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Name: Laila Meraj

Assignment # 4
Submitted to: Ma’am Samina Shah
Enrollment: 181204
class: Aviation Management-IV
Date: 20 April, 2020
Question No1.
What is child abuse and briefly define its forms? Narrate any personal observation (if any). How
does Pakistan respond to this great challenge of public health?

Roles and Irregularities:

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility
in them; and He placed between your affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people
who give thought” [].

Following this verse, Allah has defined how he had made pairs and then certain responsibilities
associated with that role is defined.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: 

“Treat your children fairly, treat your children fairly.” [Surah an-Nasa’i].

Allah has given the parents and the caretaker to carefully brought up the child with equality and
with fairness and any irregularity in these roles would result in child abuse and would result in
crimes in the society which is a common problem in today’s world. Thus, it can be said that child
abuse results when the caretakers or parents ignore their children and do not treat them fairly.

Child Abuse:
Child abuse is defined as “any failure of act or an act by someone or parents/caretaker which can
result in serious physical, emotional, sexual, psychological or death harm to a child (under the
age of 18 years particularly) is called child abuse”.

Child abuse is a serious form of violence and result in maltreatment and it can be anywhere in
the world either at home or outside. The person causing the abuse may be psychologically
disabled or due to any reason he maybe doing such act.

The Prophet (s) said: “Allah (SWT) will ask every caretaker about the people under his care,
and the man will be asked about the people of his household” (Nasa’i, Abu Daoud).

In the above saying, Prophet (SAW) clearly stated the importance of child care so to avoid a
situation which the whole world is facing today.

Child abuse falls down into following categories:

1. Physical abuse
2. Emotional abuse/psychological abuse
3. Sexual abuse
4. Neglect
Physical abuse:

Physical abuse is defined as any physical act such as aggression or force which can result in bad
effect of child’s health, performance, motivation, mental stability and develop anxiety and
aggression in him/her. Physical forces may include scolding, beating, punishing through
different instruments, etc. which can result in suicidal thoughts, personality disorders,
depression, eating disorder etc.

  Prophet (PBUH) said: “The one who has no compassion will not be treated mercifully” (Sahih
Bukhari and At-Tirmidhi).

It is obligation of parents or the caretaker according to the Quranic interpretations to treat the
child with love and mercy. This will help the child to develop a normal and stable personality
and when they grow up, they respect their elders and parents and also give love and mercy to

Physical abuse is one of the factor which lead the child to criminal intents because they bear so
much pain that they become resistant to pain and do not care if the society harm him in what way
so in turn he harm the society and result in crimes like terrorism, robbery, murders etc.

Prophet (PBUH) said “He is not among us who does not show mercy toward the young and who
do not show respect to elders”.

Islam clearly forbid the physical hitting or abuse of a growing child and say if a child is to be
punished, the parent or the caretaker should become quiet with him/her so that he feel the
importance of relations and develop a sense by himself that how an element needs to be taken
into consideration. Similarly, a reward previously given to him/her like cycle or his favorite
cartoon etc. should be temporarily taken from him to make him realize that he had done
something wrong.

Even in training a child for Salah it is not allowed to hit him, in this case he would not be afraid
of Allah but the person who is training him.

Prophet (PBUH) said: “and for their teaching(discipline) keep (the fear of your stick) on them
and make them to be afraid of Allah.”

It clearly states that the stick should be for fearing the child not for hitting them and Allah does
not like people having harsh behavior. Even for Salah the stick should be used for fearing the
child not for hitting.

At the time of Prophet (PBUH), there occur a battle in which children were killed. When Prophet
(PBUH) came to know he became very sad and said to his companions “for Allah’s sake do not
kill children”.
Emotional/psychological Abuse:

This type of abuse is defined as Intentional criticism, scolding, coarse, loud yelling, verbal and
symbolic acts of harshness resulting in psychological and emotional disturbances in the child by
parents or caretakers. The impact of this kind of abuse is more than physical abuse. Emotional
abuse includes:

 Rejecting (e.g. Saying “I wish you were never born.”)

