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Final Demonstration is the “Do or Die” game for the whole internship career.

So how do
I prepare? I spend two weeks of planning my lesson, making and buying my IMs and testing my
experiment, “Nakaka-stressed.” As I plan this final demonstration I have a lot of ideas coming
from my mind, lots of recommendations from my cooperating teacher and bags of suggestions
from my SJNHS co-student teachers that blows my mind. And successfully, after combing those
ideas, I come up with this kind of demo;

The class is composed of 40 students from Grade 10 San Jose National High School
sections namely, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Hermes so I’m quite hesitant if I can manage
a huge diverge class. At first, I was so nervous but as I greet them “Good morning” the tension
vanished. I feel comfortable with my topic since it was all about chemical change. I motivate my
students thru a puzzle game showcasing different kinds of chemical reaction in real life.

My students like twists every time I teach so I decide to make a big Flask that contains
tasks and rewards that happens to be effective for them and it is called “Task inside the Flask.”

Ever since I teach my students I am fond of having a different set of groupings in a

unique way so I decided to group them according to their Technology and Livelihood Education
Factions namely; Cookery, Electronics, Electricity, Bread and Pastry, Dress Making, and
Carpentry. I am overwhelmed that all of the groups managed to build the puzzles and actively
share their thoughts about the given pictures even they were puzzled.

The second task, the class activity, is more of experiments. The class were divided into 4
groups related to their English classes that are Hydrogen Poseidon, Arsenic Aphrodite, Gold
Apollo, and Iron Hermes. I am happy and excited with the list of experiment. Hydrogen
Poseidon had a great job in making the “Elephant Toothpaste” that amazed each group member.
On the other hand, Arsenic Aphrodite made efforts to do the “Fizzing Med” while Gold Apollo
do have fun with the “Stain No More” Experiment. And the last one Iron Hermes give their best
to perform “Shine Bright like a Diamond.” Everybody made me smile because they do and
perform their jobs behave while having fun and at the same time learning the topic.

In explaining the topic, unlike the usual days I teach, this one made my nerves wrecked.
It made me tremble in a second but as I speak all throughout the butterflies in my stomach flee. It
made me think that I am ready to become one of the teachers out there.

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