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Level 3

Score: 99.1%
109/110 points

Page 1/12
1. The following is the criteria for triggering the development of
rescue Plan for WAH activity

Working on a temporary Working at the edge of a

(scaffolding) and location (e.g. edge of
permanent platform above trench) where there is a
6 meters from a landing risk of fall to a lower level
All of the above
Constructing, dismantling
or preparing temporary
platform, rope access

1/1 point

2. Descent rescue is ….

A rescue where the A rescue where the

casualty is transferred casualty is raised to the
from one location to required extraction
another location whilst in location
A rescue where the
casually is lowered to the
required extraction
A rescue where the
casuallyt is slightly raised
so that their Fall Arrest
Lanyard can be removed
from its anchor and the
casualty can be either
raised or lowered

1/1 point

3. Cross Haul rescue is ….

A rescue where the A rescue where the

casuallyt is slightly raised casualty is raised to the
so that their Fall Arrest required extraction
Lanyard can be removed location
from its anchor and the
A rescue where the
casualty can be either
casually is lowered to the
raised or lowered
required extraction
A rescue where the location
casualty is transferred
from one location to
another location whilst in

1/1 point

4. A rescue where the casualty is raised vertically out of a

confined space is known as _______

Confines Space Tripod Stretcher Rescue

Rope Rescue
Cross Haul Rescue

1/1 point
5. A Stretcher Rescue is a rescue where the casualty needs to
be immobilized by the use of a Stretcher due to injury before
or after being rescued.



1/1 point

6. A full body harness & lanyard is not required to be

registered and maintained, because the equipment is already
certified by an international standard.



1/1 point

7. After equipment has been inspected, a tagged shall be

installed, in the event of missing tag on an equipment the
following is correct, EXCEPT.

Replace the tag with a new Replace the tag and

tag only inspect the equipment.

Stop using the equipment Replace the equipment

before inspect the with a new one and install
equipment. the tag.

0/1 point

8. What is the validity of the Working at Height Certificate?

Similar to PTW validity 2 hours
12 months
More than PTW validity

1/1 point

9. For PETRONAS Carigali Offshore Facilities on a Mother

Platform, the WAH primary rescue team shall come from the
contractors that perform the activity.



1/1 point

10. In PETRONAS Carigali PTW system under Hot Work

management, what are the classifications of Area?

Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3 Green field, Brown field

and Red field.
Process, Instrument and
Electrical Area. Zone 0, Zone 1, Zone 2 and
Non-classified area

1/1 point

Page 2/12
11. In PETRONAS Carigali PTW Procedure, what is the
limitation in Zone 1 with respect to Hot Work activities?
No hot work on live facility Open flame hot work on
shall be allowed, unless live facility shall only
the facility is shutdown, proceed with use of
depressurise and render Pressurised Habitat
Hot work may be allowed
For open flame hot work with the conduct of gas
e.g. oxy cutting, grinding, testing and
etc., the facility shall be implementation of other
shutdown, depressurise required control and
and render hydrocarbon- recovery barriers identified
free prior proceeding with in risk assessment
hot work

1/1 point

12. What is the limitation in Zone 2 with respect to Hot Work


No hot work on live facility Open flame hot work on

shall be allowed, unless live facility shall only
the facility is shutdown, proceed with use of
depressurise and render Pressurised Habitat
Hot work may be allowed
For open flame hot work with the conduct of gas
e.g. oxy cutting, grinding, testing and
etc., the facility shall be implementation of other
shutdown, depressurise required control and
and render hydrocarbon- recovery barriers identified
free prior proceeding with in risk assessment
hot work

1/1 point

13. Who is responsible to carry out gas testing as well as filling

in the Gas Test Form?
Approved Gas Technician Appointed Gas Tester

Authorised Gas Tester Authorised Laboratory


1/1 point

14. Once a PTW is approved, what is the validity period of the

Hot Work permit?

