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Chapter 15

Production of Nickel
Concentrate from Ground
Sulfide Ore

The starting material for the production of concentrate is ground sulfide ore,
which contains 1%–3% Ni with a particle size of 50–100 mm in a 40% solids
slurry. The composition of several concentrates is given in Table 15.1.

TABLE 15.1 Nickel, Copper and Cobalt Contents in Concentrate Feeds at

Smelters Around the World*

Concentrate, %

Company Smelter location Ni Cu Co

BHP Billiton Kalgoorlie, Australia 15 0.3 0.4

BCL Selebi Phikwe, Botswana 5 3 0.2

Votorantim Fortaleza, Brazil 7 1 0.1

Xstrata Falconbridge, Canada 12 4.5 0.5

Vale Sudbury, Canada 10 12 0.3

Vale Thompson, Canada 14 0.3 0.3

Jinchuan Group Jinchang, Gansu, China 9 4 0.2

Boliden Harjavalta, Finland 14 0.8 0.4

Norilsk Nadezda, Russia 12 5 0.4

Norilsk Norilsk Russia 5 2.5 0.2

Norilsk Pechenga, Russia 9 4 0.3

The feeds are sometimes combinations of several concentrates but they give an indication of the
compositions of nickel concentrate around the world.
*Warner et al., 2007

Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum-Group Metals. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-08-096809-4.10015-2

Copyright Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 171
172 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

The products of the process are flotation concentrate, which contains 5%–
15% Ni, and tailings, which contain approximately 0.25% Ni. The tailings are
composed of gangue rock and pyrrhotite, Fe8S9. The tailings are discarded.
The objectives of this chapter are
(a) to describe the principles of froth flotation concentrate production;
(b) to indicate how these principles are applied to produce concentrate that is
rich in Ni from the ground ore; and,
(c) to discuss recent developments in industrial flotation.
A flow circuit for a flotation plant is shown in Figure 15.1.


As-mined nickel sulfide ores contain between 1% and 3% Ni. These concen-
trations are too low for direct smelting to be economical. Heating and melting
of the large quantity of pyrrhotite and gangue rock in the ore would require
excessive energy and furnace capacity. As a result, a concentrate is produced by
partially separating the pentlandite from the host rock and pyrrhotite. This
concentrate is then smelted and refined to high-purity nickel.


The indispensable tool for making nickel sulfide concentrate from nickel ore is
froth flotation (Fuerstenau, Jameson, & Yoon, 2007; Gomez, Nesset, & Rao,
The principles of froth flotation can be summarized as follows:
(a) Sulfide minerals in a slurry are normally hydrophilic, that is, they are easy
to wet. They can be conditioned with reagents (collectors) that make them
hydrophobic, that is, they are more difficult to wet. Hence, these particles
prefer an environment that is not wetted;
(b) Chemical conditioning can selectively make particles either hydrophilic or
hydrophobic. For example, pentlandite can be conditioned to be hydro-
phobic, leaving gangue and pyrrhotite hydrophilic;
(c) Collisions between rising air bubbles and the hydrophobic pentlandite
particles cause the pentlandite particles to attach to the rising bubbles, as
shown in Figure 15.2, because their surfaces are hydrophobic; and,
(d) The particles of gangue rock and pyrrhotite do not attach to the rising
bubbles because their surfaces are hydrophilic, hence they prefer to be
in the water phase.
Industrially, the slurry is conditioned so that the pentlandite particles are
hydrophobic while leaving rock and pyrrhotite hydrophilic. A ‘frother’ is added
to create a more stable foam at the top of the slurry. A cloud of small bubbles,
about 1 mm in diameter (Hernandez-Aguilar, 2009), is passed through the slurry.
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore
FIGURE 15.1 Schematic diagram of a flotation circuit for floating pentlandite particles from gangue rock and pyrrhotite particles. The process is continuous and
treats about 3000 tonnes of ground 2.4% Ni ore and produces about 360 tonnes of 15% Ni concentrate on a dry basis. Note particularly ‘flash flotation’. It recovers

about half the pentlandite in the ore at above the plant’s overall concentrate grade (%Ni). The plant’s mechanical cells are ~30 m3 each. The column (cleaner) cells
are ~150 m3 each. The particle size of the product from the re-grind ball mill product is controlled to ~50 mm by cyclones (data not shown) in closed circuit with the
re-grind ball mill.
174 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

FIGURE 15.2 Photograph of hydrophobic mineral particles attached to rising bubbles. The input
bubbles in industrial flotation are ~1 mm in diameter, which is about the size of the largest bubble
in this photograph. Source: Photograph from Boldt and Queneau (1967), courtesy of Vale.

