Benefits of Food and Beverages Jonathan 5mpv

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“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.

by  Jim Rohn.

Isn’t that true? It’s not the four walls, but your body is where you live.
So, keep it clean, keep it healthy. Choose foods that are good for you.

YES, “I can’t control everything in my life, but I can control what I

put in my body”.

A very good morning I bid to the esteemed panel of judges, the

precise time-keepers and last but certainly not least my dear audience. I
stand before you on this fine day to talk about my chosen topic for today,
“Benefits of Healthy Food and Beverages in Daily Life."

Ladies and gentlemen

Let me provide you the meaning of food is. Food is any substance
consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. Food is usually
from plants, animals and fungal. Everyone seems to know that food
contains essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins
and minerals. Next, what is beverage? A beverage is a liquid intended for
human consumption .In addition to their basic function of satisfying
thirsty, beverages also play important roles in human life. Common types
of beverages include plain drinking water, milk coffee and the others

Let’s us talk about benefits healthy food. First of all, a healthy food
can help lower your cancer risk. Why I say so? This is because eating
food that contains antioxidant can reduce a person risk of developing
cancer by protecting cells from damage. The presences of free radicals in
the body increases the risk of cancer, but antioxidant help remove them to
lower likelihood of this disease. For instance, the foods high in
antioxidants include berries such as blueberries and raspberries. We need
to eat these types of food but in moderations.

Ladies and gentlemen

Healthy food is good for people who want to practice a healthy

lifestyle as well. To have a body goals and body shapes, exercise didn’t
help hundred percent to fits. This actively demonstrates that healthy foods
also help to gets a body goal. It is because every food has their own
categories like carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and fats. With
these categories the people would know what should eat much and what
foods should eat a little. Having a body goal everyone wants it especially
for woman. As for men, I think everyone wanted to have a strong and
muscular body. So, this is all started from healthy food. Eating healthily
plays very important roles to have a good body shape other than exercise
three times per weeks. I believe that every people in this world can get a
superior body shape with practice exercise like yoga and eating healthy

We always heard about benefits healthy food but we rarely heard

about benefits healthy beverages right? What roles do beverages have in a
healthy eating pattern in daily live for us? Let me tell you more thorough
the roles healthy beverages. All beverages choices matter and contribute
to total calorie intake and hydration. Focusing on nutrient dense,
beverages can help build healthy eating patterns. For examples milk
provides many of the nutrients of concern in the American diet including
calcium, vitamins D, potassium and more. The healthiest beverage is
plain drinking water. Plain drinking water contained zero fats and good
for people who are on a diet. Plain water is important for overall
hydration and to meet fluid needs. Most of the body’s fluid needs can be
met through water and other beverages but fluids can also come from
foods that are eaten. Water is important to help regulate body
temperature, lubricate and cushion joints, protect the spinal cord and
others sensitive tissues and help remove wastes through sweating and
other bodily secretions. There are many healthy beverages come from
fresh fruits. We can drink mango juice, strawberry juice, apple juice, and
the other but we do no need to add sugar into our juice as fruits are sweet
already. We can drink juices in moderations like twice a week.

To sum of, healthy food and beverages have a lot of advantages for
our body. There are all kinds of foods and beverages that can lead to
healthy issues. Eating and drinking healthy is important for everyone
especially for senior citizen to live a healthily. Everyone can eat and
drink some food and beverages that full with calories and fat but eating
and drinking it daily is bad for everyone. So, the best solution is eats and
drinks the right food. Always stay positivity, changes your mentality and
it can help to reduce obesity cases in our country, Malaysia. Through
here, I want to spread my voice and encourages the youth to eat healthy
food and drink healthy beverage. That is all from me .Thank you

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