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Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

Analyzing Website Rankings and 

Recommendations to Improve Its Position 
Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals 

Part 1 

Part 1a: 

Find a website in any industry you like. This assignment may be easier for you if 
you find a website that isn’t ranking well. This means navigating to the 2nd or 3rd 
page of results in a search. 

Identify what you think is an important goal for that website. For example, is this 
website trying to get people to buy products, download information, leave a 
review, etc. 

Interview Preparation, Job Search 

Part 1b: 

Perform in-depth keyword research for that website. You do not need to contact 
the business, simply make best guesses based on the content within the website. 

Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

“What is Product Management?”, “Learn Product Management”, “What Does a Product 

Manager do?”, “Product Manager Skills”, “PM/APM Interview Preparation”, “PM Job Search”, 
“Practice PM Skills”, “Basics of Product Management”, “Product Manager Career”, “Product 
Manager Career Path”, “Product Journey”, “Product Roadmap”, “Product Management 
Books”, “Product Management Podcasts”, “Mock PM Interviews”, “How to Land a Product 

Within your keyword research, identify 7-10 keywords which you think provide the 
best opportunity for the example site to rank for and include the following: 

● Identify long-tail keyword opportunities- “​ What is Product Management?”, “Basics of 

Product Management”, “Product Manager Career Path”, “PM/APM Interview 
● Identify 3-5 keywords that are question based and match a “how, what, where, or why”
search query.​-​ ​“What is Product Management?”, “How to Land a Product Job”, “What 
does a Product Manager do” 
● Identify what stage of search each keyword belongs to.- A ​ wareness stage, Preference 
● Identify what type of search query it is – whether it is navigational, transactional, or
informational.- ​Informational 

Explain why you chose the keywords you did: 

● How do you feel these keywords would help the business meet the goal you
discovered?-​ ​they help users to find the basic skill set, Life of the role, and how to land 
in one. Which is pretty much the goal of the website  
● How do you feel these keywords would help draw in organic traffic to the site?-​ When I 
started preparing for job interviews I used those keywords to search and my friends 
● How well do you think the business can effectively compete for this keyword?​- Many 
blogs, websites in the same place have been competing on keywords like these, but 
many quality content blog posts doesn’t appear, so it can compete pretty well on these 

Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

Part 1c: 

Research this businesses’ target audience, based on your best guesses by 
reviewing the site. Describe the website’s audience in 150 – 250 words. Include: 

● What gender is likely to frequent this site, and perform searches related to this websites
products and/or services? Where did you obtain this data?​- ​any gender is likely to 
frequent this website. 
● Where is the majority of this audience from? Where did you get this data from and what
does this tell us about potential ways we may be able to reach this audience organically?
This could be potential content ideas, new information to add to the site, or specific
keywords​.- ​Either Undergrad students who are actively looking for jobs or Working 
professionals who are looking for this job. Working with these keywords and maybe 
setup newsletters for students and professionals networks 
● What are the primary traffic sources for this website? For example, are most people
visiting from a desktop device, mobile device, or getting referred from social networks?
What useful information can this provide about how we can best reach this audience?-​
primary traffic sources from Desktop and Mobile devices. Network Effects are the main 
form to target Both type of audience and training people are main nodes in the network 

Part 1d: 

Create a buyer persona based on your audience analysis and keyword research 
you performed. Your buyer persona should have a name, job (student or job role), 
problem they are trying to solve, and other traits that may make it easier to 
market to this individual. 

1. Male/Female, Student(Undergrad Final year/ Grad). Want a place to get all the 
resources, experiences, Interview Prep material at one place. Placement Training 
Committee need to be aware of this website. Network grows from there on. 
2. Working professionals like Business Analysts, Product Analysts, Product Developers, 
Sales Professionals. Want to know the skills to improve for this role and resources to 
improve them. Social Media Groups are main place to Market the website for us. 

Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

Part 2 

Part 2a: 

Go back to the website you discovered earlier. Choose four key pages of this site. 
One of these pages should be the homepage. The remaining three pages should 
be pages you feel are important to drive traffic to. 

Homepage: ​ 

Traffic driving pages: ​​,​, ​ 

Part 2b: 

Once you have selected your pages, list out the following information, for each 

Homepage​: ​ 

● Homepage 
● The Page URL- ​ 
● The Title Tag of the Page.- Learn Product Management 
● The Meta Description of the Page- No Description 
● The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)- no h1 
● The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)- no h2 

● Concept Practicing Resources 

● The Page URL- ​ 
● The Title Tag of the Page.- learn product management 

Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

● The Meta Description of the Page- no description 

● The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)- no h1 
● The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)- The 

● Interview Prep Page 

● The Page URL- ​ 
● The Title Tag of the Page.- Learn Product Management 
● The Meta Description of the Page- no Description 
● The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)- no h1 
● The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)- 
Interview Preparations and Job Search 

● Resources Page 
● The Page URL- ​ 
● The Title Tag of the Page.- learn Product Management 
● The Meta Description of the Page- no description 
● The H1 of the Page (if applicable, if no H1 leave a note stating there was no H1)- no h1 
● The H2 of the Page (if applicable, if no H2 leave a note stating there was no H2)- 

Part 2c: 

Improve the information on each of these pages. Based on your audience 

analysis, and keyword research create a new: 


● Title Tag (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- Learn 
Product Management 
● Meta Description (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- 
● H1 (if none existed previously, create one)- Guide to Product Management 
● H2 (if none existed previously, create one)- Learn PM Skills 

Coursera Account Holder: Jayakanth Teegala 

Concept and Practice page 

● Title Tag (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- Practice 
PM Skills 
● Meta Description (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- 
Learn Product Management presents practical tips from top-notch leaders, case 
studies and many more Resources from Product people to product people 
● H1 (if none existed previously, create one)- Skills 
● H2 (if none existed previously, create one)- Design, MVP, A/B testing, UX, Prototyping 

Interview Prep page 

● Title Tag (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- Interview 
Preparation & Job Search 
● Meta Description (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the 
course)-how to ace the PM interview with this Checklist, and many more Case studies 
by the Product people and Brand new Job Portal 
● H1 (if none existed previously, create one)- none 
● H2 (if none existed previously, create one)- Interview Questions, Job Search 

Resources page 

● Title Tag (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)- PM 
● Meta Description (Note: this must meet character requirements laid out in the course)-A 
growing list of free resources for Product Managers including books, podcasts, articles 
and many more. 
● H1 (if none existed previously, create one)- How to use Resources? 
● H2 (if none existed previously, create one)- Templates, Books, Podcasts, Twitter 
Accounts of Product Accounts. 

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