The pentlandite particles attach to the rising bubbles, which carry them to
the top of the flotation cell. The frother ensures that the bubbles do not burst and
prematurely release their attached particles. The froth at the top of the flotation
cell overflows into a collection trough and then into a concentrate collection
tank. The gangue rock and pyrrhotite do not attach to the rising bubbles, and, as
a result, they remain behind in the slurry. They leave the cell through an
underflow system.
The mechanism of flotation based on the adhesion of particles to air bubbles
described above is referred to as ‘true flotation’. Another mechanism of
recovery of minerals to the froth is entrainment (Knights and Bryson, 2009).
There are three factors that contribute to entrainment. First, mineral particles
are carried up in the slurry by the swarm of bubbles in the flotation cell. The
transportation of the particles is not selective, and it is envisaged that the
concentration of minerals that are entrained is the same as that in the bulk of
the flotation cell. Second, the entrained slurry can drain from the froth back into
the bulk of the flotation cell. Some selectivity may be introduced in drainage
because of the physical characteristics of the particles. Third, the entrained
particles are transported by froth transfer from the flotation cell to the
concentrate launder.
Flotation circuits are usually designed to maximize true flotation and
mimimize entrainment, because entrainment of particles of gangue rock
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 175



Tailing to
Feed from IMPELLER cell
adjoining cell

FIGURE 15.3 Cut-away view of cubic mechanical flotation cell. The methods of producing
bubbles and gathering froth are shown. Source: Boldt and Queneau (1967), courtesy of Vale.

between bubbles results in poor separation efficiencies (Knights and Bryson,

2009). True flotation is maximized by choosing the correct froth residence
time, particle size, solids content in the feed slurry and froth stability.
An industrial flotation cell, illustrating these features of flotation, is shown
in Figure 15.3. Mechanical flotation cells in recently designed pentlandite
concentrators are 20–40 m3 in size, shaped either as cubic or cylindrical tanks.
They operate continuously.


Industrial flotation plants contain a series of flotation cells, chemical addition
points and re-grind mills designed to maximize pentlandite recovery and the
nickel grade in the concentrate. Two types of cells are used: mechanical cells
and column cells.

15.3.1. Mechanical Cells

The flotation cell illustrated in Figure 15.3 is a mechanical cell. In the flowsheet
shown in Figure 15.1, mechanical flotation cells are used for flash flotation,
rougher flotation and scavenger flotation.
Mechanical cells introduce air into the slurry through a rotating impeller.
The impeller agitates the slurry, creates bubbles and disperses the bubbles
throughout the cell. These conditions provide frequent bubble–particle
176 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

collisions, thereby creating the strong flotation conditions needed for flash,
rougher and scavenger flotation (Gorain et al., 2007).

15.3.2. Column Cells

The froth cleaning is done with column cells (Finch, Cilliers, & Yianatos,
2007). These cells provide bubble–particle collisions that are gentler and allow
loosely attached particles to drain from the froth before it overflows into the
collection trough.
The overall result is that particles of gangue and partially liberated pent-
landite descend to the underflow of the cell, leaving a froth that is more
concentrated in pentlandite than the feed.


15.4.1. Collectors
The collectors that create the hydrophobic surfaces on sulfide minerals are
heteropolar molecules (Nagaraj & Ravishankar, 2007). They have a charged
polar end and an uncharged non-polar end. The polar end attaches to the mineral
surface (which is also charged) leaving the non-polar hydrocarbon end extended
outwards into water. This is illustrated in Figure 15.4. It is this non-polar end that
imparts the hydrophobic property to the conditioned pentlandite surfaces.