1 day (24 hours) 1 shift

7 days 1 month

1/1 point

15. Ideally, where and when is the Toolbox meeting to be


Control room area before Worksite during work

the permit being activity
Control room after work
Worksite meeting after the being suspended.
PTW approve and before
the work start

1/1 point

16. After the PTW has been approved by the Approving

Authority (AA), what is the purpose of the joint site (JSV)
inspection which is performed by the Approving Authority
Representative (AAR) and Work Leader (WL)?
To implement all the To verify the site
precautions, control and preparation in term of
recovery barrier that being compliance to the
specified in the JHA for precaution, control and
the ongoing work, since recovery barrier as
the PTW already approved specified in the approved
by the AA. PTW/JHA/Certificates to
ensure the site is safe,
To stop the work if it is
prior to commencement of
unsafe and not meeting
the work.
the requirements in the
approved PTW. To discuss with the
workers at site if the work
can be performed safely,
and to add any additional
work activity that required
to be perform under the
same permit.

1/1 point

17. Once a PTW is approved, what is the validity period of the

Cold Work permit?

1 day (24 hours) 7 days

1 shift (8 12 hours) 1 month

1/1 point

18. Under the PTW Inspection and Assurance, who is

responsible to conduct PTW Quarterly Assurance?

Asset HSE Department Asset Production

Department or Division
AA and/or AS
Project Head
SHO and/or AAR

1/1 point

19. All routine work DO NOT require PTW, Is the statement

TRUE or False?



1/1 point

20. For hot work inside confined space, in addition to the hot
work requirement, the confined space entry requirement shall
be fully complied with.

Medical declaration Standby person available

CSE training All of the above

1/1 point

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21. The following are general requirement in PETRONAS
Carigali PTW system, EXCEPT?

PTW & Certificates Specific Job Hazard

recoded in PTW Logbook. Analysis (JHA) shall be
developed for all PTW
All PTW and Certificates
revalidated and tracked to
closure. None of the above

1/1 point
22. In the event that non-conformities or new hazards are
found after work commenced, the correct action shall be:
I. Permit shall be suspended and activity stopped.
II. Only resume after rectification/site conditions is safe and
subsequent approval from AA obtained
III. Continue with the activity and record in the operation log
IV. Remove the hazards and make safe the area

IV only I, II, IV


1/1 point

23. Based on PETRONAS Carigali PTW procedure, when

Emergency Shutdown (ESD) / General Platform Alarm (GPA)
activated, the following is applicable, EXCEPT?

All work shall stop and For confirmed emergency,

PTW suspended and all PTW and associated
secured and made safe certificates cancelled and
worksite. re-applied prior to resume
work as worksite condition
If false alarm or emergency
has changed.
drill, work may resume
after AA confirmed, None of the above
condition remains the
same and safe.

1/1 point

24. Limit of Electrical Access Certificate (LoEA), is required

For control of temporary Testing of Live Voltage
electrical installation such conductors or for work in
as generator set, Earth close proximity to live
Leakage Circuit Breaker conductors/equipment/ap
(ELCB) and power cable paratus
and socket.
To put the limit on number
For execution of Electrical of electrical equipment to
Isolation activity by the be operated during the
ACP/AP operations.

1/1 point

25. Vehicle Entry Certificate shall be raised and required for

any vehicles entry the process area for both contractor and
company vehicles.



1/1 point

26. In the Diving Certificate who shall be responsible to

declare all precautions required for diving work have been

Standby Diver Diving Supervisor

Approving Authority Approving Authority


1/1 point

27. In what Section in the Hot Work PTW, the requirements of

the PPE are being specified and identified
the PPE are being specified and identified

Section 2 Section 5

Section 4 Section 6

1/1 point

28. How many cold work PTW will be required to be raised for
the same work activity that continuously operating 24 hours
by a 2 shift crew?



1/1 point

29. Who is the authorised entrant for Confined Space Entry


Company/Contractor Any technician that

personnel formally working for the company
appointed by the
Anyone that been trained
respective Management
in firefighting and rescue
and trained on Confined
during emergency.
Space requirements

personnel that only
trained on PTW

1/1 point

30. Please select all the relevant supporting certificates under

PETRONAS Carigali PTW System?
i. Confined Space Entry

ii. Physical Isolation Certificate,

iii. Electrical Isolation Certificate,

iv. Lifting Plan Certificate

v. Rescue Plan Certificate

vi. Lifting Certificate

vii. Radiation Certificate,

viii. Portable Electrical Temporary

Installation Certificate,

ix. Limit of Electrical Access


x. Excavation Certificate

xi. Vehicle Entry Certificate

xii. Diving Certificate

xiii. Permit to Work

xiv. Gas Test Form

xv. Working at Height Certificate

xvi. Blind and Spade Certificate

xvii. Safety System

Bypass/Override Certificate
Road Obstruction/ Closure Certificate

All of the above i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii,
xiv, xv, xvii, xviii
iv, v, xiii, xvi
i, ii, iv, v, xii, x, xi, xii, xvi,

