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4th September 2021

To the PMSD Political party
Bureau du PMSD
1er etage Astor Court
Port Louis

Copy to Mr. A. K. Dip, PMSM

Ag. Commissioner of Police
Office of the Commissioner of Police
Police Headquarters
Line Barracks Port Louis

Copy to Mauritius Commercial Bank MCB

Head Office
MCB Centre Sir William Newton Street Port Louis

Copy to SCE , of Ministry of Education TE, ST

Through the Rector ( sent via email )
Copy to the Secretary , Public Service Commission and DFSC (sent via email)

[It is not a confidential letter]

Dear Sir/ Madam,

As a civil servant , as a law abiding citizen, I normally do not send any letter to any
individual Political party, since I am NOT into politics and Not into any form of
political activities. I abide to the Code of ethics of the Civil Service.
But I feel a need to address a personal matter to the PMSD political party and its
agents since I am from constituency 18.
I suppose by now all Political parties of Mauritius , of all religions
have understood that
NO I am not interested to be part of any Political party
NO I do not want to have any sort of relationship with anyone related to Politics
NO , concerning money matters I do not have any intention to deal/ talk with any
Political party. My money , my mother's money our not for politics/families and their
foreign friends

NO I am not interested to participate in any 'dating/meeting radio' program.

NO I am not interested to 'diboute frere' stand as brother for any daughters of Politics.
NO I am not looking for any Political Tickets
NO I dont do campaign for any Political party
NO I am not meeting anyone. I am still single and my wife cannot be anyone who is
from/related to Politics/my families and /foreign people who wish me harm
NO I am not an escro, I can prove all what I claim to have(work, investment, studies,
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No I am not interested with any married woman, nor with any woman who already
have children
NO I do not send love messages to anyone’s wife/daughters/sisters
NO I am not interested to 'pick up' the wife and children of someone else. They will
be burden.
NO I am not interested to 'maintain' anyone's wife/daughter/sister/nieces
NO I dont consume any alcohol and I am not into drugs.
NO I am not interested to buy any land/house of any Politicians
NO I am not interested to give any money to any NGO/religious groups (the bad
experience of those years I was doing donations in beau bassin, riviere noire, quatre
bornes, floreal curepipe etc and the bad attitude of that Tamil guy of that NGO will
never be forgiven)
NO I am not interested to buy any magazines.
NO I am not concerned by the employer-employee disputes of any political agents
NO I am not interested to visit anyone in regions of Riviere Noire and floreal.
NO I am not a Racist. Lord Shiva, Sri Krishna, Sri Ram all were blue of colour and
they had fair wives and my wife also will need to be fair of complexion.
NO I am not related to anyone of Uk, France, etc.
NO that British woman and that US woman married with a British are NOT my 'belle
sair' and no their children are NOTHING for me.
NO its not politics, families , foreign people who will decide with whom I will get
NO my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the Acid attack a son
in law of a Politicians was victim of (1998),
NO my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the death of that
british woman in 1997
NO, sa aussi, my father who passed away in 1995 has nothing to do with the kaya
riots 1999 and the death of that guy who ran away and got heart attack
NO Political games of alliances, political matters are not of my concerned.
NO I am not concerned by any BAI matters
NO I am not concerned by any Confiscated materials moto, loto , bato , coffee of
NO I no more enter the Churches that belongs to Politicians unless controlled by
authorities like Pere Laval.
NO I am not interested to 'make children' with anyone's wife .
With all these dangers I face, my wife will need to sign a Prenuptial contract , among
which if it is not my child DNA test , then its divorce, no one will have the right to
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give any money to my wife without my permission and approval, and my wife will
need to inform me before talking to anyone of the law and order, and legal
NO I dont have any child yet. Any woman who claim otherwise, is free to seek the
law and a DNA test will be ordered and I will seek damages from the allegations made
to me.
NO I am not interested to 'buy' anyone's daughter. I rejected a Politician X, and he
was saying If I want to get married with her daughter I need to pay him Rs 1m. I dont
understand his logic.
For cheaper I can get cleaner, more beautiful and virgin wife.
NO politicians /families/ their foreign friends should not interfere into my personal
matters of work/relationship/money /studies etc
NO, I DO NOT have any intention to commit suicide
NO , I DO NOT have any intention to consume alcohol and become a drunkard
NO , I DO NOT have any intention to 'sell myself'
NO , I am not interested to take any LIC plan
NO I am not interested to buy any land house in Sodnac ( they keep making metal
sound bang bang as if someone is getting hit by metal bars )
NO , emotional, psychological, mental, physical TORTURE is illegal and not
NO the Police is NOT my enemy.
NO the daughter/wife/sisters/nieces ba of lawyers/politicians/families/foreign
people are NOT beneficiary of any of my investment plans.
NO my mother’s money, lump sum when she retires in some years and my personal
investment, OUR MONEY is not for politics/families/foreign people/lawyers
