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A Nonlinear Finite Element Failure Study of Laminated

Composite Cylindrical Shell Panels

Kaustav Bakshi
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Discipline, Indian Institute of Technology Indore,
Khandwa Rd, Simrol, Madhya Pradesh 453552, India

The cylindrical shell surfaces are preferred by civil engineers to cover large column free open spaces. The curved
surface is stiff, aesthetically appealing and singly ruled which is favored by fabricators as it is easy to cast. The
laminated composites offer lesser dead weight than the reinforced concrete ones due to its high specific strength.
However, the laminated roofs are vulnerable to damage by static overloading for its low transverse shear strength.
The failure of laminated composite shell roofs were studied by few researchers and a recent paper recommended the
geometrically nonlinear theory for realistic failure prediction of simply supported cylindrical shells. It also suggested
that the linear theory overestimates the failure loads of laminated composites. But the researchers still adopted the
geometrically linear strains to report failure loads of laminated shell roofs. Hence, this paper aim to study failure of
centrally loaded clamped laminated composite cylindrical roofs using the linear and nonlinear approaches so that the
practicing engineers can estimate the load carrying capacity realistically. This paper recommends the nonlinear
approach for correct prediction of failure loads. Moreover, it also suggests to adopt the 0 0/900/00 laminate to obtain
the highest failure load for a given quantity of material consumption.
Keywords: Laminated composite shell panels, geometrically nonliner strains, isoparametric finite element
formulation, failure loads, failure modes

Stiff, singly ruled, aesthetically appealing cylindrical shell panel is preferred by practicing civil
engineers to cover large unsupported spaces often found in auditoriums, airport terminals,
aircraft hangers, exhibition halls and factories. The singly curved cylindrical roofs allow natural
ventilation from both ends which is preferred by medicine and food processing factories. The
weight sensitive engineering applications utilize the high strength/stiffness to weight ratio of
laminated composites which significantly reduces the seismic and foundation forces of
composite roofs compared to the conventional reinforced concrete ones.
The free and forced vibration responses of industrially important laminated composite
cylindrical shell panels were studied by a number of researchers for different parametric
variations. The forced vibration characteristics of stiffned cylindrical panels was reported by
Prusty and Satsangi1 where the authors adopted geometrically linear finite element formulation.
Jansen2 studied nonlinear vibrations of cylindrical panels and the author3 later included the effect
of geometric imperfection while working on vibration of shell panels. Lee and Han4 studied
vibration of laminated composite cylindrical panels using nine noded finite elements. Riberio5
Contributory Session

worked on forced vibration behavior of shallow cylindrical panels. The effect of curvature on
free vibration responses was reported by Dogan and Arslan6 and Neogi et al.7 reported impact
response of laminated cylindrical shells. Ahmed and Sluys8 worked on dynamic responses of
anisotropic shells. The stability of cylindrical panels was also studied by different researchers.
Popov9 conducted a case study on nonlinear vibrations and stability of cylindrical panels.
Buckling of cylindrical shells was reported by Forasassi and Frano10. Ismail et al.11 studied
buckling of cylindrical panels considering initial imperfection.
The laminated composites are weak in transverse shear resistance which made the
laminated shell roofs vulnerable to damage under static overloading. The laminated composites
may also get damaged during fabrication which can initiate delamination. The laminated
composites start to fail when any of the lamina stresses exceeds its permissible limit. The rigidity
of the failed lamina offers a limited contribution to the overall laminate stiffness. Hence, the
undamagaed laminae redistribute the external load among them and get overstressed. In case of
failure of an inner lamina the damage remains undetected and unattended. The latent failure
progress gradually within the laminate and it finally culminates into total collapses of the
laminated shell. The load at which failure intiates in the composite laminate is called the first ply
failure load. The prediction of failure initiation is a prerequisite to confidently apply the
laminated cylindrical panels in industrial applications. Reddy and Reddy12 reported failure
initiation in laminated composite plates for varying thickness and lamination. The authors
recommeded the geometrically nonlinear approach for failure study of laminated composites.
Kam et al.13 obtained failure loads of composite plates through experiment and compared the
results with finite element output. The authors adopted the nonlinear approach and showed a
good agreement between the finite element and experimental results. Since then a number of
researchers like Sun et al.14, Ganesan and Liu15, Lal et al.16, Hu et al.17 adopted the geometrically
nonlinear strains for failure study of laminated composite plates. Bakshi and Chakravorty18
reported first ply failure loads of uniformly loaded simply supported cylindrical surfaces using
linear and nonlinear approaches. The results were compared for varying radius of curvature,
aspect ratio and thickness of the shell. The authors recommended the nonlinear approach for
realistic first ply failure predictions as the linear approach led to wrongly overestimated failure
loads. However, a number of reseachers like Sengupta et al.19, Ghosh and Chakravorty20, 21 and

Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubanesawar

64th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2019), December 9-12, 2019

Karsh et al.22 adopted the linear approach in their papers reporting failure of composite
laminates. Ghosh and Chakravorty23 later adopted the nonlinear strains to report failure loads of
thin hypar shell roofs.
The present author aim for comparing the linear and nonlinear first ply failure loads of
clamped laminated composite cylindrical roofs so that the practicing civil engineers can choose
the best possible approach while predicting failure in curved composite laminates. Hence, this
paper reports first ply failure loads of centrally loaded clamped cylindrical shell roofs using
linear and nonlinear approaches. Apart from conclusions on necessity of the nonlinear approach,
the paper also suggests design guidelines to the practicing civil engineers to opt for the optimum
shell configuration for a given industrial requirement.

A centrally loaded laminated composite cylindrical shell having thickness „h‟ and radius of
curvature „Ryy‟ is adopted here and shown in Fig 1. The shell thickness „h‟ consists of laminae of
individual thickness „Zk-Zk-1‟ and fiber orientation „θ‟ with respect to the global x-axis. There are
five degrees of freedom (u, v, w, α, β) considered in this study which are depicted in Fig.1. The
x, y, z axes are taken at the midsurface of the cylindrical shell. All the degress of freedom along
the boundaries are taken as locked to simulate the clamped boundary.

Figure 1: A laminated composite cylindrical shell roof under central concentrated load

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2.1 Finite Element Formulation

An eight noded curved quadratic element with C0 continuity is taken up here. The element
displacement field {d} is described as the following,
d   u 
v w  

The element degrees of freedom {d} are related to their nodal values {de} by the following

{d} =   N i d i  (1)

i 1

[Ni] are the shape functions of the element [refer to reference 7]. The mid-surface strain is
expressed as the following:
{ε} =  x0 

kx k y
k xy 


{ε}= {ε}L + {ε}NL (2)

 u 0   
1  w0 
 x     
 v0 w0   2  x  
   

 y R yy  1  w0 v 
    
  u v0 w0   2   y R yy  
   ,  

    2  

y x R xy  
   w 0  w 0 v
 w0     
 
    x   y R yy
  
 w0   0 
     
 y   0 

{ε}L = linear mid-surface strains and {ε}NL = nonlinear mid-surface strains. The mid-surface
curvatures of the shell are denoted by,
  
 
kx  x
 
  
k  
 y 
   y 
 k xy     
k    
   y x 

 yz
k   0 
 
 0 

Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubanesawar

64th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2019), December 9-12, 2019

The mid-surface linear and nonlinear strain vectors are related to the deflections of the shell {d}
by the following relationships.
    B d  (3)
where  B    B  B 


where [B]L is the same as reported by Neogi et al.7. The nonlinear strain-displacement matrix
[B]NL is given by,
B    A G 

 
 0 
 N i 
 x  0 0 0 0
 
 w0 v  x
A   0  
, G    Ni N i  i=1 to 8
y Ry 0  0 0
 
 Ry y 
 w0 v w0 

 y Ry x 
 

The laminate constitutive relationship is adopted from Bakshi and Chakravorty18. The governing
nonlinear equation is derived following the principle of minimum total potential energy as
described by the author18. The following nonlinear relationship is solved using the Newton-
Raphson iteration method (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. The Newton-Raphson Method

 d  n   K T    n  and d n 1   d n    d  n

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„{dn}‟ is shell displacement for nth iteration and „{dn+1}‟ is the improved displacement by an
amount Δ{d}n.

 K T     B     B    D  B    B    D  B    B    D  B 
 D  B 
dxdy  dxdy  dxdy  dxdydy

T  N1 N6
  G    G dxdy
A N 6 N2

[D], N1, N2 and N6 are the same as reported by Bakshi and Chakravorty18.

    Q    B   D  dxdy where B    B   B  and Q       N i  q dxdy

A i 1 A

{q} = {0 0 -P 0 0}
The stiffness matrix  K T  and external load vector {Q} are computed by following a reduced
integration technique, 2×2 Gauss quadrature rule. Global matrices and load vector are results of
assembling the element ones while adopting proper transformations for the curved geometry of
the shell. The Newton-Raphson iterations are considered as converged following steps
mentioned in reference 18. The first ply failure loads are obtained through lamina stresses and
strains and then applying them to the well known failure theories reported by Reddy and
Reddy12. The lamina stresses and strains are obtained following the process elaborated by Bakshi
and Chakravorty18.

