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A True Hero

Father’s are truly a hero. They are great provider, protector, teacher, mentor, and many more.
They’re good at telling advices and teaching us lessons. They can almost do everything.
They give us whatever we want but doesn’t spoil us. Always working hard just to provide the
needs of his family even though they are already in a bad condition. Doing everything just to
make his children happy.
Always there to protect and defend us to someone even though they have more important
things to do. Always ready to fight if their child was hurt, insulted, or bullied.
Dads teaches his child what is wrong and right. Saying that failure is not the end of life. He
shares the lessons he learned when he was a child so that they can avoid making the same
mistake he did.
We always learn many things from them, it could be in sports, academics or indoor games.
Helping us to improve our skills more. Gives strategies, advices or lessons so we will be good at
They are very reliable, they do everything just to get their children out of trouble. His always at
your side ready to listen to all your problems. And always there to comfort you and will do
anything just to make you smile again.
They always tell us to be strong and don’t let anyone break you and follow whatever your
dream is. They are our number one cheerleader. Always their to support you no matter what
we want to be. Always at your side to cheering you up if you fail and tells you to not give up.
Our father’s are always busy in work but find time to play with his children and take care of his
wife. They are fun to be with, maybe sometimes they are not but it’s more important that you
had fun.
Our dads just wanted the best for us. Follow them always, do what they wanted you to do if
you agreed with it. Because sometimes they know us more than ourselves.
They might always act tough but they also get tired. Others may find them scary or intimidating
but gets very soft with their family. He cares and loves his children especially his wife.
They are truly a hero. They deserve to be respected and should be thanked by his own family
for everything he did. So let’s all salute to all father’s and celebrate Father’s Day.

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