C C water



S2- Ni2+ S2- Ni2+ S2-


FIGURE 15.4 Sketch of attachment of amyl xanthate ions onto millerite, NiS. There is
a hydrogen atom hidden behind each carbon in the hydrocarbon chain (after Hagihara, 1952).
Millerite is rare in nickel ores (Kerr, 2002). It is pictured here for simplicity.
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 177

The mechanism of attachment of the collector to the sulfide surface is

dependent on the charge of the surface. The charge on the surface is dependent
on the pH of the solution, since either Hþ ions or OH ions may adsorb on the
surface, and thereby alter the charge. Consequently, the pH of the solution
during flotation is an important parameter.

15.4.2. Selectivity in Flotation

The simplest separation by froth flotation is that of sulfide minerals from waste
rock, which is composed of silicates and their hydrated derivatives. It uses
collectors that, when dissolved in a water–ore slurry, preferentially attach
themselves to sulfides. The collectors have a sulfur group at the polar end,
which attaches to the sulfide minerals but not to the oxides.
The collector used for nickel sulfide minerals is xanthate (Table 15.2).
Potassium amyl xanthate, used in many of the operations, has the following
chemical structure:


- H H H H H
potassium amyl xanthate

It is typically added at a rate of 0.05–0.2 kg/tonne of ore.

15.4.3. Differential Flotation – Modifiers

Separating sulfide minerals from each other, for example, separating pentlandite
[(Ni,Fe)9S8] from pyrrhotite [Fe8S9], is more complex. It relies on modifying the
surfaces of the pyrrhotite so that the xanthate collector does not attach to them.
The most common modifier in water–ore slurry is the OH ion (hydroxyl
ion). The concentration of OH ions is varied by adjusting the pH of the slurry
using lime, CaO, or soda ash, Na2CO3.
The modifying effect of OH is due to its competition with xanthate anions
for a place on the mineral surface. OH ions, for example, absorb preferentially
on pyrrhotite. This prevents appreciable xanthate adsorption on pyrrhotite
particles, selectively ‘depressing’ them. However, too high a concentration of
OH ions will also depress pentlandite – so too much CaO or Na2CO3 must be
avoided (Kerr, 2002).
Triethylene tetramine, in combination with sodium sulfite, is also used to
depress pyrrhotite (Doucet, Price, Barrette, & Lawson, 2009). Guar gum and
carboxy methyl cellulose are used to depress talc, which is often present in
pentlandite ore and tends to float with pentlandite (Kerr, 2002).
TABLE 15.2 Collectors and Frothers Used in Floating Pentlandite from Gangue and Pyrrhotite

Gangue Pyrrhotite
Pentlandite rejection rejection
Concentrator Pentlandite collector Frother recovery, % to waste, % to waste, %
Kambalda, W. Australia Sodium ethyl xanthate Polyfroth H 20 90
(BHP Billiton)

Leinster, W. Australia Sodium ethyl xanthate

(BHP Billiton)

Mt. Keith, W. Australia Sodium ethyl xanthate Polyfroth H 405 65

PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

(BHP Billiton)

Thompson, Manitoba (Vale) Potassium amyl xanthate Methyl isobutyl carbinol 96 95 55

Clarabelle, Sudbury, Potassium amyl xanthate Unifroth 250 CM 91 99 82

Ontario (Vale)

Voisey’s Bay, Labrador Flex 31 (sodium isopropyl Dowfroth 250 92 92

(Vale) xanthate plus surfactant)

Strathcona, Sudbury, Potassium isobutyl xanthate Dowfroth 250C 95 97 75

Ontario (Xstrata)

Montcalm, Tim-mins, Potassium isobutyl xanthate Methyl isobutyl carbinol ~85

Ontario (Xstrata)

Raglan, North Quebec (Xstrata) Potassium ethyl xanthate Methyl isobutyl carbinol 87 97 62

Norilsk, Russia Na butyl xanthate and Na T80

butyl dithiophosphate

All the collectors are xanthates. Recovery of pentlandite to concentrate and rejection of gangue and pyrrhotite to waste are also shown.
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 179

