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Narrative Report for Final Demonstration

Paolo F. Esguerra
March 12, 2019, I’m going to experience my last teaching for my internship or what we
called the final demonstration. Actually among all the SCIENCE student teachers I’m the last
who scheduled to have the final demo. My preparations for this day will be tested and I felt
nervous about it. I woke up early in the morning to finalize everything that I need in my final
demonstration. I reviewed everything in my lesson plan and in my power point presentation so
that I can execute my teaching properly and to maximize my time.
I went to San Jose National High School at 9:00 am
and I prepare the set-up of my demo. I went to Learning
Resource Center to borrow the things that I needed like
widescreen, projectors, speakers and extension. After that, I
went to my classmates to help them to prepare their needs in
their final demo. One o’clock in the afternoon, It’s my turn.
My panels the cooperating teacher Sir Genesis Tubigan,
Science Coordinator Maam Salamat, Dr. Chua and Sir
Aliazas arrived so I felt nervous again. I accommodated and
assist them to the room that I will be using.
Before I started my demo, I went to Grade 10- Zeus to inform the students that I will be
using for my demonstration and prepare themselves. I ask them to their full participation and
cooperation to become behave during my final demo and they promised me that they will be
behave and participate as long as they can and I feel glad to them. They were all wishing me
good luck and telling me that I should relax and I can do it. During that moment, I feel motivated
and inspired because of the concerns of my students. Then after preparing everything, I started
my final demonstration. I began it with a prayer and the necessary preparatory routines inside the
classroom. Then afterwards, I started reviewing their past lessons which is about chemical
reaction and I called some students to answer. After the review, I jump to my motivational
activity. We played the game “Collision Theory” That game is similar to the game “The boat is
Sinking”. They are all cooperative and seems happy.
With that, I relate it as our part of learning
competency and introduced my lesson which is about
“Factors affecting Chemical Reaction”. Then, I started
my lesson proper about the topic in terms of doing
various experiments and activities. I grouped them
into six. All odd numbers did experiments and all
even numbers watched videos and read information
sheets. Then after eight minutes, they went to their
group partners to collaborate and answer the guide
You can really see that they are cooperative
when I am asking some questions regarding the topic. All
groups have their representative to explain and answer
the guide questions. After that, we had again an activity
to be able for them to understand more the concept of
concentration entitled “Taste Test”. I picked two
numbers corresponds to the students name that serves as
our taste master and chef. Then two different amount of
powdered milk was prepare by the chef to taste master
wearing blind fold. I asked the taste master the difference
of the two recipe. Then I asked my students regarding on that activity. In my Generalization, I
review them on what we have discussed and I ask them
on what they have learned about the lesson. Then, I ask
them to get a 1/4 sheet of paper for my evaluation. I
flash my 2 questions on the widescreen and I called by
the panel to have post conference. Finally, my teaching
demonstration was done. I am so happy because they are
all cooperative during my final demonstration. I thank
them and promised them that I will give credits or just a
simple token for them and they are all happy about it.
I know
that it is just the beginning on becoming an effective
teacher. I know that I have some flaws that needs
improvements and I accept it because it can served as
your motivation to improve your teaching strategies
and styles for addressing the learners needs. I am
thankful to God and for those people especially to my
Cooperating Teacher, Sir Genesis Tubigan, to Grade
10- Zeus students, to Maam Salamat and Sir Tuico, the
school principal in accepting us for our internship in
San Jose National High school.

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