 Criticizing (e.g. saying “why can’t you do anything right?”)
 Insulting (e.g. saying “I can’t believe you would be so stupid”)
 Humiliating (embarrassing a child in front of other people)
 Isolating (not allowing the child to play with friends)
 Terrorizing (scaring by saying “The police will come and take you away).

The victim may develop a personality of misbehaving and reciprocating bad things. It may result
in bad company, abnormalities in personality, not caring for the society, insulting others etc.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Observe justice in dealing with your children in the same manner in which you expect them to
observe justice in being kind and good to you.” –– Sahih Bukhari.

According to the interpretation of this hadith, it is clear that it is commanded to treat the child
rightly as one would expect them to be treated rightly. Islam is the religion which has stated to
avoid such behavior thousands of years back, while other countries of non-Muslims are now
developing organizations to identify and treat such kind of things.

The kindness to young’s can be observed from the fact that Prophet (PBUH) even allow His
grandsons Hassan (R.A) and Husain (R.A) to ride his shoulder even while offering Salah.
Sexual Abuse:

Sexual abuse is defined as forcing or stimulating a child to be involved in sexual act by an adult
or elder person to gain physical advantage or profit by doing such act. Sexual abuse includes
involving the child in sexual acts such as:

 Fondling (touching the child in sexual way)

 Forcing the child to touch the adult in sexual way or inappropriately.
 Exposing oneself
 Forcing the child to watch irrelevant videos
 Involving the child in prostitution and sexual activities

Most of the sexual offenders are the people who the child knows.
ْ َ‫ۖ ال َّزانِيَةُ َوال َّزانِي ف‬
‫اجلِدُوا ُك َّل َوا ِح ٍد ِّم ْن ُه َما ِمائَةَ َج ْل َد ٍة‬

“The woman or man found guilty of sexual intercourse – lash each one of them with a hundred
lashes…” (24: 2)

It is stated that a person who commit illegal sexual act would be punished with hundred lashes to
both partners but if only 1 partner is active while the other is victim or is forced, the victim will
be freed and took care of until he/she is well and the perpetrator will be stoned to death.

If we relate this Quranic verse with child abuse, it is cleared that the justice has to be done with
child. The child would be taken care of and the perpetrator will be hanged to death so that to
bring justice in the society.

Effect of child abuse include personality disorder, insomnia, fear, depression, sexual dysfunction,
suicide attempts, self-injuries, weaker immune system etc.

To avoid such conditions, the child should be provided sex education to make them realize what
gender is and what is good for them and what is bad to be avoided. Further, there should justice
provided to the victims and hanged to death policy to set example for the people violating the
rules and avoid sexual predations.

Similarly, Prophet (PBUH) said:

“if one of you were to be stabbed on head with iron needle, it would be better for him than
touching a woman whom he is not permitted to touch.”

Touching another person with which sexual intimacy is not allowed is Gunah-e-Qabeera and
punishment is must on that person unless unintentional.

Satan runs in the veins of mankind and distract them and influence them for indecent acts.
Therefore, Islam prohibit a man to be alone with a non-mahram woman.

Prophet (PBUH) said:

  “No man is alone with a (non-mahram) woman, but Shay tan will be the third among
them.”  [at-Tirmidhi, 3/474; see also Mishkaat al-Masabeeh, 3118]
This means, shaitan influence the man or women to be involved in indecency hence it should be
avoided to be alone with non-mahram.

Neglect is defined as the failure on the part of parent or caregiver to provide the child with
necessary care and nutrition and nurturing them in
 health
 education
 emotional development
 nutrition
 shelter and safe living conditions.
 Protection etc.

So that the well-being of the child is threatened to be harmed. Neglect is the result of lack of
attention by parents and caregiver to the child resulting in inadequate necessities harming the
child to death.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

“All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his
subjects, the man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her
husband’s house and his offspring; and so, all of you are guardians and are responsible for your
subjects”. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

It is clearly stated for the caregiver to look after the child because he/she will be asked about it.
He is guardian of the offspring.

