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Describe a family member who inspires you.


Thesis statement

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Factual Details

Sensory Details
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touch, smell, taste)
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Factual Details

Sensory Details
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touch, smell, taste)
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Factual Details

Sensory Details
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touch, smell, taste)
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Factual Details

Sensory Details
(sight, sound,
touch, smell, taste)
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Factual Details

Sensory Details
(sight, sound,
touch, smell, taste)
Restatement of
Additional details

Clincher statement
Describe a family member who inspires you.

We had lived in Ipoh, Perak for seven blissful years and were not enthusiastic about moving

He knew that he needed to take the job, but as my sister had just finished secondary school
and would be starting her first year of college, he knew he could not move us there. He did
consider but found it unfair to us. My sister had chosen a college in Melaka and we were
living in Perak at the time. He also knew that my other sister, my mum, and I did not want to
He was earning a steady income, and we could all be together. The job only lasted for a year.

He made a sacrifice to provide income for our family while keeping us happy. After that year,
he could not commute that far any longer. There was another job offer in Johor. We decided
to move.
The doctor had removed the cancerous tumour, and he seemed to be well.

He has always been a hard worker and cares deeply about our family

Through the duration of his unemployment, he not only suffered from stress of finding a job
but was also diagnosed with brain tumour. This came as a shock and a fright to the whole
family. Everything just seemed to be hitting at once, but he did not lose hope. He found a
doctor that could treat brain tumour and with whom he felt comfortable. He had to go all
the way to Kuala Lumpur to have his operation.
When I was 9 years old, he lost his job.

The job failed to be long-lasting. The start of the economic recession caused him to be fired
after a year because they were cutting down the company expenses.

He searched across the country for a new one so that he could continue to support us as a
family. The job that came was one in Brunei.
He found a job in Penang. Finally, things started to get better. He began his new job in
Penang, again commuting. I was in my third year in secondary school, and he felt it was not
right to move me in the midst of it. He would let me finish secondary school and go to
college before he and my mum would move.
He left for Brunei, and we remained in Perak. He lived alone in Brunei for a year, only being
able to visit home once every three months.
The operation went very well, and he returned home to recover.
He had always put his family above himself and he tried to do what he thought was best for
us. I admire this quality of his and am very grateful for it. He has shown me that even if I do
not want to do something, I have responsibilities that I must abide by first.
Of all the people in my life, one of whom has influenced me the greatest is my father.
As the other jobs had not been so promising, he knew he would have to commute, at least
until I graduated.
We had thought the job would last longer. He began his job search again and took him about
a year to find a new job.
One last time, he searched for a job. This time, he found one in Pahang.
He keeps us a family. He has also shown me that no matter how bad things get, I must
always look to the bright side, stay positive, and continue with my life. Life will not always be
perfect, but I must learn and adapt from everything that is going on around me.

Over the years my father had made many sacrifices and had to prevail a lot of hardship.

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