1/1 point

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31. What is the main responsibility of Entry Supervisor?
I. Identify all authorised entrants, the standby person and
alternate standby person;
II. Determine frequency for gas testing with consultation
from the CSE AGT
III. Brief the entry team on PTW, JHA and emergency
IV. Supervise entry, not leave the work site until handed over
to another ES;

I, II, III and IV I, III and IV

I, II and III II and IV

1/1 point

32. Can an AGT stop the work in Confined Space?

YES, anyone can stop the NO, because it will delayed

activities if it not safe to the completion date
proceed with the activities.
NO, because he is not the
NO, only AA can stop supervisor of the activities.
Confined Space activities

1/1 point
33. Where the Gas Test results should be recorded?

Log Book Hot Work Permit

Gas Test Form Cold Work Permit

1/1 point

34. Anyone can stop work if conditions become unsafe?



1/1 point

35. Who should fill in the daily health declaration form?

Authorized Supervisor Authorized Entrant

Standby Person
Approving Authority (AA)

1/1 point

36. What is the validity of the Health Assessment Certificate

for the entrant?

3 years 4 years

1 year 2 years

1/1 point

37. What is TENORM?

Technical Enhanced Technically Enhanced
Natural Organic Natural Occurrence
Radioactive Metals Radioactive Materials

Technologically Enhanced Technically Enhanced Non

Naturally Occurring Organic Radiation
Radioactive Materials Materials

1/1 point

38. Who is responsible to certify the fitness to work

certificates of the Entrant?

Occupational Health Work Leader (WL)/Entry

Doctor (OHD)/Authorised Supervisor (ES)
Medical Examiner (AME)
Authorised Gas Tester
Approving Authority (AA) (AGT)

1/1 point

39. Does an entrant need to use BA when the LEL < 1%?



1/1 point

40. Who is responsible to maintain records and monitor the


Authorized Entrant Rescue Team

Standby Person Approving Authority (AA)

1/1 point

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41. What is the definition of Confined Space Entry?
I. Not intended as regular workplace
II. Has restricted means of entry/exit
III. Large enough, so configured that a worker can bodily
enter and perform assigned work
IV. At atmospheric pressure during occupancy

I and II II and IV

II, III and IV I, II, III and IV

1/1 point

42. The following is the typical hazard in Confined Space


Biological hazards Weather hazards

Flammability Oxygen

1/1 point

43. What authorized entrants have to do prior entering the

Confined Space?

Fill in the health Prepare rescue equipment

declaration form
Approve the Cold or Hot
Drink a lot of water Work Permit

1/1 point
44. What does AGT need to do when the level of gas is unsafe
during work in progress?

Withdraw the work permit Continuously monitor the

and stop the activities level and site continue
immediately with the activities

Turn on the ventilator Informed the level to the

immediately entry supervisor only

1/1 point

45. Who determine the frequency of gas testing?

Laboratory Technician Approving Authority

Authorised Supervisor Authorised Entrants

1/1 point

46. What are the other TWO (2) conditions of Confined Space
I. Oxygen: 19.5% - 23.5%
II. Toxic Vapor: More than 50% PEL
III. Oxygen: Less than 19.5%
IV. Toxic Vapor: Less than or equal to 50% PEL

I and II III and IV

II and III I and IV

1/1 point

47. Once entrants leave Confined Space and need to re-enter,

does gas test require ‘private entering’?
Yes No

1/1 point

48. The following is the gas test required prior to Confined

Space Entry EXCEPT

Oxygen content Nitrogen content

Flammable gas Toxic vapours

1/1 point

49. The following is the requirements for the CSE rescue

procedures, EXCEPT?