groups/ngos/religious groups
NO I am not in any hidden communication with any foreign country.
and I am against any form of Racketeers and blackmail.
YES I maintain that some politicians are maniac, psychopath and need some mental
treatment and these woman who harass me need to forget me and search for another
man. They will not get that man they are looking for. 'Oublier moi, ale rode ene lote
boug, sa zome to peh roder la, to pah pou gagner' . I even have the impression some
politician's mind are disturbed and they cannot focus on their own personal work
(and forget me and look for some one else as said before). They will go to their own
fall, in that path. Its just 'zome zome cass cass'
There is no conditions , like ‘to pa tikoner, you did not know, astair to koner, now
you know’. Now and for ever and ever my relationship with Politics/families/foreign
people/ ngos/ religious groups etc will be like that.
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My mother and I we are not on speaking terms with any family and it will remain
like that. My life does not concern them.
there are some Political agents, who since some time have been coming to anniy me
have been saying ' to pah peh compren " .
I have already talked about (relationship, money, radio ) and I am still wondering ,
what I have not yet understood.
I once again say that there are people who, in their heads, till now believe that
supposedly I belong to them, supposedly I owe them something, supposedly they are
related to me.
I ask the PMSD , to kindly write to me, inform to me in writing, what exactly ' I
havent understood ". If there is anything of importance I hope to get a written reply
within a month of this dated letter.
I take the opportunity to tell the PMSD what I had said to the Diocese and Police. I
dont like it when people come near me and touch me like animals and rub themselves
and run away.
I dont like it when politicians send their people /bouncers to harass me /annoy me
and harm me. Apart from Politicians who can have the power , who were given power
to do such things ? Even the Police have limits. Politicians do not have any limits.
That’s why I use the words ; maniac, psychopath, obsessed by me. Its these type of
people who harm/harass/annoy /send people to attack me and then they will say
‘its me the bad guy, the dangerous man’. MANIAC, PSYCHOPATH, OBSESSED.
Some people like to harass / annoy/harm and say 'to pah eh tender' and when you
ask them ; what I am not hearing?" they remain silent. Quatre Bornes, Ebene ,
Sodnac Lalouise region have become the most dangerous places of Mauritius.
So Kindly inform me in writing,
if whether there is any matter of importance that I havent understood and that the
PMSD and its supporters, agents have to inform me about.
I myself dont know, what I have not understood.
There is also some Politicians who say that ‘at night their wife will come to meet me.
My answer to them is that there is no need for their wives/daughters
/sisters/nieces/ etc to come to meet me at night. I am NOT INTERESTED who have
any sort of relationship with anyone related to politics/families and these foreign
people who wish me harm.
As I wake up and hear neighbourhood making metal sound bang bang , I even say
that if I get married to anyone who is related/from Politics/families/foreign people
who wish me harm,
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; my wife (from that category ) will kill me and enjoy with my death benefits. SO THE
SOLUTION IS my wife CANNOT be anyone who related/from Politics/families/
foreign people. Those lawyers, foreign people /ngos/religious groups all part of
My wife will also need to sign a Prenuptial contract where certain conditions will be
specified. If she doe not want to, then good bye I search for a better one.
I am in perfect good health, fit and I do not smoke, I do not consume alcohol. Today
itself after posting this letter I am going to sports Home Sodnac to beau bassin. I
have also attached the MCB to this letter since I invest at MCB and it is more than
obvious that if anything happens to me, these people in this letter namely
families/politics/lawyers/foreign people etc should not BENEFIT from my death.
I believe the Bank also needs to be aware how bad some people of this country has
become. They can keep this letter into their records. I save and invest for my wife
and children, not for enemies politics/families/foreign people to enjoy.
I will provide a Copy of this letter to my Employer Ministry of Education TE, ST and
the Public Service Commission secretary also to make them aware of the badness of
people of this society.
I also DO NOT have any intentions to send any pounds to anyone. I am even more
cautious of these Uk people who keep interfering into local matters. They don’t help
but they want. They are not her to create but to destroyed. I once sent a letter to Uk,
to inform them that Long ago Slavery has been abolished and no I do not belong to
anyone and its not politics/families/foreign people /lawyers /ngos/religious groups
etc who will tell me with whom to get married and to whom to give money.
Its like the Bollywood movie Kabil . In his absence rapist come to visit his wife. And
again and the wife finally commit suicide after that the husband no more wants her
spoiled body. If politics/families/foreign people /lawyers /ngos/religious groups etc
interferes in my personal relationships, then I will no more want the woman. I will
either divorce or find someone else. It would be a breach of wedding conditions.
Now itself so many woman I have lost due to interference of politics/families/foreign
people /lawyers /ngos/religious groups etc. So many woman I have known have
