Formulation of Emergency Plan: Laila Meraj 181204 Bs-Avm-6 Aviation Security Management Assignment-2

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Laila Meraj

Aviation Security Management

ICAO has given Standards and Recommended practices on the National organization and
appropriate authority for the contracting states in order to handle the “Unlawful interference
emergency” As a Regulator PCAA how will you formulate the emergency plan and implement it
on your airports for the protection of Civil Aviation in Pakistan?

Formulation of Emergency Plan

According to the SARP’s given by ICAO, as a regulator PCAA, I will formulate the emergency
plan as follow:

 As a contracting state of ICAO, I will establish and implement a written national civil
aviation security program for the purpose of safeguarding operations of civil aviation
against the act of unlawful interference by regulations, practices and procedures taking into
account the safety, regularity and efficiency of flights.
 As a contracting state, I shall designate and specify to the ICAO, an appropriate authority
within the administration to be responsible for the development, implementation and
maintenance of the national civil aviation security program.
 As a contracting state, I shall keep under constant review the level of threat to civil aviation
within our territory, in addition to this establish and implement policies and procedures to
adjust the relevant elements of the national civil aviation security program as according,
based upon the security risk assessment carried out by the relevant authorities.
 As a contracting state, I shall require the appropriate authority to define and allocate the
tasks and to coordinate activities between the departments, agencies and other organizations
of Pakistan, including airport and aircraft operators, air traffic service providers and other
entities concerned with or responsible for the implementation of the various aspects of the
national civil aviation security program.
 As a contracting state, I will establish a national aviation security committee or similar
arrangements for the purpose of coordinating security activities between the departments,
agencies and other organizations of Pakistan, including airport and aircraft operators, air
traffic service providers and other entities concerned with or responsible for the
implementation of various aspects of the national civil aviation security program.
 As a contracting state, I shall require the appropriate authority to ensure the development
and implementation of the national training program for the personnel of all entities
involved with or responsible for the implementation of various aspects of the national civil
aviation security program. This training program shall be designated for the purpose of
ensuring the effectiveness of the national civil aviation security program.
 According to the date specified by ICAO, as a contracting state, I shall ensure the
development and implementation of the training programs and an instructor certification
system in accordance to the national civil aviation security program as developed.
 As a contracting state, I shall ensure that the appropriate authority is designated who
arranges for the supporting resources and facilities required by the aviation security services
to be available at each airport serving civil aviation.
 As a contracting state, I shall make available, a written version of the appropriate parts of
the national civil aviation program and/or relevant information or guidelines to our airport,
aircraft operators, and air traffic service providers operating in the territory of Pakistan and
other entities concerned, enabling them to meet the requirements of the national civil
aviation security program.

Implementation of the Plan on Airport

Implementation the emergency plan for the act of unlawful interference on airport shall be as

 As a contracting state, I shall require each airport serving civil aviation to establish,
implement and maintain a written airport security program appropriate to meet the
requirements of the national civil aviation security program as made.
 As a contracting state, as a regulator, I shall ensure that an authority at each airport serving
civil aviation, is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the security controls.
 As a contracting state, I shall ensure on my part as a regulator, that an airport security
committee at each airport serving civil aviation is established so to assist the authority (as
stated above) in its role of coordinating the implementation of security controls and
procedures as specified in the airport security program.
 As a contacting state, I shall ensure on my part as a regulator that airport design
requirements are integrated into the design and construction of new facilities and alterations
to the existing facilities at airport, including the architectural and infrastructure related
requirements necessary for the implementation of the security measures in the national civil
aviation security program.

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