Rescue team shall ensure List and inventory of the

continuous supply of air rescue equipment is
through the air line for available.
Standby person shall
Entry supervisor shall immediately enter the
immediately arrange for confined space and make
rescue operations the rescue

1/1 point

50. What is SCE stand for?

Safety Critical Element Safely Critical Equipment

Safety Critical Equipment Specific Critical


1/1 point
Page 6/12
51. Who is responsible to conduct risk assessment before
SSBOC can be approved:

Technical Authority (TA) Subject Matter Expert

Approving Authority

1/1 point

52. As per communication of Bypass of SCPD, for standalone

SSBOC - the original copy of the SSBOC shall be kept at _______
for tracking purposes?

SHO office Switch room

Work site Control room

1/1 point

53. On approval of SSBOC, the level of AA shall be based on

the level shall be based on the duration of the bypass, for
bypass for more than I days up to 7 days, the _____________ shall
approve the certificates.

OIM/equivalent Head of Production or

Head of Asset or
equivalent VP Malaysia Asset

1/1 point

54. ___________ shall be responsible for planning and execution

of Bypass of SCPD and carrying out of the precautionary
Approving Authority Technical Authority

Applicant Authorised Supervisor

1/1 point

55. Shift leader/Production Supervisor, to carry out _________

audit on all bypass SCPD.

Daily Monthly

Weekly 6 monthly

1/1 point

56. What is an integral system in the PETRONAS Maintenance

Management System that provide visual, easy to read and to
understand the status of the Asset Integrity Sustaining work
actions (PM) and the Integrity Restoring works Actions (CM)
and where they currently are at, with respect to the Latest
Allowed Finish Date.

Facility Status Monitoring First Status measurement

Facility System Monitoring Focus System


1/1 point

57. How many categories of safety critical element (SCE) are

there in PETRONAS Carigali?

7 10

8 12
1/1 point

58. In what section of the PPM SSBOC that the applicant

required to described the reason for the
bypass/override/isolation/defeating of the SCPD and Identified
and specified the effect on system due to the bypass.

Section 1 Section 4

Section 3 Section 5

1/1 point

59. A bypass due to faulty SCPD and pose imminent or

immediate adverse impact to HSE and/or production is known

Prolong Bypass Preventive Maintenance

Accidental Bypass
Emergency Bypass

1/1 point

60. A bypass due to faulty / prolong and DOES NOT pose

imminent or immediate adverse impact to HSE and/or

Accidental Bypass Normal Bypass

Allowed Bypass Emergency Bypass

1/1 point
Page 7/12
61. In Section 7 of prolong/faulty SSBOC the ______ shall confirm
the implementation of precaution actions to prevent incorrect
bypass/override/isolation/defeating of the SCPD and /or
inadvertent normalization by other personnel in these section.
Any additional precaution actions shall be specified. The _____
shall then sign to agree the implementation of all precautions
prior start work.



1/1 point

62. The bypass status shall be reported or communicated in

the following, EXCEPT?

Daily Operations log Operations shift handover

Safeguarding Daily operations meeting


1/1 point

63. Based on the PETRONAS Carigali BSCPD procedure, the

required assurance and inspection for BSCPD shall be
conducted, EXCEPT?

Daily Bi-Monthly

Weekly Quarterly

1/1 point

64. All equipment that to be bypass during operations shall be

managed with safety system bypass override certificates



1/1 point

65. What does LOTO stand for?

Lock Out Tag Out Lock and Tag

Locking Out Tagging out Lock On Tag Off

1/1 point

66. Who is authorised to perform Electrical Isolation?

Offshore Installation Authorised Competent

Manager (OIM) Person/Authorised Person
Radiation Protection
Officer/Radiation Authorised Supervisor
Protection Supervisor (AS)

1/1 point

67. Can the Physical Isolation Certificate (PIC) be valid even

AFTER the PTW has been closed?



1/1 point
68. Who is responsible to verify site implementation is in
accordance to the Energy Isolation requirement?

