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1) You were called urgently to see Amna who has just delivered after

being 24 hours in labour , and she developed severe vaginal bleeding

after delivery of the placenta. She has no injury, she is now Para v111+

what is your diagnosis?!


a) What is the most likely cause of her bleeding?!

……………………………uetaine atonia…………………………………………………….

mention 3 other possible causes for her bleeding.

1-....................................returnd of product..................................................


3-...............................adhernt placenta.......................................................

b) Mention one procedure you do to help in stopping her bleeding

…………………………uteraine massage……………………………………………………..

c) Mention two drugs you may need to use?!

1- ………………………oxytocin…………………………………...

2- …………………………ergometrine……………3…Misoprostol…………………

d) If the bleeding could not be controlled, mention two procedures (non surgical) to help in
stopping the bleeding.

1- …………………………bimanual compression…………………………………………….

2-……………………………………folly ballone cathter…………………………………….

e) Mention two urgent life-saving measures you do?!

1- ………………………………call for hellp ………………………………………..


f) Mention two risk factors for her condition?

1- …………………………prolong labour……………………………………………….

2- ……………………………grand multipra……………………………………………..

G) mention ONE immediate & ONE late complication of her condition.


late...............................shehaan syndrome...............................................................

2) Amna is 25 years old in her second pregnancy at 30 weeks

gestation, was admitted 3 days ago with history of watery vaginal
discharge. She has no other complain.

1- What examination you do to confirm the diagnosis?!

……………sterile……per vaginal examination……………………………………………

2- Mention 3 investigations needed in her case?

a- …………………uss…………………………………………………

b- …………………………alfa fetoprotein……………………………………………………

c-……………………………………creatinie & urea………………………………………………

3- What are the 2 medications you are going to give in her case?

a- …………………………antibiotic……………………………………

b- .................................dexamethasone........................................................

4- What symptoms and signs she may develop? (Mention 3)

b- …………………tachycardia………………………………

c- ………………………offensive vaginal discharge………………………

5- What is the main cause of increased perinatal mortality?!

......................................septic shock........................................................

3) A 25 years primigravida presented to the labour room at 36 weeks

gestation with severe frontal headache and generalized oedema. The
pulse was 110/min ,B.P =170/110mmHg, and urine contains +++ of

1-What is the most likely diagnosis?

………………pre eclampsia …..........................................................

2-Mention two life saving steps you do? for hellp, c mgso4

D……….. termination of pregnancy ............................


3-if she developed fits, mention two drugs used to stop fits?



4-if the baby was alive, the cervix was 3 cm dilated how and when are you
going to deliver her?
a- When..........immedately by induction...................................................

b- How (mode of delivery)...................................vaginal.............................

5-Mention two blood investigations other than Hb and blood grouping you
would ask for?

b-..................lft.....................................coagulation profile.....................

6- Mention two maternal and one fetal complications of her condition?

b-....................................hellp syndrome ...........................................


c-........................................fetal distress........& preterm labour....................

7- Mention two risk factors for this condition?



8- Mention one drug used to reduce blood pressure in this condition?

..……………………………..………………………… hydralazine………………………

4) A 35 year old Para 2+0 presented to the antenatal clinic at 36

weeks. Examination revealed B.P of 150/80 mm.Hg with breech

a- Mention two types of breech you know?


2- ...........incompelet.............……………………………………………………….

b- Mention 3 predisposing factors for breech presentation?

1- ....................polyhydromoius......................................................................

3-................................palcenta previa...............................................................

c- Mention one manouvre for correction of breech?


d- Mention three contraindications for this manouvre?



3-............................pervoius scar C/s..............................................................

e- Mention two complications of this manouvre?

1-..............................................rupture of uterus.............................................

2-...................................preterm labour ....................................................

f- In her case are you going to do this manouvre, why?!

................…………………no because has HTN………………………………

g- Mention three methods for delivery of the aftercoming head?

1-........................burn marchal.......................................................................


3- ...................................mauriceu smelli veit.....................................................

h- If, in her case, the breech presentation persist till term how are you going
to deliver her?

5) A 38 years grand multipara, known diabetic, presents to the ANC
clinic, at 32 weeks gestation, her B.P 120/75, FL 36 weeks, she is sure
of her date, her last delivery was by CS.

mention another type of diabetes during prgnancy.

..................................gestential DM....................................................

A) mention 3 causes of FL more than date in her case.


2-.................................placeta previa.................................................

3-.......................................macrosomnia ............................

B) mention ONE investigation to diagnose the cause of FL larger than date.


C) mention 3 complications that may occur to a diabetic mother during


1-......................................preeclampsia ............................................

3-...............................obstructed labour.................................................


D) mention 2 foetal complications during pregnancy.

.2 -...............................conginital anomilis ...............................................


E) mention 2 immediate complications to the newborn.

. 1-...............................................hypo CA.......................................


F) mention 6 indications of OGTT.