15.4.4. Frothers
Collectors and modifiers give selective flotation of pentlandite particles from
rock and pyrrhotite particles. Frothers create the strong but short-lived froth,
which holds the floated particles at the top of the cell. They give a froth that
(i) is strong enough in the flotation cell to support the floated pentlandite
particles; and, (ii) breaks down quickly after the pentlandite particles overflow
the cell.
Short-chain aliphatic alcohols and polyglycols are the most common
pentlandite flotation frothers (Elmahdy & Finch, 2009; Nagaraj & Ravishankar,
2007). They stabilize the froth by absorbing their OH polar end in water –
while their branch chains form a cross-linked network in air. The use of frother
is typically 0.02–0.05 kg/tonne of ore. Detailed discussions of frothers, frothing
and froth breakdown are given in the studies by Comeau, Hardie, Pelletier, and
Rhabani (2008) and Najaraj and Ravishankar (2007).

15.4.5. Activators
Nickel sulfides tend to float slowly, perhaps because xanthate collector ions
tend to attach weakly to their particle surfaces. Many concentrators accelerate,
or activate, the flotation of the nickel sulfide by adding copper sulfate solution
to the ore slurry (Kerr, 2002).
In simplest terms, the dissolved copper sulfate tends to coat the surfaces
of the nickel mineral particles with copper sulfide, for example, by the
CuSO4 ðaqÞ þ NiSðsÞ / CuSðsÞ þ NiSO4 ðaqÞ (15.1)
copper sulfate in millerite copper sulfide nickel sulfate
feed ore slurry particle coating on in ore slurry
surfaces millerite particles

Because of this surface reaction, the nickel minerals float as quickly as

copper minerals. Addition of copper sulfate is particularly important when the
ore contains little copper, that is, when there is no natural activation. Western
Australian concentrators are good examples of this (Kerr, 2002).
Copper sulfate is also used to activate pyrrhotite, where desired. The
copper sulfate coats the surfaces of the pyrrhotite with CuS, which encourage
the pyrrhotite to float with copper and nickel sulfides. This is especially
important in the South African platinum industry where the objective is to
float all the sulfides.
Of course, excessive addition of copper sulfate must be avoided if the
flotation of pyrrhotite is undesired. Excessive addition of copper sulfate may
also encourage the flotation of oxide and silicate minerals (Wiese et al., 2007).
The rate of addition of copper sulfate ranges between about 20 (Canada)
and 400 g (Western Australia) per tonne of ore.
180 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt


Flotation of pentlandite particles from particles of rock and pyrrhotite is done at
pH values of about 9 with xanthate collectors and short-chain alcohol or glycol
frothers. Lime, CaO or soda ash, Na2CO3, is used for the control of the pH.
The objectives of the flotation are to
(a) maximize the recovery of pentlandite to concentrate; and,
(b) maximize the grade of nickel (that is, % Ni) in the concentrate.
Achievement of maximum grade, which is objective (b), maximizes rejec-
tion of rock and pyrrhotite to tailings1,2. It is important to maximize the grade
because it minimizes the amount of material that has to be transported and
smelted per tonne of nickel.
An industrial flowsheet for achieving these goals is given in Figure 15.1. A
slurry of ground ore and water is continuously pumped into the flash flotation
cell at the lower left and separated into nickel-rich concentrate and nickel-lean
waste tailing. Industrial details of the operation of such flotation circuits are
given in Tables 15.3–15.6.
The five types of flotation cells used in the flotation circuit shown in
Figure 15.1 are as follows:
(a) a flash flotation cell in which the incoming water–ore particle slurry is
treated quickly under conditions at which the fresh-surfaced pentlandite
particles are selectively floated and sent to the concentrate product (Warder &
McQuie, 2005);
(b) rougher–scavenger cells where the gangue and pyrrhotite particles are
depressed and the remaining pentlandite particles are floated;
(c) a quiescent cleaner column cell where the gangue and pyrrhotite particles
in the rougher–scavenger froth sink to give a high-grade pentlandite froth;
(d) a re-cleaner column cell where the percentage of the pentlandite in
concentrate is maximized by giving gangue and pyrrhotite a final
depression; and,
(e) cleaner–scavenger cells where further grinding and more collector extract
the last bit of pentlandite from the cleaner tailing before it is discarded.
Cleaning and re-cleaning is done in column cells where unliberated particles,
that is, pentlandite–gangue and pentlandite–pyrrhotite particles, can descend
and be re-grounded for further pentlandite liberation. The newly liberated

