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 Concept:

 The word supervision is derived from two Latin words (super +vision) Super
mean Above, Vision mean See, Supervision mean overseeing.
 Supervision means overseeing the employee at work.
 Supervision is the act of watching a person or activity and make certain that
everything is done correctly, safely.
 Supervision can be defined as a creative and dynamic expert technical
service to improve the overall teaching learning process in particular and
overall education system in general.
 Educational supervision means an all out effort of the school officials
directed towards providing leadership to teachers and other educational
workers for the improvement of institution.

 Reference:[( Philibert I, ed. Resident Supervision. ACGME Bulletin.

Accessed December 20, 2011)].
 Definition:

 Supervision is defined as the authoritative direction of the work of one’s

 “Supervision is a kind of teaching which involves, advising, helping ,
inspiring leading and liberating”. –Jean Barrett
 “Good Supervision is always concerned with the development of the
teacher, the growth of the pupil and the improvement of the teaching
learning process”. - John A. Bartky
 “Supervision is assistance in the development of a better teaching learning
situation”.- Kimball Wills

 Reference :[( Sox CM, Burstin HR, Orav EJ, et al.. The effect of
supervision of residents on quality of care in five university-affiliated
emergency departments. Acad Med. 1998; 73:776–782.)]

 Major Factors of the Supervision Work:

 Technical:

 i.e. familiarity with the know how of the work to be supervised.

 Institutional:

 i.e familiarity with the policies and procedures governing the work to be
 Human:

 i.e ability to deal tactfully with the workers under supervision.

 Nature of the Educational Supervision:

 Supervision earlier conceived as inspecting and finding fault.

 Supervision is much more than inspection.
 Now the modern concept of supervision is to guide and help the
subordinates in their work by training, educating, guiding, counseling.
 Supervision includes inspecting another work, approving /correcting

 A democratic process:

 Educational supervision is based on participative leadership. The

supervisor creates democratic setting which encourages cooperative
behavior among both teacher and students.

 A continuous process:

 Educational supervision is a never ending process. The continuity has to

be maintained to achieve the goals and objectives of education. Regular
supervision makes the teacher updated and effective.

 Scientific Process:
 Supervision is a scientific process as it follows a systematic and
scientific procedure. Supervision has its own objectives and
methodology about his duties and responsibilities.

 Educational Supervision is Professional in Nature:

 Supervision is a professional activity. It is based on expert technical

service. Supervision can only be performed by the technical experts.

 Educational Supervision is creative in nature:

 Supervision is a creative and dynamic expert technical service.

 Result oriented process:

 it provides leadership with expert knowledge and superior skills. It gives

coordination, direction and guidance to teaches’ activities.

 Process of motivation:

 Supervision works as an effective process of motivation for the teachers.

It can motivate the teachers to develop true professionalism among the

 Coordinated effort:

 Supervision is a coordinated effort among the people related to

educational administration and teaching. There is a need of coordination
to make the supervision effective and successful
 Reference :[( Thomas f. Sergiovanni is Professor and Chairperson,
Educational Administration and Supervision at the University of Illinois,

 Objectives of Educational Supervision:

There are two types of objective of educational supervision.

 Main Objective
 Specific Objective

 Main Objective:

 To see that particular work or a task is being done in the expected

 To promote continuing improvement in the performance of employees.

 Specific Objective:

 To motivate the staff.

 To guide the individual.
 To promote the team work.
 To evaluate the quality of teaching method.

 Educational Supervision is carried out with certain objectives.

 To improve the teaching skills of teachers.

 To acquaint the teachers with new pedagogical approaches.
 To improve the learning environment in the school.
 To diagnose the problems faced in the process of teaching learning.
 To develop interpersonal relationships among the stakeholders.
 To integrate the elements of educational system.
 To promote cooperative educational effort in a friendly atmosphere.

 Reference:[( ' see El iot W Eisner, "The4Use of Qualitative supervision

Forms of Evaluation for Improving Educational Practice, Echicattonal
fualuanon and Polky Analysis I, 6 (Nov5mber - December 1979)]
 Professional Leadership:

 It provides professional leadership to educational workers so as to

improve their work and give them correct direction.

 Technical Service:
 It offers technical service to teacher in the form teaching techniques,
instructional aids.

 Professional Growth:

 It promotes the professional growth of all the teachers by providing them

guidance in the field and in service training now and then.

 Achievement of Educational Goals:

 It clarifies and interprets educational goal for educational institutions and

gives them all types of guidance and help to achieve those goals.

 Negatively Speaking:

 Supervisory service aims at checking inefficiency and negligence in

schools, finding out serious lapses and irregularities in their functioning
and ensuring that all these short coming are removed.

 Positively Speaking:

 It aims at offering new, forward looking and constructive suggestions to

educational workers.
 It also goes to their help in solving their difficulties. It is the duty of the
inspector to inspire teachers by his wise counseling.

 Appraising:
 It aims at appraising the work of educational institutions so that those
doing well may be encouraged to do better and those doing not so well
may be guide to come up to the mark.

Reference :[(Pervaiz iqbal , M.phil.Education)].

 Purpose of Supervision:

 Getting the work done in an organization.

 Observing, assessing, checking, and amending.
 Improvement of staff efforts individually and collectively.
 Sense of security and confidence
 Self direction
 Team work.

 Performance of workers:

 Inspect
 Evaluate
 Correct /Improve

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