparative Adjective. (10 points)
Ex. Elephants are heavyer than pigs.
Elephants are heavier than pigs.
1. Mount Everest is more high mountain than Doi Inthanon.
2. The sea is more larger than a lake.
3. My job is easyer than yours.
4. My mum thinks that cats are gooder pets than dogs.
5. This car is comfortaber than yours.
G: Complete each conversation correctly. (10 points)
1. A: You got home at 11.00 last night.
B: Yes, I _____________________

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a. visite a friend b. visited a friend.
c. visiting a friend. d. was visiting a friend.
2. A: Hi Mike Did I wake up you?
B: __________________________
a. No, I slept. b. No, I am sleeping.
c. No, I was sleeping. d. No, I wasn’t sleeping.
3. A: Why was John angry last night?
B: __________________________
a. Dan was sleeping next to John. b. Dan is playing loud music.
c. He was trying to study while d. No, Dan wasn’t playing loud
Dan was playing loud music. music.
4. A: Your phone line was busy a moment ago.
B: Yes. I ___________________ to Nedra.
a. talk b. talked
c. am talking d. was talking
5. A: Was the weather bad this morning?
B: ________________________________.
a. Yes, It’s raining. b. Yes. The sun shone.
c. Yes. The sky was blue. d. No, The sun was shining.
6. A: Did you own a bike ten years ago?
B: Yes, I _______________ a red mountain bike.
a. own b. owned
c. owning d. owner
7. A: Did Gloria come home late?
B: I don’t think so. She _______________ in her room at 9.00 last night.
a. study b. studied
c. studying d. was studying
8. A: Did you sleep well?
B: No. The children _______________ a lot of noise.
a. make b. made
c. are making d. were making
9. We were watching a scary movie on T.V.
Suddenly, we _________ a loud noise in the kitchen
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a. hear b. heard
c. are hearing d. were hearing
10. I walked near the lake, while the cars ____________ on the road.
a. crash b. crashed
c. are crashing d. were crashing

H: Read the story and answer the questions. (10 points)

Emma Watson was born in France to Jacqueline Lues by and Chris Watson, English
lawyers who live in France at the time; she has a younger brother named Alex. She lived in
Paris until the age of five, and then moved with her mother and brother to Oxford, England.
Emma Watson was eleven years old when Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone-
titled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in the United States – was released. Despite
reports saying she refused to sign a contract to appear in the final two Potter installments, her
commitment to the final two films were confirmed in March 2007 by Warner Brothers. At the
time, she said “I could never let Hermione go; she is my hero! I love her too much and love
what playing her has meant to me. I am excited and honored to be finishing what I started and
played her in all seven of the films.”
At the age of fifteen, Emma became the youngest person
to appear on the covers of Teen Vogue magazine until the
appearance of Willa Holland. She also played Hermione in
The Queen’s Handbag, a special mini-episode of Harry
Potter in celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s 80th birthday.

1. How old was Emma Watson when she starts in films?

2. Did she want to play Hermione in all the films?
3. How does she feel when playing Hermione in the films?

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4. What do the reports says?
5. Who did she play in a special mini-episode of Harry Potter? Who did she perform it

___________________________ GOOD LUCK _________________________

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