1. Several older concentrators remove magnetic monoclinic pyrrhotite from their flotation circuits
by magnetic separation (Doucet et al., 2009). This process has not been installed in recent
2. Smelters occasionally need some pyrrhotite in their concentrate feed to offset high melting-point
talc. It is obtained by controlling pH in the flotation cells.
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 181

TABLE 15.3 Details of Industrial Flash Flotation Plants

Kambalda, Thompson,
Concentrator Australia Raglan, Canada Canada

Ore treated, Mt/a 1.5 1.1 3.5

Concentrate 0.24 0.11 0.6

produced, Mt/a

Ore grade, % Ni 2.3 2.4 2.4

Concentrate 13 18 12
grade, % Ni

Tailings grade, % Ni 0.3 0.4 0.3

Ni recovery to 90 87 90
concentrate, %

Flash flotation

Feed Semi-autogenous Ball mill cyclone

grinding mill oversize undersize

Feed size 53 mm diameter 80% passing

65 mm

Number of flash 1 1 None

flotation cells

Cell volume 50 m3 cylindrical 30 m3 cubic

Cell type OKSK 1200 skim air OK 28

pH Natural ~9 Natural ~9

Collector Sodium ethyl Potassium ethyl

xanthate xanthate

Frother Polyfroth H 20 None: natural

frothing with
recycle H2O

Other CuSO4 to activate Carboxy methyl

pentlandite, guar cellulose to
gum to depress talc depress talc

Concentrate slurry To final concentrate To concentrate

destination via cycloning and thickener
cleaner flotation

Underflow slurry Semi-autogenous Rougher

destination mill re-grind flotation

Kambalda’s addition of copper sulfate to the ore slurry leads to the formation of copper sulfide on the
surface of the pentlandite, thereby increasing the kinetics of the flotation of pentlandite (Kerr, 2002)
182 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

TABLE 15.4 Details of Three Industrial Rougher Flotation Plants

Concentrator Australia Raglan, Canada Thompson, Canada

Feed Autogenous Flash flotation Ball mill cyclone

grinding mill underflow undersize

Feed size 80% Passing 65 mm 70% Passing 150 mm

Number of cells 7 7 90
3 3
Cell volume 16 m cubic 30 m cubic 3 m3 cubic
(each cell)

Cell type OK 16 OK 28 Denver DR 30

% Solids in feed 50

pH Natural ~9 Natural ~9 10

Collector Sodium ethyl Potassium ethyl Potassium amyl

xanthate xanthate xanthate

Frother Polyfroth H 20 None Methyl isobutyl carbinol

Other Guar gum to Carboxy methyl Soda ash to adjust

depress talc cellulose to pH and CuSO4 to
depress talc activate pentlandite

Froth destination Cleaner flotation Cleaner flotation Cleaner flotation

Underflow Tailings thickener Tailings thickener Ball mill re-grind then

destination scavenger flotation

pentlandite particles are then recovered in cleaner–scavenger froth and sent to

cleaning and on to the final concentrate.
The rougher–scavenger and cleaner–scavenger cells maximize pentlandite
recovery to concentrate. The cleaner and re-cleaner cells maximize rock and
pyrrhotite rejection, thereby maximizing concentrate grade, that is, the %Ni in
the concentrate.
Total particle residence times in the above flotation cells are typically
between one and one and a half hours (Kerr et al., 2003).