1- prevoius macrosomic

2- prevoius still birth

3- family history frist degree

4- obesity

5- previous or current poly hydraminous & iufd

6-reccurant abortion

H) mention 2 blood investigations to follow up her control during pregnancy.


2-..........................................Hb A1C............................................

I) if the pt is well controlled during pregnancy, when & how you rae going to
deliver her?! 37 prevent IUFD......................................

how......................................Elective C/S................................................

6) 28 year old lady, G IV PIII+ 0, all were by NVD, at 32 weeks gestation

she reported vaginal bleeding for ONE day,exam reveled, FL 32 weeks,
longitudinal lie, breech presentation, with normal FHS .

A) what do we call this type of bleeding?!


B) mention 3 possible causes of vaginal bleeding at this GA.

1-.......................................placeta previa ...............................................

2-.........................................abruptio placentae.............................................

3-.........................................vasa pervia.............................................

if the pt came with abdominal pain & generalized tenderness.

C) what is the most likely diagnosis?!

..................................................abruptio ....................................

D) mention 3 predisposing factors for this condition.



3-..............................................FOLAL DEFICINCY.......................................
E) mention 2 situations in which you will deliver the fetus before completing
37 weeks.

1-.............maternal distress sever bleeding ..................................

2-...................fetal distress.........................................................

F) mention 3 complications that may occur after delivery.


2-.......................................DIC ...............................................

3-....................................RENAL FAILURE..................................................

G) if the presentation persist till term, what will be the mood of delivery?!


H) mention 3 investigations to be done for this pt.


2-...................................COAGULATION PROFILE .......................................


7) A 22 years primigravida at 35 weeks gestation was brought by

midwife with convulsions for the last 2 hours, she had 2 attacks of
seizures at home. O/E: she was semiconscious, PR 110 PBM, B.P
160/110 mmHg, urinary albumine +++, FL 36 weeks, longitudinal lie,
cephalic presentation, foetal heart rate 160 bpm, PV exam cervix is
long with closed os.

A) what is the diagnosis?!


B) mention 2 immediate life saving measures you will do. for hellp....................................................


C) mention 2 drugs you will use to control her fits. so4...............................................

D) when & how you are going to deliver her?!


how............................................EMERGENCY C/s..........................................

E) mention 2 seroius maternal complications that might occur during the first
24 hours post partumly.



F) mention 2 blood investigations other than Hb & blood group you would



8) A 18 years primigravida, unbooked, presented at labour at 30 weeks

gestation, fundal height correspond to the date, breech presentation,
foetal heart rate is 140 bpm, PV exam showed cervix of 75%
effecement, 3 cm dilated & intact membranes.

A) what we called this type of labour?!

..........................................preterm labour.........................................................

B) mention 3 causes of it.


2-........................................premature rupture of membrane.....................

3-.................................anemia & malnutrition........................................................

C) what is your managenment?! delivery.......C/S.............................................................


D) what is major threat to foetal life if born immediately?!

.................................RDS....((Respirotary distress syndrome))............................

E) what are the causes of neonatal morbidity & mortality associated with

1-...................................infection...............& haematological disorder..............



If such presentation persist till term.

F) mention 3 types of breech presentation




G) what is most common cause of it?!


H) mention OTHER 3 causes of it.

1-........................uteriane anomlie............................................................

2-..........................fetal anomile............................................................


I) mention 3 options for delivery.

1-..................vaginal delivery....................................................................

2-.....................ECV...& vaginal delivery.................................


J) mention 3 methods to deliver the after coming head.

1-..........................forecepes delivery..................................

2-........................burns marshall..............................................................
3-.......................jaw flextion shoulder traction (mauriceau).........................

K) what is the antepartum management?! & at what GA you will perform it?!


GA.............AT 37.....................................................................

L) mention 3 complications of it.

1-.......................fetal bradychardia....................................

2-.........................abrubtio placentae...................................

3-........................preterm labour.................................................

9) A 28 year old lady P6+1 ,last two were by C/S, presented to the
labour ward at 34 week geststation C/O vaginal bleeding for the last 48
hours. the bleeding is moderate in amount & some times contains
clots. O/E she was stable, PR 90 bpm, B.P 110/80 mmHg, FL 34 weeks,
+ve foetal heart sounds & movement.

a- what is your provisional diagnosis?!


b- how would you confirm the diagnosis?!


c- if the diagnosis is confirmed, mention 2 predisposing factors for it.

1-...................................grand multipra...................................................

2-........................pervoius C/S..............................................................

d- mention 2 urgent steps you will do after addmission. for hellp..............................................................


e- when you are going to deliver her if she remain stable?!

......................................AT 37....................................................
f- what serious condition you may face during operation?!


& what is due to?!....placenta incrita..........................................................

g- what would you do if you could not control it?!