needed up into the beds of other men and married to other men. I cannot accept
these types of women. I am virgin, I cannot accept old ravaged women who have
known several man , who already have children.
I always though this better I write again and again , even if people laugh at me rather
than suffer in silence and continue to be harmed/denigrated/harassed/annoyed and
then they will say ‘its me the bad guy’. They just ‘rode laguerre’ search pretext to
fight, to look for problems and when they lose they will say I am the bad guy.
When I went to the Pere Laval on the 21st of August 2021, I bought a book ; mon Pere
explique moi la Messe” This is what I will do, I will explain to my wife and children
all my life, I will not hide anything to them. Like this letter as a record of the harm
done to me by this country of Mauritius. This is why I said that I would love to get
married with a woman from a country that is in war, like Israel, Afghan etc, they
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would know the suffering I have been through. I am Hindu but I feel like those Jews
who were PERSECUTER and harmed.
These problems started in 2011, and 2011 remains one my darkest years. I had
problems at home, I started to work, I went to stay far away and got attacked on the
road of Louis Pasteur Forest Side. And got kicked out of job. I had to return back
home since I could no more pay my rent. I started again to work then my brother
passed away in 2012. I had legal problems that same coming month. I again had
problem in 2014.I ended up thrown in the toilettes of Port Louis. A woman sold fake
dreams of wedding and children to me. And again in 2019, I got harmed. I got a book
thrown to my face like ‘petangue style’. I survived and I still have my hands clean.
There is a politician, brother of an Ex politicians who was recently saying in the
years 2011,2012, he had called my brother to tell him, matters about my father
and matters of 1998,1997,1999.
And another lawyer politicians says he had called my brother , the years 2011,2012
met him and eaten cake, drink with my brother. He claims that My brother knew
well his wife. I personally dotn know any relationship between him and that lawyer’s
wife . but if he knew that lawyer general’s wife it is not enough for him to get my
brother’s part from my house. My brother did not have any wife and never had any
children. Its not enough.They do not even abide to what they preach.
Another say he had called my brother and knew him from Le Bocage when he was
student. I am not interested to hear the stories of bad people who have bad things
to say about my brother.
I end by saying , what I already said, I had some legal problems and unfortunately
due to factors beyond my control I could not sue civil several people. I keep faith that
they will lose more than they should had paid to me as Civil damages, including a
newspaper who had put my image and talk nonsense about me, without my
permission. Its a similar sort of vendetta that my mother had suffered several years
ago. She had lost a civil case. When she was pregnant of me she was kicked put
despite being in service for 7 years. Despite that, she had lost the case and the press
had put a big picture of her on newspaper , the same way I was humiliated in the
years 2011-2014, she was humiliated and denigrated. Bis repetita, my father passed
away in those years 1995 and my brother passed away in 2012.
Something that Politicians need to understand, they can be sons/daughter/
nieces/wives even of the Prime Minister, President, Judge, Magistrate, Manager,
Director, rector, etc etc etc but they all need to abide to the law and NO one is above
the law. If someone tells you he is not interested, you are a reject and he will not give
to you any money, you cannot persist, take law into your hands, send criminals to
harass that man. Politicians and their acolyte do not have the right to behave like
that with me. I hope the Police will treat me as if I am permanently on duty 24/7 in
case I am attacked by someone and I put a statement to the Police. Zero tolerance to
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I only have my mother and I am happy like that. Tomorrow my mother, my wife and
my children will be my family. I save , I work, I study and tomorrow my children will
benefit from all my savings and hard work. I was not born with a silver spoon in the
mouth like all these spoiled children of Politics and foreign people. I had to fight my
way up to the summit and my children will be born with a silver spoon in their
mouth. I will obviously not do the same mistake as my own parents. My father left
my mother with a mountainous debt that I had to save and clear then invest for my
future. I still havent found a woman to love me and understand me. Till not I have
only known women who think in their heads they are 'james bond girls' with mission
to harm me finish me and want money. I am an achiever and I continue to save, work
hard, study and tomorrow I will built my house upstairs for my wife and children.
There are several other letters that I intended to send to the Police Department but
I find an urgent need to send this one first. I will attached all the other letters sent
to authorities, etc etc to the same documents and send to the Police in coming weeks.
And referring to ‘ NO I do not send love messages to anyone’s wife/daughters/sisters
etc.” The Police can have access to my Call /Message history from the Mauritius
Telecom. I signed this letter and give approval for this particular matter to Mr. A. K.
Dip, PMSM Ag. Commissioner of Police. I have nothing to hide.

Yours faithfully,

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