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What aspect of the lesson significantly changed your view about mathematics?

If you see the word MATHEMATICS, you can perceive fear, deserted, stress, and difficulty. All of them
signaling negative aura and impressions in this word. If you interviewed a student, most of them would
say that mathematics is challenging, and I will not choose to interact with it, but let's focus on the
brighter side of the story.

Why do people always avoid themselves in a situation when they feel that they would experience
challenges in life? Think again about what the outcome will be if you finished it. Maybe you will master
it, and you will end up strong. Challenges are not here to make you suffer from failure, but rather are
here to make you love yourself more. Imagine a world without challenges and downfall, people will not
strive to find an answer, and people will not learn the things they should have known in the first place.
Maybe life will be easy as it is. But despite that, learnings and lesson cannot be applied easily if all things
are easy as it seems. Mathematics is indeed exhausting and complicated at some point, but let us always
see its best part. Like in problems, never think that you cannot solve them, but rather uplift and
motivate yourself to find the answers. "Even the most complicated question has an answer." All things
that we experience have a corresponding role in what the outcome of us will be in the future. Maybe
mathematics is born to be discovered to test ourselves whether we are ready to face challenges or not.

Write an essay about the things you want to say to your baby self. (minimum of 300 words).

Baby Gab meets the not that mature Gab.

Hi Baby Gab! You know, as I stare at your image, memories drastically flashing back. It's been a long
time, and you know what, I discovered many valuable things. I never knew that I would be strong,
happy, and cute as you are in the picture. Maybe at your age, all you need to do is create tantrums, ask
for milk, and practice walking. It is so easy and simple describing your life in that year, while on my side,
it is somewhat tricky and full of drama- maybe comedy-drama, to be precise. I love how adorable you
are here in the picture up until now, I guess. To be frank, I love how my life now and so are you because
you don't have studies to worry about and don't have recitation to become afraid of. I never wonder
that my life will be turned out to be great and promising. Even though we are struggling as a family in
some aspects, we never lose hope and always see the brighter side of it. Baby Gab, if you see me now, I
am sure you will be so proud of me. I am not the perfect kind of person, but at least I am that warm-
hearted kind of person. If you also me now, all I want for you is to hug me tightly. And If I see you now,
Baby Gab, all I want to say is I am a better fighter now. Despite the challenges, insecurities, and stress
that I am dealing with, I rather want to stay strong than giving up easily. I will not waste my time or life
in a world full of cruelty and a negative aura. Baby Gab, I know how much you love yourself, so let me do
the work until my last breath dies.

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