The correctness of the proposed finite element code in solving linear bending problem is
confirmed in Table 1 where the static displacement of a centrally loaded cross-ply spherical shell
obtained using the proposed code are compared with closed form results reported by Reddy24.
The table contains the material properties and dimensions of the shell. The non-dimensional form
of displacement is the same as it was reported by Reddy24.
Table 1: Non-dimensional central displacements (ŵ×103) of laminated composite spherical shell

Lamination 00/900 00/900/00 00/900/900/00

Reddy 7.4853 5.2572 5.0472
Present FEM (8×8) 7.5204 5.1278 5.1251
a/b=1, a/h=100, E11=25E22, G12=G13=0.5E22,G23=0.2E22, ν=0.25,E22=106N/cm2, R/a=1030

Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubanesawar

64th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2019), December 9-12, 2019

Accuracy of the proposed geometrically nonlinear formulation is confirmed by

comparing the static nonlinear displacements of an isotropic cylindrical shell panel obtained
using the proposed code with the results reported by Palazotto and Dennis25. The comparison is
furnished in Fig. 2. The material properties and dimensions of the shell are as follows:
E = 4.5 × 105 psi, ν = 0.03, h = 0.125 inch, Ryy = 100 in, a = 20 in, ψ = 0.1 rad, Rise/b = 0.0496.

Figure 3: Nonlinear displacements of isotropic cylindrical shell

The linear and nonlinear first ply failure loads of a partially clamped plate computed
using the proposed code are compared with the results reported by Kam et al13. Table 2 shows
the comparison along with the dimensions of the plate. Table 3 contains the material properties
and permissible values of stresses and strains.
0 0
Table 2: Comparison of first ply failure loads in Newton for a ( 0 2 / 90 )s plate
Failure criteria Side/ Failure loads Experimental failure Failure loads
thickness [Kam et al.13] load [Kam et al.13] (present formulation)
Maximum stress 108.26L 112.14L
147.61 135.94N
Maximum strain 122.86 128.56L
185.31 218.10N
Hoffman 106.45 98.40L
105.26 N 157.34
143.15 133.21N
Tsai-Wu 112.77 110.50L
144.42 134.50N
Tsai-Hill 107.06 104.40L
157.58 134.91N
Note 1: Length=100mm, ply thickness=0.155mm, load details=central point load,
Note 2: L represents linear results and N represents nonlinear results.

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Table 3: Elastic constants, permissible stresses and strains Q-1115 composite

Elastic constants Permissible stresses Permissible strains
E11= 142.5 GPa XT= 2193.50 MPa Xεt =0.01539
E22= 9.79 GPa XC= 2457.0 MPa Xεc =0.01724
E33= 9.79 GPa YT=ZT= 41.30 MPa Yεt=Zεt =0.00412
G12=G13= 4.72 GPa YC=ZC= 206.80 MPa Yεc=Zεc =0.02112
G23= 1.192 GPa R= 61.28 MPa Rε =0.05141
ν12=ν13= 0.27 S= 78.78 MPa Sε =0.01669
ν23= 0.25 T= 78.78 MPa Tε =0.01669

Once the accuracy of the proposed code is confirmed it is applied to solve the first ply failure
problems of laminated composite clamped cylindrical shell roofs. The centrally loaded square
(length = width = 1.0 m) roof is considered to be fabricated using symmetric and antisymmetric
stacking sequences of cross and angle-ply laminations. Two and three layered laminates keeping
the total thickness (10 mm) as constant are taken up in this paper. The material properties of the
cylindrical panel are reported in Table 3.


Table 1 and Fig. 3 confirms that the proposed code is capable to compute correct geometrically
nonlinear displacements of cylindrical shell as the proposed linear displacements (Table 1) show
very good match with the closed form results reported by Reddy24 and the nonlinear ones (Fig. 3)
for an isotropic cylindrical shell are in very good agreement with the values furnished by
Palazzoto and Dennis25. It is confirmed through Table 2 that the proposed code can correctly
predict the first ply failure loads of laminated composites by showing close agreement with the
finite element and experimental results reported by Kam et al.13.