10) A 25 year old primigravida, presented to to the labour room at 36

weeks gestation with severe frontal headache, generalized body
swelling, PR 110bpm, B.P 170/110 mmHg, urine albumine +++.

a- what is the most likely diagnosis?!

.............................sever pre eclampsia..............................................

b- mention 2 life saving measures. for hellp.............................................

2-.................ABCs....... AntiHTN............termination of pregnancy.......................

c- if she develope fits, mention 2 drugs to stop the fits.



d- mention 4 can be used during pregnancy to lower the blood pressure.



3-....................................... hydralazine...............................................


e- which one of above mentiond drugs is the best to lower her blood pressure,
& the rout of addminsteration?!

...........................methyldopa act centrally.........................................................

f- if the foetus is alife, cervix is 3 cm dilated, how & when you are going to
deliver her?!


11) A young primigravida, 16 year old with poor ANC,at term she was
brought by her relatives & midwife & she was in labour for 2 days. The
midwife added that the patient ruptured her membranes 14 hours ago,
her contractions were forceful, she was short, dehyderated, with
aceton smell, not pale, pulse 100 bpm, BP 100/60 mmHg. Head not
engaged, cervix 6 cm dilated with caput formation.

a) what is the proplem of this patient?!

........................................obstructed labour....................................................

b) mention 2 possible causes of her proplem.


2-.......................age 3 short...............................................................

c) when is the head is expected to engage in a:

primigravida.....................before 3or 4 week before delivery.............................

multipara..................before or with onset labour...........................................

d) mention 3 important investigations you will order for her.


2-.............................Urine analysis.........................................................

3-.........................alpha fetoprotine.............................................................

e) if the foetal heart sounds were heared & 160 bpm, how you are going to
deliver her?!

...................emergency C/S........................................................................

f) mention 2 complications that may occur after delivery.


g) mention 3 complications that may occur after the week after delivery.



3-..................................vulvovaginal fistula....................................................

12) A 25 year old P II+0 patient, who delivered 2 weeks ago, was
brought to the casualty with fever & swelling & pain of the left leg. She
gave history of prolonged difficult labour at home. O/E tepreture was 38
C, swollen, hot & tender left leg. Other system examination were

a) what s the possible diagnosis?!


b) mention one investigation to confirm the diagnosis.

.............................dopplar uss................................................................

c) mention 3 predisposing factors for this condition.


2-.......................................prologed labour...............................................

3-.....................................delayin mobilization.................................................

d) mention 2 other labrotary investigations you need to do.


2-.........................coagulation factor.............................................................

e) what drug you will use in the first 48 hours?!


f) what drug you will use then.


g) in the case of the last drug, mention 2 investigations for follow up.
1-................(....doplar & dopplex ).....uss.............................................................

2-..............................chest Xray........................................................

h) mention 3 prophylactic measures to prevent this condition.

1 low dose of aspirin

2 low molecular of heparine

3 Vit K

i) what is serious complication that may occur if this condition is not properly
diagnosed & treated?!


13) 36 year old grandmultipara presented to the ANC clinic at 32

weeks gestation, USS showed twins pregnancy.

a) mention 2 types of twin pregnancy.



b) if she came early in the pregnancy, mention two clinical features that may
suggest diagnosis of twin pregnancy.

1-............................hypereminous gravidarum.................................................

2-...........................lower limb odema...........................................................

c) mention 2 findings in the examination that support the diagnosis of twin


1-...............................fetal leval more than date................................................

2-.......multiple fetal of (heart sound & limb.)...................................................

d) if this patient develope vaginal bleeding in the 34 weeks gestation, mention

2 causes of this bleeding.

1-...............................placenta pervia.......................................................
2-...............................abruptio placentae.......................................................

e) mention 4 other complications that may occur during pregnancy.


2-.............................hypereminous gravedarum .....................



f) mention 3 steps in after delivery of the 1st twin in order to deliver the 2nd

1-.................examination....(abdomen & vaginal.......)....................................



g) if she develope post-partum haemorrhage, what is the most

likelypredisposing factor for this?!

....................................Uteraine atonia.....................................................

14) A 28 year old primigravida, at 39 weeks gestation, presented with

spontaneous ROMs, the cervix is 4 cm dilated, 100% effaed, cephalic
presentation, FHR 170 bpm.

a) what is the best method for monitoring FHR during labour?!


b) how frequent you are going to assess progress of labour in this patient?!

............................every 15 min..............................................................................

c) mention 2 signs may indicate failure to progress in this patient. no dilitation ........................................ defficint contraction..........................................

d) if 6 hours later the cervix is 6 cm dilated, FHR is 100 bpm, what is the

1-...............................fetal distress.......................................................

2-..........................................prologed actice phase........................................

e) how you are going to deliver her?!

....................................emegency C/S...................................................

f) mention 3 steps you take to prepare this patient for mode of delivery you

1-...............................................ABO GROUP & RH.......................................


3-...............................................Urine cathter........................................

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