The categories of neglect are:

Supervisory neglect:

A neglect as a result of absence of parent or caregiver resulting in sexual abuse, physical harm
and criminal behavior.

Physical neglect:

A neglect resulting from absence of physical necessities such as shelter, clothing, safety and
clean house.

Medical neglect:

A neglect which is a result of lack of medical care such as a child having temperature or medical
issue is not shown to doctor.

Emotional neglect:

A neglect characterized by lack of support, motivation, nurturance and encouragement etc.

Educational neglect:

A neglect as a result of lack of providing educational facilities to child and not admitting them to
school or any educational institute.

A neglect resulting from caregiver or parent to leave the child for a long period of time without
asking someone for their care or babysitting which would result in harm to child even to death.

Once a Sahaba visited Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while the Prophet was engaged in caressing

Hasan and Hussain, his two grandchildren.

Surprised to see this, the Sahaba asked Prophet (PBUH):

“O Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)! Do you also caress
children, I have ten children but I have never fondled even one of them?”
Hearing this, Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 “It seems mercy and kindness have left your heart.” – Sahih Bukhari.

This hadith clearly shows how child should be provided with care and love and affection to make
him feel important and should not be left neglected so that he develops bad behavior due to bad

About the Education Prophet (PBUH) said:

“The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’ān and teach it.”[9]

Education is said to be important whether it is spiritual education or any education resulting in

polishing personality.

Other Examples of child abuse:

 Child labor
 Forced child marriages
 Human trafficking
 Child soldiering
 Illegal adaption
 Forcing child for begging.

(No personal observation).

Response of Pakistan to issues of such kind:
Pakistan has developed a child protection program under the name of UNICEF which is helping
the government of Pakistan to avoid child violence and exploitation and to realize the rights of
child. Additionally, gaps are addressed primarily related to social norms, quality of service
delivery. A focus is placed on the most disadvantaged and excluded children, including girls.

Birth Registration Program:

This program enables Pakistan to register for the child to birth so that the data is available. It
includes the people who are disadvantaged mostly.

National Plan of Action (NPA):

The Government introduced the “National Plan of Action (NPA) and policy for the elimination
of child labor” in March 2000 against sexual exploitation. It also took actions against intense
child labors.

Federal Investigation Agency:

The FIA is placed at the borders of 24 check post to improved the migrants entering the country
so to check and balance and keep the record so if any crime occur, investigation process would
be easy.

Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance 2002:

This agency took control of human trafficking and smuggling.

Question No 2.

Explain women emancipation in Islam? Construct your arguments on contemporary women

movements and their impact on Pakistan.

Women emancipation:
Women emancipation is defined as the strategies, processes and efforts by which women are
trying to make themselves liberate from power of men and authorities to seek freedom in every
field and to ensure full equality with men in every field, to eliminate the gender difference.

Western Perspective and Islam:

This concept was primarily developed by western societies in which women wanted to achieve
legitimate human rights which were developed for gaining religious autocracy because churches
were unable to adapt to the modern human life and to embrace them. Since it ends up in some
societies resulting in unleashed individualism and utilitarianism with sexist tendencies.

Some women in the Islamic societies such as Pakistan also developed this approach and tries to
adapt this kind of culture. They try to pursue traits of modernism as emerged in west. But Islam
define certain role for women beyond which she cannot move. Islam definitely promote gender
equality but there are defined responsibilities for men and women. Some work shall never be
done by women such as heavy work of lifting weight which definitely a man can do. Women
needs to understand this thing and should not be involved in this western approach which include
many other things prohibited in our Islam. So, there is a difference between roles and
responsibilities. Globalization can be viewed as one of the forces in which western culture is
dominating our Islamic nations. Similar is the case of women emancipation. This is a western
approach for their societies and we Muslims should not be involved in such movement because it
is none of our concern. This movement enable the western society women to avoid loving
relationship with their husbands without any reason. They can leave their husbands for another
men and can avoid sexual contact with their husbands for no reason which is prohibited in Islam.
This is what westerns called freedom. This means violation of some feelings and rules of a men
which would result in criminal society and as explained earlier abuses and child rapes.