Maximum stress, maximum strain, Hoffman, Tsai-Hill and Tsai-Wu failure criteria are
adopted in this paper to obtain the first ply failure loads using linear and nonlinear approaches.
The Hoffman failure criterion show the minimum values of linear and nonlinear first ply filure
loads for all the cross and angle-ply laminates adopted here. The minimum failure load is
considered as the failure strength of a laminate. The non-dimensional failure strength [FLD =
{F/(E22×b2)}(a/h)4 where F = first ply failure load in Newton] values of cross and angle-ply
laminates obtained using linear and nonlinear approaches are furnished in Fig. 4 for radius of
curvatures varying from 750 mm to 1500 mm with a step of 250 mm. The curvature of the shell
is so varied that it always remains shallow. The figure reveals that the non-dimensioanl failure

Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubanesawar

64th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2019), December 9-12, 2019

strength depends on curvature of the cylindrical shell and the highest strength is achieved for the
maximum curvature (Ryy = 750 mm) taken here. As the radius of curvature increases from 750 to
1500 mm the shell approaches a plate configuration with decreasing curvature. The failure
strength values show a sharp decline in the absence of coupling between axial and bending
rigidities when the shell approaches the plate configuration. The 00/900/00 shell shows the highest
failure strength for which reduction of the bending-stretching coupling in a symmetric laminate
can be attributed.

Figure 4: Non-dimensional first ply failure (FPF) failure loads of the cylindrical shell
The comparison between linear and nonlinear failure loads furnished in Fig. 4 clearly
shows that for all the laminates adopted here the linear theory predicts higher failure strength
compared to what is obtained from the nonlinear theory. The difference is significantly greater in
case of the cross-ply laminations than the angle-ply ones. The antisymmetric stacking sequence
of the cross-ply lamination shows higher difference than the symmetric one. However, in case of
angle-ply lamination the symmetric stacking sequence shows the higher difference. Since the

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Contributory Session

nonlinear failure strengths are lesser in value, the nonlinear theory considers deformed shape of
the shell in computation of the failure strength and is a more accurate treatment of the present
problem it can be recommended for realistic estimation of load carrying capacity. The linear
theory overestimates the failure strength of clapmed cylindrical shell roofs. The failure study is
further extended in Table 4 where the failure location and failure modes/tendencies are also
furnished along with the failure loads. Since the nonlinear theory is acceptable from engineering
standpoint Table 4 reports the nonlinear outputs only.
Table 4: First ply failure characteristics of laminated composite cylindrical shell
Lamination Failure theory Non-dimensional Location First Failure mode/
(degree) failure load (x,y) failed failure tendency
(FLD) (m,m) ply
Maximum stress 271.34 (0.5,0.63) 1 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum strain 265.36 (0.5,0.63) 1 Transverse matrix cracking
0/90 Hoffman 228.15 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Hill 247.36 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Wu 254.32 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum stress 323.99 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum strain 497.07 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
0/90/0 Hoffman 289.61 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Hill 304.42 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Wu 318.11 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum stress 113.25 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum strain 102.86 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
45/-45 Hoffman 113.27 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Hill 112.82 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Wu 110.33 (0.5,0.5) 2 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum stress 200.14 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Maximum strain 207.37 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
45/-45/45 Hoffman 198.83 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Hill 199.88 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking
Tsai-Wu 202.40 (0.5,0.5) 3 Transverse matrix cracking

The failure strength values of a laminate is highlighted in bold letters in Table 4. The topmost ply
is counted as the first and the bottommost ply has the highest number. All the shell options taken
up here fail at the centre of their bottommost lamina for which the tensile stress concentration
under the applied load is attributed. However, the 00/900 one shows exception for maximum
stress and maximum strain theories where the failure initiates at the topmost ply. The failure
modes/failure tendencies are identified following the procedure reported by Bakshi and

Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubanesawar

64th Congress of
Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM 2019), December 9-12, 2019

Chakravorty18. All the laminates fail/tend to fail when the normal stress acting perpendicular to
fiber tend to exceed its permissible limit.

The isoparametric finite element code proposed in this paper is capable to correctly predict the
failure loads of laminated composite cylindrical shell panels using geometrically linear and
nonlinear approaches as it is evident from the solution of the benchmark problems. This paper
studied the failure problem for clamped centrally loaded square cylindrical shell roofs using
geometrically linear and nonlinear strains and it is found that the difference between linear and
nonlinear failure loads depend on lamination, stacking sequence and curvature of the cylindrical
panel. The study shows that the linear theory predicts significantly higher failure load than the
nonlinear one even when the difference between failure loads is the minimum (450/-450 shell).
Hence, this paper recommends the nonlinear approach to realtistically estimate the failure loads
as the linear approach, though simpler to be implemented, lead to unsafe design of the shell roof
by overestimating the load carrying capacity. The clamped square panel is recommended to be
fabricated using radius of curvature 750 mm as this shell option showed the highest failure load.
The 00/900/00 laminate is also recommended for maximizing the load carrying capacity for a
given quantity of material consumption.

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Contributory Session

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