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Cl 9 Internal Assessment 2021-2022

Practical /Project Work. 10 marks (evaluated by two teachers.)

1.Candidates will be required to prepare a hand written project report on any
one topic.
Topic:1) Pollution (refer Chs 15,16,17
2)Choosing any topic /Chapter from your book.
2. Prepare abroad outline of the project.
3. Collect the data/ material from the various sources like reference books,
statistical data, magazines, newspapers, journals.
4. Analyse and organise the data as per the outline of the project and prepare
a rough draft.
5. Finally, prepare a comprehensive project report accompanied by suitable
diagrams, sketches, map work, clippings from newspapers and statistical data
relevant to the topic.
1. 1st page (cover page) Draw the picture of the topic and name the topic.
2. 2nd page Name of the School …..,Place……
Subject: Geography.
Guided by: Sr. D’ Costa.
Presented by: (your name)
Class: 9. Section: …. Roll No…..
3 page: Acknowledgement (heading)
First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to my subject
teacher Sr. J .D’Costa, who gave me the opportunity to compile the project on
the topic “………………….” (name the selected topic) which helped me doing a lot
of research and to know many new things; for which I am grateful to the
subject teacher.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and the elders who
helped me a lot to complete this project work.

4th page – Contents /outline of the project. (heading)

(Outline of the project)
1. Introduction
9. Conclusion.
5th page Introduction (heading)
6th page Body of the project with the relevant newspaper clippings, pictures,
drawing sketches. No print outs and no pictures from any book.
At the end: conclusion.
2. A record file having any three of the following exercise will be maintained.
(All three topics in one file .The file will be evaluated out of 10 marks).
a) Uses of important types of maps.
b) Directions and how to identify them_ an illustrative diagram.
c) Reading and using statement of scale and scale shown by representative
fraction method. (No drawing work, only explaining their meanings).
d) Reading of one town guide or an atlas map. (Recognising the symbols
and colours used, identifying directions and distances).
e) Drawing and recognising forms of important contours viz. valleys,
ridges, types of slopes, conical hill, plateau, escarpment sand sea cliff.
f) Drawing at least one sketch map to organise information about visiting
an important place, a zoo or a monument that you had visited earlier.

Subject Teacher,
Sr. D’Costa.


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