15.6.1. Concentrate
The product of the pentlandite flotation circuit contains approximately 60%
water, which has to be removed before the concentrate is smelted.
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 183

TABLE 15.5 Details of Three Industrial Cleaner Flotation Plants

Kambalda, Thompson,
Concentrator Australia Raglan, Canada Canada

Feed Flash flotation Rougher flotation froth Rougher flotation

froth cyclone and cleanerescavenger froth
undersize froth

Feed size 70% Passing 150 mm

Number of cells 5 2 20
3 3
Cell volume 5 m cubic 160 m rectangular 3 m3 cubic
(each cell)

Cell type OK 5, Minnovex Denver DR 30,

mechanical 2 m  6 m  13 m, mechanical

% Solids in feed 40

pH Natural ~9 Natural ~9 10

Collector Sodium ethyl Potassium ethyl Potassium amyl

xanthate xanthate xanthate

Frother Polyfroth H 20 None Methyl isobutyl


Other Guar gum to Carboxy methyl

depress talc cellulose to
depress talc

Froth destination Concentrate Concentrate thickener Pentlandite/

thickener chalcopyrite

Underflow Fine rougher Cleaner recycle or ball Scavenger cleaners

destination flotation mill grinding then then waste tailings

Dewatering is done by settling the mineral particles in large (15–30 m

diameter) thickeners or settlers (Appendix E). The solids settle under the
influence of gravity to the bottom of the settler from where they are moved to
a central bottom discharge by a slowly rotating rake.
Faster settling is obtained by adding organic flocculants (for example,
polyacrylamides) at a dosage of 0.002–0.004 kg/tonne of ore (Ferrera,
Arinaitwe, & Pawlik, 2009) to the feed. These create large ‘flocs’ of fine
particles that settle faster than the individual fine particles.
184 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

TABLE 15.6 Details of Three Industrial Scavenger Flotation Plants

Kambalda, Thompson,
Concentrator Australia Raglan, Canada Canada

Feed Fine rougher Ground cleaner Reground

underflow underflow rougher

Feed size

Number of cells 6 4 90
3 3
Cell volume, 30 m 30 m 3 m3 cubic
each cell

Cell type OK 28 OK 28 Denver DR 30

% Solids in feed ~40

pH Natural ~9 Natural ~9 10

Collector Sodium ethyl Potassium ethyl Potassium ethyl

xanthate xanthate xanthate

Frother Polyfroth H 20 None Methyl isobutyl


Other Guar gum to Carboxy methyl None

depress talc cellulose to
depress talc

Froth destination Cleaner flotation Cleaner flotation Cleaner flotation

Underflow waste tailings Waste tailings Waste tailings


The underflow from the thickeners still contains between 30% and 40%
water. This is lowered to 10% or 15% water in rotary vacuum filters and then to
8% water in pressure filters (Larox, 2010).
Lastly, the filtered concentrate is dried to about 0.2% moisture in steam-
heated driers, hydrocarbon-fired fluid bed driers or fluid bed roasters before it is
fed to a smelting furnace.

15.6.2. Tailings
About 85% of the feed to the concentrator reports to the flotation tailings. The
tailings are mostly stored in large dams near the mine property. Water is usually
reclaimed from the dams and recycled to the concentrator (Liechti, Mayhew,
Kerr, & Truskoski, 2000).
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 185

Recycling water minimizes the consumption of water and the possibility of

contamination of the environment by concentrator effluents. Because the pH of
the tailing water is close to that required for flash and rougher–scavenger
flotation, recycling of tailings water also minimizes the consumption of CaO
and Na2CO3.
Rock tailings are often used as backfill in underground mines (Wyshynski,
Easton, Wood, & Farr, 2000). They are dewatered to approximately 30% water
and combined with cement as mine backfill.
Pyrrhotite tailings are often stored under water to minimize oxidation and
accidental sulfuric acid generation (Liechti et al., 2000; Wyshynski et al.,


Modern flotation plants are well equipped with sensors and automated control
systems. The objectives of this equipment are to maintain continuous steady
state operation while meeting the objectives of maximizing the recovery of
nickel and the concentrate grade.
Measured flotation variables are as follows:
(a) particle size after grinding and re-grinding (Outotec, 2010a);
(b) %Ni, %solids, pH and mass flow rates of the process streams (Outotec,
(c) froth thickness in the flotation cells (a thick froth layer allows more
time for gangue rock and pyrrhotite to drain than does a thin froth
layer); and,
(d) impeller speeds and air input rates.
Adjustments made on the basis of these measurements are as follows:
(a) flow rates of water into hydrocyclone feed sumps of the mill to control
flotation feed size;
(b) addition rates of flotation reagent (collector, frother and modifier) and
water throughout the flotation plant; and,
(c) froth thickness, by adjusting the concentration of the frother and levels of
the slurry in the flotation cell (Elmahdy & Finch, 2009).
Details of the flotation measurements and the controller adjustments that are
made in the flotation plant are given in Table 15.7.