Head of Production Authorised Supervisor

Approving Authority (AA)
Authorised Competent
Person/Authorised Person

1/1 point

69. Who approves the certificates of isolation for less than 12


OIM/TS Production supervisor

Head of Asset Senior Technician

1/1 point

70. What are the categories of Energy Source?

I. Physical Energy
II. Electrical Energy
III. Ionising Radiation Energy
IV. Process Energy

I & II II & IV


1/1 point

Page 8/12
71. As part of equipment preparation of Physical Isolation,
what are the additional steps to be taken for any COMPLEX

Provide means of access Depressurising and/or

and escape cooling

Removal of hazardous Purging method and

solids assessment shall be done
and documented

1/1 point

72. For any Energy Isolation activities, should the photocopy of

the relevant certificate (PIC/EIC) accompany the Permit to



1/1 point

73. Closure of two block valves in series, with an intermediate

bleed valve which is vented to a safe location to atmosphere,
flare header or to drain vessel where no back pressure
accumulate, is known as??

Single valve Isolation Positive Isolation

Double Block and bleed Blinding/Spading Isolation

1/1 point

74. A secure box capable of holding the keys from lockout

devices used to render isolation points in a system inoperable.
Equipped with a visible means of observing the keys inside and
has provision to be secured by additional locks. Is known as?
Key Boxes Lockout Boxes

Padlock Boxes Tag out Boxes

1/1 point

75. Identify the owner of the discipline for the following Tag
Out colors: Red, Blue and Yellow

AS, AA and AAR ACP/AP, AAR and


1/1 point

76. Who is the Approving Authority (AA) if the Physical

Isolation is more than 16 weeks (4 months)?

Head of Asset Offshore Installation

Head of Production

Production Supervisor

1/1 point

77. The status of LOTO at each isolation point shall be filled up

in which section of the Positive Isolation Certificate (PIC)?

Section 1 Section 10

Section 5 Section 12

1/1 point
78. Energy Isolation is important because

To comply to the law and To prevent occurrence of

requirement from the local personal injury of damage
authority to property and
The company can save
energy and reduce the As part of sustainability
operating cost as part of development initiative, to
Carbon trading maintain clean and
requirement. efficient operations.

1/1 point

79. Prolong energy isolation certificate shall be valid only after

the Management of Change has been raised and approved.



1/1 point

80. What does ALARP stand for?

As Low As Really Practical As Low As Relatively

As Low As Reasonably
Practicable As Low As Reactively

1/1 point

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81. One of the sources of input for JHA development can be
obtained from Direct Observation. What are the advantages of
Direct Observation?
I. Can immediately recognize potential accident performing
the work
II. Can promote sharing of experience and knowledge about
III. Can relate the work with actual environment or
conditions, hence specific method can be applied accordingly.
IV. Preliminary prepared JHA can be used from previous
work activities.


I & IV IV only

1/1 point

82. Who are the signatories to approve the JHA?

Authorised Gas Tester Standby Person

Work Leader
Authorised Supervisor

1/1 point

83. What is PEAR representing in assessing the potential

impact of hazard release in developing a Job Hazard Analysis?

People, Equipment, Asset Process, Environment,

& Reputation Accountability &
People, Environment,
Asset & Reputation Preventability, Equality,
Availability & Reliability

1/1 point
84. What is the advantage of having a JHA before executing
the job?
I. Potential hazards related to the job task are identified
II. Required control are identified to manage the risk
III. Cost of activity can be reduced
IV. Required recovery barriers are identified to manage the


I, II & IV II & IV

1/1 point

85. As part of JHA update and audit, what is the retention

period of the JHA if there is no incident?

1 year 5 years

3 years 7 years

1/1 point

86. Who should attend the JHA certification as part of the

PTW system training?

All personnel Labor or worker

performing the work
JHA signatories
Office base Contractor

1/1 point

87. Following is a typical hazard identify when developing

I. Toxic and flammable liquid or gas
II. Suspended heavy load
III. Slippery and oily floor
IV. Moving vehicle



1/1 point

88. The person who leads work crew to carries out the work is
called the ‘Work Leader”. Verify the statement.



1/1 point

89. In developing JHA, can Hazard Effect Register (HER) be

used as a reference?



1/1 point

90. Once JHA has already been developed, who shall approve
the JHA that has been reviewed by Work Leader?

Production Head of Production

Work Team Member
Supervisor (PS/MS)
Approving Authority

1/1 point

Page 10/12
91. Can Receiving Authority (RA) be part of JHA approving



1/1 point

92. The following scenarios are among the conditions which

allow the review and update of JHA, EXCEPT?
I. Change in working condition
II. After an incident related to work
III. Upon completion of any work activities
IV. Findings arising from incident investigation


III None of the above

1/1 point

93. In preparing JHA, what number should be filled in the

section of JHA Number?