Verse [v 4:34] says:

“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more
(strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore, the
righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would
have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish
them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to
obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance); for Allah is most high, great (above you
all)”. (The Holy Quran, IFTA, p.220)
There is definitely equality of men and women before Allah as mentioned in Quran:

“To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and
reward them according to the best of their actions.” (16:97)

This hadith clearly shows there is no discrimination among male and female, they get the reward
equally for what good they do. Islam has defined more precise roles for women so that she does
not get for what she cannot bear. It is a very beautiful religion filled with glory. Everything
which can cause harm to emotions, prestige, honor, chastity and dignity of a women is prohibited
in Islam such as prostitution, adultery, insult, hitting women, etc.

Beauty and freedom of Islam can be recognized from the fact that it improved the status of
women by prohibiting female infanticide and make realizing of personhood of women. She is
given full right as men in worshipping and is never discriminated. So how can a western
movement of such kind compete with Islamic rights of women?

Islam establish contractual nature of marriage so that to provide women with full right which the
westerns lack. They just took advantage of women at a time and then left her abandoned which
Islam strictly prohibit and ask to marry and be in an everlasting halal relation. Also, women are
not liable for earning and fulfill the needs unless she wants to. Instead men are kept responsible
for such duties. Still if women want emancipation through western perspective, it would be no
more than oppress.

Once “Man came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked: "O Messenger of Allah, who is the
person who has the greatest right on me with regards to kindness and attention?" He replied,
"Your mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your
mother." "Then who?" He replied, "Your father". [16]

“Only a man of noble character will honor women, and only a man of base intentions will
dishonor them”. [17]

“The best among you is he who is best for his family. For my family I am the best of all of you”.

“No believing man should hate a believing woman, for if there is any habit of hers that
displeases him, there will be some other habit of hers which pleases him”. [19]

“The most perfect man of religion is one who excels in character. The best among you is he who
gives the best treatment to his womenfolk”. [20]

From the above is it not clear that the existing literature contains sufficient guidelines for
women’s liberation by setting aside her gender? why then so much resistance and debate for the
just plea for women liberation by the present exegetes.

 McCoy, M.L.; Keen, S.M. (2013). "Introduction". Child Abuse and Neglect (2 ed.). New
York: Psychology Press. pp. 3–22.
 Tirmidhi, Muhammad b. 'Isa, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Turath, Nd.
 "Tafseer of Surah an-Nisa, Ayah 34". Archived from the original
 Amina, Wadud (1999). Qur'an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman's
Perspective (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. p. 76.
 Mervat Hatem, “Secular and Islamist Discourses on Modernity in Egypt and Evolution of the
Postcolonial Nation-state,” 85–99, in Yvonne Haddad and John L. Esposito, Islam, Gender,
and Social Change.
 Afary, Janet. “Feminism and the Challenge of Muslim Fundamentalism.” In Spoils of War:
Women of Color, Cultures and Revolutions. Rowman and Littlefield, 1997.
 Afkami, Mahnaz, ed. Faith and Freedom: Women’s Human Rights in the Muslim World.
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1995
 Hassan, Riffat. “Equal Before Allah: Woman/Man Equality in the Islamic Tradition’, Harvard
Divinity Bulletin 7, no. 2 (Jan-May 1987).
 "Women and Islam." In the Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Ed. John L. Esposito. Oxford Islamic
Studies Online. 20-Apr-2020.
 Asgar Ali Engineer ‘Women in Islam’, p.29, 2013.
 Maggi Humm, Modern Feminism, 1992, p.1. 3.
 Lata Jagtiani, The Hindu, July 27, p.4, 2013.
 Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Fathallah, Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social
Sciences, Vol-2, Pp.246-257, 2009.

The End

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