Important recent developments in pentlandite flotation are as follows:
(a) quantitative electron microscope analysis of ores and concentrator process
streams; and,
(b) flash flotation.
186 PART | I Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt

TABLE 15.7 Flotation Measurements and Their Use in Flotation Control and

Sensing Use in automatic

instrument Purpose Type of device control

Process stream Senses particle Laser beam diffraction Controls water addition
particle size sizes after grind (Outotec, 2010a) rates to hydrocyclone
analyzer and re-grind mills feed (which controls
particle recycle to ball
mills and final grind size)

In-stream X-ray Senses nickel X-ray fluorescence Controls collector,

chemical content of solids analysis of frother, depressant and
analyzer in process automatically taken water addition rates
streams process stream throughout the plant.
samples (Outotec, Adjusts valves in
2010b) flotation cells to vary
froth thickness

Slurry level Indicates pulp Float level, hydrostatic Adjusts underflow valves
sensor surface location pressure, conductivity to maintain prescribed
froth layer thicknesses

Slurry mass flow Measures mass Magnetic induction, Measures flows in

meter and % and volumetric Doppler effects, flotation circuit, permits
solids in slurry flow rates of ultrasonic energy loss optimization of recycle
meter process streams flow rates

15.8.1. Electron Microscope Analysis of Ores and Process Streams

Technologies for quantifying the mineralogical composition of individual ore
particles were developed during the 1990s. The heart of the technology is the
scanning electron microscope coupled with energy dispersive X-ray analysis
This technology permits the evaluation of an assemblage of particles (for
example, flotation feed) to determine the size and shape of each particle and
provides a mineral map of each particle that gives the minerals present, their
quantity and their association with other minerals (Dai et al., 2009; Ford et al.,
SEM-EDX may be used to answer questions such as:
(a) What fraction of the pentlandite in a sample is present as liberated pent-
landite particles?
(b) What fraction of the pentlandite in a sample is present as grains ‘locked’
(hidden) inside rock and pyrrhotite particles?
Chapter | 15 Production of Nickel Concentrate from Ground Sulfide Ore 187

(c) How much more of the pentlandite in a sample would be liberated if the
particle size of the sample was decreased from 70% passing 45 mm to
80% passing 45 mm?
Such analysis of samples collected from process streams under different
operating conditions is used to optimize plant operation.
It seems unlikely that any new concentrator project will be approved
without quantitative SEM analysis of the ore to predict its likely behavior
during concentration (Dai et al., 2009).

Froth flotation of pentlandite ores makes concentrates containing 5%–15% Ni
suitable for smelting and refining to high-purity nickel from ground ore con-
taining 1%–3% Ni.
This is achieved by
(a) causing ground pentlandite particles (~50 mm) to become attached to small
(~1 mm diameter) air bubbles rising in a water–ore particle slurry;
(b) capturing these particles in a short-lived froth that overflows into a concen-
trate collection tank; and,
(c) leaving gangue rock and pyrrhotite in the slurry.
The process is made selective for pentlandite by using flotation reagents,
called collectors, which make the pentlandite hydrophobic while leaving the
gangue rock and pyrrhotite hydrophilic.
Xanthate is the universal collector for pentlandite flotation. It is assisted by
modifiers, such as hydroxyl ions, which prevent other minerals, for example,
pyrrhotite and talc, from floating with the pentlandite.
Chalcopyrite and pentlandite float together under the conditions described
in this chapter. They are often separated by selective flotation of chalcopyrite,
which is discussed in the next chapter.

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