Running number Assigned by the WL

Equipment Tag Number

As per describe in the
PTW form

1/1 point

94. What is the main purpose of Control Barrier in preparing


To minimize the impact of To eliminate or prevent the

the hazard release hazard to be released

To stop the activity to be To reduce the cost of

performed performing the task

1/1 point

95. Who should attend JHA Awareness training as per PTW

awareness training?

Company Work Leader Contractors General

Authorised Supervisor
Contractor Work Leader

1/1 point

96. When JHA is applicable?

For the high risk work For all activities that

activity only. require PTW at all work
locations throughout
For Hot Work and
PETRONAS Carigali global
Confined Space Entry
activity only
For Cold Work activity at
the remote facility only

1/1 point

97. JHA shall be applicable for all activities that require PTW
at all work locations throughout PETRONAS Carigali global
operations, including works/activities carried out by
Contractors and Sub-Contractors engaged for work on
Company facilities.



1/1 point

98. Before the JHA and PTW have been approved, the WL
shall communicate the JHA to all the work team members
during Pre-Job or Toolbox Meeting and shall be signed by all
work team members



1/1 point

99. What is a PETRONAS Carigali (PCSB) HSE Policy?

A statement describing
PCSB’s commitment and
expectation with regards
to upholding HSE
A technique that focuses An adverse situation that
on job tasks as a way to has impact on people,
identify hazards. environment, asset and
reputation and requires
the activation of
emergency team.

1/1 point

100. Under Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, what are
the duties of employees?
i. Take reasonable care for the safety and health of himself
and of others who may be affected by his acts or omissions at
ii. Wear or use at all times any protective equipment or
clothing provided by the employer for the purpose of
preventing risks to his safety and health.
iii. Comply with any instruction or measure on occupational
safety and health instituted by his employer or any other
person by or under this Act.

ii & iii i & iii

i, ii, iii

1/1 point

Page 11/12
101. Once a PTW is approved, what is the validity period of the
Hot Work permit?

1 day (24 hours) 1 shift

7 days 1 month

1/1 point
102. Which of the followings best define HSE culture?

Any examination and The way we do things with

investigations which may regards to HSE.
be necessary to detect
exposure levels and early
biological effects and

A technique that focuses

on job tasks as a way to
identify hazards.

1/1 point

103. What is the intent of the slogan “No work is so urgent that
we cannot take time to do it safely”?

Do not take short cut. One HSE, take action!

Design it right, construct it

right, operate it right,
maintain it right.

1/1 point

104. What is Comply & Intervene / Patuh & Tegur?

Group of activities and A collective term for a

processes designed to range of health conditions.
address behaviours.

Follow rules and

procedures. Step in when
you see non-compliance or
unsafe acts.

1/1 point
105. What can happen when you do not comply with HSE

You can cause company You can cause incidents

bonus for all employees. resulting in near misses,
minor injury or fatality
You can cause good HSE

1/1 point

106. What are the categories of human failures?

Errors and Violations Tier 2 & 3

Zones 0, 1 & 2

1/1 point

107. What are the two types of skill based errors?

Slips of action and Lapses Cause & effect

of memory

Pre-condition & active


1/1 point

108. What are the two types of mistakes?

Memory failure and Failed control and failed

attention failure defense

Rule based mistakes and

knowledge based mistakes
1/1 point

109. Which one is the best description for “knowledge based


The likelihood that a An individual run out of

health hazard will cause pre-packaged solutions
harm or health effect(s) in and have to think out the
the actual circumstance of solutions

The value of the sound

pressure level of a
continuous steady sound
that, over a specified time,
has the same mean square
sound pressure as the
sound under consideration
whose level may vary with

1/1 point

110. Which one is the best description for situational violation?

Breaking the rule due to Breaking rule due to lack

pressure from the job. This of awareness and
may include insufficient understanding. This may
time, lack of manpower, be caused by
unavailability of right unavailability of updated
equipment or extreme procedure or obsolete
weather conditions training curriculum
Breaking rule to sabotage
the workplace. This may
be caused by deliberate
violation for malicious

1/1 point


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